Template 10 :Hamburger Panel color not changing - xaml

I am creating a uwp app and when i set my xaml code to this
<Controls:HamburgerMenu x:Name="MyHamburgerMenu" HamburgerBackground="#FFD13438"
NavAreaBackground="# FF2B2B2B"
Its not changing the color of the Hamburger Panel I have tried all colors.Its still shows the default colors only.
Also even when i change the display mode it still pushes the Title Page.
I dont whats causing the issue.My Template 10 version is v1.1.10.
The issue

To set the background color of the hamburger panel, you have to use the NavAreaBackground dependency property as you did. It should work fine. The problem is the space character between '#' and the hexadecimal value 'FF2B2B2B' in your code. Just remove the space character and it will work : NavAreaBackground="#FF2B2B2B"

In your Shell.xaml.cs file just comment this line HamburgerMenu.RefreshStyles(_settings.AppTheme, true);
It should work.


Access Setting Theme VBA using MsoThemeColorSchemeIndex is off by 1

When setting a control/form theme, I often use VBA, as I can change the color on the fly. Works great. I have been trying to move my Database away from using hard-coded numbers, and built up a theme module that is included which has themes mapped so I could just change them there instead of everywhere else.
Then I realized, hey, there's an easier way to do this (or...so I thought).
Enter Enums MsoThemeColorIndex and MsoThemeColorSchemeIndex. This way, I can even do fancy things like decide that when I use myInternalTheme1 constant, I could just switch it out with MsoThemeColorSchemeIndex.msoThemeAccent1.
A long while back I noticed that if I used what is shown on the help docs (above), the themes were "off" by 1. Namely 5 (msoThemeAccent1 "Theme1"), instead of mapping to msoThemeAccent1 actually maps to "Theme2", and "Theme 2" Color is displayed. So, I just manually adjusted. But I'm wondering if I'm missing something here, and I'm using the value incorrectly?
I've used SaveAsText to export these forms after saving the values, and when I do, the field that's had "Theme 1" manually applied in Properties shows that the value 4 is used, which "should" map to msoThemeColorLight2, but doesn't.
Field's Backtheme setting:
BackThemeColorIndex =4
How I'm using this:
' In my "modColor"
Public Const MythemeAccent1 As Integer = 4 ' (help docs specify this as MsoThemeColorIndex.msoThemeColorLight2)
' This one colors the header in Theme2 "wrong color, correct enum value???"
' MsoThemeColorSchemeIndex.msoThemeAccent1 = 5 (as docs say)
Me.section(acHeader).BackThemeColorIndex = MsoThemeColorSchemeIndex.msoThemeAccent1
' This one colors the header with Theme1 "correct color, wrong enum value???"
' MsoThemeColorSchemeIndex.msoThemeLight2 = 4 (as docs say)
Me.section(acHeader).BackThemeColorIndex = MsoThemeColorSchemeIndex.msoThemeLight2
' my internal module, this works correctly (code looks correct, and correct color used).
Me.section(acHeader).BackThemeColorIndex = MythemeAccent1
If I assign the color in Design View via Form Properties > FormHeader > Format > Back Color > "Accent 1" it works correctly, and the theme is properly applied.
FormHeader Properties Format
I've verified the theme is correct, numerous times. I exported the theme, and verified that the XML for "Accent 1" is correct, and that "Accent2" is different. "Theme 1" is "Bluish" and "Theme 2" is "Redish" for reference, so it's not like my monitor rendering is just making me think it's different.
Excerpted XML from .Thmx file:
<a:srgbClr val="5C83B4"/>
<a:srgbClr val="E74B4B"/>

TYPO3 6.2: Tab "Appearance" disappeared (maybe caused by t3sbootstrap extension?)

When editing an image content element in TYPO3, usually there is a tab "appearance" with options for image size, alignment, position etc. In my installation that tab is not showing, but instead a "nameless" tab. I'm using the t3sbootstrap extension and this behaviour might be caused by bootstrap.
Does anyone know how I can make the appearance tab visible and usable again? I've searched the internet but didn't find anything helpful so far. Thanks for your help!
Here is a screenshot from my backend:
Apparently this problem is caused by a corrupted TCA. I made the following changes in default TCA using System -> Configuration:
To restore the options for Layout, Top and bottom margins and frames, I set the following:
$TCA['tt_content']['palettes']['frames']['showitem'] = 'layout;LLL:EXT:cms/locallang_ttc.xlf:layout_formlabel, spaceBefore;LLL:EXT:cms/locallang_ttc.xlf:spaceBefore_formlabel, spaceAfter;LLL:EXT:cms/locallang_ttc.xlf:spaceAfter_formlabel, section_frame;LLL:EXT:cms/locallang_ttc.xlf:section_frame_formlabel';
To restore the appearance tab title:
In $TCA['tt_content']['types']['image']['showitem'] I changed LLL:EXT:frontend/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_ttc.xlf:tabs.appearance to LLL:EXT:cms/locallang_ttc.xlf:tabs.appearance
To restore the image adjustments:
In $TCA['tt_content']['types']['image']['showitem'] I changed --div-- to --palette-- right after the frames part and I added LLL:EXT:cms/locallang_ttc.xlf:palette.image_settings;image_settings, --palette--;LLL:EXT:cms/locallang_ttc.xlf:palette.imageblock;imageblock, --div--; after the frames part.
This is the result:
$TCA['tt_content']['types']['image']['showitem'] = '--palette--;LLL:EXT:cms/locallang_ttc.xlf:palette.general;general, --palette--;LLL:EXT:cms/locallang_ttc.xlf:palette.header;header, --div--;LLL:EXT:cms/locallang_ttc.xlf:tabs.images, image, --palette--;LLL:EXT:cms/locallang_ttc.xlf:palette.imagelinks;imagelinks, --div--;LLL:EXT:cms/locallang_ttc.xlf:tabs.appearance, --palette--;LLL:EXT:frontend/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_ttc.xlf:palette.frames;frames, --palette--;LLL:EXT:cms/locallang_ttc.xlf:palette.image_settings;image_settings, --palette--;LLL:EXT:cms/locallang_ttc.xlf:palette.imageblock;imageblock, --div--;LLL:EXT:cms/locallang_ttc.xlf:tabs.access, --palette--;LLL:EXT:cms/locallang_ttc.xlf:palette.visibility;visibility, --palette--;LLL:EXT:cms/locallang_ttc.xlf:palette.access;access, --div--;LLL:EXT:cms/locallang_ttc.xlf:tabs.extended, , --div--;LLL:EXT:flux/Resources/Private/Language/locallang.xlf:tt_content.tabs.relation, tx_flux_parent, tx_flux_column, tx_flux_children;LLL:EXT:flux/Resources/Private/Language/locallang.xlf:tt_content.tx_flux_children';
After making these changes, the result is the following:

XSL / XSL-FO: Different formatting of a block depending on its page position on PDF page

I'm new in this mailing list, so please apologize any of my wrongdoings.
FOP 1.1
Question: Is there any condition to find the position of a text-block in on PDF page.
This is the problem:
I need to change the formatting of a title-block depending on its position on the page.
If the title-block appears somewhere in the (vertical) middle of the page, I want to add a line on top of it.
if the title-block appears at the beginning/top of a page the line must not appear
Does XSL-FO have a way to do that?
From http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-xsl-fo/2015Sep/0002.html:
I used a white background on the
fo:region-before and a negative margin on the title to 'push' the
'border-before' of the title under the fo:region-before.
This requires that the FO processor supports negative values of
'margin-top', which is allowed but not required (http://www.w3.org/TR/xsl11/#margin-top). It also requires
that the FO processor will 'paint' the fo:region-before after painting
the fo:region-body.

How to change header template in extjs 4 grid panel

I want to change default header template of grid. I do not know what config or property to set. I tried "renderTpl" , "tpl" , "metaRowTpl" but these property related to row in grid, where i want to change header.
Any example or link would be great.
Like above image, I want extra header/row/column-header in between where text will come from database (and basically it is filter information).
You change the header text with the following command
yourGrid.getView().getHeaderAtIndex(columnIndex).setText('Header Text');

How to stretch inline frame size in panel stretch layout in ADF?

I have .jsff page that contain command button and inline frame. What I want to do is, I want to make command button remain static at the same place and only inline frame can move when scroll the page.
Currently what I do is I set some panel stretch layout(StyleClass:AFStetchWidth). I put the command button at the top. Inline frame in scroll panel group at the center.
Here is my structure:
Panel Stretch Layout facets
af:inlineFrame (StyleClass:AFStretchWidth)
When I run this page: command button remain static at the top. This is correct, but the size of the inline frame is small. Is there a way to make an inline frame to be stretch?
set the (StyleClass:AFStretchWidth) on the af:panelGroupLayout-scroll.
Did you try putting this attribute :
I have used it and it works pretty well inside panel stretch layout.
just i solve it as following:
<af:panelGroupLayout id="pgl1" halign="center">
<af:inlineFrame id="if1" source="/index.html" styleClass="AFStretchWidth" inlineStyle="height:100%;"/>
on default af:panelGroupLayout
thats all.
I was getting the same issue. Here I have solved it as below:
I have used panel splitter for inline frame.
<af:panelSplitter styleClass="AFStretchWidth" inlineStyle="height:500px;" id="ps3" dimensionsFrom="parent"
<f:facet name="first">
<af:panelGroupLayout id="pgl11" >
<af:inlineFrame styleClass="AFStretchWidth" partialTriggers="cb3" source="#{pdfHandler.servletString}"
id="if1" visible="true" binding="#{pdfHandler.inLineFrame}" shortDesc=" "
Here as shown above,
I have added inlineStyle for height in both panelSplitter and in inlineFrame.
Added dimensionFrom for panelSplitter as 'parent'
Surround inlineFrame with panelGroupLayout.
With this, It worked for me.