I didnt get the AMI url when I registered for the free HANA VORA. I got a 'Access your free HANA VORA' email from SAP, but it did not have the AMI in it. Whom should I get in touch with to get this information?
Please help!

It seems the link on the email is broken somehow. But after signing up at here, It will lead you to this page. The link "SAP HANA Vora Developer Edition on AWS" is valid here.


Connection to Azure SQL via Active Directory-Integrated

I have ADFS enabled in my domain and I am trying to connect to an Azure SQL database from SSMS via Azure Active Directory-Integrated but I am getting the below error :
Failed to parse XML blob.
Reason: XML document must have a top level element.
Line: 0, Position: 0
Text: (null) (System.Data)
So is anyone familiar with this error? And what should I do to resolve it ?
I tried upgrading the version of SSMS to the latest one but still the same issue persists.
You could try the solution in Martin's comment. Ohter people also shared how they resolve the issue : Failed to parse XML blob
I searched a lot but didn't find a exactly solution for this issue. Everyone may has different environment which cause the problem.
Some Microsoft engineers suggest us ask Azure Support to get more assists:
Please file an Azure Support ticket when this occurs and have the
ticket assigned to the ADAL Team. If you do not have an Azure Support
plan, a one-time ticket can be activated to capture this specific
issue. Please reach out to AzCommunity at with your
subscription GUID and this forum post.
These are all things we could get, hope it's helpful.

AddVMOption -Doracle.jdbc.thinLogonCapability=o3

I just had an issue connecting to databases in my SQL Developer with the error
'unsupported verifier type'
I did some research on Google since our DBA team could not assist with this error. The suggestion based on my search was to add the line
AddVMOption -Doracle.jdbc.thinLogonCapability=o3
to the sqldeveloper.conf file.
Can somebody explain the importance of adding this line? What exactly does this line do?
Thank you.
This is a bug in Oracle side where certain applications especially running on WebSphere 7 with JDK 1.6 and ojdbc6.jar are not able to login to the Database. This is because of an Oracle driver “issue” when dealing with external 3rd party JCE libraries such as BouncyCastle.
StackOverFlow Ref: ORA-01017 when connecting through jdbc thin driver
We found this parameter setting was necessary when authenticating to accounts that were using LDAP/Active Directory authentication ... IE enterprise user accounts (EUS) oracle accounts. Without this setting attempted logons received invalid id/password errors.

FWLSE3030E: The runtime "mfp" does not exist in the MobileFirst administration database. The database may be corrupted

After installing and configuring MobileFirst 8 on WebSphere Application Server, RedHat Linux 7.3, I am getting error
FWLSE3030E: The runtime "mfp" does not exist in the MobileFirst administration database. The database may be corrupted.
I am using WebSphere SDK 1.7 with FP40
I have checked the Database, and all tables are present.
In the SystemOut.log, I am getting exceptions and it is as below: FWLSE3002E: The resource is not found.
Edit1: I have installed MobileFirst 8 using Command line, and configured it using Ant task.
Edit2: WAS Full profile deployed applications.
The symptom you're seeing seems like an open issue that is being tracked as APAR PI71317. Please open a PMR and mention this APAR number; we can give you a test fix to try to help us confirm that it is indeed this issue.
first: go to the WAS ND JDBC data sources section and choose the MFP data source and press the "test connection" button.
look carefully at the DSN definition and make sure you can browse that same DB with other tool and ensure the schema and tables exist.
bare in mind: in WAS ND there should be two entries : one for runtime DB and one for MFP admin DB.

Anyone has link for sample J2EE application which uses Oracle database to deploy into weblogic

I need a sample application to test weblogic. It should also use Oracle Database .
It would be helpful if it has the steps for deployment process.
TIA :)
The WL Server already contains Sample Applications (I used the generic install from the oracle homepage: )
Here is a screenshot from the Installation Assistant, sorry for it being german. The circled are says "Complete with examples". Select that during the installation.

Domino Server 8.5 link

Can someone please send me the download link for Domino Server 8.5 trail version as I want to test Domino Server and Client connectivity.
Since Yesterday I am searching for the appropriate link but could not find the relevant download.
Any help is appreciated.
Lotus Domino server trial/demo is currently not available. At least not in a usual (download - install - expire) way.
Previously Domino was available for download here (who knows, maybe IBM will change this policy tomorrow):
List of available trials from IBM:
If you must have it your options are either to buy:
or to evaluate it in the cloud: