Oracle:Difference between NULL and EMPTY string - sql

I am in a situation where my query is not returning any values due to oracle behaviour.
Problem is this:Oracle considers EMPTY STRING as NULL when INSERTING DATA but not when SELECTING BACK the data.
This is not a duplicate of Why does Oracle 9i treat an empty string as NULL? because here i am not asking for the reason to this problem,i am well aware of the reason,i am asking for a solution to this problem.
This is my table structure
ID NUMBER not null,
when inserting the values oracle will accept
INSERT INTO TEST values(1,'');
I found out that internally oracle converts Strings of Zero length to NULL and stores
But my query
(Input is passed from front end and will sometimes have empty string)
will not return any result
I can not write dynamic query due to performance issue
Somebody who faced this issue before please let me know how do i compare EMPTY STRING with NULL

The problem is that Oracle (by default) treats empty strings as NULL. Hence:
where name = ''
is the same as:
where name = NULL
and both always fail (because they return NULL).
You can fix this in various ways. One method is:
where (name = INPUT or name is null and INPUT is null)
Or, if you know there is an invalid name:
where coalesce(name, '<invalid>') = coalesce(INPUT, '<invalid>')

This is one of the most annoying features of Oracle - not found in other DB products. You will have to put up with it, for all the other massive advantages of Oracle - and be prepared that the learning curve is not very quick.
To check for equality of nulls, the best approach is to write explicitly what you are doing, instead of using gimmicks. For example:
This will make it a lot easier for yourself, and for others after you, to debug, maintain, and modify the code, now and especially later. There are other solutions, too, but they may confuse others in the future; for example, this is something I wouldn't use (for several reasons):
... where NAME || 'z' = INPUT || 'z'
although it would obviously achieve the same result with less typing.
One more thing, in most cases you should NOT include in your results rows where you treat NULL as "equal" - the values are NULL for a reason, and in most cases if you make two NULL's equal, that is NOT the intended result.


Why is SQL Server returning a nullable bit when CASE is used? [duplicate]

I'm trying to create a view where I want a column to be only true or false. However, it seems that no matter what I do, SQL Server (2008) believes my bit column can somehow be null.
I have a table called "Product" with the column "Status" which is INT, NULL. In a view, I want to return a row for each row in Product, with a BIT column set to true if the Product.Status column is equal to 3, otherwise the bit field should be false.
Example SQL
END AS bit) AS HasStatus
FROM dbo.Product
If I save this query as a view and look at the columns in Object Explorer, the column HasStatus is set to BIT, NULL. But it should never be NULL. Is there some magic SQL trick I can use to force this column to be NOT NULL.
Notice that, if I remove the CAST() around the CASE, the column is correctly set as NOT NULL, but then the column's type is set to INT, which is not what I want. I want it to be BIT. :-)
You can achieve what you want by re-arranging your query a bit. The trick is that the ISNULL has to be on the outside before SQL Server will understand that the resulting value can never be NULL.
CASE Status
END AS bit), 0) AS HasStatus
FROM dbo.Product
One reason I actually find this useful is when using an ORM and you do not want the resulting value mapped to a nullable type. It can make things easier all around if your application sees the value as never possibly being null. Then you don't have to write code to handle null exceptions, etc.
FYI, for people running into this message, adding the ISNULL() around the outside of the cast/convert can mess up the optimizer on your view.
We had 2 tables using the same value as an index key but with types of different numerical precision (bad, I know) and our view was joining on them to produce the final result. But our middleware code was looking for a specific data type, and the view had a CONVERT() around the column returned
I noticed, as the OP did, that the column descriptors of the view result defined it as nullable and I was thinking It's a primary/foreign key on 2 tables; why would we want the result defined as nullable?
I found this post, threw ISNULL() around the column and voila - not nullable anymore.
Problem was the performance of the view went straight down the toilet when a query filtered on that column.
For some reason, an explicit CONVERT() on the view's result column didn't screw up the optimizer (it was going to have to do that anyway because of the different precisions) but adding a redundant ISNULL() wrapper did, in a big way.
All you can do in a Select statement is control the data that the database engine sends to you as a client. The select statement has no effect on the structure of the underlying table. To modify the table structure you need to execute an Alter Table statement.
First make sure that there are currently no nulls in that bit field in the table
Then execute the following ddl statement:
Alter Table dbo.Product Alter column status bit not null
If, otoh, all you are trying to do is control the output of the view, then what you are doing is sufficient. Your syntax will guarantee that the output of the HasStatus column in the views resultset will in fact never be null. It will always be either bit value = 1 or bit value = 0. Don't worry what the object explorer says...

Set default value for WHERE clause for specific columns

Suppose I've created a table like this:
a1 TEXT,
a2 TEXT,
. . .
an TEXT,
data TEXT
I need to make SELECT queries like this:
a1="..." and a2="..." and . . . and an="..."
selecting a specific value of data, with all a values specified.
There are a lot of as that have some value that I consider default.
Is there a way to add some kind of statement to the table or the query that will use some default value for as which are not explicitly constrained in the where clause? For example, so that if I don't write a1="b" after where I get only rows where a1 is equal to "b", rather than any value, but if I write a1="c" I get those.
The default is the same for all as.
The best solution for me would be to bake the default into the table or the database file.
Is there a way to add some kind of statement to the table or the query
that will use some default value for as which are not explicitly
constrained in the where clause?
Short answer: No.
Based off of what you said here:
For example, so that if I don't write a1="b" after where
I'm thinking you might be running this query often, maybe even manually, and you want to pass in some different values. If this is indeed the case, you can pass parameters in and use some variables to handle this.
What you can do, is have a CASE statement in that WHERE to help. Consider the following:
THEN a1 = %s
ELSE a1 = 'b'
[AND/OR] <other constraints here>
Now, the syntax of how you actually do this will vary, based on what you're actually using to execute your queries. Are they being ran from a python program? something in .net? etc etc
Also, you wouldn't have to strictly stick to the IS NOT NULL I used there, you could have some other values to do other things with. Up to you.
To Shawn's point in the comments, if %s, the argument being passed in, is either NOT NULL or a legitmate value, then ifnull() would be a cleaner alternative for this case statement. Example below:
a1 = ifnull(%s, 'b')

PL/SQL Oracle condition equals

I think I'm encountering a fairly simple problem in PL/SQL on an Oracle Database(10g) and I'm hoping one of you guys can help me out.
I'm trying to explain this as clear as possible, but it's hard for me.
When I try to compare varchar2 values of 2 different tables to check if I need to create a new record or I can re-use the ID of the existing one, the DB (or I) compares these values in a wrong way. All is fine when both the field contain a value, this results in 'a' = 'a' which it understands. But when both fields are NULL (or '' which Oracle will turn into NULL) it can not compare the fields.
I found a 'solution' to this problem but I'm certain there is a better way.
iReUsableID INT;
SELECT * INTO rowTable1
So NVL changes the null value to ' ' after which it will compare in the right way.
Thanks in advance,
You can use LNNVL function ( and reverse the condition:
Your method is fine, unless one of the values could be a space. The "standard" way of doing the comparison is to explicitly compare to NULL:
WHERE col1 = col2 or col1 is null and col2 is null
In Oracle, comparisons on strings are encumbered by the fact that Oracle treats the empty string as NULL. This is a peculiarity of Oracle and not a problem in other databases.
In Oracle (or any RDBMS I believe), one NULL is not equal to another NULL. Therefore, you need to use the workaround that you have stated if you want to force 2 NULL values to be considered the same. Additionally, you might want to default NULL values to '' (empty) rather than ' ' (space).
From Wikipedia (originally the ISO spec, but I couldn't access it):
Since Null is not a member of any data domain, it is not considered a "value", but rather a marker (or placeholder) indicating the absence of value. Because of this, comparisons with Null can never result in either True or False, but always in a third logical result, Unknown.
As mentioned by Jan Spurny, you can use LNNVL for comparison. However, it would be wrong to say that a comparison is actually being made when both values being compared are NULL.
This is indeed a simple and usable way to compare nulls.
You cannot compare NULLS directly since NULL is not equal NULL.
You must provide your own logic who you would like to compare, what you've done with NVL().
Take in mind, you are treating NULLS as space, so ' ' in one table would be equal to NULL in another table in your case.
There are some other ways (e.g. LNNVL ) but they are not some kind of a "better" way, I think.

How to make a view column NOT NULL

I'm trying to create a view where I want a column to be only true or false. However, it seems that no matter what I do, SQL Server (2008) believes my bit column can somehow be null.
I have a table called "Product" with the column "Status" which is INT, NULL. In a view, I want to return a row for each row in Product, with a BIT column set to true if the Product.Status column is equal to 3, otherwise the bit field should be false.
Example SQL
END AS bit) AS HasStatus
FROM dbo.Product
If I save this query as a view and look at the columns in Object Explorer, the column HasStatus is set to BIT, NULL. But it should never be NULL. Is there some magic SQL trick I can use to force this column to be NOT NULL.
Notice that, if I remove the CAST() around the CASE, the column is correctly set as NOT NULL, but then the column's type is set to INT, which is not what I want. I want it to be BIT. :-)
You can achieve what you want by re-arranging your query a bit. The trick is that the ISNULL has to be on the outside before SQL Server will understand that the resulting value can never be NULL.
CASE Status
END AS bit), 0) AS HasStatus
FROM dbo.Product
One reason I actually find this useful is when using an ORM and you do not want the resulting value mapped to a nullable type. It can make things easier all around if your application sees the value as never possibly being null. Then you don't have to write code to handle null exceptions, etc.
FYI, for people running into this message, adding the ISNULL() around the outside of the cast/convert can mess up the optimizer on your view.
We had 2 tables using the same value as an index key but with types of different numerical precision (bad, I know) and our view was joining on them to produce the final result. But our middleware code was looking for a specific data type, and the view had a CONVERT() around the column returned
I noticed, as the OP did, that the column descriptors of the view result defined it as nullable and I was thinking It's a primary/foreign key on 2 tables; why would we want the result defined as nullable?
I found this post, threw ISNULL() around the column and voila - not nullable anymore.
Problem was the performance of the view went straight down the toilet when a query filtered on that column.
For some reason, an explicit CONVERT() on the view's result column didn't screw up the optimizer (it was going to have to do that anyway because of the different precisions) but adding a redundant ISNULL() wrapper did, in a big way.
All you can do in a Select statement is control the data that the database engine sends to you as a client. The select statement has no effect on the structure of the underlying table. To modify the table structure you need to execute an Alter Table statement.
First make sure that there are currently no nulls in that bit field in the table
Then execute the following ddl statement:
Alter Table dbo.Product Alter column status bit not null
If, otoh, all you are trying to do is control the output of the view, then what you are doing is sufficient. Your syntax will guarantee that the output of the HasStatus column in the views resultset will in fact never be null. It will always be either bit value = 1 or bit value = 0. Don't worry what the object explorer says...

Invalid Number Error! Can't seem to get around it

Oracle 10g DB. I have a table called s_contact. This table has a field called person_uid. This person_uid field is a varchar2 but contains valid numbers for some rows and in-valid numbers for other rows. For instance, one row might have a person_uid of '2-lkjsdf' and another might be 1234567890.
I want to return just the rows with valid numbers in person_uid. The SQL I am trying is...
select person_uid
from s_contact
where decode(trim(translate(person_uid, '1234567890', ' ')), null, 'n', 'c') = 'n'
The translate replaces all numbers with spaces so that a trim will result in null if the field only contained numbers. Then I use a decode statement to set a little code to filter on. n=number, c=char.
This seems to work when I run just a preview, but I get an 'invalid number' error when I add a filter of...
and person_uid = 100
-- or
and to_number(person_uid) = 100
I just don't understand what is happening! It should be filtering out all the records that are invalid numbers and 100 is obviously a number...
Any ideas anyone? Greatly Appreciated!
Unfortunately, the various subquery approaches that have been proposed are not guaranteed to work. Oracle is allowed to push the predicate into the subquery and then evaluate the conditions in whatever order it deems appropriate. If it happens to evaluate the PERSON_UID condition before filtering out the non-numeric rows, you'll get an error. Jonathan Gennick has an excellent article Subquery Madness that discusses this issue in quite a bit of detail.
That leaves you with a few options
1) Rework the data model. It's generally not a good idea to store numbers in anything other than a NUMBER column. In addition to causing this sort of issue, it has a tendency to screw up the optimizer's cardinality estimates which leads to less than ideal query plans.
2) Change the condition to specify a string value rather than a number. If PERSON_UID is supposed to be a string, your filter condition could be PERSON_UID = '100'. That avoids the need to perform the implicit conversion.
3) Write a custom function that does the string to number conversion and ignores any errors and use that in your code, i.e.
RETURN to_number( p_arg );
WHEN others THEN
and then my_to_number(PERSION_UID) = 100
4) Use a subquery that prevents the predicate from being pushed. This can be done in a few different ways. I personally prefer throwing a ROWNUM into the subquery, i.e. building on OMG Ponies' solution
WITH valid_persons AS (
SELECT TO_NUMBER(c.person_uid) 'person_uid',
WHERE REGEXP_LIKE(c.personuid, '[[:digit:]]'))
FROM valid_persons vp
WHERE vp.person_uid = 100
Oracle can't push the vp.person_uid = 100 predicate into the subquery here because doing so would change the results. You could also use hints to force the subquery to be materialized or to prevent predicate pushing.
Another alternative is to combine the predicates:
where case when translate(person_uid, '1234567890', ' ')) is null
then to_number(person_uid) end = 100
When you add those numbers to the WHERE clause it's still doing those checks. You can't guarantee the ordering within the WHERE clause. So, it still tries to compare 100 to '2-lkjsdf'.
Can you use '100'?
Another option is to apply a subselect
select person_uid
from s_contact
where decode(trim(translate(person_uid, '1234567890', ' ')), null, 'n', 'c') = 'n'
Regular expressions to the rescue!
where regexp_like (person_uid, '^[0-9]+$')
Use the first part of your query to generate a temp table. Then query the temp table based on person_uid = 100 or whatever.
The problem is that oracle tries to convert each person_uid to an int as it gets to it due to the additional and statement in your where clause. This behavior may or may not show up in the preview depending on what records where picked.