NSTextField and Auto Layout in NSTableView - objective-c

I've got a view-based NSTableView. I'm trying to understand the problem of why I cannot position / resize the NSTextField that resides in the NSTableCellView. I believe this problem is related to the intrinsic content size. Therefore I modified the Content Hugging and Compression Resistance to prioritise hugging. Please see screenshots of IB and the results when running the app.
Purple rectangle is the Custom View.


UITableView static cells not adjusting to screen size

Im having trouble resizing content inside static cells to fit different iPhone screen sizes.
Looking at the image below you can see that the UIPickerView and Sign In UILabel both did not resize in width.
I've tried adding code to the ViewDidLoad like so
self.signUp.frame = CGRectMake(0,0,self.view.frame.size.width,self.signUp.frame.size.height);to programmatically adjust their sizes but nothing changed.
I also tried adding equal width constraints to make it match the UITableViewCell contentView width and that did nothing as well.
Same issues happens to all UILabels (Membership,Schedule,Method...) and UITextFields (Comments)
This is all occurring in a UITableViewController.
How can I get it to resize?
Apples freeform UIViewController and UITableView are externally useful in this circumstance.
If you design your app in the storyboard, before applying constraints make sure the UIViewController's size is freeform (big square that doesn't match any screen size).
Then add constrains.
When you run the app, the app will resize properly.

Custom UICollectionViewCell Subview Layout Issue

I have a custom UICollectionViewCell class that sets the background view of the cell to a downloaded image and also a UILabel added to it that sits neatly at the bottom of the cell and is slightly transparent (this label is the title of the image). It looks great in portrait but when I rotate my device to landscape the UILabel stays in its position while the custom cell resizes itself to better fit the screen. I have my UILabel fully constrained to the cell so I don't know why it isn't resizing to always fit the width of the cell whether the device is in portrait/landscape.
I've attached these pictures below to better illustrate what exactly is happening:
I figured it out - for anyone who is also wondering the same thing, this is what I did:
I overrode the layoutSubviews method in my custom UICollectionViewCell class and forced my UILabel to stick to width and bottom of the cell.
It was weird because before I upgraded to xCode 6 and iOS 8 this was working perfectly without the need of this solution (the constraints within the storyboard worked), but now I had to use this approach.

How to put background for UITableViewController

I wanna do something like THIS in my ipad application, what is the best way to do the followings:
The shadow under the upper bar.
The padding for the papers (top, left, right & bottom)
The background (as a notepad) : please think about the cells: they must still scrolled inside the paper and cropped before reaching to the paper bottom edge.
I'm looking for the optimal solution that avoids overriding as much as possible.
I tried to use UIViewController (with UITableVIew and has the delegate methods) inside UISplitViewController, And I tried adding UIImageView at the top of the table but this view will scroll with the cells and it'll hide when I scroll down. I tried to use viewForHeaderInSection function also for upper shadow (under the bar) but what about the papers bottom edge (what if I put one image including the shadow and the papers bottom edge and has the padding as a background for the UITableView or UITableViewController, and change this image when rotate to the portrait orientation? is this a good and possible solution?)
My guess:
Create the background in an image editing app
Cut 4 images, for header, footer, left and right sides
Create a UIViewController with 4 UIVIews and add the correct images as background
In the middle of all 4 add a UITableView
This way the images won't move and if you position the UIViews with the background properly, your TableView will scroll inside the notebook (assuming you are trying to create a notebook)
If you app is iOS 6.0 only, autolayout will be a great help. Check apple developer video on it to learn how to use this feature: WWDC 2012 Session 232 - Auto Layout by Example
One easy way to do this is from the xib:
1. In xib create image .On image view you can put background whatever you want as a image.
2. create table view above the image view and set table view background color as a clear color.
This will do it.

View-based "Source List" NSOutlineView font smoothing issue

I'm migrating a cell-based NSOutlineView to a view-based one, and I'm noticing that text is being rendered differently in the view-based outline view. See this image:
Why the difference? Some background information that may help?
This is on Mac OS X 10.7.4
The NSOutlineView's highlight style is Source List
The NSOutlineView's background color is transparent, and the background is being drawn by an underlying view
In the view-based outline view, the cell text is being drawn by an NSTextField in an NSTableCellView
Nothing in the view hierarchy is, to my knowledge, layer-backed
I think this describes a similar issue: Weird font anti-aliasing in view-based NSOutlineView, but the solution did not work for me, as (I don't think) any of the cell views or text fields are layer-backed.
Update: I've figured it out. In Interface Builder, if I select the text field in the table cell view, check "Draws Background," and set the background color to clear (RGBA 0,0,0,0), the text appears smoothed the same way as it would in a cell-based outline view.
So I don't think it's an NSOutlineView issue in particular. I don't know the internals of Cocoa text rendering, but I'm assuming it's because font smoothing will vary based on what kind of background the text is being drawn on.

Storyboard editor layout confusion

I am having layout problems with the storyboard editor with a fairly simple screen. I have a UIViewController to which I have added a 320x440 UIScrollView at 0,0 followed by a 320x20 UIProgressBar at 0,440. It looks fine in Storyboard editor. I'm not entirely sure how the 20 pixel status bar at the top of the screen is accommodated given the CGRect frame coordinates that Storyboard calculates.
On loading ( in -(void)viewDidLoad ), the UIScrollView frame seems to be set to 320x460 pixels at 0,0 but the UIProgressBar is still 320x20 at 0,440.
When I add subviews to the UIScrollView, (UIImageViews in particular), they get stretched and get clipped on the screen because although the UIScrollView thinks it is 460 pixels high, it only has 440 pixels of screen to display in.
Can anyone point me to a solution?
OK - I have identified what was going on - there were a number of issues, nearly all to do with mutually incompatible settings in storyboard attributes on various view controllers.
In summary, the main view controller containing the UIScrollView had the 'wants full screen' checkbox ticked - goodness knows how, but it appears that I had then gone through other views trying to compensate for that initial error by clipping, resizing, setting layout constraints etc. which resulted in rather confusing outcomes.
My advice would be to not touch ANYTHING in storyboard editor unless you know what it's effect will be - it is a dangerous place. I found the issue by going back to basics and creating a trivially simple replication of my app and then observing the differences between that app and my own. Sorry if I wasted anybody's time researching an answer.