Facebook messenger API bot : "Typing bubble" " indicator bubble" - api

I've created a messenger bot, and some action that I perform can take some time. So in order to make the user wait I would like to display the "Indicator Bubble" (the one you see when the people you talk with are typing):
Typing bubble
It is not defined in the Messenger API documentation how to do it, but it seems possible has they perform it when you hit "callBack" on their card.
How can I simulate this?

It's now available into the messenger bot API via the Sender Action. You can find the documentation here.
It's just a post with an on or off value to display / hide the bubble indicator.
"sender_action":"typing_on" // typing_off

The official messenger API does not support this feature for now. Even if #hiponcho – one of the featured by Facebook chatbot is actually using it.
A workaround would be to use the unofficial messenger API, which has a method called sendTypingIndicator that does exactly what you want. But be careful, you can be banned for using of non-official API.
api.sendTypingIndicator(threadID, [callback])

Yes, it is the only way.
When you have the Button Template and someone clicks on "button" for "postback" (documentation in section "button template").
Then during your parsing of the message and sending answer, it is shown like "writing".

I know it is a hack, but currently I send the "Typing Bubble Indicator" as a animated gif as my first reply, if I anticipate a waiting time (like an API call). At the user end, you can't tell the difference.


twilio whats app bot select one option from list

i'm doing this whatsApp bot auto response using twilio apis,
i want user to select one option from list as shown in this pics, i check this link :
it's called List Messages, so i want exactly what is shown in the pics using twilio apis,
as i check this document (Creating templates with buttons) from twilio link : https://www.twilio.com/docs/whatsapp/buttons#additional-information,
i want button shows popup select one option please help, i'm trying my best to ask this question the best i can i hope u understand after editing
click on it then this popup shows
thanks advanced
These messages are called Interactive Messages and according to Meta's docs "users cannot select more than one option at the same time from a list or button message, but they can go back and re-open a previous message."
Please have a look at the Twilio Doc to see which message types are currently supported.

In-app messenger api with prepopulated text

Many apps used an in-app Facebook messenger api to share referral link directly to messenger. They also use prepopulated text with a link.
My question is fairly simple : How do they do it ?
I could not find any documentation about it, the closest thing I found is the send dialog api which doesn’t allow any prepopulated text.
Example (Lime app):
You need a Link not share, try this package or find something similar

How to get response from google share api.?

I am using a google+ share button. It is working fine and content is also shared successfully. But I want to generate notification on successful share and the same for error.
For that I need response of google+ share. If anyone have idea how to get response from google+ share api, Please share. Thanks for your help.
The Google+ Share button does not offer a mechanism for detecting the sharing of a post for the web. The onstartinteraction and onendinteraction parameters are triggered on the hover events in case you need to listen to those for other events.
The +1 button does offer a callback but that isn't used for detecting a share from the button but rather a +1. Also, you need to be careful to ensure that you follow the Google+ button policy.

Post on Twitter in single click - like Instagram

I'm trying to implement Twitter share the way it is done in Instagram.
What it means is that I want the user to approve the built in Twitter credentials (defined in the iPhone settings) and after that, every time the user clicks a "share" button - it will post a tweet on Twitter without the need for the user to fill the text or see additional dialog like the TWTweetComposeViewController.
Any suggestions?
You can achieve this using TWRequest, go through the Q&A in this post..
Use TWrequest to send an image with a text to Twitter in IOS5
But in iOS 6 this might be deprecated, so check out the adjacent classes used for this purpose.

call back after google plus share button

i am implementing google plus in my application. i wanted to implement a callback function after the message was shared by a user. please let me know whether it is possible or not to implement callback after clicking on share button in google plus.
Thanks in advance
There are actually two possible callbacks available by setting the share tag attributes or by setting parameters in a call to gapi.plus.render. The function specified by onstartinteraction is called when the share bubble pops up, and the function specified by onendinteraction is called when the bubble closes.
See https://developers.google.com/+/plugins/share/#sharetag-parameters for further details.
Google+ Share buttons do not support callbacks. There is an open feature request to add this functionality. Star it to show your interest but please do not add "+1" and "Me too!" comments.