dictionary database, one table vs table for each char - sql

I have a very simple database contains one table T
wOrig nvarchar(50), not null
wTran nvarchar(50), not null
The table has +50 million rows. I execute a simple query
select wTran where wOrig = 'myword'
The query takes about 40 sec to complete. I divided the table based on the first char of wOrig and the execution time is much smaller than before (based on each table new length).
Am I missing something here? Should not the database use more efficient way to do the search, like binary search?
My question What changes to the database options - based on this situation - could make the search more efficient in order to keep all the data in one table?

You should be using an index. For your query, you want an index on wTran(wOrig). Your query will be much faster:
create index idx_wTran_wOrig on wTran(wOrig);
Depending on considerations such as space and insert/update characteristics, a clustered index on (wOrig) or (wOrig, wTran) might be the best solution.


How to improve performance of select queries from table with lots of columns

I have a table with almost 100 columns. The type for most of the columns is Nvarchar(50).
When I select rows by query, it takes a long time, depending on the number of rows. Now, the table includes 250,000 rows. It takes a a full minute to get all the rows when I execute:
I tried to add indexes, but it didn't shorten the time.
How can I build this table in a better way, so that the query's execute time will be shorter?
I'm using SQL Server 2014.
Try to reduce the size of the table by adjusting the data types to the minimum requirements. Don't use a bigint where an int will suffice, or Unicode types if you are not holding Unicode text and keep data lengths to the minimum requirement. If there are nvarchar(50) columns with a great deal of Nulls, set Sparse to True in the column properties to reduce the amount of data that has to be loaded.
You can use an index with includes. If you make sure that the include contains only the columns you select, SQL server can run the query exclusively on the index, which improves performance.
For example a table...
Column1 INT,
Column2 INT,
Column100 INT
...with a query on a subset of the columns:
SELECT Column1, Column2, Column3
WHERE Column1 > 1000
You can create the index
ON Example(Column1)
INCLUDE (Column2, Column3)
Since SQL Server can get all the information it needs from the index, it won't touch the table. However, you will need more space for index than without includes, because the data from the table is now stored redundandly in the index.
Your Execution plan will give you answer, check it
If you're using 'SELECT * FROM Table1' then Indexes won't make any difference. SQL will need to read the entire table from Disk to Buffer. If you can't get away from Selecting all columns then look at what record-sets are most often returned, i.e. Transactions from 2016. If this is the case, then you can introduce Partitioning (Enterprise), or if you are on SQL Standard create a 'Filtered Covering Index' (including all columns) that only contains records from 2016. If you can afford the extra update overhead then SQL will use the smaller index to fulfill the bulk of user demand.

Select data with a dynamic where clause on non-indexed column

I have a table with 30 columns and millions of entries.
I want to execute a stored procedure on this table to search data.
The search criteria are passed in a parameter to this SP.
If I serach data with a dynamic WHERE clause on non-indexed column, it spends a lot of time.
Below is an example :
Select counterparty_name from counterparty where counterparty_name = 'test'
In this example this counterparty is in th row number 5000000.
As explained,I can't create an index to this table .
I would like to know if the processing time is normal.
I would like to know if there is any recommandation that can improve the execution time?
Best regards.
If you do not have an index on the column then it will have to do a scan of the clustered index in order to look for the data (or maybe a smaller index which might have that column included in it). As such it is going to take a long time.

Oracle sql statement on very large table

I relative new to sql and I have a statement which takes forever to run.
custtrans a
a.transdate <= '2013-12-31';
I's a large table but the statemnt takes about 6 minutes!
Any ideas why?
Your select, as you post it, will read 99% of the whole table (2013-12-31 is just a week ago, and i assume most entries are before that date and only very few after). If your table has many large columns (like varchar2(4000)), all that data will be read as well when oracle scans the table. So you might read several KB each row just to get the 30 bytes you need for amountcur and transdate.
If you have this scenario. create a combined index on transdate and amountcur:
CREATE INDEX myindex ON custtrans(transdate, amountcur)
With the combined index, oracle can read the index to fulfill your query and doesn't have to touch the main table at all, which might result in considerably less data that needs to be read from disk.
Make sure the table has an index on transdate.
create index custtrans_idx on custtrans (transdate);
Also if this field is defined as a date in the table then do
SELECT sum(a.amountcur)
FROM custtrans a
WHERE a.transdate <= to_date('2013-12-31', 'yyyy-mm-dd');
If the table is really large, the query has to scan every row with transdate below given.
Even if you have an index on transdate and it helps to stop the scan early (which it may not), when the number of matching rows is very high, it would take considerable time to scan them all and sum the values.
To speed things up, you could calculate partial sums, e.g. for each passed month, assuming that your data is historical and past does not change. Then you'd only need to scan custtrans only for 1-2 months, then quickly scan the table with monthly sums, and add the results.
Try to create an index only on column amountcur:
CREATE INDEX myindex ON custtrans(amountcur)
In this case Oracle will read most probably only the Index (Index Full Scan), nothing else.
Correction, as mentioned in comment. It must be a composite Index:
CREATE INDEX myindex ON custtrans(transdate, amountcur)
But maybe it is a bit useless to create an index just for a single select statement.
One option is to create an index on the column used in the where clause (this is useful if you want to retrieve only 10-15% rows by using indexed column).
Another option is to partition your table if it has millions of rows. In this case also if you try to retrieve 70-80% data, it wont help.
The best option is first to analyze your requirements and then make a choice.
Whenever you deal with date functions it's better to use to_date() function. Do not rely on implicit data type conversion.

Oracle Indexing & SP Performance

Am trying to optimize some legacy SQL SPs against an Oracle view which is built from 6 tables, each joined by the same field, a numeric ID. Some of the tables in the view have an index which is solely this ID field, others do not.
If I create an index on the remaining tables in the view using this field only, and then perform the actual select query using this field as the sole parameter, will it improve performance notably? I can post the s.proc if its necessary as there may be other flaws in the SP which may not be solved by indexing alone. The query in question takes around 6 seconds to return 1 row, none of the tables contain a large amount of records, nothing over 100,000 records anyway.
Thanks in advance,
Make sure every table in the view has an index that starts with the id field. The index can conatain more fields as long as the id field is first.
If that doesn't help performance please post the select statement and the explain plan.
If the ID field is the first column in the indexes (or the only column) then adding indexes to the ID column of those remaining tables that need them will improve the query if you are returning a small number of rows.

Using more than one index per table is dangerous?

In a former company I worked at, the rule of thumb was that a table should have no more than one index (allowing the odd exception, and certain parent-tables holding references to nearly all other tables and thus are updated very frequently).
The idea being that often, indexes cost the same or more to uphold than they gain. Note that this question is different to indexed-view-vs-indexes-on-table as the motivation is not only reporting.
Is this true? Is this index-purism worth it?
In your career do you generally avoid using indexes?
What are the general large-scale recommendations regarding indexes?
Currently and at the last company we use SQL Server, so any product specific guidelines are welcome too.
You need to create exactly as many indexes as you need to create. No more, no less. It is as simple as that.
Everybody "knows" that an index will slow down DML statements on a table. But for some reason very few people actually bother to test just how "slow" it becomes in their context. Sometimes I get the impression that people think that adding another index will add several seconds to each inserted row, making it a game changing business tradeoff that some fictive hotshot user should decide in a board room.
I'd like to share an example that I just created on my 2 year old pc, using a standard MySQL installation. I know you tagged the question SQL Server, but the example should be easily converted. I insert 1,000,000 rows into three tables. One table without indexes, one table with one index and one table with nine indexes.
drop table numbers;
drop table one_million_rows;
drop table one_million_one_index;
drop table one_million_nine_index;
|| Create a dummy table to assist in generating rows
create table numbers(n int);
insert into numbers(n) values(0),(1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9);
|| Create a table consisting of 1,000,000 consecutive integers
create table one_million_rows as
select d1.n + (d2.n * 10)
+ (d3.n * 100)
+ (d4.n * 1000)
+ (d5.n * 10000)
+ (d6.n * 100000) as n
from numbers d1
,numbers d2
,numbers d3
,numbers d4
,numbers d5
,numbers d6;
|| Create an empty table with 9 integer columns.
|| One column will be indexed
create table one_million_one_index(
c1 int, c2 int, c3 int
,c4 int, c5 int, c6 int
,c7 int, c8 int, c9 int
|| Create an empty table with 9 integer columns.
|| All nine columns will be indexed
create table one_million_nine_index(
c1 int, c2 int, c3 int
,c4 int, c5 int, c6 int
,c7 int, c8 int, c9 int
,index(c1), index(c2), index(c3)
,index(c4), index(c5), index(c6)
,index(c7), index(c8), index(c9)
|| Insert 1,000,000 rows in the table with one index
insert into one_million_one_index(c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6,c7,c8,c9)
select n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n
from one_million_rows;
|| Insert 1,000,000 rows in the table with nine indexes
insert into one_million_nine_index(c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6,c7,c8,c9)
select n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n
from one_million_rows;
My timings are:
1m rows into table without indexes: 0,45 seconds
1m rows into table with 1 index: 1,5 seconds
1m rows into table with 9 indexes: 6,98 seconds
I'm better with SQL than statistics and math, but I'd like to think that:
Adding 8 indexes to my table, added (6,98-1,5) 5,48 seconds in total. Each index would then have contributed 0,685 seconds (5,48 / 8) for all 1,000,000 rows. That would mean that the added overhead per row per index would have been 0,000000685 seconds. SOMEBODY CALL THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS!
In conclusion, I'd like to say that the above test case doesn't prove a shit. It just shows that tonight, I was able to insert 1,000,000 consecutive integers into in a table in a single user environment. Your results will be different.
That is utterly ridiculous. First, you need multiple indexes in order to perfom correctly. For instance, if you have a primary key, you automatically have an index. that means you can't index anything else with the rule you described. So if you don't index foreign keys, joins will be slow and if you don't index fields used in the where clause, queries will still be slow. Yes you can have too many indexes as they do take extra time to insert and update and delete records, but no more than one is not dangerous, it is a requirement to have a system that performs well. And I have found that users tolerate a longer time to insert better than they tolerate a longer time to query.
Now the exception might be for a system that takes thousands of readings per second from some automated equipment. This is a database that generally doesn't have indexes to speed inserts. But usually these types of databases are also not used for reading, the data is transferred instead daily to a reporting database which is indexed.
Yes, definitely - too many indexes on a table can be worse than no indexes at all. However, I don't think there's any good in having the "at most one index per table" rule.
For SQL Server, my rule is:
index any foreign key fields - this helps JOINs and is beneficial to other queries, too
index any other fields when it makes sense, e.g. when lots of intensive queries can benefit from it
Finding the right mix of indices - weighing the pros of speeding up queries vs. the cons of additional overhead on INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE - is not an exact science - it's more about know-how, experience, measuring, measuring, and measuring again.
Any fixed rule is bound to be more contraproductive than anything else.....
The best content on indexing comes from Kimberly Tripp - the Queen of Indexing - see her blog posts here.
Unless you like very slow reads, you should have indexes. Don't go overboard, but don't be afraid of being liberal about them either. EVERY FK should be indexed. You're going to do a look up each of these columns on inserts to other tables to make sure the references are set. The index helps. As well as the fact that indexed columns are used often in joins and selects.
We have some tables that are inserted into rarely, with millions of records. Some of these tables are also quite wide. It's not uncommon for these tables to have 15+ indexes. Other tables with heavy inserting and low reads we might only have a handful of indexes- but one index per table is crazy.
Updating an index is once per insert (per index). Speed gain is for every select. So if you update infrequently and read often, then the extra work may be well worth it.
If you do different selects (meaning the columns you filter on are different), then maintaining an index for each type of query is very useful. Provided you have a limited set of columns that you query often.
But the usual advice holds: if you want to know which is fastest: profile!
You should of course be careful not to create too many indexes per table, but only ever using a single index per table is not a useful level.
How many indexes to use depends on how the table is used. A table that is updated often would generally have less indexes than one that is read much more often than it's updated.
We have some tables that are updated regularly by a job every two minutes, but they are read often by queries that vary a lot, so they have several indexes. One table for example have 24 indexes.
So much depends on your schema and the queries that you normally run. For example: if you normally need to select above 60% of the rows of your table, indexes won't help you and it will be cheaper to table scan than to index scan and then lookup rows. Focused queries that select a small number of rows in different parts of the table or which are used for joins in queries will probably benefit from indexes. The right index in the right place can make or break a feature.
Indexes take space so making too many indexes on a table can be counter productive for the same reasons listed above. Scanning 5 indexes and then performing row lookups may be much more expensive than simply table scanning.
Good design is the synthesis about about knowing when to normalise and when not to.
If you frequently join on a particular column, check the IO plan with the index and without. As a general rule I avoid tables with more than 20 columns. This is often a sign that the data should be normalised. More than about 5 indexes on a table and you may be using more space for the indexes than the main table, be sure that is worth it. These rules are only the lightest of guidance and so much depends on how the data will be used in queries and what your data update profile looks like.
Experiment with your query plans to see how your solution improves or degrades with an index.
Every table must have a PK, which is indexed of course (generally a clustered one), then every FK should be indexed as well.
Finally you may want to index fields on which you often sort on, if their data is well differenciated: for a field with only 5 possible values in a table with 1 million records, an index will not be of a great benefit.
I tend to be minimalistic with indexes, until the db starts beeing well filled, and ...slower. It is easy to identify the bottlenecks and add just the right the indexes at that point.
Optimizing the retrieval with indexes must be carefully designed to reflect actual query patterns. Surely, for a table with Primary Key, you will have at least one clustered index (that's how data is actually stored), then any additional indexes are taking advantage of the layout of the data (clustered index).
After analyzing queries that execute against the table, you want to design an index(s) that cover them. That may mean building one or more indexes but that heavily depends on the queries themselves. That decision cannot be made just by looking at column statistics only.
For tables where it's mostly inserts, i.e. ETL tables or something, then you should not create Primary Keys, or actually drop indexes and re-create them if data changes too quickly or drop/recreated entirely.
I personally would be scared to step into an environment that has a hard-coded rule of indexes per table ratio.