fail to authenticate after deployment - authentication

I have a web application using glassfish and form authentication (j_security_check). All the passwords and usernames are stored in a javaDB (derby). I was able to log into the system while developing on the localhost and now that I deployed the app to AWS whenever I try to log in with a user (I have checked that the user actually exists in the DB), I always get the same error (that i normally get when entering wrong details) i.e. WEB9102: Web Login Failed: Login failed.
Any ideas what it might be? I don't even know what info to provide since the issue doesn't even throw an exception or something. thanks


Docker API logs JWT issue

I am using Docker to run containers for an app that uses Angular, Identity Server, and an API(using a Compose.yml file to run them all together).
The API is responsible for returning database info, based on the user logged in through Identity Server. Locally, the API returns the user info after login without any issues. However, when I use Docker to run the app, the user can login but not have their db info returned to the angular page. I checked the logs for the API container, and am receiving the following errors:
fail: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.JwtBearer.JwtBearerHandler[3]
fail: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Diagnostics.DeveloperExceptionPageMiddleware[1]
So it appears to me that there is an issue with the API receiving the token. I only see these error messages after I login through ID server. The ID server container logs do not display any errors before or after I login.
Can someone help me resolve this issue?

Domain glassfish requires authentication with the realm 'dolmen'

In my work I give support to users, and the following problem has been sent to me.
Logs Jenkins: (Automated tests that run in the night)
[HttpAuthenticationRequestFilter$UPDCredentialsProvider] Domain
request authentication with the realm 'dolmen'
Logs Server:
23/01/2018 01:28:25.637 [http-thread-pool-8080(15)] WARN java.util.logging.Logger.doLog WEB9102: Web Login Failed: Login failed: Security Exception
23/01/2018 01:28:25.646 [http-thread-pool-8080(29)] ERROR java.util.logging.Logger.doLog jdbcrealm.invaliduserreason
Via asadmin I've checked that the realm dolmen exists
asadmin> list-auth-realms
Authentication failed with password from login store: /root/.asadminpass
Enter admin password for user "admin">
Command list-auth-realms executed successfully.
What could be the problem?
I was able to reproduce the error in SOAPUI. During the call to the web service, I noticed that if I change a letter in the login user or password, I can see the error message : " request authentication with the realm 'dolmen'"
But as you can see, in the image "Log SOAPUI:" I also have a HTTP 401.
In SoapUI Preferences, I notice that the option "Authenticate Preemptively" was disable. After enable the option "Authenticate Preemptively" I was able to finish a test in my local machine without error.
In the machine where Jenkins is installed (Where the Automated tests run in the night), I notice that the file soapui-preferences.xml does not exist. So maybe the solution for the problem is here.
I'm waiting for a time frame to be able to test without impacting testers.
I will keep you posted.
To get rid of this problem I've rebuild my glassfish domain.

generalException - Unexpected exception returned from the service

We are getting this exception from RestoreMostRecentFromCacheOrAuthenticateUserAsync() on the MsaAuthenticationProvider object from the OneDrive authentication sdk. When we use AuthenticateUserAsync() we are presented with a login prompt requesting email address and password as though it's not recognizing the locally authenticated account on the machine. Only once we authenticate using AuthenticateUserAsync() and grant permissions are we able to use RestoreMostRecentFromCacheOrAuthenticateUserAsync() to authenticate the user. I don't know when this problem started, I just know that we've recently gotten a complaint from a user that changed their password for their Microsoft account, and suddenly encountered the generalException. For test purposes, we removed granted permissions for the app and a few minutes later we encountered the generalException. When we first implemented and tested this sdk, everything worked perfectly.
Is this a problem with the sdk or on the service end? When can we expect resolution?

Issue with authentication using a LoginModule

I am encountering a strange situation with MobileFirst 7.1 where users are occasionally unable to authenticate/login. The only indication that something is awry is a message in the console.log
[AUDIT ] CWWKS1100A: Authentication did not succeed for user ID . An invalid user ID or password was specified.
My custom login module uses com.worklight.core.auth.ext.LdapLoginModule (so to clarify I have a login module which authenticates using LDAP). Like I say everything seems to work most of the time but occasionally users end up in a situation where they are unable to authenticate. I suspect that it is probably related to the session in some way, but that is only a guess based on my investigation.
I have added some logging to my 'secret' adapter which prints the session state to the console log, and obviously this appears in the logs just before the failed authentication message above, but it is empty ie. the session contains nothing.The user is obviously trying to access a secure adapter at this point, and because they are not authenticated they end up at the login page (form based authentication I should say also).
Anyway, I noticed that although there appears to be no session data, the jsessionid is there and has not changed i.e. it does not change even if I refresh the browser. This may not be an issue in itself of course, but interestingly if I remove this entry and refresh my browser I am able to login successfully.
I am pretty sure that my handler code calls the relevant success/failure methods in the correct places but of course there is nothing to stop the user refreshing their browser, which causes them to be re-directed to the login page (the app has been developed using AngularJS so is effectively a single-page navigation model).
The only reproducible test I have been able to come up with is when I login to the MobileFirst console and then try to login to our MF 'desktopbrowser' app. I have read that this situation causes a session-related conflict, but as I say the occasional issue I am seeing is not caused by this (though it may be related).
So the problem seems to have been more related to the flow of logic in our application after successfully logging in, than any inherent issue with the MF Platform.
For example when a user refreshes the browser they are effectively still logged in, but because the app (based on logic we have developed) takes the user to the login page on refresh, the user is effectively re-logging in to the same session. If this failed every time it would of course have been easier to pinpoint but it does not. The solution was to force logout on refresh (when the app initialises), thus cleaning up any session data. In future iterations it may of course be better to re-establish the application based on the authenticated session after refresh, but at present that was a step too far.
Another example of this was post login if the subsequent adapter calls failed (e.g. we authenticate and then retrieve profile data from a database), then we were also not logging the successfully authenticated user out.

Automatically relogging in to a realm after connection loss in IBM Worklight

My problem is as follows :
I have an application protected by a mobile security test involving a LDAP server. The corresponding realm is called LDAPrealm. I use the form-based authenticator + custom LDAP login module.
When the connection to the worklight server is lost and then re-established, I see that the current user is not authenticated in the LDAP realm anymore.
What I want is be able to re authenticate the user without having him enter credentials again.
However, since the user is still authenticated for other realms included by default in the mobile security test, the worklight server does not challenge the client again for credentials, which is causing j_security_check error when trying to submit credentials.
As a side note those credentials are stored in the encrypted json store for offline authentication and use of the app.
So my question is :
Is it possible to force the server to challenge the client again for this LDAPrealm and use submitLoginForm to re-log in?
More generally, is there a way to clear a user+device from all realms before trying to log in again?
Edit reasons : previous error was caused by a typo
In the case where the user first logs in online then loses connection then get connection again, calling
and calling WL.Client.connect() later in stealthed_relog before sending credentials seems to wield the desired behaviour.
However, when the user logs in offline and then gets connection, when I try to use WL.Client.connect(), it says another instance of WL.Client.connect has already been called.
edit : for the log offline case, the application get challenged automatically shortly after that the connected event fires (cause of heartbeat? I do not really know), so you just have to use
to successfully log in again.
If someone has a better way to implement auto-reconnecting in worklight with ldap server, feel free to post it and I'll unaccept my answer.