Why does this documentation example fail? Is my workaround an acceptable equivalent? - oop

While exploring the documented example raised in this perl6 question that was asked here recently, I found that the final implementation option - (my interpretation of the example is that it provides three different ways to do something) - doesn't work. Running this;
class HTTP::Header does Associative {
has %!fields handles <iterator list kv keys values>;
sub normalize-key ($key) { $key.subst(/\w+/, *.tc, :g) }
method EXISTS-KEY ($key) { %!fields{normalize-key $key}:exists }
method DELETE-KEY ($key) { %!fields{normalize-key $key}:delete }
method push (*#_) { %!fields.push: #_ }
multi method AT-KEY (::?CLASS:D: $key) is rw {
my $element := %!fields{normalize-key $key};
FETCH => method () { $element },
STORE => method ($value) {
$element = do given $value».split(/',' \s+/).flat {
when 1 { .[0] } # a single value is stored as a string
default { .Array } # multiple values are stored as an array
my $header = HTTP::Header.new;
say $header.WHAT; #-> (Header)
$header<Accept> = "text/plain";
$header{'Accept-' X~ <Charset Encoding Language>} = <utf-8 gzip en>;
$header.push('Accept-Language' => "fr"); # like .push on a Hash
say $header<Accept-Language>.perl; #-> $["en", "fr"]
... produces the expected output. Note that the third last line with the X meta-operator assigns a literal list (built with angle brackets) to a hash slice (given a flexible definition of "hash"). My understanding is this results in three seperate calls to method AT-KEY each with a single string argument (apart from self) and therefore does not exersise the default clause of the given statement. Is that correct?
When I invent a use case that excersises that part of the code, it appears to fail;
... as above ...
$header<Accept> = "text/plain";
$header{'Accept-' X~ <Charset Encoding Language>} = <utf-8 gzip en>;
$header{'Accept-Language'} = "en, fr, cz";
say $header<Accept-Language>.perl; #-> ["en", "fr", "cz"] ??
# outputs
This Seq has already been iterated, and its values consumed
(you might solve this by adding .cache on usages of the Seq, or
by assigning the Seq into an array)
in block at ./hhorig.pl line 20
in method <anon> at ./hhorig.pl line 18
in block <unit> at ./hhorig.pl line 32
The error message provides an awesome explanation - the topic is a sequence produced by the split and is now spent and hence can't be referenced in the when and/or default clauses.
Have I correctly "lifted" and implemented the example? Is my invented use case of several language codes in the one string wrong or is the example code wrong/out-of-date? I say out-of-date as my recollection is that Seq's came along pretty late in the perl6 development process - so perhaps, this code used to work but doesn't now. Can anyone clarify/confirm?
Finally, taking the error message into account, the following code appears to solve the problem;
... as above ...
STORE => method ($value) {
my #values = $value».split(/',' \s+/) ;
$element = do given #values.flat {
when 1 { $value } # a single value is stored as a string
default { #values } # multiple values are stored as an array
... but is it an exact equivalent?

That code works now (Rakudo 2018.04) and prints
$["en", "fr", "cz"]
as intended. It was probably a bug which was eventually solved.


Possible to create class aliases dynamically?

Got this class:
class Mass-lb is Mass {
method new(Rat:D() $value = 1.0) {
I have created aliases like this:
class Mass-lbs is Mass-lb { }
class Mass-pound is Mass-lb { }
class Mass-pounds is Mass-lb { }
class Mass-pnds is Mass-lb { }
But I'd prefer to do something like this:
my #lb-syn = < lbs pounds pound pnds >;
for #lb-syn {
EVAL 'class ::("Mass-$_") is Mass-lb {}';
This throws an error:
Name ::("Mass-$_") is not compile-time known, and can not serve as a package name
PHP has a built-in for creating aliases: https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.class-alias.php
I couldn't find anything similar for raku.
In RakuAST there's a class that you can call to create a new type. But that the RakuAST branch hasn't landed yet.
Until then, your approach using EVAL is valid, you just need to make it a bit simpler:
class Mass-lb { }
BEGIN "constant Mass-$_ = Mass-lb".EVAL
for <lbs pounds pound pnds>;
my $mlb = Mass-lbs.new;
Make sure the aliases are created at BEGIN time.
No need to subclass, you can use a constant for aliasing.
Since constants are our by default, they're visible outside of the EVAL.
Alternatively, you could use raku Physics::Unit and Physics::Measure...
use Physics::Unit;
use Physics::Measure :ALL;
# define a new custom Unit
Unit.new( defn => 'lbm', names => <Mass-lb Mass-lbs Mass-pound Mass-pounds Mass-pnds> );
say GetUnit('Mass-lbs').names; #[Mass-lb Mass-lbs Mass-pound Mass-pounds Mass-pnds]
# use the Unit in a Measure
my $mass = ♎️'42 Mass-pnds';
say $mass; #42Mass-lb
say $mass.^name; #(..Mass) ...class name
# convert to another Unit
my $kgm = $mass.in: 'kg';
say $kgm; #19.05087954kg
# convert back
say $kgm.in: 'Mass-pound'; #42Mass-lb
# raku Rats mean that the back conversion is identical
say $kgm cmp $mass; #Same
# with % or abs Error
my $mass2 = ♎️'42 Mass-pnds ±3%';
say $mass2; #42Mass-lb ±1.26
say $mass2.in: 'kg'; #19.05087954kg ±0.5715263862
More info at github Physics::Unit and Physics::Measure...

How to implement a PATCH with `database/sql`?

Let’s say you have a basic API (GET/POST/PATCH/DELETE) backed by an SQL database.
The PATCH call should only update the fields in the JSON payload that the user sends, without touching any of the other fields.
Imagine the table (let's call it sample) has id, string_a and string_b columns, and the struct which corresponds to it looks like:
type Sample struct {
ID int `json:"id"`
StringA string `json:"stringA"`
StringB string `json:"stringB"`
Let's say the user passes in { "stringA": "patched value" } as payload. The json will be unmarshalled to something that looks like:
ID: 0,
StringA: "patched value",
StringB: "",
For a project using database/sql, you’d write the query to patch the row something like:
// `id` is from the URL params
query := `UPDATE sample SET string_a=$1, string_b=$2 WHERE id=$3`
row := db.QueryRow(query, sample.StringA, sample.StringB, id)
That query would update the string_a column as expected, but it’d also update the string_b column to "", which is undesired behavior in this case. In essence, I’ve just created a PUT instead of a PATCH.
My immediate thought was - OK, that’s fine, let’s use strings.Builder to build out the query and only add a SET statement for those that have a non-nil/empty value.
However, in that case, if a user wanted to make string_a empty, how would they accomplish that?
Eg. the user makes a PATCH call with { "stringA": "" } as payload. That would get unmarshalled to something like:
ID: 0,
StringA: "",
StringB: "",
The “query builder” I was theorizing about would look at that and say “ok, those are all nil/empty values, don’t add them to the query” and no columns would be updated, which again, is undesired behavior.
I’m not sure how to write my API and the SQL queries it runs in a way that satisfies both cases. Any thoughts?
I think reasonable solution for smaller queries is to build UPDATE query and list of bound parameters dynamically while processing payload with logic that recognizes what was updated and what was left empty.
From my own experience this is clear and readable (if repetitive you can always iterate over struct members that share same logic or employ reflection and look at struct tags hints, etc.). Every (my) attempt to write universal solution for this ended up as very convoluted overkill supporting all sorts of corner-cases and behavioral differences between endpoints.
func patchSample(s Sample) {
var query strings.Builder
params := make([]interface{}, 0, 2)
// TODO Check if patch makes sense (e.g. id is non-zero, at least one patched value provided, etc.
query.WriteString("UPDATE sample SET")
if s.StringA != "" {
query.WriteString(" stringA = ?")
params = append(params, s.StringA)
if s.StringB != "" {
query.WriteString(" stringB = ?")
params = append(params, s.StringB)
query.WriteString(" WHERE id = ?")
params = append(params, s.ID)
fmt.Println(query.String(), params)
//_, err := db.Exec(query.String(), params...)
func main() {
patchSample(Sample{1, "Foo", ""})
patchSample(Sample{2, "", "Bar"})
patchSample(Sample{3, "Foo", "Bar"})
EDIT: In case "" is valid value for patching then it needs to be distinguishable from the default empty value. One way how to solve that for string is to use pointer which will default to nil if value is not present in payload:
type Sample struct {
ID int `json:"id"`
StringA *string `json:"stringA"`
StringB *string `json:"stringB"`
and then modify condition(s) to check if field was sent like this:
if s.StringA != nil {
query.WriteString(" stringA = ?")
params = append(params, *s.StringA)
See full example in playground: https://go.dev/play/p/RI7OsNEYrk6
For what it's worth, I solved the issue by:
Converting the request payload to a generic map[string]interface{}.
Implementing a query builder that loops through the map's keys to create a query.
Part of the reason I went this route is it fit all my requirements, and I didn't particularly like having *strings or *ints laying around.
Here is what the query builder looks like:
func patchQueryBuilder(id string, patch map[string]interface{}) (string, []interface{}, error) {
var query strings.Builder
params := make([]interface{}, 0)
query.WriteString("UPDATE some_table SET")
for k, v := range patch {
switch k {
case "someString":
if someString, ok := v.(string); ok {
query.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(" some_string=$%d,", len(params)+1))
params = append(params, someString)
} else {
return "", []interface{}{}, fmt.Errorf("could not process some_string")
case "someBool":
if someBool, ok := v.(bool); ok {
query.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(" some_bool=$%d,", len(params)+1))
params = append(params, someBool)
} else {
return "", []interface{}{}, fmt.Errorf("could not process some_bool")
if len(params) > 0 {
// Remove trailing comma to avoid syntax errors
queryString := fmt.Sprintf("%s WHERE id=$%d RETURNING *", strings.TrimSuffix(query.String(), ","), len(params)+1)
params = append(params, id)
return queryString, params, nil
} else {
return "", []interface{}{}, nil
Note that I'm using PostgreSQL, so I needed to provide numbered parameters to the query, eg $1, which is what params is used for. It's also returned from the function so that it can be used as follows:
// Build the patch query based on the payload
query, params, err := patchQueryBuilder(id, patch)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Use the query/params and get output
row := tx.QueryRowContext(ctx, query, params...)

Perl 6 multi methods never match expected signature

I have a class with two multi methods (multi submit).
I call my multi like this:
Which gets shipped off to my class:
my $perspective-api = API::Perspective.new(:api-key(%*ENV<PERSPECTIVE_API_KEY>));
proto method submit (|) {*}
multi method submit(Str :$message!, MODEL :#models = TOXICITY) {
my $score = $perspective-api.analyze(:#models, :comment($message));
say #models Z=> $score<attributeScores>{#models}.map: *<summaryScore><value>;
multi method submit(Str :$name!, MODEL :#models = TOXICITY) {
my $score = $perspective-api.analyze(:#models, :comment($name));
say #models Z=> $score<attributeScores>{#models}.map: *<summaryScore><value>;
However I always get the following response:
Died because of the exception:
Cannot resolve caller AUTOGEN(Rose::ContentAnalysis::Perspective:D: :message(Str)); none of these signatures match:
(Rose::ContentAnalysis::Perspective: Str :$message!, MODEL :#models = MODEL::TOXICITY, *%_)
(Rose::ContentAnalysis::Perspective: Str :$name!, MODEL :#models = MODEL::TOXICITY, *%_)
Despite my named argument (:message) being a Str as required and #models having a default declared.
Multiple dispatch works in two phases:
Considering the number of positional parameters and their types
If there are any where clauses, named parameters, or sub-signatures, doing a test bind of the signature to see if it would match
The second phase will reject the candidate if it fails to bind for any reason. One such reason, and I believe the cause of the issue here, is that the default value is wrongly typed. For example, in:
multi m(:#x = "not-an-array") { }
We get an error:
Cannot resolve caller m(...); none of these signatures match:
(:#x = "not-an-array")
in block <unit> at -e line 1
But changing it to:
multi m(:#x = ["an-array"]) { }
Works fine. (Note that while a default value uses =, it's actually a binding, not an assignment.)
In the case in the question there's this:
Looking at the module source the code is taken from, I see:
enum MODEL is export (
Thus TOXICITY is just an Int, but what's expected is a typed array of MODEL values.
Thus, if you do this:
multi method submit(Str :$message!, MODEL :#models = Array[MODEL](TOXICITY)) {
It should work.
I see two issues.
One is that you have two methods that are identical except for the name of one named parameter.
Named parameters can have aliases:
# V--------------V
multi method submit(Str :name(:$message)!, MODEL :#models = TOXICITY) {
my $score = $perspective-api.analyze(:#models, :comment($message));
say #models Z=> $score<attributeScores>{#models}.map: *<summaryScore><value>;
Note that :$message is really short for :message($message)
Now on the problem which actually prevents your code from working.
#models is a Positional, but you are assigning it a singular value in the signature.
Assign it a Positional, and it works:
(In this case it has to be of type Array[MODEL] because of the MODEL type declaration.)
# V---------------------V
multi method submit(Str :name(:$message)!, MODEL :#models = Array[MODEL](TOXICITY,)) {
my $score = $perspective-api.analyze(:#models, :comment($message));
say #models Z=> $score<attributeScores>{#models}.map: *<summaryScore><value>;

Can one perl6 module conditionally 'use' another perl6 module?

Is there a sensible way to have one perl6 module check for the presence of another perl6 module and to 'use' it if and only if it is installed?
Something like this...
module Polygons;
if $available {
use Measure; #only if Measure is installed
class Rectangle is export {
has $.width;
has $.height;
method area {
$!width * $!height; #provides operator overload for Measure * Measure
module Measure;
class Measure is export {
has $.value;
has $.unit;
method Real {
method Str {
"$!value $!unit";
method multiply( $argument ) {
my $result = $.;
$result.value = $!value * $argument;
$result.unit = "$!unit2";
return $result;
multi infix:<*> ( Measure:D $left, Measure:D $right ) is export {
return $result.multiply( $argument );
use Polygons;
use Measure;
my $x = Measure.new( value => 10, unit => 'm' );
my $y = Measure.new( value => 20, unit => 'm' );
my $rect = Rectangle.new( width => $x, height => y );
say $rect.area; #'200 m2'
The idea is to propagate the operator overload (infix:<*> in this case) back up the class inheritance so that one store more elaborate objects in the attributes.
(Without tearing up the drains please - since I suspect there is always a way!)
So the first version of this answer was essentially useless.
Here's the first new thing I've come up with that works with what I understand your problem to be. I haven't tried it on the repo yet.
In a file a-module.pm6:
unit module a-module;
our sub infix:<*> ($l,$r) { $l + $r } }
The our means we'll be able to see this routine if we can require it, though it'll only be visible via its fully qualified name &a-module::infix:<*>.
Then in a using file:
use lib '.';
try require a-module;
my &infix:<*> = &a-module::infix:<*> // &OUTER::infix:<*>;
say 1 * 2 # 2 or 3 depending on whether `a-module.pm6` is found
The default routine used if the module is missing can be the one from OUTER (as shown) or from CALLER or whatever other pseudo package you prefer.
This problem/solution seems so basic I suspect it must be on SO or in the doc somewhere. I'll publish what I've got then explore more tomorrow.

Test contents of return array in PHPSpec

Say I have this method of a RuleFactory:
public function makeFromArray($rules)
$array = [];
foreach ($rules as $rule) {
$array[] = new Rule($rule[0], $rule[1]);
return $array;
I want to test that the return array contains Rule elements. Here is my test:
function it_should_create_multiple_rules_at_once()
$rules = [
['required', 'Please provide your first name'],
['alpha', 'Please provide a valid first name']
But this does not work, it throws an error in PHPSpec.
The strange thing is that I can do this just fine on other methods that return arrays, but for some reason I cannot do that here.
The error I get is this:
! it should create multiple rules at once
method [array:2] not found
How do I test the contents of this return array, WITHOUT creating my own inline matcher?
Your method accepts a single rule, not all of them. The spec should be:
Or, to avoid multiple calls:
$rules = $this->makeFromArray($rules);
Still, the most readable version would be the one leveraging a custom matcher: