Conditional Probability with Powerpivot - powerpivot

my major goal is to calculate Conditional Probability over a large number of rows. Hence the use of Powerpivot.
Attached is an excel file with 10 rows as an example of how I did it in Excel.
My challenge is the formula in column F which I will then be needing to calculate column G.

Can you check the solution
Main Formulas:
Calculate a Total, without filtering BRAND and UPS (calculated measure)
Sum IF UPC (calculated column):
=CALCULATE([Total],filter(ALL(Fact),Fact[UPC]= EARLIER(Fact[UPC]) ))


Proportions for multiple subcategories

I am trying to calculate proportions with multiple subcategories. As seen in the screenshot below, the series is grouped by ['budget_levels', 'revenue_levels'].
I would like to calculate the proportion for each.
For example,
budget_levels=='low' & revenue_levels=='low' / budget_levels=='low'
budget_levels=='low' & revenue_levels=='medium' / budget_levels=='low'
However, not getting the desired output.
Is there any way I could do this calculation for each with a simple one-line code such as .apply(lambda) function?
Use value_counts to get the number of occurences of each combination. Then group by the column budget_levels and divide the observations in each group by their sum. sort_index makes it easier to compare the groups.
df.value_counts().groupby(level=0).transform(lambda x: x / x.sum()).sort_index()

Can I use dataframes as Input for functions?

I am currently trying to find optimal portfolio weights by optimizing a utility function that depends on those weights. I have a dataframe of containing the time series of returns, named rets_optns. rets_optns has 100 groups of 8 assets (800 columns - 1st group column 1 to 8, 2nd group column 9 to 16). I also have a dataframe named rf_options with 100 columns that present the corresponding risk free rate for each group of returns. I want to create a new dataframe composed by the portfolio's returns, using this formula: p. returns= rf_optns+sum(weights*rets_optns). It should have 100 columns and each columns should represent the returns of a portfolio composed by 8 assets belonging to the same group. I currently have:
def pret(rf,weights,rets):
return rf+np.sum(weights*(rets-rf))
It does not work

Calculate a % of a field

Using quicksight, I'd like to create the % of my total revenues vs delta of loss.
Basically, I've a field, where inside there are all the economics (so not just revenues but also costs). I'm successfully filtering it to have 2 columns, one for Revenues and one for costs. Revenues came adding these filters to different categories field I've in the system:
Pl_cat --> filtered as "1-revenues" and "2-Expenses"
bu_F --> filtered as "1-work"
Report_super_category --> filters as "1-Coworking"
Act_Bud --> filtered as "Actual"
Applying all these filters to fy_total (field that held all my numbers), using a month field for the X axes, and multiplying costs *-1, I get the correct revenues and costs numbers in columns a table split by month.
Also, using fy_total withouth any calcs, I get the delta by month (leaving those filters applied of course).
What i'd to do now is, getting the % of that delta over those filter revenues.
Example: Total month revenues (all fields, no filters): 1M
Applying those filters and a calculated field where Expenses are multiplied by -1, I get the revenues and expenses for 1-Coworking under 1-Work in 2 columns, let's say 600K for Revenues and 400K for expenses.
Also Using fy_total withouth any calculated fyeld, I get its delta: 600K-400K = 200K
I want to transform those 200K in 200/600 = 33%
I've added an image of my current situation, I'm using quicksight which is also based on SQL presto language
Thank you guys!

Parse data from Morningstar Direct to worksheet

I have to put together a report every quarter using data pulled off of Morningstar Direct. I have to automate the whole process, or at least parts of it. We have put this report together for the last two quarters, and we use the same format each time. So, we already have the general templates for the report - now I'm just looking for a way to pull the data from Morningstar and putting into the templates correctly.
Does anyone have any general idea where I should start?
Group Name Weight Gross Net Contribution
Equity 25% 10% 8% .25
IBM 5% 15% 12%
AAPL 7% 23% 18%
Fixed Income 25% 5% 4% .17
10 Yr Bond 10% 7% 5%
Emerging Mrkts
And it goes on breaking things into more groups, and there are many more holdings within each group.
What I want it to do is search until it finds "Equity", for example, and then go over one row, grab the name of the position, its weight, and its net return, and do that for each holding in Equity. The for it to do the same thing in Fixed Income, and on and on - selecting the names, weights, and nets for each holding. Then copy and pasting them into another workbook.
Anyway that is possible?
It sounds like you need to parse your information. By using left(), right(), and mid() you can select the good data and ignore the superfluous. You could separate the data in one cell into multiple cells in the desired format.
Name Address
John Q. Public 123 My Street, City, State, Zip
E (First Name) F (Middle Initial) (extra work to program missing data)
=LEFT(A2,FIND(" ",A2)) =MID(A2,LEN(E2)+1,FIND(" ",MID(A2,LEN(E2)-1,99)))
G (Last Name) H (City)
=MID(A2,(LEN(E2)+LEN(F2)+2),99) =MID(B2,LEN(H2)+2,FIND(",",MID(B2,LEN(H2)+2,99))-1)
I (State)
J (Zip Code)
This code will parse the name in the cell A2 and address in cell B2 into separate fields.
Similar cuts should allow you to get rid of the unwanted data.
Your data seems to be your desired output. If so, please provide sanitized input data for comparison. You probably need to loop through your input to find the groups. When the group changes, prepare the summary figures.

MDX weighted values

I have a cube built on a fact which, amongst others, includes the Balance and Percentage columns. I have a calculation which multiplies the Balance by the Percentage to obtain an Adjusted Value. I now need to have this Adjusted Value divided by the sum of all balances, to get weighted values.
The problem is that this sum of all balances doesn't apply to the whole dataset. Rather, it should be calculated on a filtered subset of the whole data. This filtering is being done in Excel using a pivot table, so i do not know what conditions will be used to filter.
So, for example, this would be the pivot i'd like to see:
ID Balance Percentage Adjusted Value Weighted Adjusted Value
1 100 1.5 115 0.38 (ie 115/300)
2 50 2 51 0.17 (ie 51/300)
3 150 1 150 0.50 (ie 150/300)
300 is obtained by summing the balance of the rows that show in the filtered pivot.
Can this calculation be somehow done in OLAP? Or is it impossible to compute this sum with what i know?
Yes should be possible; e.g., assuming 1/2/3 are the children of a common parent, then the following calculated measure should do the trick :
WAV = AV / ( id.parent, Balance )
If not we would need more information about the actual data model and query.