If ASP.NET 5 is being renamed ASP.NET Core 1.0, what is a new ASP.NET project targeting full .NET framework? - asp.net-core

The offical docs say:
ASP.NET 5 is being renamed to ASP.NET Core 1.0
But what if I create a new ASP .NET 5 project in VS2015 today in the the project.json only target the dnx451:
"frameworks": {
"dnx451": { },
Surely this is not considered a "ASP .NET Core 1.0 project"! It is still possible to create ASP .NET 5 projects that do not use .NET Core and surely that won't be removed!?!?!

The project templates have been split into full .NET (using the net461 target framework) and .NET Core (using the netcoreapp1.0 target framework).
You can look at this question to see if both can be targeted at the same time.


What will happen to the Microsoft.AspNetCore.* namespace in ASP.NET 5.0?

.NET 5.0 will replace .NET Core 3.x when it is released in November—and, thus, ASP.NET 5.0 will replace ASP.NET Core 3.x.
Edit: This question is based on a fundamentally incorrect assumption. While the next version of .NET Core will, in fact, be .NET 5.0, the next version of ASP.NET Core will be ASP.NET Core 5.0. See the answers from #Camilo-Terevinto and #omajid for details.
Despite this, as of Preview 8 (8.20414.8), packages, assemblies, and namespaces still contain AspNetCore in their names. For example, see the following NuGet packages:
If you go to the documentation for e.g. the Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Features namespace on learn.microsoft.com, however, you'll be redirected back to the ASP.NET Core 3.1 documentation with the warning:
The requested page is not available for ASP.NET Core 5.0 Preview. You have been redirected to the newest product version this page is available for.
Question: Do we have any evidence of what these packages, assemblies, and namespaces will be named in the .NET 5.0 release? Will they remain Microsoft.AspNetCore for backward compatibility, as the current namespaces suggest? Will they become Microsoft.AspNet for consistency with the product name, as the documentation suggests? Or does this remain TBD?
Background: Like other developers, I am working on the .NET 5.0 version of an open source library, and we aim to follow the same naming conventions as the underlying framework for the sake of familiarity, discovery, and consistency.
and, thus, ASP.NET 5.0 will replace ASP.NET Core 3.x.
That is not accurate, ASP.NET Core 5.0 will replace ASP.NET Core 3.x. The moniker that will change is .NET Core to .NET. Migration guide ASP.NET Core 3.x to ASP.NET Core 5.0.
.NET Framework 4.8 -> .NET 5
.NET Core 3.1 -> .NET 5
ASP.NET Core 3.1 -> ASP.NET Core 5
thus, ASP.NET 5.0 will replace ASP.NET Core 3.x.
No, it won't. It's an unfortunate point of confusion, but it's not true.
Let me quote David Fowler, who is one of the ASP.NET Core architects:
There's no plan to change asp.net core to asp.net.
.NET Core becomes .NET 5, but ASP.NET Core stays as ASP.NET Core.

Is it still possible to use .NET Framework (4.8) for ASP.NET Core 3 with Visual Studio 2019?

Today I installed .net Fw 4.8 dev pack together .net core SDK 3.01. After reboot I notice that ASP.NET CORE wizard, when I select .net fw don't display ASP.NET CORE 3 (I see until 2.2). Instead, if I select on the left dropdown .net core I get ASP.NET CORE 3 (and the previous versions)
As suggest by Kanbazi on comment, ASP.NET CORE 3 only run on .NET CORE.

It's correct reference .NET Core from .NET Framework project?

I have an ASP NET MVC project with net471 target framework but I found nuget reference to Microsoft.AspNetCore.* or Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.*
It's correct? What problems can it entail?
It depends. First, I'm not sure if you're using terminology correct. Do you have an ASP.NET MVC 5 project or an ASP.NET Core project? If the former, then yes, it's very much incorrect. If the latter, then no it's fine, depending on the ASP.NET Core version.
.NET Framework 4.7.1 implements .NET Standard 2.0, which .NET Core 2.2 is also compatible with. Therefore, you can include ASP.NET Core 2.2 packages in a .NET Framework 4.7.1 project. Despite the name, an ASP.NET Core web app doesn't have to actually run on .NET Core. However, ASP.NET Core 3.0 or EF Core 3.0 would not work because those depend on .NET Standard 2.1, which no version of .NET Framework implements (and probably never will).

.NET Core vs ASP.NET Core

What exactly is the difference between .NET Core and ASP.NET Core?
Are they mutually exclusive? I heard ASP.NET Core is built on .NET Core, but it can also be built on the full .NET framework.
So what exactly is ASP.NET Core?
Update 2020: Do note that ASP.NET Core 3 and higher now depend on .NET Core and can no longer be used on .NET Framework. The below description is for ASP.NET Core 1.x-2.x; the layer separation still holds true for ASP.NET Core 3.0 but the ASP.NET Core layer can no longer be used on top of .NET Framework in 3.0+.
.NET Core is a runtime. It can execute applications that are built for it.
ASP.NET Core is a collection of libraries that form a Framework for building web applications.
ASP.NET Core libraries can be used on both .NET Core and the "Full .NET Framework" (which has shipped with windows for many years).
The confusing part is that an application using the libraries and tools of ASP.NET Core is usually referred to as "ASP.NET Core Application", which in theory doesn't say if it is built for .NET Core or .NET Framework. So an "ASP.NET Core Application" is also a ".NET Core Application" or a ".NET Framework Application".
This image shows the relation of the involved technologies (taken from this blog post)
Here you can see that ASP.NET Core is built "on top of" both .NET Framework and .NET Core, while "ASP.NET" (now often referred to as "classic ASP.NET") is .NET Framework only.
ASP.NET Core using .NET Core - all dependencies are self-contained, can use most NuGet packages, can't use Windows-specific packages, can execute on Windows, Linux, and Mac.
ASP.NET Core using .NET Framework - most dependencies are self-contained, only executes on Windows, will have access to Windows-specific NuGet packages, needs the .NET framework version which is targeted installed on the machine.
ASP.NET Core is one of the workloads supported by .NET Core.
From .NET Core guide:
By itself, .NET Core includes a single application model -- console apps -- which is useful for tools, local services and text-based games. Additional application models have been built on top of .NET Core to extend its functionality, such as:
Windows 10 Universal Windows Platform (UWP)
The .NET Framework is on its last release. There will not be another one after 4.8. Microsoft will continue with .NET Core. From this time you should prefer .NET Core on your projects.
Official update (source):
.NET 5 is the next major release of .NET Core following 3.1. We named this new release .NET 5 instead of .NET Core 4 for two reasons:
We skipped version numbers 4.x to avoid confusion with .NET Framework 4.x.
We dropped "Core" from the name to emphasize that this is the main implementation of .NET going forward. .NET 5 supports more types of apps and more platforms than .NET Core or .NET Framework.
ASP.NET Core 5.0 is based on .NET 5 but retains the name "Core" to avoid confusing it with ASP.NET MVC 5. Likewise, Entity Framework Core 5.0 retains the name "Core" to avoid confusing it with Entity Framework 5 and 6.
.NET Core is the next evolution of the .NET Framework, that allows Microsoft technology to be hosted on other OS platforms, rather than Windows.
ASP.NET is the web framework provided by Microsoft for building:
server-side rendered web pages/websites
server-side components for SPAs
MVC-fashion apps
web services/web APIs/microservices
ASP.NET runs only on Windows platforms.
Since .NET Core was created to provide the capability of running Microsoft tech on top of Linux/macOS, it implies that ASP.NET Core is the evolution of ASP.NET in the direction of multi-platform support.
In conclusion:
ASP.NET Core runs on both .NET Core and .NET 5.0, on top of multiple OS platforms: Windows, Linux & macOS.
ASP.NET 4.x (ASP.NET/ASP.NET MVC) runs on the .NET Framework only, on top of Windows OS.

.NET Core is not listed

I wanted to create a new ASP.NET Core app targeting the new .NET Core 1.0.
First, in Visual Studio 2015 Update 3, I don't see .NET Core listed
And this is what I'm seeing in project.json file. Looks like I'm targeing dotnet5.6
Is it safe to assume this is all correct?
And if this is correct, could it possibly be more confusing?
The pulldown has no meaning for .NET Core projects as it doesn't use it. Only what's in project.json matters for .NET Core / .xproj projects.
netcoreapp1.0 target framework moniker (short TFM) is .NET Core project for executables (ASP.NET Web Application or .NET Core Console Application). netstandard1.x (see this matrix for api surface of netstandard TFM) is for class libraries.
The import section just tells nuget to also restore packages which target dotnet5.6 (old TFM for .NET Core Library, which is now replaced with netstandard1.x) and portable-net45-win8, which are also compatible with .NET Core. These allow you to install packages which are compatible but are not yet repackaged for netstandard1.x.