Count all Comma In Selection or selected text - vba

I want to count all Commas "," that occur only in selected text after that I will use Count as Integer to run the loop
My question is how do i Count , as following Image shows:
I Don't know how to use split and ubound. what is wrong with following code?
Sub CountComma()
Dim x As String, count As Integer, myRange As Range
Set myRange = ActiveDocument.Range(Selection.Range.Start, Selection.Range.End)
x = Split(myRange, ",")
count = UBound(x)
Debug.Print count
End Sub

A simple split will work.
x = Split("XXX,XXX,XXX,XXX,XX,XX", ",")
Count = UBound(x)
Debug.Print Count
B/c the array starts at zero you can take to Ubound number as is.
To use a range .
x = Split(Range("A1").Value, ",")
To break down the code.
Split("A string value","Delimiter to split the string by")
And if you want a single line of code than,
x = UBound(Split(myRange, ","))

your code is wrong in the initial declaration statement of x variable as of string type , since in the subsequent statement
with x = Split(myRange, ",")
you'd want x hold the return value of Split() function which is an array (see here), thus of Variant type
so you have to use
Dim x As Variant
But you can simplify your code as follows
Option Explicit
Sub CountComma()
Dim count As Integer
count = UBound(Split(Selection, ","))
Debug.Print count
End Sub
you don't need any Range type variable to store Selection object into, being Selection the selected range already (see here)
you don't need the x Variant variable neither, feeding UBound()function (which expects an array as its first argument) directly with the Split() function which, as we saw above, returns just an array!
Finally I'd give out an alternative method of counting commas in a range
Sub CountComma()
Dim countAs Integer
count = Len(Selection) - Len(Replace(Selection, ",", ""))
Debug.Print count
End Sub

Thanks to KyloRen and Cindy Meister, Now I can use split and Ubound for Counting , in selection.text.
Following is working Code:
Sub Count_Words()
Dim WrdArray() As String, myRange As String
myRange = ActiveDocument.Range(Selection.Range.Start, Selection.Range.End)
WrdArray() = Split(myRange, ", ")
MsgBox ("Total , in the string : " & UBound(WrdArray()))
End Sub


Excel - Add sequential numbers to cell text based on line breaks

I have a worksheet that contains information on projects. The worksheet contains a column which contains risks for each project. There is a one-to-many relationship between a project and its risks.
Currently the risks for a projects are added to single cell and separated by a line break. I need to add sequential identifiers at the start of each risk. So for example inside a particular cell it should look like this. The sequential number should be bold if at all possible.
1).**Risk 1
2).**Risk 2
3).**Risk 3
Any suggestions on how to tackle this would be appreciated.
Here's how I'd approach it via UDF:
' Reformats a list from a simple delimitation to a numbered list
' Accepts arrays of strings for inList (allowing array formulas)
' numFormat is a standard Excel-style format string (default "0. ")
' inDelimiter is the delimiter in the input list
' outDelimiter is the delimiter for the output list
Public Function TO_NUMBERED_LIST(inList As Variant, Optional numFormat As Variant, _
Optional inDelimiter As Variant, Optional outDelimiter As Variant) As Variant
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer
' Set default parameters
If IsMissing(numFormat) Then numFormat = "0). "
If IsMissing(inDelimiter) Then inDelimiter = vbNewLine
If IsMissing(outDelimiter) Then outDelimiter = inDelimiter
If IsArray(inList) Then ' Must loop through each entry if using as an array formula
Dim outList() As Variant
ReDim outList(0 To (UBound(inList) - LBound(inList)), 1 To 1)
j = 0
For i = LBound(inList) To UBound(inList)
If IsError(inList(i, 1)) Then
outList(j, 1) = inList(i, 1)
outList(j, 1) = MakeNumbered(CStr(inList(i, 1)), CStr(numFormat), CStr(inDelimiter), CStr(outDelimiter))
End If
j = j + 1
TO_NUMBERED_LIST = MakeNumbered(CStr(inList), CStr(numFormat), CStr(inDelimiter), CStr(outDelimiter))
End If
End Function
' Helper function to do the actual work of splitting lists, numbering them, and recombining them
Private Function MakeNumbered(inList As String, Optional numFormat As String, _
Optional inDelimiter As String, Optional outDelimiter As String) As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim tokenArr() As String
tokenArr = Split(inList, inDelimiter)
For i = 0 To UBound(tokenArr)
tokenArr(i) = Format(i + 1, numFormat) & tokenArr(i)
MakeNumbered = Join(tokenArr, outDelimiter)
End Function
I leverage some knowledge from your previous thread, like the fact that the input might be an array (and the whole function might be used in an array formula) but will only ever be 1-dimensional.
I've made this pretty general for reformatting. It can take in lists with any input delimiter (in your case, a newline) and output using any desired delimiter (in your case, still a newline). The numFormat parameter acts using the Format function and supports formats like you would commonly see in Excel. Check the documentation if you need help there.
Default parameters have already been tweaked for your example - newline as delimiter(s) and "0). " as numbering format.
You can use the Split function on each cell value to create an array of risks and then prefix each risk with the sequence id. Then you can use the Join function to put the array back into a single value to update the cell with.
Depending on how the newlines got into the cell you might need to use vbCrLf, or vbNewLine instead of vbLf in the following example code:
Option Explicit
Sub AddRiskSequence()
Dim rngRisks As Range
Dim rngCell As Range
Dim varRisks As Variant
Dim lngIndex As Long
'set range with risk values
Set rngRisks = Sheet2.Range("B2:B4")
'iterate cells in risk column
For Each rngCell In rngRisks
'split cell contents by line feed into array
varRisks = VBA.Split(rngCell.Value, vbLf)
'iterate array and add sequence ids
For lngIndex = 0 To UBound(varRisks)
varRisks(lngIndex) = VBA.CStr(lngIndex + 1) & ") " & varRisks(lngIndex)
Next lngIndex
'rejoin array and update cell value
rngCell.Value = VBA.Join(varRisks, vbLf)
Next rngCell
End Sub

Vectorial formula for cell validation in Excel using VBA

I am writing a VBA formula to check that all characters in a cell "TestChars" are allowed, where allowed means that each character appears in a list defined by another cell "AllowedChars". To make things even harder, I would like this formula to work on ranges of cells rather than on a single cell.
The current code seems to work:
Option Explicit
Public Function AllCharsValid(InputCells As Range, AllowedChars As String) As Boolean
' Check that all characters in InputCells are among
' the characters in AllowedChars
Dim Char As String
Dim Index As Integer
Dim RangeTestChars As Range
Dim TestChars As String
For Each RangeTestChars In InputCells
TestChars = RangeTestChars.Value
For Index = 1 To Len(TestChars)
Char = Mid(TestChars, Index, 1)
If InStr(AllowedChars, Char) = 0 Then
AllCharsValid = False
Exit Function
End If
Next Index
Next RangeTestChars
AllCharsValid = True
End Function
I have the following questions:
The formula takes a range and returns a single boolean. I would prefer a vectorized function, where, given an input range, you get a corresponding range of booleans. It seems like built-in formulas like 'EXACT' can do this (those formulas where you have to press ctrl-shift-enter to execute them and where you get curly-brackets). Is there a way to do that with user-defined functions?
I am not new to programming, however I am completely new to VBA (I started literally today). Is there any obvious problem, weirdness with the above code?
Are there special characters, extremely long texts or particular input values that would cause the formula to fail?
Is there an easier way to achieve the same effect? Is the code slow?
when you start typing built-in formulas in excel you get suggestions and auto-completion. This doesn't seem to work with my formula, am I asking for too much or is it possible to achieve this?
I realize that this question contains several weakly related sub-questions, so I would be very happy also with sub-answers.
The following code will return a range of boolean values offset one column from the initial input range. Simply create a new tab in Excel and run testAllCharsValid and show the Immediate window in the IDE to see how it works.
Sub testAllCharsValid()
Dim i As Integer
Dim cll As Range, rng As Range
Dim allowedChars As String
' insert test values in sheet: for testing purposes only
With ActiveSheet ' change to Thisworkbook.Sheets("NameOfYourSheet")
Set rng = .Range("A1:A10")
For i = 1 To 10
.Cells(i, 1) = Chr(i + 92)
Next i
End With
' fill allowedChars with letters a to z: for testing purposes only
For i = 97 To 122
allowedChars = allowedChars & Chr(i)
Next i
' get boolean range
Set rng = AllCharsValid(rng, allowedChars)
' check if the returned range contains the expected boolean values
i = 0
For Each cll In rng
i = i + 1
Debug.Print i & " boolean value: " & cll.Value
Next cll
End Sub
' Check that all characters in InputCells are among
' the characters in AllowedChars
Public Function AllCharsValid(InputCells As Range, allowedChars As String) As Range
Dim BoolTest As Boolean
Dim Char As String
Dim Index As Integer
Dim RangeTestChars As Range, RangeBooleans As Range, RangeTemp As Range
Dim TestChars As String
For Each RangeTestChars In InputCells
BoolTest = True
TestChars = RangeTestChars.Value
For Index = 1 To Len(TestChars)
Char = Mid(TestChars, Index, 1)
If InStr(allowedChars, Char) = 0 Then BoolTest = False
Next Index
Set RangeTemp = RangeTestChars.Offset(0, 1) ' change offset to what suits your purpose
RangeTemp.Value = BoolTest
If RangeBooleans Is Nothing Then
Set RangeBooleans = RangeTestChars
Set RangeBooleans = Union(RangeBooleans, RangeTemp)
End If
Next RangeTestChars
Set AllCharsValid = RangeBooleans
End Function
cf 2) If the length of the test string is zero, the function will return True for the cell in question, which may not be desirable.
cf 3) There is a limit to how many characters an Excel cell can contain, read more here. I suppose, if you concatenated some very long strings and sent them to the function, you could reach the integer limit of +32767, which would cause a run-time error due to the integer Index variable. However, since the character limit of Excel cells is exactly +32767, the function should work as is without any problems.
cf 4) None that I know of.
cf 5) This is not the easiest thing to achieve, but there is help to be found here.

Read all unique values from cells in a range and create a comma separated string from them?

I have written the following function to read all unique values from cells in a range and create a comma separated string from them? Is there a better, simpler way to do this?
Private Sub CsvUniqueValues(r As Excel.Range)
Dim c As Excel.Range
Dim s As String = ""
For Each c In r.Cells
If ExcelApp.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(r, c.Value) = 1 Then
s = s & ","
End If
If s.Length > 0 Then
s = s.Substring(0, s.Length - 1)
End If
End Sub
You could use LINQ to get a list of only the unique values, like this:
Dim uniqueValues As IEnumerable = r.Cells.Where(Function(x) ExcelApp.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(r, x.Value) = 1))
Then, you could use LINQ to convert all of those unique values to strings:
Dim uniqueStrings As IEnumerable(Of String) = uniqueValues.Select(Of String)(Function(x) x.ToString())
Then you can use LINQ to convert the resulting list to an array:
Dim uniqueArray() As String = uniqueStrings.ToArray()
Then, you could use the String.Join method to combine them into a single CSV string:
Dim csv As String = String.Join(",", uniqueArray)
You could, of course, do all of this in a single command, like this:
Dim csv As String = String.Join(",",
r.Cells.Where(Function(x) ExcelApp.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(r, x.Value) = 1))
.Select(Of String)(Function(x) x.ToString())
The question, though, is whether or not you would call that "easier". LINQ is useful because it makes code easier to to read and write, but when it's taken too far, it can become less readable, thereby defeating the purpose of using it. At the very least, to make your code more clear, I would move the first part into a named function so it's more self-documenting:
Public Function GetUniqueCellValuesAsString(r As Excel.Range) As IEnumerable(Of String)
Return r.Cells.Where(
Function(x) ExcelApp.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(r, x.Value) = 1))
.Select(Of String)(Function(x) x.ToString())
End Function
Then you could just build the CSV string like this:
Dim csv As String = String.Join(",", GetUniqueCellValuesAsString(r).ToArray())
I would make use of the collection object. Since collections can only contain unique values, trying to add all of your input data to a collection will result in an array of unique values. The following modification lets CsvUniqueValues return a comma separated string from the values in any given range.
'Test function and return result in MsgBox
Sub ReturnUnique()
MsgBox CsvUniqueValues(Selection)
End Sub
'Function will return csv-string from input range
Function CsvUniqueValues(r As Range) As String
Dim Cell As Range
Dim i As Integer
Dim DistCol As New Collection
Dim s As String
'Add all distinct values to collection
On Error Resume Next
For Each Cell In r
DistCol.Add Cell.Value, Cell.Value
Next Cell
On Error GoTo 0
'Write collection to comma seperated list
For i = 1 To DistCol.Count
s = s & DistCol.Item(i) & "; "
Next i
s = Left(s, Len(s) - 2)
CsvUniqueValues = s
End Function

VBA UBound returns a negative value

I would like to know what I'm doing wrong...
I have a word document open (in word 2010) with three tables in it. I wanted to test basic table extraction in VBA and followed the instructions
Sub ExtractTableData()
Dim doc As Word.Document
Dim tbl As Word.Table
Dim rng As Word.Range
Dim sData As String
Dim aData1() As String
Dim aData2() As String
Dim aDataAll() As String
Dim nrRecs As Long
Dim nrFields As Long
Dim lRecs As Long
Dim lFields As Long
Set doc = ActiveDocument
Set tbl = doc.Tables(1)
Set rng = tbl.ConvertToText(Separator:=vbTab, _
' Pick up the delimited text into and put it into a string variable.
sData = rng.Text
' Restore the original table.
' Strip off last paragraph mark.
sData = Mid(sData, 1, Len(sData) - 1)
' Break up each table row into an array element.
aData1() = Split(sData, vbCr)
nrRecs = UBound(aData1())
' The messagebox below is for debugging purposes and tells you
' how many rows are in the table. It is commented out but can
' be used simply by uncommenting it.
'MsgBox "The table contained " & nrRecs + 1 & " rows"
'Process each row to break down the field information
'into another array.
For lRecs = LBound(aData1()) To nrRecs
aData2() = Split(aData1(lRecs), vbTab)
' We need to do this only once!
If lRecs = LBound(aData1()) Then
nrFields = UBound(aData2())
ReDim Preserve aDataAll(nrRecs, nrFields)
End If
' Now bring the row and field information together
' in a single, two-dimensional array.
For lFields = LBound(aData2()) To nrFields
aDataAll(lRecs, lFields) = aData2(j)
End Sub
I'm getting an error at this line: ReDim Preserve aDataAll(nrRecs, nrFields), which is due to "nrFields" being set to a negative value (-1)...
No idea how the upper bound of the array is a negative value... Any help on this would be much appreciated.
I figured it out - I was trying to extract a nested table. I had to cycle through all sub-tables and extract individually. Also, I had to search for and remove ^p before extraction to retain table structure.
After I had figured it out, I noticed that the MS code sample had an error: aData2(j) should actually be aData2(lFields).
Hope this helps some other newbie!
If UBound is -1 and LBound = 0, the array is empty. You can generate an empty array as follows:
Dim EmptyArray() As String
Dim s As String
EmptyArray = Split("")
Debug.Print (UBound(EmptyArray)) ' displays -1
Debug.Print (LBound(EmptyArray)) ' displays 0
In your case I suspect you need to skip the processing if the array is empty:
aData1 = Split(...)
If (UBound(aData1) < LBound(aData1) Then
' UBound is -1 and LBound is 0, array is empty, nothing to do
' Array is non-empty, do your stuff
End If
Although quite bizarre, it is possible for VARIANT SAFEARRAY to have negative lower and upper bound values for any of the dimensions. The array extent is LBound(,dimension) to UBound(,dimension).
What must be true is UBound >= LBound.
To get the array size, use UBound - LBound + 1.
It used to be convention to set the lower bound using an Option Base statement at the top of VBA code although, of course, that didn't affect arrays being returned by 3rd party libraries. Most folk used to use 1 as the lower bound.

Separating Strings delimited by vbNewLine

I'm using the code below to separate a group of strings separated by a comma (,), then saves the output in a string variable named, msg. Strings in variable msg is separated by vbNewLine.
For example:
Original string for example is fruits, contains: apple, mango, orange
after applying the function splittext(fruits)
the variable now msg contains: apple <vbNewLine> mango <vbNewLine> orange
Now, I wanted to separate the content of this msg to cell(each string).
For example, mango is in A1, apple is in A2, orange is in A3 (on a different sheet.
I tried 'ActiveWorkbooks.Sheets("Sheet2").Range("A" & i).Value = Cs(i), (see the code below). But it's not working. After the execution, the cells in the sheet2 remains unchanged. I really need your help. Thanks.
Function splittext(input_string As String) As String
Dim SptTxt As String
Dim Cs As Variant
Dim CsL As Byte
Dim CsU As Byte
Dim i As Byte
Dim col As Collection
Set col = New Collection
Cs = Split(input_string, ",")
CsL = LBound(Cs)
CsU = UBound(Cs)
Dim msg As String
For i = CsL To CsU
ReDim arr(1 To CsU)
col.Add Cs(i)
msg = msg & Cs(i) & vbNewLine
'ActiveWorkbooks.Sheets("Sheet2").Range("A" & i).Value = Cs(i)
splittext = msg
End Function
Here's your macro refactored to give the results you describe, without any looping.
Function splittext(input_string As String) As String
Dim Cs As Variant
Cs = Split(input_string, ",")
splittext = Join(Cs, vbNewLine)
' Put results into workbook
With ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet2")
Range(.[A1], .Cells(UBound(Cs) + 1, 1)).Value = Application.Transpose(Cs)
End With
End Function
Note that copying an array to a range requires a 2 dimensional array, rows x columns. Transpose is a handy function to convert a 1 dim array to a 2 dim array
Note that if you call this as a user-defined function (UDF) from a cell (as you are in the sample file) it will fail (If it is called from a VBA Sub it will work). This is because a UDF cannot modify anything in Excel, it can only return to the calling cell (there is a rather complex workaround, see this answer.) If you remove the With section it does work as a UDF.
If what you are trying to return the list into multiple cells, consider using an array function.
You have to use it like that:
ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet2").Range("A" & i+1).Value = Cs(i)
You try to write in the Cell "A0" because "i" is in the First loop zero. And this is not working because there is no cell "A0".
And you had an "s" by ActiveWorkbook.