SQL Full-Text Search (CONTAINSTABLE) - Better String Parser? - sql

I'm currently using a RadSearchBox (Telerik) for AutoComplete purposes to collect the search string from a user and pass it to a stored procedure that queries against a MS SQL full-text index (400k+ rows) fairly fast and returns the results in a RadGrid. The customer wants (as they always do) for the search string parser to be more advanced. I currently have it so if it detects any non-alphanumeric characters ("/","-",etc) it will search for the "exact/phrase", as full-text doesn't do well with " * exact/phrase * ".
But, before I completely re-create the wheel, I was wondering if anyone out there has something more intelligent that will insert 'AND','OR','NEAR', search for "exact/phrase" and " * exact * " OR " * phrase * " and return the results back racked and stacked based on the CONTAINSTABLE ranking. Having FORMSOF(INFLECTION,exact) would be icing on the cake.
I know this is a lot to ask, just putting a "line out" to see if anyone has anything decent they would be willing to share. I would look into using Lucene, but the web app has a Fluent Data Model that isn't easily compatible (that I know of) with Lucene.
I've done my fair share of googling, but can't seem to find anything that looks clean (would prefer not to dive into and out of numerous functions/stored procedures to accomplish) and also something that was written within the last several years.
Thanks in advance...


best search in mdb for big data

I have created a dictionary for English to Kurdish and I saved my data in .mdb access file, my data are more than 78,000 words.
Please can anyone help me to make a quick search?
I'm using this query for search
"SELECT english FROM table WHERE English LIKE '" +text Searchlight. Text+"%'";
If your query is:
SELECT english
FROM table
WHERE English LIKE '" +text Searchlight. Text+"%'"
Then I'm a little confused. Access generally uses * as the wildcard for searching rather than % (which is the SQL standard). Because the LIKE pattern does not start with a wildcard, many databases will use an index (if available) for this query. I don't know if MS Access has this optimization.
In any case, you seem to be going down a path where full text search is beneficial. If so, I think you have the wrong tool for the job. MS Access doesn't support full text search. I would suggest that you use a database that does (obvious choices are SQL Server Express, Postgres, and MySQL, all of which are free). By the way, all three of these do use an index for LIKE, when the pattern does not start with a wildcard character.
If you decide to use SQL Server Express, this answer should be helpful for the installation.

Lucene mutli-language analyzer/index approach

I have a working Lucene index supporting a suggestion service. When a user types into a search box it queries the index by the SUGGESTION_FIELD. Each entry in SUGGESTION_FIELD can be one of many supported languages and each is stored using an appropriate language specific analyzer. In order to know what analyzer was used there is second field per entry which stores the LOCALE. So during a query I can say something like the code below to do a language specific query using appropriate analyzer
QueryParser parser = new QueryParser(Version.LUCENE_33, SUGGESTION_FIELD, getLangaugeAnalyzer(locale));
return searcher.search(parser.parse("SUGGESTION_FIELD:" + queryString + " AND LOCALE:"
+ locale), 100);
The works.... But now the client wants to be able to search using multiple languages at once.
My Question: What would be the fastest querying solution bearing in mind that a suggestion service needs to be very fast?...
Sol. #1. The simplest solution would seem to be; do the query multiple times. Once for each locale, thereby applying the corresponding language analyser each time. Finally append the results from each query in some sensible fashion
Sol. #2. Alternatively I could re-index using a column for each locale such that:
using a different analyzer for each field (using PerFieldAnalyzerWrapper) and then query using a more complex query string such that:
"SUGGESTION_FIELD_en:" + queryString + " AND SUGGESTION_FIELD_fr:" + queryString + " AND SUGGESTION_FIELD_es:" + queryString
Please help if you think you :)
Your query is going to be something like this: (sugField:queryString1 AND locale:loc1) OR (sugField:queryString2 AND locale:loc2) OR .... This is a top-level BooleanQuery with subordinate BooleanQueries added with occurs=SHOULD, where each subordinate query has its terms with occurs=MUST. The queryString1, queryString2, etc. are the outputs from different language analyzers having the same input, the string the user entered.
Each subordinate query involves mandatory terms (from your query string) that are rare in the index and Lucene knows this at the outset (it knows the total doc count for each Term in the index) so it will first constrain the result by the queryString and then additionally intersect that with the locale terms. This will be VERY efficient no matter how large your index.
As for the different analyzers, I suggest you don't use the QueryParser, but create the entire query programmatically. This is a good general advice whenever you don't enter the query by hand and in your case it is the only way to gain control of the analyzing aspect. Run your query string through each of the language-specific analyzers and add their output tokens as TermQueries to the subordinate BooleanQueries.

Guidance on creating a basic search function in Rails3

Still pretty new to Rails and hoping to develop a function on a site enabling a search to be performed of the manner detailed below:
User inputs a search term / phrase (string of words but unlikely to be more than 5 or 6)
String is chopped into its constituent words
Entries in a single model with a description (a single field in the model) are output
Having looked at previous questions on this site, I am aware that there are a number of add-ons which are commonly used for search queries, however, are these needed in such a simple situation?
I was thinking that I could use an SQL command with a number of ANDs to perform this task?
Currently the model is stored within sqlite3, but it is probably going to grow to about 100,000 lines (just 10 fields though) in the near future if this is likely to cause problems?
Finally, is there an easy way to pull out the words of a string automatically for any length of string / up to a certain limit that is unlikely to be exceeded?
Thanks in advance for your time and patience
You can easily pull the words from a string with ruby: 'alice bob charlie'.split(/\s+/) will give you an array with the words.
Then, you can string those words together into an SQL query to find the appropriate records. It don't know about the performance of this solution though... You should definitely test it out to see if there are any performance issues.

SQL - searching database with the LIKE operator

Given your data stored somewhere in a database:
Hello my name is Tom I like dinosaurs to talk about SQL.
SQL is amazing. I really like SQL.
We want to implement a site search, allowing visitors to enter terms and return relating records. A user might search for:
And the SQL:
WHERE articleBody LIKE '%Dinosaurs%'
Copes fine with returning the correct set of records.
How would we cope however, if a user mispells dinosaurs? IE:
(Poor sore dino). How can we search allowing for error in spelling? We can associate common misspellings we see in search with the correct spelling, and then search on the original terms + corrected term, but this is time consuming to maintain.
Any way programatically?
Appears SOUNDEX could help, but can anyone give me an example using soundex where entering the search term:
Dinosores wrocks
returns records instead of doing:
WHERE articleBody LIKE '%Dinosaurs%' OR articleBody LIKE '%Wrocks%'
which would return squadoosh?
If you're using SQL Server, have a look at SOUNDEX.
For your example:
select SOUNDEX('Dinosaurs'), SOUNDEX('Dinosores')
Returns identical values (D526) .
You can also use DIFFERENCE function (on same link as soundex) that will compare levels of similarity (4 being the most similar, 0 being the least).
SELECT DIFFERENCE('Dinosaurs', 'Dinosores'); --returns 4
After hunting around a bit for a multi-text option, it seems that this isn't all that easy. I would refer you to the link on the Fuzzt Logic answer provided by #Neil Knight (+1 to that, for me!).
This stackoverflow article also details possible sources for implentations for Fuzzy Logic in TSQL. Once respondant also outlined Full text Indexing as a potential that you might want to investigate.
Perhaps your RDBMS has a SOUNDEX function? You didn't mention which one was involved here.
Just to throw an alternative out there. If SSIS is an option, then you can use Fuzzy Lookup.
SSIS Fuzzy Lookup
I'm not sure if introducing a separate "search engine" is possible, but if you look at products like the Google search appliance or Autonomy, these products can index a SQL database and provide more searching options - for example, handling misspellings as well as synonyms, search results weighting, alternative search recommendations, etc.
Also, SQL Server's full-text search feature can be configured to use a thesaurus, which might help:
Here is another SO question from someone setting up a thesaurus to handle common misspellings:
FORMSOF Thesaurus in SQL Server
Short answer, there is nothing built in to most SQL engines that can do dictionary-based correction of "fat fingers". SoundEx does work as a tool to find words that would sound alike and thus correct for phonetic misspellings, but if the user typed in "Dinosars" missing the final U, or truly "fat-fingered" it and entered "Dinosayrs", SoundEx would not return an exact match.
Sounds like you want something on the level of Google Search's "Did you mean __?" feature. I can tell you that is not as simple as it looks. At a 10,000-foot level, the search engine would look at each of those keywords and see if it's in a "dictionary" of known "good" search terms. If it isn't, it uses an algorithm much like a spell-checker suggestion to find the dictionary word that is the closest match (requires the fewest letter substitutions, additions, deletions and transpositions to turn the given word into the dictionary word). This will require some heavy procedural code, either in a stored proc or CLR Db function in your database, or in your business logic layer.
You can also try the SubString(), to eliminate the first 3 or so characters . Below is an example of how that can be achieved
SELECT Fname, Lname
FROM Table1 ,Table2
WHERE substr(Table1.Fname, 1,3) || substr(Table1.Lname,1 ,3) = substr(Table2.Fname, 1,3) || substr(Table2.Lname, 1 , 3))
ORDER BY Table1.Fname;

Searching with words one character long (MySQL)

I have a table Books in my MySQL database which has the columns Title (varchar(255)) and Edition (varchar(20)). Example values for these are "Introduction to Microeconomics" and "4".
I want to let users search for Books based on Title and Edition. So, for example they could enter "Microeconomics 4" and it would get the proper result. My question is how I should set this up on the database side.
I've been told that FULLTEXT search is generally a good way to do things like this. However, because the edition is sometimes just a single character ("4"), full text search would have to be setup to look at individual characters (ft_min_word_len = 1).. This, I've heard, is very inefficient.
So, how should I setup searches of this database?
UPDATE: I'm aware the CONCAT/LIKE could be used here.. My question is whether it would be too slow. My Books database has hundreds of thousands of books and a lot of users are going to be searching it..
here are the steps for solution
1) read the search string from user.
2) make the string in to parts according to space(" ") between the words.
3) use following query for getting the result
SELECT * FROM books WHERE Title LIKE '%part[0]%' AND Edition LIKE '%part[1]%';
here part[0] and part[1] are separated words from the given word
the PHP code for the above could be
$string_array=explode(" ",$string); //$string is the value we are searching
$select_query="SELECT * FROM books WHERE Title LIKE '%".$string_array[0]."%' AND Edition LIKE '%".$string_array[1]."%';";
for $string_array[0] it could be extended to get all the parts except last one which can be applied for the case "Introduction to Microeconomics 4"
For your application, where you're interested in just title and edition, I suspect that using a FULLTEXT index with MATCH/AGAINST and reducing the ft_min_word_len to 1 would not have that much impact performance-wise (if you were data was more verbose or user written content, then I might hesitate).
The easiest way to check is to change the value, REPAIR the table to account for the new ft_min_word_len and rebuild the index, and do some simple benchmarking.
Having said that, for your application, I might consider looking into Sphinx. It's definitely going to be magnitudes faster, and your content is relatively static, so a delay between re-indexing (Sphinx's main drawback IMO) isn't an issue. Plus, with careful usage of the wordforms and exceptions, you could map things like 4/four/fourth/IV all to the same token for improved searching.