Magento 2 less workflow suggestions - less

I'm having a hard time locating specific style rules in less, what is the ideal workflow for quickly finding and modifying the rules and structure of the default less files?

The Magento Documentation is pretty helpful here -
Source maps are probably the best LESS debugging tool.
For client side compilation configure options in lib/web/less/config.less.js.
The option you want is:
Type: String Options: ''| 'comments'|'mediaquery'|'all' Default: ''
When set, this adds source line information to the output css file. This helps you debug where a particular rule came from.
If you want server side compilation, you can use grunt which is built in to Magento 2. Checkout the dev/tools/grunt/configs/less.js file, it shows
var lessOptions = {
options: {
sourceMap: true,
strictImports: false,
sourceMapRootpath: '/',
dumpLineNumbers: false, // use 'comments' instead false to output
The documentation will step you through using Grunt, or setting up client side less compilation.


Webpack - Redirecting multiple pages

I have some pdf files on my website, lets call them a,b,c,d (all ending with .pdf).
These files don't sit all under the same path (there is a total of 3 different directories), for example we have
I have the following alias dictionary:
name_conversions = {
'first_name' : 'first_dir/a.pdf'
'other_name' : 'first_dir/b.pdf'
'another_name' : 'second_dir/c.pdf'
'yet_another_name' : 'third_dir/d.pdf'
and I want to create redirections according to this dictionary, so that when we access we get redirected to, and same goes for the other entries.
How can this be done in webpack? If this can't be done in webpack what are the alternatives, that hopefully don't require me making a lot of new files, one per pdf, and don't require creating copies of these pdfs.
I've seen people use webpack proxy for this, but this is not for production from what I understood, and only for development.
Update: I found a plugin for doing redirects, but I can seem to find how to use it.
I found out I can use the package redirect-webpack-plugin.
All I need to do is the following:
module.exports = {
plugins: [
new RedirectWebpackPlugin({
redirects: name_conversions

"Could not get Timeline data" when using Timeline Visualization with Comma IDE

After implementing the answer to this question on how to set up a script for time visualization in this project (which uses a small extension to the published Log::Timeline that allows me to set the logging file from the program itself), I still get the same error
12:18 Timeline connection error: Could not get timeline data: Conexión rehusada
(which means refused connection). I've also checked the created files, and they are empty, they don't receive anything. I'm using this to log:
class Events does Log::Timeline::Event['ConcurrentEA', 'App', 'Log'] { }
(as per the file). It's probably the case that there's no such thing as a default implementation, as shown in the tests, but, in that case, what would be the correct way of making it print to the file and also connect to the timeline visualizer?
If you want to use the timeline visualization, leave the defaults for logging, commenting out any modification of the standard logging output. In my case:
# =
# path => log-file
# )
Not really sure if this would have happened if an output file is defined using an environment variable, but in any case, better to be on the safe side. You can use the output file when you eventually drop the script into production.

Basic usage of modules in puppet with hiera

I want to use puppet to manage some servers. Even after reading dozens of documentation pages, it is not clear to me how to use modules and how to use them with hiera. As first experiment I wanted a user "admin" to be created on one node and found this module ->
My /etc/puppet/hiera.yaml looks as simple as this
- yaml
- node/%{::fqdn}
- common
:datadir: /etc/puppet/hieradata
My /etc/puppet/hieradata/node/ contains this
uid: 1010
comment: admin
comment: ad
type: ssh-rsa
This worked after I put this in my /etc/puppet/manifests/site.pp
ssh_keys => hiera_hash('accounts::ssh_keys', {}),
users => hiera_hash('accounts::users', {}),
usergroups => hiera_hash('accounts::usergroups', {}),
Is this good practice? To me it feels wrong to put that stuff into site.pp since it gets messed up when I later use more modules. But where else to put it? I also don't understand how this separates data from logic, since I have data in both, and site.pp (admin). Some help would be great..
To understand what hiera is, you should think simply that Hiera is a DATABASE for puppet, a database of Variables/values and nothing more.
For a beginner I would suggest to focus on other parts of the system, like how to create modules! and how to manage your needs (without complexity) and then slowly build the "smart" recipes or the reusable ones...
Your puppet will first sick for a file called sites.pp (usually is on your main $confdir (puppet.conf variable. I am not going to mention environments it is for later.)
e path is /etc/puppet inside that directory, you have a directory manifests. There is the place for your sites.pp
usually a sites.pp structure is:
node default {
include *module*
include *module2*
node /server\.fqdn\.local/ {
include *module2*
include *module3*
this means that you have a default Node (if the node name doesn't fit any other node, will use the default, otherwise it will use the regex matching of the node FQDN in this case server.fqdn.local.
The modules (module, module2 and module3) are stored inside the $modulespath set on your puppet.conf. In our case i will use the: /etc/puppet/modules
the tree will look like:
generally what i explained but from puppet labs:
Please note that the example from the README
class { 'accounts':
ssh_keys => hiera_hash('accounts::ssh_keys', {}),
users => hiera_hash('accounts::users', {}),
usergroups => hiera_hash('accounts::usergroups', {}),
is catering to users of Puppet versions before 3.x which had no automatic parameter lookup. With a recent version, you should just use this manifest:
include accounts
Since the Hiera keys have appropriate names, Puppet will look them up implicitly.
This whole thing still makes no sense to me. Since I have to put
in a manifest file to create that user, what for is hiera useful in this case? It doesn't separate data from logic. I have data in both, the .yaml file (ssh keys, other account data) and in a manifest file (the snippet above). By using hiera I expect to be able to create that user inside /etc/puppet/hieradata/node/ but this is not the case. What is the right way to do this? What for is the example hiera file of this module useful? Wouldn't it be easier create an account the old style way in site.pp?

Is it possible to use dojo/text! in an Intern functional test?

Is it possible to use "dojo/text!" in an Intern functional test?
I am able to setup my test page as a JSON string, but ideally I'd like to externalise the string in a file for ease of editing. I'm just getting started with Intern at the moment so I'm just experimenting with what's possible, but here is the start of my test code).
This works with the commented "testData" variable used, but is currently failing when I try to provide the same String by the dojo/text! statement.
], function (registerSuite, assert, PageConfig, require) {
name: 'firstTest',
'greeting form': function () {
var testData = PageConfig;
// var testData = '{"widgets":[{"name":"alfresco/menus/AlfMenuBar","config":{"widgets":[{"name":"alfresco/menus/AlfMenuBarPopup","config":{"id":"DD1","label":"Drop-Down","iconClass":"alf-configure-icon","widgets":[{"name":"alfresco/menus/AlfMenuGroup","config":{"label":"Group 1","widgets":[{"name":"alfresco/menus/AlfMenuItem","config":{"label":"Item 1","iconClass":"alf-user-icon"}},{"name":"alfresco/menus/AlfMenuItem","config":{"label":"Item 2","iconClass":"alf-password-icon"}}]}},{"name":"alfresco/menus/AlfMenuGroup","config":{"label":"Group 2","widgets":[{"name":"alfresco/menus/AlfMenuItem","config":{"label":"Item 3","iconClass":"alf-help-icon"}}]}}]}}]}}]}';
var testPage = 'http://localhost:8081/share/page/tp/ws/unittest?testdata=';
return this.remote
.get(testPage + testData)
.waitForElementByCssSelector('.alfresco-core-Page.allWidgetsProcessed', 5000)
The error I'm getting is this:
throw new Error('Failed to load module ' + module.mid + ' from ' + url +
Error: Failed to load module dojo/text from /home/dave/ScratchPad/ShareInternTests/dojo/text.js (parent: dojo/text!17!*)
at /home/dave/ScratchPad/ShareInternTests/node_modules/intern/node_modules/dojo/dojo.js:742:12
at fs.js:207:20
at Object.oncomplete (fs.js:107:15)
I've tried playing around with the loader/package/map configuration but without any success. It's not clear (to me at least) from the error message whether or not it can't find the file I'm passing to dojo/text (but I've tried full as well as relative paths) or the Dojo module itself ?
I'd just like to confirm that what I'm attempting is possible, before I spend any more time with this... but obviously any solution or example would be greatly appreciated!!
Many thanks,
To your specific error: You need to install Dojo for your own project if you want to use it. You are trying to load a module that does not exist. You may also try using the copy that comes with Intern, by loading modules from intern/dojo, but this isn’t recommended if you don’t understand the potential caveats of loading this internal library.
To using dojo/text in a functional test, generally: This is not currently possible unless you use the Geezer branch or explicitly use the Dojo 1 loader, because that module relies on functionality that is only exposed by the Dojo 1 loader when running in Node.js. A different text loader module that is fully generic would work, or you could load intern/dojo/node!fs and load the text yourself. This will be addressed in the future.
I just came across the same issue and for me this worked:
], function (declare, base) {
Seems as if Sitepen has included this in the meantime...

How to use a dependency of a module within a Play app

I am writing a Play Framework module in order to share some common logic among multiple Play apps. One of the things I would like my module to do is provide some frequently-used functionality by way of 3rd-party modules, for example the excellent Markdown module.
First of all, is it possible to do this? I want all the apps that include my module to be able to use the .markdown().raw() String extension without needing to explicitly declare the Markdown module as a dependency. The Play Framework Cookbook chapter 5 seems to imply that it is possible, unless I am reading it wrong.
Secondly, if it is possible, how does it work? I have created the following vanilla example case, but I'm still getting errors.
I created a new, empty application "myapp", and a new, empty module "mymod", both in the same parent directory. I then modified mymod/conf/dependencies.yml to:
self: mymod -> mymod 0.1
- play
- play -> markdown [1.5,)
I ran play deps on mymod and it successfully downloaded and installed the Markdown module. Running play build-module also worked fine with no errors.
Then, I modified myapp/conf/dependencies.yml to:
# Application dependencies
- play
- mymod -> mymod 0.1
- Local Modules:
type: local
artifact: ${application.path}/../[module]
- mymod
I ran play deps on myapp and it successfully found mymod, and generated the myapp/modules/mymod file, containing the absolute path to mymod.
I ran myapp using play run and was able to see the welcome page on http://localhost:9000/. So far so good.
Next, I modified myapp/app/views/Application/index.html to:
#{extends 'main.html' /}
#{set title:'Home' /}
${"This is _MarkDown_, by [John Gruber](".markdown().raw()}
I restarted myapp, and now I get the following error.
09:03:23,425 ERROR ~
Internal Server Error (500) for request GET /
Template execution error (In /app/views/Application/index.html around line 4)
Execution error occured in template /app/views/Application/index.html. Exception raised was MissingMethodException : No signature of method: java.lang.String.markdown() is applicable for argument types: () values: [].
play.exceptions.TemplateExecutionException: No signature of method: java.lang.String.markdown() is applicable for argument types: () values: []
at play.templates.BaseTemplate.throwException(
at play.templates.GroovyTemplate.internalRender(
at play.templates.Template.render(
at play.templates.GroovyTemplate.render(
at play.mvc.results.RenderTemplate.<init>(
at play.mvc.Controller.renderTemplate(
at play.mvc.Controller.renderTemplate(
at play.mvc.Controller.render(
at controllers.Application.index(
at play.mvc.ActionInvoker.invokeWithContinuation(
at play.mvc.ActionInvoker.invoke(
at play.mvc.ActionInvoker.invokeControllerMethod(
at play.mvc.ActionInvoker.invokeControllerMethod(
at play.mvc.ActionInvoker.invoke(
at Invocation.HTTP Request(Play!)
Caused by: groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: java.lang.String.markdown() is applicable for argument types: () values: []
at /app/views/Application/index.html.(line:4)
at play.templates.GroovyTemplate.internalRender(
... 13 more
And just to confirm I'm not crazy, I tried adding the play -> markdown [1.5,) line to myapp/conf/dependencies.yml and restarted the app, and confirmed that it works.
I feel like I'm missing something obvious. Many thanks in advance to anyone who can help! :)
Yes I had the same problem, it seems that transitive dependencies through custom home made modules does not work