Autoload a gem only when needed in rails 3.2? - ruby-on-rails-3

I'm trying to figure out how to load a specific gem only when needed. Here the scenario:
I'm using the great axlsx gem to create Excel files. The feature in my app allowing this is called only when the user ask for a Excel file:
# model
require 'axlsx'
class AssessmentRaw < ActiveRecord::Base
# fun stuff here
def create_excel_file_io
xls =
# fun stuff here too
# a call in a controller
Using derailed gem I can see that axlsx is heavy on memory:
axlsx: 9.8516 MiB (Also required by: /path-to-rails/app/models/assessment_raw)
axlsx/workbook/workbook.rb: 3.5391 MiB
axlsx/workbook/worksheet/worksheet.rb: 0.3477 MiB
axlsx/drawing/drawing.rb: 1.8438 MiB
zip: 1.6797 MiB
zip/entry: 0.3047 MiB
axlsx/stylesheet/styles.rb: 0.8516 MiB
htmlentities: 0.5273 MiB
htmlentities/flavors: 0.4453 MiB
htmlentities/mappings/expanded: 0.4258 MiB
axlsx/util/simple_typed_list.rb: 0.4727 MiB
So I wonder... if rails/ruby allow lazy loading for a gem?
Hope I'm clear enough. :-)
Thank you!

In the Gemfile:
gem 'axlsx', :require => false
In the model:
require 'axlsx'


yolov7,no mask with the output image

i git yolov7( with and try to run just want to run the example). it seems to be normal. but the output image has no mask.Why?
here is my code and log:
(PyTorch) E:\yolov7>python --weights --source inference\images\bus.jpg
Namespace(weights=[''], source='inference\\images\\bus.jpg', img_size=640, conf_thres=0.25, iou_thres=0.45, device='', view_img=False, save_txt=False, save_conf=False, nosave=False, classes=None, agnostic_nms=False, augment=False, update=False, project='runs/detect', name='exp', exist_ok=False, no_trace=False)
YOLOR v0.1-103-g6ded32c torch 1.11.0 CUDA:0 (NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650, 4095.6875MB)
Fusing layers...
Model Summary: 306 layers, 36905341 parameters, 6652669 gradients
Convert model to Traced-model...
traced_script_module saved!
model is traced!
E:\anaconda\envs\PyTorch\lib\site-packages\torch\ UserWarning: torch.meshgrid: in an upcoming release, it will be required to pass the indexing argument. (Triggered internally at C:\cb\pytorch_1000000000000\work\aten\src\ATen\native\TensorShape.cpp:2228.)
return _VF.meshgrid(tensors, **kwargs) # type: ignore[attr-defined]
Done. (151.6ms) Inference, (9.3ms) NMS
The image with the result is saved in: runs\detect\exp4\bus.jpg
Done. (3.713s)
and here is my result:output image
You set the argument classes=None.
The classes variable refers to a list of classes, where you define the index of the entities saved inside the weights you are referencing for the inference.
parser.add_argument('--classes', nargs='+', type=int, help='filter by class: --class 0, or --class 0 2 3')
Since you told the model to check for zero classes, the model itself will not report anything.
I was also facing this issue. After downgrading cuda version to 10.2 my problem was solved. I used Cuda 10.2 with PyTorch 1.10.0 via pip installation. I hope it helps you too.
pip3 install torch==1.10.0+cu102 torchvision==0.11.1+cu102 torchaudio===0.10.0+cu102 -f
Source of the answer: link
Since when you are working with GPU, It allows half precision by default, which you can change by editing your file.
Go to file and not exactly sure but on line 31, you will see this line of code:
half = device.type != 'cpu' # half precision only supported on CUDA
Replace that line with
half = False
and then save file.
Now when you are using your detection command, make sure to use --device 0 that indicates your GPU must be utilize for detection.
python --weights --device 0 --source inference\images\bus.jpg

Memory Leak - After every request hit on Flask API running in a container

I have a flask app running in a container on EC2. On starting the container, the docker stats gave memory usage close to 48MB. After making the first API call (reading a 2gb file from s3), the usage rises to 5.72GB. Even after completion of the api call, the usage does not go down.
On hitting the request, the usage goes up by around twice the file size and after a few requests, the server starts giving the memory error
Also, on running the same Flask app without the container, we do not see any such increment in memory utilized.
Output of "docker stats <container_id>" before hitting the API-
Output of "docker stats <container_id>" after hitting the API
Flask app ( contains-
import os
import json
import pandas as pd
import flask
app = flask.Flask(__name__)
#app.route('/uploadData', methods=['POST'])
def test():
json_input = flask.request.args.to_dict()
s3_path = json_input['s3_path']
# reading file directly from s3 - without downloading
df = pd.read_csv(s3_path)
#clearing df
df = None
return json_input
#app.route('/healthcheck', methods=['GET'])
def HealthCheck():
return "Success"
if __name__ == '__main__':"", port='8898')
Docker contains-
FROM python:3.7.10
RUN apt-get update -y && apt-get install -y python-dev
# We copy just the requirements.txt first to leverage Docker cache
COPY . /app_abhi
WORKDIR /app_abhi
RUN pip3 install flask boto3 pandas fsspec s3fs
CMD [ "python","-u", "" ]
I tried reading the file directly from S3 as well as downloading the file and then reading it but it did not work.
Any leads in getting this memory utilization down to the initial consumption would be a great help!
You can try following possible solutions:
Update the dtype of the columns :
Pandas (by default) try to infer dtypes of the datatype of columns when it creates a dataframe. Certain data types can result in large memory allocation. You can reduce it by updating the dtypes of such columns. e.g. update integer columns to and float columns to Refer this : Pandas/Python memory spike while reading 3.2 GB file
Read data in Chunks :
You can read data into a chunk size say and perform the required processing on the chunk and then moving on to the new chunk. This way you will not be storing the entire data into memory. Although reading data into chunks can be slower as compared to reading whole data at once, but it is memory efficient.
Try using new library : Dask DataFrame is used in situations where Pandas is commonly needed, usually when Pandas fails due to data size or computation speed. But you might not find a lot of built-in pandas operations in Dask.
The memory growth is almost certainly caused by constructing the dataframe.
df = None doesn't return that memory to the operating system, though it does return memory to the heap managed within the process. There's an explanation for that in How do I release memory used by a pandas dataframe?
I had a similar problem (see question Google Cloud Run: script requires little memory, yet reaches memory limit)
Finally, I was able to solve it by adding
import gc

How to profile tensorflow model that running on tf-serving?

As what I know, when I running tensorflow model on python script I could use the follow code snippet to profile the timeline of each block in the model.
from tensorflow.python.client import timeline
options = tf.RunOptions(trace_level=tf.RunOptions.FULL_TRACE)
run_metadata = tf.RunMetadata()
batch_positive_score =[positive_score], feed_dict, options=options, run_metadata=run_metadata)
fetched_timeline = timeline.Timeline(run_metadata.step_stats)
chrome_trace = fetched_timeline.generate_chrome_trace_format()
with open('./result/timeline.json', 'w') as f:
But how to profile a model that loading on tensorflow-serving?
I think you can use tf.profiler, even during Serving because, it is finally a Tensorflow Graph and the changes made during Training (including Profiling, as per my understanding) will be reflected in Serving as well.
Please find the below Tensorflow Code:
# User can control the tracing steps and
# dumping steps. User can also run online profiling during training.
# Create options to profile time/memory as well as parameters.
builder = tf.profiler.ProfileOptionBuilder
opts = builder(builder.time_and_memory()).order_by('micros').build()
opts2 = tf.profiler.ProfileOptionBuilder.trainable_variables_parameter()
# Collect traces of steps 10~20, dump the whole profile (with traces of
# step 10~20) at step 20. The dumped profile can be used for further profiling
# with command line interface or Web UI.
with tf.contrib.tfprof.ProfileContext('/tmp/train_dir',
trace_steps=range(10, 20),
dump_steps=[20]) as pctx:
# Run online profiling with 'op' view and 'opts' options at step 15, 18, 20.
pctx.add_auto_profiling('op', opts, [15, 18, 20])
# Run online profiling with 'scope' view and 'opts2' options at step 20.
pctx.add_auto_profiling('scope', opts2, [20])
# High level API, such as slim, Estimator, etc.
After that, we can run the below mentioned commands in the command prompt:
bazel-bin/tensorflow/core/profiler/profiler \
tfprof> op -select micros,bytes,occurrence -order_by micros
# Profiler ui available at:
python --profile_context_path=/tmp/train_dir/profile_xx
Code for Visualizing Time and Memory:
# The following example generates a timeline.
tfprof> graph -step -1 -max_depth 100000 -output timeline:outfile=<filename>
generating trace file.
Timeline file is written to <filename>.
Open a Chrome browser, enter URL chrome://tracing and load the timeline file.
Attribute TensorFlow graph running time to your Python codes:
tfprof> code -max_depth 1000 -show_name_regexes .*model_analyzer.*py.* -select micros -account_type_regexes .* -order_by micros
Show your model variables and the number of parameters:
tfprof> scope -account_type_regexes VariableV2 -max_depth 4 -select params
Show the most expensive operation types:
tfprof> op -select micros,bytes,occurrence -order_by micros
tfprof> advise
For more detailed information on this , you can refer the below links:
Understand all the classes mentioned in this page =>
Code is given in detail in the below link:

Find a GPU with enough memory

I want to programmatically find out the available GPUs and their current memory usage and use one of the GPUs based on their memory availability. I want to do this in PyTorch.
I have seen the following solution in this post:
import torch.cuda as cutorch
for i in range(cutorch.device_count()):
if cutorch.getMemoryUsage(i) > MEM:
opts.gpuID = i
but it is not working in PyTorch 0.3.1 (there is no function called, getMemoryUsage). I am interested in a PyTorch based (using the library functions) solution. Any help would be appreciated.
In the webpage you give, there exist an answer:
#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
import subprocess
def get_gpu_memory_map():
"""Get the current gpu usage.
usage: dict
Keys are device ids as integers.
Values are memory usage as integers in MB.
result = subprocess.check_output(
'nvidia-smi', '--query-gpu=memory.used',
# Convert lines into a dictionary
gpu_memory = [int(x) for x in result.strip().split('\n')]
gpu_memory_map = dict(zip(range(len(gpu_memory)), gpu_memory))
return gpu_memory_map
print get_gpu_memory_map()

TensorFlow: Opening log data written by SummaryWriter

After following this tutorial on summaries and TensorBoard, I've been able to successfully save and look at data with TensorBoard. Is it possible to open this data with something other than TensorBoard?
By the way, my application is to do off-policy learning. I'm currently saving each state-action-reward tuple using SummaryWriter. I know I could manually store/train on this data, but I thought it'd be nice to use TensorFlow's built in logging features to store/load this data.
As of March 2017, the EventAccumulator tool has been moved from Tensorflow core to the Tensorboard Backend. You can still use it to extract data from Tensorboard log files as follows:
from tensorboard.backend.event_processing.event_accumulator import EventAccumulator
event_acc = EventAccumulator('/path/to/summary/folder')
# Show all tags in the log file
# E. g. get wall clock, number of steps and value for a scalar 'Accuracy'
w_times, step_nums, vals = zip(*event_acc.Scalars('Accuracy'))
Easy, the data can actually be exported to a .csv file within TensorBoard under the Events tab, which can e.g. be loaded in a Pandas dataframe in Python. Make sure you check the Data download links box.
For a more automated approach, check out the TensorBoard readme:
If you'd like to export data to visualize elsewhere (e.g. iPython
Notebook), that's possible too. You can directly depend on the
underlying classes that TensorBoard uses for loading data:
python/summary/ (for loading data from a single
run) or python/summary/ (for loading data from
multiple runs, and keeping it organized). These classes load groups of
event files, discard data that was "orphaned" by TensorFlow crashes,
and organize the data by tag.
As another option, there is a script
(tensorboard/scripts/ which will load a
logdir just like TensorBoard does, but write all of the data out to
disk as json instead of starting a server. This script is setup to
make "fake TensorBoard backends" for testing, so it is a bit rough
around the edges.
I think the data are encoded protobufs RecordReader format. To get serialized strings out of files you can use py_record_reader or build a graph with TFRecordReader op, and to deserialize those strings to protobuf use Event schema. If you get a working example, please update this q, since we seem to be missing documentation on this.
I did something along these lines for a previous project. As mentioned by others, the main ingredient is tensorflows event accumulator
from tensorflow.python.summary import event_accumulator as ea
acc = ea.EventAccumulator("folder/containing/summaries/")
# Print tags of contained entities, use these names to retrieve entities as below
# E. g. get all values and steps of a scalar called 'l2_loss'
xy_l2_loss = [(s.step, s.value) for s in acc.Scalars('l2_loss')]
# Retrieve images, e. g. first labeled as 'generator'
img = acc.Images('generator/image/0')
with open('img_{}.png'.format(img.step), 'wb') as f:
You can also use the tf.train.summaryiterator: To extract events in a ./logs-Folder where only classic scalars lr, acc, loss, val_acc and val_loss are present you can use this GIST:
Chris Cundy's answer works well when you have less than 10000 data points in your tfevent file. However, when you have a large file with over 10000 data points, Tensorboard will automatically sampling them and only gives you at most 10000 points. It is a quite annoying underlying behavior as it is not well-documented. See
To get around it and get all data points, a bit hacky way is to:
from tensorboard.backend.event_processing.event_accumulator import EventAccumulator
class FalseDict(object):
def __getitem__(self,key):
return 0
def __contains__(self, key):
return True
event_acc = EventAccumulator('path/to/your/tfevents',size_guidance=FalseDict())
It looks like for tb version >=2.3 you can streamline the process of converting your tb events to a pandas dataframe using
It requires you to upload your logs to, though, which is public. There are plans to expand the capability to locally stored logs in the future.
You can also use the EventFileLoader to iterate through a tensorboard file
from tensorboard.backend.event_processing.event_file_loader import EventFileLoader
for event in EventFileLoader('path/to/').Load():
Surprisingly, the python package tb_parse has not been mentioned yet.
From documentation:
pip install tensorflow # or tensorflow-cpu pip install -U tbparse # requires Python >= 3.7
Note: If you don't want to install TensorFlow, see Installing without TensorFlow.
We suggest using an additional virtual environment for parsing and plotting the tensorboard events. So no worries if your training code uses Python 3.6 or older versions.
Reading one or more event files with tbparse only requires 5 lines of code:
from tbparse import SummaryReader
reader = SummaryReader(log_dir)
df = reader.scalars