SQL trigger updating duration when given two timestamp - sql

Here is the table
create table call(
id varchar(5),
start_time timestamp,
end_time timestamp,
duration INTERVAL DAY(5) TO SECOND(3),
primary key(id)
And the trigger:
create or replace TRIGGER DURATION
for each row
select end_time - start_time into :new.duration from dual;
so that it could work like this when doing insertion
insert into call values(111,'2015-04-21 15:42:23','2016-11-03 18:32:47',null);
It's saying that the end_time is invalid identifier. I do realize I might need a sequence or something to make the end_time be referred to the specific row I am inserting, but I am not sure what to put there.

I would try this change for the timestamp calculation:
select :new.end_time - :new.start_time into :new.duration from dual;
I suspect that qualifying the end_time and start_time columns as coming from the :new row may be necessary to do this correctly.
One additional point is that the INSERT statement should probably include the column names associated with the values. This should also allow you to omit the 'duration', since it's specifically calculated in this trigger.
Consider this instead:
insert into call (id, start_time, end_time) values(111,'2015-04-21 15:42:23','2016-11-03 18:32:47');
Hard lessons learned after making schema updates that suddenly break INSERT statements that had previously worked. Worse, sometimes the INSERT doesn't actually fail, but silently goes about doing the wrong thing.


Find the next free timestamp not in a table yet

I have a table, event, with a column unique_time of type timestamptz. I need each of the values in unique_time to be unique.
Given a timestamptz input, input_time, I need to find the minimum timestamptz value that satisfies the following criteria:
the result must be >= input_time
the result must not already be in unique_time
I cannot merely add one microsecond to the greatest value in unique_time, because I need the minimum value that satisfies the above criteria.
Is there a concise way to compute this as part of an insert or update to the event table?
I suggest a function with a loop:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION f_next_free(_input_time timestamptz, OUT _next_free timestamptz)
SELECT INTO _next_free _input_time
WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT FROM event WHERE unique_time = _input_time);
_input_time := _input_time + interval '1 us';
SELECT f_next_free('2022-05-17 03:44:22.771741+02');
Be sure to have an index on event(unique_time). If the column is defined UNIQUE or PRIMARY KEY, that index is there implicitly.
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Since Postgres timestamps have microsecond resolution, the next free timestamp is at least 1 microsecond (interval '1 us') away. See:
Ignoring time zones altogether in Rails and PostgreSQL
Could also be a recursive CTE, but the overhead is probably bigger.
Is there a concise way to compute this as part of an INSERT or UPDATE to the event table?
The above is obviously subject to a race condition. Any number of concurrent transaction might find the same free spot. Postgres cannot lock rows that are not there, yet.
Since you want to INSERT (similar for UPDATE) I suggest INSERT .. ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING instead in a loop directly. Again, we need a UNIQUE or PRIMARY KEY on unique_time:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION f_next_free(INOUT _input_time timestamptz, _payload text)
INSERT INTO event (unique_time, payload)
VALUES (_input_time, _payload)
_input_time := _input_time + interval '1 us';
Adapt your "payload" accordingly.
A successful INSERT locks the row. Even if concurrent transactions cannot see the inserted row yet, a UNIQUE index is absolute.
(You could make it work with advisory locks ...)
Ah, forgot about the approaches from my comment that would try to generate an (infinite) sequence of all microsecond timestamps following the $input_time. There's a much simpler query that can generate exactly the timestamp you need:
INSERT INTO event(unique_time, others)
SELECT MIN(candidates.time), $other_values
SELECT $input_time AS "time"
SELECT unique_time + 1 microsecond AS time
FROM event
WHERE unique_time >= $input_time
) AS candidates
FROM unique_time coll
WHERE coll.unique_time = candidates.time
However, I'm not sure how well Postgres can optimise this, the MIN aggregate might load all the timestamps from event that are larger than $input_time - which might be fine if you always append events at the end, but still. A probably better alternative would be
INSERT INTO event(unique_time, others)
SELECT available.time, $other_values
SELECT $input_time AS "time"
SELECT unique_time + 1 microsecond AS time
FROM event
WHERE unique_time >= $input_time
) AS candidates
FROM unique_time coll
WHERE coll.unique_time = candidates.time
ORDER BY candidates.unique_time ASC
) AS available
ORDER BY available.time ASC
This might (I don't know) still have to evaluate the complex subquery every time you insert something though, which would be rather inefficient if most of the input don't cause a collision. Also I have no idea how well this works under concurrent loads (i.e. multiple transactions running the query at the same time) and whether it has possible race conditions.
Alternatively, just use a WHILE loop (in the client or PL/SQL) that attempts to insert the value until it succeeds and increments the timestamp on every iteration - see #Erwin Brandstetter's answer for that.

SQL - Multiple fields are updated instead of one

I have four columns: ID, STARTTIME, ENDINGTIME and DURATION.
The table is created with:
CREATE TABLE tableName (
The ID is an auto_increment column. Then I've the code for inserting a new STARTTIME:
Secondly I've the code for updating the row with the biggest ID to set the ENDINGTIME:
SET #latestInsertID = (SELECT MAX(ID) FROM tableName);
Now I can execute both (all three) queries without getting an exception and the first query works totally fine (as I expected). But the last query updates (from the row I wanted to update) the ENDINGTIME as well as the STARTTIME. Why doesn't it just update the ENDINGTIME?
Thank you for every solution!
Here's why:
The timestamp field is generally used to define at which moment in time a row was added or updated and by default will automatically be assigned the current datetime when a record is inserted or updated. The automatic properties only apply to the first TIMESTAMP in the record; subsequent TIMESTAMP columns will not be changed.
Educated guess. Column is defined as:
CREATE TABLE tablename(
-- ...
Or there is underlying trigger that perfroms same logic.

How to migrate an existing Postgres Table to partitioned table as transparently as possible?

I have an existing table in a postgres-DB. For the sake of demonstration, this is how it looks like:
create table myTable(
forDate date not null,
key2 int not null,
value int not null,
primary key (forDate, key2)
insert into myTable (forDate, key2, value) values
('2000-01-01', 1, 1),
('2000-01-01', 2, 1),
('2000-01-15', 1, 3),
('2000-03-02', 1, 19),
('2000-03-30', 15, 8),
('2011-12-15', 1, 11);
However in contrast to these few values, myTable is actually HUGE and it is growing continuously. I am generating various reports from this table, but currently 98% of my reports work with a single month and the remaining queries work with an even shorter timeframe. Oftentimes my queries cause Postgres to do table scans over this huge table and I am looking for ways to reduce the problem. Table partitioning seems to fit my problem perfectly. I could just partition my table into months. But how do I turn my existing table into a partitioned table? The manual explicitly states:
It is not possible to turn a regular table into a partitioned table or vice versa
So I need to develop my own migration script, which will analyze the current table and migrate it. The needs are as follows:
At design time the time frame which myTable covers is unknown.
Each partition should cover one month from the first day of that month to the last day of that month.
The table will grow indefinitely, so I have no sane "stop value" for how many tables to generate
The result should be as transparent as possible, meaning that I want to touch as little as possible of my existing code. In best case this feels like a normal table which I can insert to and select from without any specials.
A database downtime for migration is acceptable
Getting along with pure Postgres without any plugins or other things that need to be installed on the server is highly preferred.
Database is PostgreSQL 10, upgrading to a newer version will happen sooner or later anyway, so this is an option if it helps
How can I migrate my table to be partitioned?
In Postgres 10 "Declarative Partitioning" was introduced, which can relieve you of a good deal of work such as generating triggers or rules with huge if/else statements redirecting to the correct table. Postgres can do this automatically now. Let's start with the migration:
Rename the old table and create a new partitioned table
alter table myTable rename to myTable_old;
create table myTable_master(
forDate date not null,
key2 int not null,
value int not null
) partition by range (forDate);
This should hardly require any explanation. The old table is renamed (after data migration we'll delete it) and we get a master table for our partition which is basically the same as our original table, but without indexes)
Create a function that can generate new partitions as we need them:
create function createPartitionIfNotExists(forDate date) returns void
as $body$
declare monthStart date := date_trunc('month', forDate);
declare monthEndExclusive date := monthStart + interval '1 month';
-- We infer the name of the table from the date that it should contain
-- E.g. a date in June 2005 should be int the table mytable_200506:
declare tableName text := 'mytable_' || to_char(forDate, 'YYYYmm');
-- Check if the table we need for the supplied date exists.
-- If it does not exist...:
if to_regclass(tableName) is null then
-- Generate a new table that acts as a partition for mytable:
execute format('create table %I partition of myTable_master for values from (%L) to (%L)', tableName, monthStart, monthEndExclusive);
-- Unfortunatelly Postgres forces us to define index for each table individually:
execute format('create unique index on %I (forDate, key2)', tableName);
end if;
$body$ language plpgsql;
This will come in handy later.
Create a view that basically just delegates to our master table:
create or replace view myTable as select * from myTable_master;
Create rule so that when we insert into the rule, we'll not just update out partitioned table, but also create a new partition if needed:
create or replace rule autoCall_createPartitionIfNotExists as on insert
to myTable
do instead (
select createPartitionIfNotExists(NEW.forDate);
insert into myTable_master (forDate, key2, value) values (NEW.forDate, NEW.key2, NEW.value)
Of course, if you also need update and delete, you also need a rule for those which should be straight forward.
Actually migrate the old table:
-- Finally copy the data to our new partitioned table
insert into myTable (forDate, key2, value) select * from myTable_old;
-- And get rid of the old table
drop table myTable_old;
Now migration of the table is complete without that there was any need to know how many partitions are needed and also the view myTable will be absolutely transparent. You can simple insert and select from that table as before, but you might get the performance benefit from partitioning.
Note that the view is only needed, because a partitioned table cannot have row triggers. If you can get along with calling createPartitionIfNotExists manually whenever needed from your code, you do not need the view and all it's rules. In this case you need to add the partitions als manually during migration:
declare rec record;
-- Loop through all months that exist so far...
for rec in select distinct date_trunc('month', forDate)::date yearmonth from myTable_old loop
-- ... and create a partition for them
perform createPartitionIfNotExists(rec.yearmonth);
end loop;
A suggestion could be, use a view for you main table access, do the steps mentioned above, where you create a new partition table. once finished, point the view to the new partitioned table, and then do the migration, finally deprecate the old table.

SQL Trigger calculating difference for timestamps

I cannot seem to find a solution on calculating time difference, using trigger for automatically generating duration into my table when inserting two timestamps.
Here is my table 'call':
create table call(
id varchar(5),
start_time timestamp,
end_time timestamp,
duration INTERVAL DAY(3) TO SECOND (4),
primary key(id));
I am trying to use a trigger
create sequence time_diff;
for each row
begin select time_diff //confused and don't know what to do
I am hoping doing insertion like this would work
insert into call values(111,'2015-04-21 15:42:23','2016-11-03 18:32:47',null);
and my timestamp format is 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS';
A few things: First, why are you storing a calculated number? Violating normal form. At the very least, make it a virtual column. Second, you can't enter timestamps like that; use the proper syntax for timestamps. (If you don't know what it is, type "Oracle timestamp literal" in Google.) Third, is your question how to compute the difference between two timestamps, in seconds? The difference between timestamps is an "interval day to second"; you can extract day, hour, minute and second from it (separately), and convert everything to seconds. As in, tsdiff := timestamp_1 - timestamp_2, and then diff_seconds := extract (day from tsdiff) * 86400 + extract(hour from tsdiff) * 3600 + ...

Oracle 10 SQL - How to use a "00:00" time format in a constraint

Small entry level question with Oracle 10 SQL. I'm creating a table with a column with a "date" type which is supposed to hold values looking like this : "00:00". I have a constraint with checks the time to be between 00:00 and 23:00.
Now, what I can't quite grasp is how to approach the problem. I do feel like I'm missing something quite basic but I can't quite figure out what...
Do I :
1) Extract and check the date inside my constraint? If so, is there a way to do that? Can I insert data looking like this : TO_DATE('13-AUG-66 12:56','DD-MON-YY HH:MI'), and use some kind of "Extract" function inside my constraint?
2) The exercise in question does mention the date type for that particular column. By default, I assume that it doesn't hold hours and needs to be modified using alter_session?
A constraint only enforces a restriction. It cannot modify data. A BEFORE INSERT trigger can modify data but is generally less efficient than a constraint.
If you want to create a constraint that ensures that the time component is always midnight
CREATE TABLE table_name (
col DATE CHECK( col1 = TRUNC( col ))
If you want to create a trigger that modifies the data
:new.date_column := TRUNC( :new.date_column );
A DATE always contains a day and a time component. Your client may or may not display either component. Many clients will use implicit data type conversion in which case the session's NLS_DATE_FORMAT controls how a DATE is converted to a VARCHAR2 and what elements are incorporated into the string.
A date type always has a date part and a time part. It is just a value and has thus no formatting. If you display a time as 22:50 or 10:50pm for example is up to you. You either rely on your settings with to_char(mydate) or specify a format to_char(mydate,'hh24:mi').
This said, you can simply use the time part of your column and ignore the date part. If you want to avoid confusion about different dates being stored, you can use a trigger setting the date part to 01.01.0001 for instance:
create or replace Trigger trg_datetable_datepart
before insert or update of mydate on datetable
for each row
:new.mydate := to_date( '01.01.0001 ' || to_char(:new.mydate, 'hh24:mi') , 'dd.mm.yyyy hh24:mi' );
To avoid inserts of times after 23h you would write a check constraint:
alter table datetable add constraint check_datetable_timepart check ( to_char(mydate, 'hh24:mi') <= '23:00' );