I hava a cobertura.xml, Is it possible load this file usin intellij to see the comberture?.
I checked this file on jenkins and works fine.
The cobertura is for javascript.
I am using intellij idea 15 comunity edition.
I'm using Geb 2.0 (http://gebish.org/) and have downloaded the Gradle sample (https://github.com/geb/geb-example-gradle).
All works just fine on my machine with all browsers (Chrome, Firefox, ChromeHeadless).
I have imported the project in IntelliJ (latest Ultimate edition) and all normal code editing functions are working fine.
What fails is attempting to run a spec. I get an exception with the helpful hint of the path to the driver executable must be set by the webdriver.chrome.driver system property.
However, I can't figure out what to point it at. I've tried pointing at the selenium-chrome-driver-3.6.0.jar but that results in failure also.
I'm using -Dgeb.env=chrome and -Dwebdriver.chrome.driver=SOMERANDOMEPATHSHERE
The Gradle example Geb project is set up to generate the appropriately configured IntelliJ project capable fo running the specs from the IDE. Simply run ./gradlew idea and load the project by opening the geb-example-gradle.ipr file in IntelliJ instead of loading the project by importing it's Gradle build the way you do.
I am trying to add a Groovy SDK to an IntelliJ Gradle project, but I am failing to to add the Groovy SDK. I am using SDKMAN but also downloaded and extracted the Groovy zip from the groovy website.
In the past it always worked without any problems but not now anymore.
This is the path I am providing to IntelliJ /Users/dev/code/libs/groovy-2.4.10/ its what you get when you extract the groovy .zip file from the website.
As suggested I tried also other groovy version down to 2.4.6 all with the same result.
Groovy 2.4.10 is not recognized by intellij 2016.3.5 as well as intellij 2017.1
Groovy 2.4.8 works well with intellij 2017.1. I would guess that it works with intellij 2016.3.5 as well
Today I've install IntelliJ Ultimate version 2016.1.1 build 145.597. What I did later, was import of may project from IntelliJ Community Edition. This project is based on spring-boot 1.3.3. The problem is that when I want to run my application in IntelliJ Ultimate somehow application.properties file is ignored and it starts with default spring settings. When I'm running the same project in IntelliJ Community Edition or from command line everything works fine. Problem exists only in Ultimate edition when I'm adding and running spring boot run configuration, if I use gradle configuration and bootRun task it works.
I didn't use before IntelliJ Ultimate.
Does anyone know what could be wrong? I wasted 2 hours googling for solution of my problem but I didn't find anything.
Content of src/main/resources/application.properties:
Project structure:
I had same issue for IntelliJ Ultimate 2016.1.1
Reimporting the project and deleting existing project worked for me.
I believe the issue is pertinent with 1.1 version. Didn't had issue with IntelliJ IDEA 2016.1.4
check if file application.properties is directly under target/classess after compiled, maybe the wrong settings copy it to other directory that spring boot cannot know
one simple thing to fix the problem.
If you already open the IntelliJ idea, close the project and remove it from IntelliJ
navigate to your project directory (ex: F:\dev\my-project) and remove the .idea
folder from it.
then open the IntelliJ idea again. open your project from File -> Open.
then run the project.
this is the simplest solution.
I had a similar problem with my spring boot application running from IntelliJ Ultimate Version 2020.3 . I had a Connection.properties configured in spring-config.xml file as below and got the FileNotFoundException for my Connection.properties file even after placing the file under src/main/resources folder in my gradle project
<context:property-placeholder location="file:Connection.properties" />
It worked after changing it to
<context:property-placeholder location="classpath:Connection.properties" />
Note the "file:" to "classpath:" in "location" attribute
I would like to run PHPUnit tests on the development server as opposed to my desktop.
Using PHPStorm Run debug configuration I have created new PHPUnit on Server configuration.
However when I try to run it, PHPStorm does not seem to be able to see the XML configuration file. The path to the XML configuration file is on the local desktop, so it makes sense that PHPStorm runner would not be able to find the file on the server. However PHPStorm does not allow me to supply the path on the server.
P.S. I was able to run tests manually on the server and on my local desktop. In this question I am trying to figure out how to run the tests on the server directly from PHPStorm.
P.P.S. Could this be a bug in PHPStorm? if yes, then I'll submit it.
So far this seems to be an issue in PHPStorm. I have filed the issue here: http://youtrack.jetbrains.net/issue/WI-9369
I created a sample plugin which includes a simple view in eclipse and ran the plugin from inside the workbench, my plugin is installed and I get my view showing up in Window/Show View/Other... . I packaged the plugin as a jar file and installed it under the plugins directory of eclipse and restarted my eclipse workbench. I am not able to find my plugin view. I dont know whats is wrong
I am using eclipse RCP SR2 (3.6) for developing plugins and my packaged jar file includes the code, META-INF/MANIFEST.MF and plugin.xml files.
I created the plugin from the book 'Eclipse Plug-ins, 3rd Edition'. I followed the steps outright and am not able to set up the plugin as a jar file.
I got it to work somehow? The plug-in project was created using Execution Environment JavaSE-1.6. 'It was given in the book I referred'. Now the manifest editor had the entry 'Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment: JavaSE-1.6'. Now I ran the application with-in eclipse, it was working. But when I bundled the plugin as jar and copied the plug-in jar under plugins folder and restarted eclipse the plugin was not working, I dont know why, I thought my eclipse is not running under JRE1.6, but I checked my Windows->Preferences->Java->Installed JREs-> I have only jdk1.6.0_27 checked (So I assume that the eclipse is running under JavaSE1.6). This is bit confusing for me! I removed the Execution Environment entry in the Manifest editor Overview tab. Now there is no 'Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment' entry in my Manifest, I created the bundle jar again and installed in eclipse plugins folder and restarted eclipse using -clean option. It started working in my eclipse. I got it to work somehow but with no understanding! I am still looking for answers from some one who can help me figure out what went wrong?
Open an OSGI console and type 'ss'. It should list all of the plugins. Can you see it? What is the state of it.
You can use Preferences/plug-in development/target platform edit running 'running platform' content tab to list and check/uncheck plugins. I hope it helps.
You could try copying your jar file to the eclipse/dropins folder.