Making http requests inside a for loop ANGULAR JS 2 - xmlhttprequest

I am trying to work with the youtube API.
In order to get the icons for the first nth videos I have to make a request.
I was thinking to make a for loop and inside that loop there would be the request.
The problem with this approach is that I am getting the responses with the wrong order and completely random.
So my question :
is there a way to make a for loop wait for a response? I am also able to work with the RxJS operators but I don't know what I should search for
Thanks in advance

You could leverage the Observable.forJoin method. In this case, the "global" callback will be called when all requests have ended.
Here is a sample:
this.http.get('/req1').map(res => res.json()),
this.http.get('/req2').map(res => res.json()),
]).subscribe(results => {
// Called when all requests have ended
var result1 = results[0];
var result2 = results[1];
In your particular use case, you can leverage in addition the flatMap operator:
this.http.get('/videos').map(res => res.json())
.flatMap(videos => {
return Observable.forkJoin( => {
return this.http.get(`/video/${}/icon`)
.map(res => res.json());
}).subscribe(results => {
// all icons received here

So I ended up using something like this.
searchVideo( videoIdArray ) {
let observableBatch = [];
let data;
let i;
let videosTempArray: Array<Video>=[];
let videoTemp: Video= {};
videosTempArray.forEach(( videoTemp, key ) => {
observableBatch.push( this.http.get(BASE_URL_VIDEO + '?part=statistics%2Csnippet' + '&id=' + videoIdArray[key].videoId + '&key=' + API_TOKEN)
.map((res: Response) => {
// console.log(key);
data = res.json();
return videosTempArray[key];
return Observable.forkJoin(observableBatch);
thanks for the help!!!


How to save just part of URL in Cypress (without domain name)

I'm writing CY test and was trying to solve it by myself for couple of hours but unsuccessfully. Could you please help me here a bit :)
Each time I run the test I'm getting new URL, e.g.
And I need to save only
/en/info/is/here/ (so without domain name)
I need to compare it later with another href.
Could you please advise me the way how to do it or at least the direction? Thanks a lot!
The cy.location() command gives you named parts, so from the example pathname is the part you need
cy.location().should((loc) => {
If you have search or hash as well
cy.location().should((loc) => {
cy.wrap(loc.pathname + + loc.hash).as('url1')
You can use .split() on the URL string.
Where you save it depends on the location of it's use.
Inside one test:
let pathname
cy.url().then((url) => url.split('/').slice(3)).as('pathname1')
cy.get('#pathname1').then(pathname1 => {
Between tests:
let pathname1
it('gets first pathname', () => {
cy.url().then((url) => pathname1 = url.split('/').slice(3))
it('uses first pathname', () => {
Use the URL interface to parse your string (also used by cy.location)
const urlString = ''
const url = new URL(urlString)
const pathname = url.pathname // yields "/en/info/is/here/"
You can use the following :
let firstUrl = null;
let secondUrl = null;
cy.url().then(url => {
firstUrl = url;
/* sometimes later */
cy.url().then(url => {
secondUrl = url;
/* sometimes later */
If you want to just compare some part of these URL I recommend you using a regex expressions.
You can use the javascript split to do this:
let partUrl
cy.url().then((url) => {
partUrl = url.split('com')[1] //saves /en/info/is/here/
You could use .replace() and the Cypress baseUrl value, and then store that value in a Cypress environment variable.
cy.url().then((url) => {
Cypress.env('someUrl', url.replace(Cypress.config('baseUrl'), '');
}).then(() => {

Using async await on promise in svelte (#await) is not returning the desired data that is formatted in a later function call

I am currently working with a API that does not return JSON. To get around this, I take the response and push it to a array ( while formatting it to remove any indentation and split each number in the response ). I then use this array of 183 numbers and run a for loop against an array with 183 characters to generate an object ( with custom key value pairs ) from the response.
Where things get confusing is when I start to use the data in my HTML. Usually you can just say <p>{data.overallRank}</p> but I am getting the error that the object is undefined. This makes sense because the data = {} was not created until the function ran.
After searching for a solution, I cam across svelte await blocks. You can read on them here and look at the tutorial :
After trying to implement this feature, I have the following code.
let playerStats = []
let proxy = ""
let url = proxy + ""
const data = {};
let promise = getPlayer();
async function getPlayer() {
return await fetch(url).then((response) => response.text())
.then((data) => {
return data;
getPlayer().then((playerData) => {
// format data
playerStats.push(playerData.replace(/\n/ig, ",").split(','));
// Begin object generation
// names array shortened
let names = ["overallRank", "overallLvl", "overallXP", "attRank", ]
const data = {};
for (var i = 0; i < playerStats[0].length; i++) {
data[names[i]] = playerStats[0][i];
{#await promise}
<p>Search for a Player...</p>
{:then data}
<p>The data is {data}</p>
I suggest throwing this code in a svelte editor which you can find here:
The issue with this code is that it is printing out the data from the return data, which returns the unformatted data and not the object.
I want to return the object that is created after the second function getplayer().then()... so I can use that object throughout my HTML.
I hope I explained things well and thank you in advance for any help.
It is returning the formatted data because that what is returned by the promise function. In order to get the formatted data, you have to add the formatting to the chain of promise
async function getPlayer() {
return await fetch(url)
.then((response) => response.text())
.then((playerData) => {
// here your transformation
// do not forget to actually return something
return data;
You were actually very close to sorting it out, just a bit of confusion regarding how promises work I believe.
All you need to do is format your data within the block where the data is handled following the fetch & decode operations:
async function getPlayer() {
return await fetch(url)
.then((response) => response.text())
.then((data) => {
return formatData(data);
Your formatData() function is essentially there already, you just need minor changes in your code:
function formatData(playerData) {
playerStats.push(playerData.replace(/\n/ig, ",").split(','));
// Begin object generation
// names array shortened
let names = ["overallRank", "overallLvl", "overallXP", "attRank", ]
const data = {};
for (var i = 0; i < playerStats[0].length; i++) {
data[names[i]] = playerStats[0][i];
return data;
Finally, you do not need to explicitly declare a promise to use it in an {#await} block, you know getPlayer() returns a promise, so you can directly use that instead:
{#await getPlayer()}
<p>Search for a Player...</p>
{:then data}
<p>Overall Rank: {data.overallRank}</p>
See functioning REPL

Apply filter to API response - vue.js

I have this method to get data from an API, which sends me information of many furniture pieces:
loadPieces() {
this.isLoading = true;
.then(r => { =;
this.isLoading = false;
.catch(error => {
this.$nextTick(() => this.loadPieces());
This is a part of the response I get, which represents only one piece:
[[{"id":266,"name":" Tray 7x45x32, white stained ash","thumbnail":{"width":840,"height":840,"urls":{"raw":"http:\/\/localhost:8888\/storage\/9c\/9d\/9c9dadc6-15a2-11e8-a80a-5eaddf2d1b4a.jpeg","small":"http:\/\/localhost:8888\/storage\/9c\/9d\/9c9dadc6-15a2-11e8-a80a-5eaddf2d1b4a#140.jpeg","medium":"http:\/\/localhost:8888\/storage\/9c\/9d\/9c9dadc6-15a2-11e8-a80a-5eaddf2d1b4a#420.jpeg"}}},
Now I want to create a filter so that I can get a specific piece from the JSON object, using it's id. I've tried searching but so far I have no idea how to do this.
Thanks in advance!
Add a computed property which applies the filter to
computed: {
filteredGallery() {
if (! return []; // handle gallery being unset in whatever way
return =>
// some reason to show picture
I'm assuming gallery is an array, but you could apply a similar technique to it if it was an object, using e.g. Object.keys(
Then in your template, use filteredGallery instead of gallery.

How to call a post method from api in a loop Angular

I am trying to do a put request to an api from array that I have. The post wants an object, and I have an array of objects. What I do is a loop itereting the length of my array of objects calling the method into my service. The problem is that just works the first one and the rest are not working. Do I should something like return promise and then call it recursively?
Here I let my method to call the api:
onUpdate() {
for (var i = 0; i < this.conditionsToUpdate.length; i++) {
this.ruleService.updateConditionsFromRule(, this.conditionsToUpdate[i])
.then(_ => {
this.notificationService.addToast('Condition Updated!', '', 2)
.catch(err => this.notificationService.handleError("Could not update the
Finally, on my Service I have my request:
updateConditionsFromRule(idRule: number, condition: ConditionUpdate):Promise<any> {
return`${this.organizationId}/rules/${idRule}/conditions`, condition)
.then(res => {
const response = <{ id: String, error: IError[] }>res.json();
if (!!response && !!response.error) {
return Promise.reject(response.error)
} else {
return Promise.resolve(response)
}).catch(err => Promise.reject(err));
And as I said, it just returns me the first post we do, the rest are not being created.
Thank you a lot!
You can use Observable for this, promises will be too limited.
given your array updateConditionsFromRule, this is how to implement such a thing:
let requests:Observable<Response>[] = [];
updateConditionsFromRule.forEach( updateCondition => {
requests.push(`${this.organizationId}/rules/${idRule}/conditions`, condition));
// After our loop, requests is an array of Observables, not triggered at the moment.
//Now we use combineLatest to convert our Observable<Response>[] to a Observable<Response[]>.
//This means that the promise will resolve once the last request of the array has finished.
.then(res => {
const response = <{ id: String, error: IError[] }>res.json();
if (!!response && !!response.error) {
return Promise.reject(response.error)
} else {
return Promise.resolve(response)
}).catch(err => Promise.reject(err));

Angular2 - Multiple dependent sequential http api calls

I am building an Angular2 app and one of the components needs to make multiple API calls which are dependent on the previous ones.
I currently have a service which makes an API call to get a list of TV shows. For each show, I then need to call a different API multiple times to step through the structure to determine if the show exists on a Plex server.
The API documentation is here
For each show, I need to make the following calls and get the correct data to determine if it exists: (Assume we have variables <TVShow>, <Season>, <Episode>)
http://baseURL/library/sections/?X-Plex-Token=xyz will tell me:
title="TV Shows" key="2"
http://baseURL/library/sections/2/all?X-Plex-Token=xyz&title=<TVShow> will tell me: key="/library/metadata/2622/children"
http://baseURL/library/metadata/2622/children?X-Plex-Token=xyz will tell me: index="<Season>" key="/library/metadata/14365/children"
http://baseURL/library/metadata/14365/children?X-Plex-Token=xyz will tell me: index="<Episode>" which implies that the episode I have exists.
The responses are in json, I have removed a lot of the excess text. At each stage I need to check that the right fields exist (<TVShow>, <Season>, <Episode>) so that they can be used for the next call. If not, I need to return that the show does not exist. If it does, I will probably want to return an id for the show.
I have looked at lots of examples including promise, async & flatmap, but am not sure how to solve this based on the other examples I have seen.
How to chain Http calls in Angular2
Angular 2.0 And Http
Angular 2 - What to do when an Http request depends on result of another Http request
Angular 2 chained Http Get Requests with Iterable Array
nodejs async: multiple dependant HTTP API calls
How to gather the result of Web APIs on nodeJS with 'request' and 'async'
Here is what I have for getting the list of shows. (shows.service.ts)
export class ShowsHttpService {
getShows(): Observable<Show[]> {
let shows$ = this._http
return shows$;
function mapShows(response:Response): Show[] {
return response.json();
function toShow(r:any): Show {
let show = <Show>({
episode: r.episode,
show_name: r.show_name,
season: r.season,
available : false, // I need to fill in this variable if the show is available when querying the Plex API mentioned above.
// My best guess is here would be the right spot to call the Plex API as we are dealing with a single show at a time at this point, but I cannot see how.
return show;
Here is the relevant code from the component (shows.component.ts)
public getShows():any {
.subscribe(w => this.shows = w);
Bonus points
Here are the obvious next questions that are interesting, but not necessary:
The first API query will be much faster than waiting for all of the other queries to take place (4 queries * ~10 shows). Can the initial list be returned and then updated with the available status when it is ready.
The first Plex call to get the key="2" only needs to be performed once. It could be hard coded, but instead, can it be performmed once and remembered?
Is there a way to reduce the number of API calls? I can see that I could remove the show filter, and search through the results on the client, but this doesn't seam ideal either.
The 4 calls for each show must be done sequentially, but each show can be queried in parallel for speed. Is this achievable?
Any thoughts would be much appreciated!
Not sure if I totally understand your question, but here is what I do:
I make the first http call, then when the subscribe fires, it calls completeLogin. I could then fire another http call with its own complete function and repeat the chain.
Here is the component code. The user has filled in the login information and pressed login:
onSubmit() {
console.log(' in on submit'); = this.loginForm.controls["email"].value;
this.localUser.password = this.loginForm.controls["password"].value;
this.loginMessage = "";
checkUserValidation() {
.subscribe(loggedIn => {
console.log("in logged in user validation")
if(loggedIn.error != null || loggedIn.error != undefined || loggedIn.error != "") {
this.loginMessage = loggedIn.error;
This calls the loginservice ValidateUser method
validateUser(localUser: LocalUser) {
this.errorMessage = ""; =;
var parm = "validate~~~" + + "/"
var creds = JSON.stringify(;
var headers = new Headers();
headers.append("content-type", this.constants.jsonContentType);
console.log("making call to validate"); + parm, { headers: headers })
.map((response: Response) => {
console.log("json = " + response.json());
var res = response.json();
var result = <AdminResponseObject>response.json();
console.log(" result: " + result);
return result;
aro => {
this.aro = aro
error => {
console.log("in error");
var errorObject = JSON.parse(error._body);
this.errorMessage = errorObject.error_description;
() => this.completeValidateUser(localUser));
console.log("done with post");
completeValidateUser(localUser: LocalUser) {
if (this.aro != undefined) {
if (this.aro.errorMessage != null && this.aro.errorMessage != "") {
console.log("aro err " + this.aro.errorMessage);
this.setLoggedIn({ email:, password: localUser.password, error: this.aro.errorMessage });
} else {
console.log("log in user");
} else {
In my login service I make a call to the authorization service which returns an observable of token.
loginUser(localUser: LocalUser) {
token => {
console.log('token = ' + token)
this.token = token
error => {
var errorObject = JSON.parse(error._body);
this.errorMessage = errorObject.error_description;
this.setLoggedIn({ email: "", password: "", error: this.errorMessage });
() => this.completeLogin(localUser));
In the authorization service:
loginUser(localUser: LocalUser): Observable<Token> {
var email =;
var password = localUser.password;
var headers = new Headers();
headers.append("content-type", this.constants.formEncodedContentType);
var creds:string = this.constants.grantString + email + this.constants.passwordString + password;
return, creds, { headers: headers })
.map(res => res.json())
The point here in this code, is to first call the validateUser method of the login service, upon response, based on the return information, if its valid, I call the loginUser method on the login service. This chain could continue as long as you need it to. You can set class level variables to hold the information that you need in each method of the chain to make decisions on what to do next.
Notice also that you can subscribe to the return in the service and process it there, it doesn't have to return to the component.
Okay, Here goes:
public getShows():any {
w => this.shows = w,
error => this.errorMessage = error,
() => this.completeGetShows());
completeGetShow() {
//any logic here to deal with previous get;
w => this.??? = w),
error => this.error = error,
() => this.completeGet#2);
completeGet#2() {
//any logic here to deal with previous get;
w => this.??? = w),
error => this.error = error,
() => this.completeGet#3);
completeGet#3() {
//any logic here to deal with previous get;
//another http: call like above to infinity....