MS Access & VB.Net Connection String in Settings Using User Profile -

Hello I Have Made an Application with and ms access The Connection String in My.Settings is As Shown:
Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\Users\Ammar\AppData\Local\Empolyee Attendance\Data.mdb;Jet OLEDB:Database Password=ammar87
So as I have to install this application in many computers, I have tried to make my connection string as shown:
Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\Users\%UserProfile%\AppData\Local\Empolyee Attendance\Data.mdb;Jet OLEDB:Database Password=ammar87
But It Did not work so how can I make the userprofile location in my connection string so that It can varies from computer to an other computer
Best Regards.

Related - Get error "Attempted to read or write protected memory..." since provider changed

That's my first post here, so please indicate me if there are some missing useful informations' to help to solve my problem.
Here is it:
I have a application using Access database (.mdb), which worked properly for years.
Because I'm using now Access Database Engine 2016 in 64-bits, I have changed my DB connection provider from Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0 (only available in 32-bits) to Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0. I've also unchecked in my app's properties "32-bits prefered" (translation from my French version of Visual Studio).
Since I did these changes (and only them), I often get the following error:
System.AccessViolationException: 'Attempted to read or write
protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is
It appears (randomly) in different parts of the software, always at the line myConnection.Open()
Dim myConnection As OleDbConnection = New OleDbConnection(S7ConnString)
First new connection string with which I began to get this problem is:
Public S7ConnString As String = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=" & DBPath & ";Jet OLEDB:Database Password=***;"
(where DBPath is a string for the Access .mdb file path)
After some searches, I've read that adding OLE DB Services=-1 could solve it. It improved speed of DB processes really much, but did not solved the problem.
Would you have any idea to solve this?
Thank you & Kind regards.
I have uninstalled Access Database Engine 2016 and installed 2010 64-bits version, and it seems to work correctly now.
Thank you for your suggestions, #Jimi, that helped me to solve this. I did not imagine "Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0" provider was not compatible with MS Access Database Engine 2016!

Accessing Oracle SQL Developer database from VBA

New to VBA and returning to SQL after 15 years. I'm am trying to use VBA to run SQL commands to download data into excel for further manipulation.
I have SQL Developer installed on my machine and I am able to access the database using the UI. I have figured out how to connect to the database and run a query within the SQL Developer interface, but honestly, I'm not an IT guy.
Any ideas how to do this? Even basic command line commands to connect to the database and run the query would be helpful.
I found this code on another site, but I'm having trouble getting my connection string to work. My macro errors out on the cnn.Open statement and says the Provider is not installed. I think it's because PROVIDER is set up for a different SQL Database type, but I can't seem to get the connection string to work.
I know my username and password, which I have successfully used to connect in the SQL Developer UI. I'm not sure what to put for remote IP address or database. Would that be the hostname and the SID in the connection properties dialog in SQL Developer? (The hostname looks more like a url without the http than an ip address. Not sure if hostname and ip address is an interchangeable term).
Sub Download_Reports()
'Initializes variables
Dim cnn As New ADODB.Connection
Dim rst As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim ConnectionString As String
Dim StrQuery As String
'Setup the connection string for accessing MS SQL database
'Make sure to change:
ConnectionString = "Provider=ORAOLEDB.ORACLE;Password=PASSWORD;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=USERNAME;Data Source=REMOTE_IP_ADDRESS;Use Procedure for Prepare=1;Auto Translate=True;Packet Size=4096;Use Encryption for Data=False;Tag with column collation when possible=False;Initial Catalog=DATABASE"
'Opens connection to the database
cnn.Open ConnectionString
'Timeout error in seconds for executing the entire query; this will run for 15 minutes before VBA timesout, but your database might timeout before this value
cnn.CommandTimeout = 900
'This is your actual MS SQL query that you need to run; you should check this query first using a more robust SQL editor (such as HeidiSQL) to ensure your query is valid
StrQuery = "SELECT TOP 10 * FROM tbl_table"
'Performs the actual query
rst.Open StrQuery, cnn
'Dumps all the results from the StrQuery into cell A2 of the first sheet in the active workbook
Sheets(1).Range("A2").CopyFromRecordset rst
End Sub
I'm needing help with my connection string. Can anyone help me with this?
I'm connecting to a database via Oracle SQL Developer. I am able to connect within the UI by providing the following items:
Connection Name - got it.
myUsername - got it.
myPassword - got it.
Connection Type = Basic, Role = default
myHostname - got it.
myPort - got it.
mySID - got it.
However, I am unable to get my connection string to work in VBA. When I run the script I get
"Run-time Error '3076'. Provider cannot be found.
It may not be properly installed" on the line beginning with

Connect MS Access Database (.mdb) using ip address with VB.NET Application

I am connecting my VB.NET windows application to server. I am using this code:
Dim con As New OleDb.OleDbConnection
con.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=\\\httpdocs\CM.mdb;"
MsgBox("Database is now open")
MsgBox("Database is now Closed")
But I am getting error:
'\\httpdocs\version.txt' is not a valid path. Make sure
that the path name is spelled correctly and that you are connected to
the server on which the file resides.
Please help.
this is the issue for mdw file which is your OLEDB is not finding.
search the .mdw file and copy it in that folder where your mdb file is present.
if it not works do the below..
add Properties("Jet OLEDB:Database Password") = "password" to your connection string
like this..
"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=;User=corpopef;Password=**;Properties("Jet OLEDB:Database Password") = "password(try the admin password here)""
if it also not works
write the connection string as "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=;persist security info=false"
have you tried to find connection from the container's(from tool box) properties on page??
Please do two things..
1- take a container control(like datagrid) on your page choose datasource from gridview task,
it will connect to your database where ever it is then copy that connection string from there.
definitly it will work.
2-if it does'nt work plz restart your system as the MS access databse shows this type of problems.

I want my program with sqldb to be transferable

I'm having trouble with my program. It has a database with a SqlConnection string of:
DbConn = New SqlConnection("Data Source=ACE-DUO;Initial Catalog=db_CVSO;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=sa;Password=pwd")
I made an installer for this program but I'm having problems regarding my SQL Server connection string. It's because once I installed the program in different computer. The server name in my case (ACE-DUO) changes and the database itself cannot be located.
I know how to detach the file and attach it to program. what I'm really aiming for is that I want the connection string to change on based where the program resources were placed.
For example, if the program was installed in the C:\Program Files\MyDatabase folder, I want to make it as a part of the connection string so it would be opened in different computer.
If you don't need multiple shared access to your database you could take advandage of the LocalDB feature of Sql Server 2012.
You connection string could be changed to
DbConn = New SqlConnection("Server=(localdb)\v11.0;Integrated " & _
"Security=true;AttachDbFileName=C:\Program Files\MyDatabase\db.mdf;"
Article on LocalDB

Access remote sql server using VB.NET

I've found a few examples of using to access an sql database, so far none of them have worked . They all involve using DataReaders. Maybe its the fact that the sql db is not on the same machine as the application.
I was just wondering if anyone had a more comprehensive example of using VB.NET to access a remote sql server.
I've received a few helpful comments an replies already. So far my connection string looks like:
Probably also good to mention their is no editing of the tables a this point, just reading.
Check out the SQLClient class.
One convienent way to access a SQL database is to fill a DataSet object with query data with a DataAdapter object.
Dim sSQL As String = "SELECT * FROM ???"
Dim conn As New SqlClient.SqlConnection("connection string")
Dim da As New SqlClient.DataAdapter(sSQL, conn)
Dim ds As New DataSet
da.Fill(ds, "TABLE NAME")
You can then access the "TABLE NAME" table in the DataSet object.
The "connection string" is obviously your SQL connection string.
Use the sSQL string to query as necessary.
Quick side note - a helpful tool for creating connection strings:-
Open up a text document (notepad, wordpad etc) and save a blank document with the extension ".UDL".
This will give you a "Data link Properties" mini app.
Open up the app and change the provider in the "Provider" to whichever provider you need (in this case OLE DB Provider for SQL Server).
You then need to build up the connection in the connection tab.
Once you have chosen the criteria (ServerName (the drop down list will show you all visible Servers), Security permissions,Database (this drop down list will be populated based on the server chosen)) you can test your connection (to make sure you have permissions etc).
Click ok to close the App, rename the file to have a ".txt" extension and re-open in a text editor, hey presto, one built up connection string (as below).
Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;Initial Catalog=YOURDBNAME;Data Source=YOURSERVERNAME