How to make a safari style Yosemite add tab button - objective-c

First of all, I am so sorry for my bad English.
Secondly I would like to ask you, how can I set a toolbar item ( custom view ) at the bottom right corner of the toolbar( like the add tab button in safari Yosemite ). I have already found the NSTitlebarAcessoryViewController Class and i have set with that my Custom Tab view. But I cannot find how to set my add tab button at the position I told you, when my tab view is hidden.
I must also tell you that I am a total newbie.
Thank you in advance for your time. :-)


Issue with layout

I've got a small problem with the way my app looks. I don't want to see that shift at the top of the screen. While creating this scene in IB there isn't one, but it appears when I launch the app. I would be really grateful if anyone could help my to solve this issue.
You can fix this as follows:
In your storyboard, select the view controller that is giving the issue (You can use the yellow icon on top of view controller to select it).
Click on the attribute inspector
Uncheck the 'Adjust Scroll View Insets'

how to align text center in nsMenuItem Cocoa Mac osx

I am new in MAC OS X development, I have to align text centre in nsMenuItem but I not find any particular solution. I checked on google but not find any tutorial.
Find some tutorial but not exactly same, in these tutorial we take a NSView in nsMenuItem and then Insert subview in NSVIEW to accomplish it centre align.
Is there is any better solution? Please provide me link if possible.
Edit : I attached screen shot, but this is not working for me.
You can set the Attributed String of the menu item, which does allow you to center the text, as well as change the font, color and size of the text as well.
I do not know which version of Xcode/OSX you are using, but under Xcode 5.0.2 you can use the built-in interface builder to edit the attributed strings of menu items.
Click the MainMenu.xib entry, then click the menu you want to edit to open it, then click the menu entry. On the right side of the window there should be some options, if not click the right most square in the group of 3 at the top right of the Xcode window 1.
Once you have the right panel open click the Attributes Inspector icon [2] (4th from the left, looks like a slider type icon). At the bottom of the list of attributes you will see an entry for "Attrib. Title" [3].
That is where you can set a custom font, color and alignment for your menu item.
If you need more control then that provides, you can also embed custom NSViews into your menus which gives you complete control over how the menu will look.

How to make a tab bar that shows colored icons , on iOS?

I need to make a toolbar on the bottom of the screen with some buttons. I want in every button to have a small image and a small text under it. The closest i can find from "Xcode" is the "Tab Bar" where you can put icons and text but the problem is that when you add an image you can only see the shadow of the image and not its colors.. Can i change that? Or is another way to make a toolbar like the one i am describing?
I need the buttons to change controllers and i just noticed that i cant create actions for the tabs but only outlets. So i guess the tab bar is not what i should use. Any ideas for a toolbar?
Yes Tab Bar is the Best approach for it and it is very easy to customize the tab bar if u are using IO5
This LINK will be helpful.
There is another approach (which was applicable uptil IOS4 for customization of Tab bar) was to Create Custom buttons with tab bar look alike Images. it will give u the same feel, but like i said it is very easy now to customize IOS Tab bars
Here is a couple of Links for u
LINK 1 With Story BOARD
LINK 2 Without Storyboard
One More thing Try searching Google before Posting a question here if have some problem then feel free to post along with the code or tutorial u tried.
Let me know if i Worked

How can I create a back button on a Tab Bar Controller view?

I wonder if someone could help me please? I'm brand new to iOS and whilst I've been searching various sites for my answer, I'm afraid I haven't come across it yet but feel this could just be my naivety to the language so I apologise if this is a really simple thing...
I have a Tab Bar Controller with 3 views. On my first tab I have a button which when clicked, I want it to go to the 3rd tab (which is does). However, on the 3rd tab, I would like to insert a back button so that the user has the option of clicking back to go back to what is essentially the main menu of my application.
Can anyone tell me how I can do this please? I'm currently using storyboarding as I'm not very good with the language yet but any help would be greatly appreciated.
You need to add a navigation bar to the view and set a bar button item with the action to change the tab.
Remember that a tab controller is standard across multiple apps, the user is use to tapping the tab to change the view rather than pressing buttons within the view.
It might be worth you looking into a UINavigationController
The first thing, you are implementing UITabBarController. you don't have to create a back button, because user can navigate between screens by tap on tab bar.
Second thing, you can use UINavigationController to manage you viewControllers,the Back button will automatically show when you push ViewController by method pushViewController:animated:

adding an invisible button to the background in IB

I'm working with Xcode doing a Ipad app.
i simply want user to click anywhere on screen (not counting text fields) to perform some IBAction.I'm using an invisible button that covers my whole view.
Since I have some text fields in my view,i need to add this invisible button to the background of my user interface. I cant seem to find this option in the button attributes? any help?
Just set the button's type to custom.
Did you try setting the opacity of the button to zero?
I guess i got your point. You just want to put the UIButton(invisible) on the back of all the UITextField. The simple solution to this is open the Document Window in the IB. Now expand the view tree in the list view. Just drag your UIButton above the UITextFields and set the alpha value for the button in the property to be zero.
Hope this helps!!
iPad users don't "click". They "tap" or "touch".
In Interface Builder, I believe views are constructed with a z-index from top to bottom as they appear in the document window, so dragging your button so that it appears as the first subview of your main view should be a quick fix for this.
Have you considered other approaches? This doesn't sound like standard behaviour for an app and will probably cause havoc with anybody using Voice Over. What are you trying to accomplish?