I am using barcode-vba-macro-only (mentioned in this SO post) in MS Excel 2010 to generate a QR code.
(The bar code will be used to facilitate paying a bill using Girocode, but that is not important here, except to say I need to structure the input exactly the way shown below.)
The problem
The VBA macro creates great QR-Codes, but somehow, when given certain input, the output (encoded in the QR code) "stutters", i.e. repeats part of the text.
E.g., when given this input:
Recipient First and Last Name
it produces this output:
which oddly repeats part of the content:
Recipient First and Last Name
Recipient First and Last Name
(Note the DE and the line Recipient First and Last Name which appear twice.)
What I want
A working, free/GPL solution in Excel to generate such codes ;-) ... for example by understanding why this happens, and fixing the VBA code.
What I have tried (Update 1)
I have played around with different inputs and found that just adding some extra "AAA" to the end of the long number solves the stuttering... so I am intrigued what causes this.
I forked to code on GitHub, added some code comments and translated a few of the existing (Czech) comments
Through some debugging, I found that the implementation messes up the starting position of different encodings (which it stores in array eb): after encoding the "Recipient First and Last Name" including newline and "DE" as "Byte", it probably tries to switch to "Decimal" or "Alphanum" encoding (only 3.33 or 5.5 bit per character instead of 8)... but then falls back to encoding in "Byte" format and thereby gets the starting position wrong.
The code
You can download my test XLSM file here, and access my improved code file on GitHub.
I think the issue is probably in the core function shown below, in the section where the array eb() is filled.
Function qr_gen(ptext As String, poptions As String) As String
Dim encoded1() As Byte ' byte mode (ASCII) all max 3200 bytes
Dim encix1%
Dim ecx_cnt(3) As Integer
Dim ecx_pos(3) As Integer
Dim ecx_poc(3) As Integer
Dim eb(1 To 20, 1 To 4) As Integer 'store how many characters should be in which ECI mode. This is a list of rows, each row corresponding a the next batch of characters with a different ECI mode.
' eb(i, 1) - ECI mode (1 = numeric, 2 = alphanumeric, 3 = byte)
' eb(i, 2) - last character in previous row
' eb(i, 3) - number of characters in THIS row
' eb(i, 4) - number of bits for THIS row
Dim ascimatrix$, mode$, err$
Dim ecl%, r%, c%, mask%, utf8%, ebcnt%
Dim i&, j&, k&, m&
Dim ch%, s%, siz%
Dim x As Boolean
Dim qrarr() As Byte ' final matrix
Dim qrpos As Integer
Dim qrp(15) As Integer ' 1:version,2:size,3:ccs,4:ccb,5:totby,6-12:syncs(7),13-15:versinfo(3)
Dim qrsync1(1 To 8) As Byte
Dim qrsync2(1 To 5) As Byte
ascimatrix = ""
err = ""
mode = "M"
i = InStr(poptions, "mode=")
If i > 0 Then mode = Mid(poptions, i + 5, 1)
' M=0,L=1,H=2,Q=3
ecl = InStr("MLHQ", mode) - 1
If ecl < 0 Then mode = "M": ecl = 0
If ptext = "" Then
err = "Not data"
Exit Function
End If
For i = 1 To 3
ecx_pos(i) = 0
ecx_cnt(i) = 0
ecx_poc(i) = 0
Next i
ebcnt = 1
utf8 = 0
For i = 1 To Len(ptext) + 1
' Decide how many bytes this character has
If i > Len(ptext) Then
k = -5 ' End of text --> skip several code sections
Else ' need to parse character i of ptext and decide how many bytes it has
k = AscL(Mid(ptext, i, 1))
If k >= &H1FFFFF Then ' FFFF - 1FFFFFFF
m = 4
k = -1
ElseIf k >= &H7FF Then ' 7FF-FFFF 3 bytes
m = 3
k = -1
ElseIf k >= 128 Then
m = 2
k = -1
Else ' normal 7bit ASCII character, so it is worth it to check if it belong to the Numeric or Alphanumeric subsets defined in ECI (array qralnum)
m = 1
k = InStr(qralnum, Mid(ptext, i, 1)) - 1
End If
End If
' Depending on k and a lot of other things, increase ebcnt
If (k < 0) Then ' Treat mult-byte case or exit? (bude byte nebo konec)
If ecx_cnt(1) >= 9 Or (k = -5 And ecx_cnt(1) = ecx_cnt(3)) Then ' Until now it was possible numeric??? (Az dosud bylo mozno pouzitelne numeric)
If (ecx_cnt(2) - ecx_cnt(1)) >= 8 Or (ecx_cnt(3) = ecx_cnt(2)) Then ' pred num je i pouzitelny alnum
If (ecx_cnt(3) > ecx_cnt(2)) Then ' Jeste pred alnum bylo byte
eb(ebcnt, 1) = 3 ' Typ byte
eb(ebcnt, 2) = ecx_pos(3) ' Position pozice
eb(ebcnt, 3) = ecx_cnt(3) - ecx_cnt(2) ' delka
ebcnt = ebcnt + 1
ecx_poc(3) = ecx_poc(3) + 1
End If
eb(ebcnt, 1) = 2 ' Typ alnum
eb(ebcnt, 2) = ecx_pos(2)
eb(ebcnt, 3) = ecx_cnt(2) - ecx_cnt(1) ' delka
ebcnt = ebcnt + 1
ecx_poc(2) = ecx_poc(2) + 1
ecx_cnt(2) = 0
ElseIf ecx_cnt(3) > ecx_cnt(1) Then ' byly bytes pred numeric
eb(ebcnt, 1) = 3 ' Typ byte
eb(ebcnt, 2) = ecx_pos(3) ' Position pozice
eb(ebcnt, 3) = ecx_cnt(3) - ecx_cnt(1) ' delka
ebcnt = ebcnt + 1
ecx_poc(3) = ecx_poc(3) + 1
End If
ElseIf (ecx_cnt(2) >= 8) Or (k = -5 And ecx_cnt(2) = ecx_cnt(3)) Then ' Az dosud bylo mozno pouzitelne alnum
If (ecx_cnt(3) > ecx_cnt(2)) Then ' Jeste pred alnum bylo byte
eb(ebcnt, 1) = 3 ' Typ byte
eb(ebcnt, 2) = ecx_pos(3) ' Position pozice
eb(ebcnt, 3) = ecx_cnt(3) - ecx_cnt(2) ' delka
ebcnt = ebcnt + 1
ecx_poc(3) = ecx_poc(3) + 1
End If
eb(ebcnt, 1) = 2 ' Typ alnum
eb(ebcnt, 2) = ecx_pos(2)
eb(ebcnt, 3) = ecx_cnt(2) ' delka
ebcnt = ebcnt + 1
ecx_poc(2) = ecx_poc(2) + 1
ecx_cnt(3) = 0
ecx_cnt(2) = 0 ' vse zpracovano
ElseIf (k = -5 And ecx_cnt(3) > 0) Then ' konec ale mam co ulozit
eb(ebcnt, 1) = 3 ' Typ byte
eb(ebcnt, 2) = ecx_pos(3) ' Position pozice
eb(ebcnt, 3) = ecx_cnt(3) ' delka
ebcnt = ebcnt + 1
ecx_poc(3) = ecx_poc(3) + 1
End If
End If
If k = -5 Then Exit For
If (k >= 0) Then ' We can alphanumeric? (Muzeme alnum)
If (k >= 10 And ecx_cnt(1) >= 12) Then ' Until now it was perhaps numeric (Az dosud bylo mozno num)
If (ecx_cnt(2) - ecx_cnt(1)) >= 8 Or (ecx_cnt(3) = ecx_cnt(2)) Then ' There is also an alphanumeric which is worth it(Je tam i alnum ktery stoji za to)
If (ecx_cnt(3) > ecx_cnt(2)) Then ' Even before it was alnum byte (Jeste pred alnum bylo byte)
eb(ebcnt, 1) = 3 ' Typ byte
eb(ebcnt, 2) = ecx_pos(3) ' Position (pozice)
eb(ebcnt, 3) = ecx_cnt(3) - ecx_cnt(2) ' length (delka)
ebcnt = ebcnt + 1
ecx_poc(3) = ecx_poc(3) + 1
End If
eb(ebcnt, 1) = 2 ' Typ alnum
eb(ebcnt, 2) = ecx_pos(2)
eb(ebcnt, 3) = ecx_cnt(2) - ecx_cnt(1) ' length (delka)
ebcnt = ebcnt + 1
ecx_poc(2) = ecx_poc(2) + 1
ecx_cnt(2) = 0 ' processed everything (vse zpracovano)
ElseIf (ecx_cnt(3) > ecx_cnt(1)) Then ' Previous Num is byte (Pred Num je byte)
eb(ebcnt, 1) = 3 ' Typ byte
eb(ebcnt, 2) = ecx_pos(3) ' Position (pozice)
eb(ebcnt, 3) = ecx_cnt(3) - ecx_cnt(1) ' length (delka)
ebcnt = ebcnt + 1
ecx_poc(3) = ecx_poc(3) + 1
End If
eb(ebcnt, 1) = 1 ' Typ numerix
eb(ebcnt, 2) = ecx_pos(1)
eb(ebcnt, 3) = ecx_cnt(1) ' length (delka)
ebcnt = ebcnt + 1
ecx_poc(1) = ecx_poc(1) + 1
ecx_cnt(1) = 0
ecx_cnt(2) = 0
ecx_cnt(3) = 0 ' processed everything (vse zpracovano)
End If
If ecx_cnt(2) = 0 Then ecx_pos(2) = i
ecx_cnt(2) = ecx_cnt(2) + 1
Else ' possible alnum (mozno alnum)
ecx_cnt(2) = 0
End If
If k >= 0 And k < 10 Then ' Can be numeric (muze byt numeric)
If ecx_cnt(1) = 0 Then ecx_pos(1) = i
ecx_cnt(1) = ecx_cnt(1) + 1
ecx_cnt(1) = 0
End If
If ecx_cnt(3) = 0 Then ecx_pos(3) = i
ecx_cnt(3) = ecx_cnt(3) + m
utf8 = utf8 + m
If ebcnt >= 16 Then ' We have already taken 3 other blocks of bits (Uz by se mi tri dalsi bloky stejne nevesli)
ecx_cnt(1) = 0
ecx_cnt(2) = 0
End If
Debug.Print "Character:'" & Mid(ptext, i, 1) & "'(" & k & _
") ebn=" & ecx_pos(1) & "." & ecx_cnt(1) & _
" eba=" & ecx_pos(2) & "." & ecx_cnt(2) & _
" ebb=" & ecx_pos(3) & "." & ecx_cnt(3)
ebcnt = ebcnt - 1 ' ebcnt now has its final value
Debug.Print ("ebcnt=" & ebcnt)
c = 0
For i = 1 To ebcnt
Select Case eb(i, 1)
Case 1: eb(i, 4) = Int(eb(i, 3) / 3) * 10 + (eb(i, 3) Mod 3) * 3 + IIf((eb(i, 3) Mod 3) > 0, 1, 0)
Case 2: eb(i, 4) = Int(eb(i, 3) / 2) * 11 + (eb(i, 3) Mod 2) * 6
Case 3: eb(i, 4) = eb(i, 3) * 8
End Select
c = c + eb(i, 4)
Next i
Debug.Print ("c=" & c)
' UTF-8 is default not need ECI value - zxing cannot recognize
' Call qr_params(i * 8 + utf8,mode,qrp)
Call qr_params(c, ecl, qrp, ecx_poc)
If qrp(1) <= 0 Then
err = "Too long"
Exit Function
End If
siz = qrp(2)
Debug.Print "ver:" & qrp(1) & mode & " size " & siz & " ecc:" & qrp(3) & "x" & qrp(4) & " d:" & (qrp(5) - qrp(3) * qrp(4))
'MsgBox "ver:" & qrp(1) & mode & " size " & siz & " ecc:" & qrp(3) & "x" & qrp(4) & " d:" & (qrp(5) - qrp(3) * qrp(4))
ReDim encoded1(qrp(5) + 2)
' Table 3 — Number of bits in character count indicator for QR Code 2005:
' mode indicator (1=num,2=AlNum,4=Byte,8=kanji,ECI=7)
' mode: Byte Alphanum Numeric Kanji
' ver 1..9 : 8 9 10 8
' 10..26 : 16 11 12 10
' 27..40 : 16 13 14 12
' UTF-8 is default not need ECI value - zxing cannot recognize
' if utf8 > 0 Then
' k = &H700 + 26 ' UTF-8=26 ; Win1250 = 21; 8859-2 = 4 viz
' bb_putbits(encoded1,encix1,k,12)
' End If
encix1 = 0
For i = 1 To ebcnt
Select Case eb(i, 1)
Case 1: c = IIf(qrp(1) < 10, 10, IIf(qrp(1) < 27, 12, 14)): k = 2 ^ c + eb(i, 3) ' encoding mode "Numeric"
Case 2: c = IIf(qrp(1) < 10, 9, IIf(qrp(1) < 27, 11, 13)): k = 2 * (2 ^ c) + eb(i, 3) ' encoding mode "alphanum
Case 3: c = IIf(qrp(1) < 10, 8, 16): k = 4 * (2 ^ c) + eb(i, 3) ' encoding mode "Byte"
End Select
Call bb_putbits(encoded1, encix1, k, c + 4)
Debug.Print "ver:" & qrp(1) & mode & " size " & siz & " ecc:" & qrp(3) & "x" & qrp(4) & " d:" & (qrp(5) - qrp(3) * qrp(4))
j = 0 ' count characters that have been output in THIS row eb(i,...)
m = eb(i, 2) 'Start (after) last character of input from previous row
r = 0
While j < eb(i, 3)
k = AscL(Mid(ptext, m, 1))
m = m + 1
If eb(i, 1) = 1 Then
' parse numeric input - output 3 decimal digits into 10 bit
r = (r * 10) + ((k - &H30) Mod 10)
If (j Mod 3) = 2 Then
Call bb_putbits(encoded1, encix1, r, 10)
r = 0
End If
j = j + 1
ElseIf eb(i, 1) = 2 Then
' parse alphanumeric input - output 2 alphanumeric characters into 11 bit
r = (r * 45) + ((InStr(qralnum, Chr(k)) - 1) Mod 45)
If (j Mod 2) = 1 Then
Call bb_putbits(encoded1, encix1, r, 11)
r = 0
End If
j = j + 1
' Okay, byte mode: coding according to Chapter "6.4.2 Extended Channel Interpretation (ECI) mode" of ISOIEC 18004_2006Cor 1_2009.pdf
If k > &H1FFFFF Then ' FFFF - 1FFFFFFF
ch = &HF0 + Int(k / &H40000) Mod 8
Call bb_putbits(encoded1, encix1, ch, 8)
ch = 128 + Int(k / &H1000) Mod 64
Call bb_putbits(encoded1, encix1, ch, 8)
ch = 128 + Int(k / 64) Mod 64
Call bb_putbits(encoded1, encix1, ch, 8)
ch = 128 + k Mod 64
Call bb_putbits(encoded1, encix1, ch, 8)
j = j + 4
ElseIf k > &H7FF Then ' 7FF-FFFF 3 bytes
ch = &HE0 + Int(k / &H1000) Mod 16
Call bb_putbits(encoded1, encix1, ch, 8)
ch = 128 + Int(k / 64) Mod 64
Call bb_putbits(encoded1, encix1, ch, 8)
ch = 128 + k Mod 64
Call bb_putbits(encoded1, encix1, ch, 8)
j = j + 3
ElseIf k > &H7F Then ' 2 bytes
ch = &HC0 + Int(k / 64) Mod 32
Call bb_putbits(encoded1, encix1, ch, 8)
ch = 128 + k Mod 64
Call bb_putbits(encoded1, encix1, ch, 8)
j = j + 2
ch = k Mod 256
Call bb_putbits(encoded1, encix1, ch, 8)
j = j + 1
End If
End If
Select Case eb(i, 1)
Case 1:
If (j Mod 3) = 1 Then
Call bb_putbits(encoded1, encix1, r, 4)
ElseIf (j Mod 3) = 2 Then
Call bb_putbits(encoded1, encix1, r, 7)
End If
Case 2:
If (j Mod 2) = 1 Then Call bb_putbits(encoded1, encix1, r, 6)
End Select
'MsgBox "blk[" & i & "] t:" & eb(i,1) & "from " & eb(i,2) & " to " & eb(i,3) + eb(i,2) & " bits=" & encix1
Next i
Call bb_putbits(encoded1, encix1, 0, 4) ' end of chain
If (encix1 Mod 8) <> 0 Then ' round to byte
Call bb_putbits(encoded1, encix1, 0, 8 - (encix1 Mod 8))
End If
' padding
i = (qrp(5) - qrp(3) * qrp(4)) * 8
If encix1 > i Then
err = "Encode length error"
Exit Function
End If
' padding 0xEC,0x11,0xEC,0x11...
Do While encix1 < i
Call bb_putbits(encoded1, encix1, &HEC11, 16)
' doplnime ECC
i = qrp(3) * qrp(4) 'ppoly, pmemptr , psize , plen , pblocks
Call qr_rs(&H11D, encoded1, qrp(5) - i, i, qrp(4))
'Call arr2hexstr(encoded1)
encix1 = qrp(5)
' Pole pro vystup
ReDim qrarr(0)
ReDim qrarr(1, qrp(2) * 24& + 24&) ' 24 bytes per row
qrarr(0, 0) = 0
ch = 0
Call bb_putbits(qrsync1, ch, Array(&HFE, &H82, &HBA, &HBA, &HBA, &H82, &HFE, 0), 64)
Call qr_mask(qrarr, qrsync1, 8, 0, 0) ' sync UL
Call qr_mask(qrarr, 0, 8, 8, 0) ' fmtinfo UL under - bity 14..9 SYNC 8
Call qr_mask(qrarr, qrsync1, 8, 0, siz - 7) ' sync UR ( o bit vlevo )
Call qr_mask(qrarr, 0, 8, 8, siz - 8) ' fmtinfo UR - bity 7..0
Call qr_mask(qrarr, qrsync1, 8, siz - 7, 0) ' sync DL (zasahuje i do quiet zony)
Call qr_mask(qrarr, 0, 8, siz - 8, 0) ' blank nad DL
For i = 0 To 6
x = qr_bit(qrarr, -1, i, 8, 0) ' svisle fmtinfo UL - bity 0..5 SYNC 6,7
x = qr_bit(qrarr, -1, i, siz - 8, 0) ' svisly blank pred UR
x = qr_bit(qrarr, -1, siz - 1 - i, 8, 0) ' svisle fmtinfo DL - bity 14..8
x = qr_bit(qrarr, -1, 7, 8, 0) ' svisle fmtinfo UL - bity 0..5 SYNC 6,7
x = qr_bit(qrarr, -1, 7, siz - 8, 0) ' svisly blank pred UR
x = qr_bit(qrarr, -1, 8, 8, 0) ' svisle fmtinfo UL - bity 0..5 SYNC 6,7
x = qr_bit(qrarr, -1, siz - 8, 8, 1) ' black dot DL
If qrp(13) <> 0 Or qrp(14) <> 0 Then ' versioninfo
' UR ver 0 1 2;3 4 5;...;15 16 17
' LL ver 0 3 6 9 12 15;1 4 7 10 13 16; 2 5 8 11 14 17
k = 65536 * qrp(13) + 256& * qrp(14) + 1& * qrp(15)
c = 0: r = 0
For i = 0 To 17
ch = k Mod 2
x = qr_bit(qrarr, -1, r, siz - 11 + c, ch) ' UR ver
x = qr_bit(qrarr, -1, siz - 11 + c, r, ch) ' DL ver
c = c + 1
If c > 2 Then c = 0: r = r + 1
k = Int(k / 2&)
End If
c = 1
For i = 8 To siz - 9 ' sync lines
x = qr_bit(qrarr, -1, i, 6, c) ' vertical on column 6
x = qr_bit(qrarr, -1, 6, i, c) ' horizontal on row 6
c = (c + 1) Mod 2
' other syncs
ch = 0
Call bb_putbits(qrsync2, ch, Array(&H1F, &H11, &H15, &H11, &H1F), 40)
ch = 6
Do While ch > 0 And qrp(6 + ch) = 0
ch = ch - 1
If ch > 0 Then
For c = 0 To ch
For r = 0 To ch
' corners
If (c <> 0 Or r <> 0) And _
(c <> ch Or r <> 0) And _
(c <> 0 Or r <> ch) Then
Call qr_mask(qrarr, qrsync2, 5, qrp(r + 6) - 2, qrp(c + 6) - 2)
End If
Next r
Next c
End If
' qr_fill(parr as Variant, psiz%, pb as Variant, pblocks%, pdlen%, ptlen%)
' vyplni pole parr (psiz x 24 bytes) z pole pb pdlen = pocet dbytes, pblocks = bloku, ptlen celkem
Call qr_fill(qrarr, siz, encoded1, qrp(4), qrp(5) - qrp(3) * qrp(4), qrp(5))
mask = 8 ' auto
i = InStr(poptions, "mask=")
If i > 0 Then mask = val(Mid(poptions, i + 5, 1))
If mask < 0 Or mask > 7 Then
j = -1
For mask = 0 To 7
GoSub addmm
i = qr_xormask(qrarr, siz, mask, False)
' MsgBox "score mask " & mask & " is " & i
If i < j Or j = -1 Then j = i: s = mask
Next mask
mask = s
' MsgBox "best is " & mask & " with score " & j
End If
GoSub addmm
i = qr_xormask(qrarr, siz, mask, True)
ascimatrix = ""
For r = 0 To siz Step 2
s = 0
For c = 0 To siz Step 2
If (c Mod 8) = 0 Then
ch = qrarr(1, s + 24 * r)
If r < siz Then i = qrarr(1, s + 24 * (r + 1)) Else i = 0
s = s + 1
End If
ascimatrix = ascimatrix _
& Chr(97 + (ch Mod 4) + 4 * (i Mod 4))
ch = Int(ch / 4)
i = Int(i / 4)
ascimatrix = ascimatrix & vbNewLine
Next r
ReDim qrarr(0)
qr_gen = ascimatrix
Exit Function
k = ecl * 8 + mask
' poly: 101 0011 0111
Call qr_bch_calc(k, &H537)
'MsgBox "mask :" & hex(k,3) & " " & hex(k xor &H5412,3)
k = k Xor &H5412 ' micro xor &H4445
r = 0
c = siz - 1
For i = 0 To 14
ch = k Mod 2
k = Int(k / 2)
x = qr_bit(qrarr, -1, r, 8, ch) ' svisle fmtinfo UL - bity 0..5 SYNC 6,7 .... 8..14 dole
x = qr_bit(qrarr, -1, 8, c, ch) ' vodorovne odzadu 0..7 ............ 8,SYNC,9..14
c = c - 1
r = r + 1
If i = 7 Then c = 7: r = siz - 7
If i = 5 Then r = r + 1 ' preskoc sync vodorvny
If i = 8 Then c = c - 1 ' preskoc sync svisly
End Function ' qr_gen
Why this happens
Through some debugging, I found that the original implementation messes up the starting position of different encodings (which it stores in array eb): after encoding the "Recipient First and Last Name" including newline and "DE" as "Byte", it probably tries to switch to "Decimal" or "Alphanum" encoding (only 3.33 or 5.5 bit per character instead of 8)... but then falls back to encoding in "Byte" format and thereby gets the starting position wrong.
The solution
I have now added some error checking to the code which manually removes the stuttering.
You can find my improved code on Github, see in particular barcody.bas.
The key addition is this part:
i = 1
While i < (ebcnt - 1)
If eb(i, 2) + eb(i, 3) <> eb(i + 1, 2) Then
' oops, this should not happen. First document it:
Debug.Print ("eb() rows " & i & " and " & i + 1 & " are overlapping!")
' Now Lets see if we can fix it:
wasfixed = False
For k = i To 1 Step -1
If eb(k, 2) = eb(i + 1, 2) Then
' okay, the row k to i seem to be contained in i+1 and following. Delete k to i ...
For j = k To ebcnt - (i - k + 1) ' ... by copying upwards all later rows...
eb(j, 1) = eb(j + (i - k + 1), 1)
eb(j, 2) = eb(j + (i - k + 1), 2)
eb(j, 3) = eb(j + (i - k + 1), 3)
eb(j, 4) = eb(j + (i - k + 1), 4)
Next j
ebcnt = ebcnt - (i - k + 1) ' and correcting the total rowcount
wasfixed = True
Exit For
End If
Next k
If Not (wasfixed) Then
MsgBox ("The input text analysis failed - entering debug mode...")
Debug.Assert False
End If
End If
i = i + 1
I have noticed this same issue with certain character being a trigger for this problem when it comes after something. In your case, it looks like something after "DE" Since I didn't write the code I haven't thoroughly search in the code why this would trigger a repeat but I'm guessing that some of the hex conversion in the function causes this problem. In my case, I avoided the issue by having a space in front of the entire string being input to the generator. For some reasons, having the space at the beginning somehow prevent the triggering of the repeat. The reader program that reads the barcode in my case would remove the space from the string anyway so it doesn't matter.
I don't know whether it's a problem for your application, but try putting a blank space (" ") in front of the problematic string (DE86672500200000123456 )and see whether that works.
Recipient First and Last Name
When I run the code below I get the annoying 1004 error.
Dim shSource As Worksheet
Dim shDest As Worksheet
Dim DateRange As Range
Dim i As Integer, nullcounter As Integer, nullcounterov As Integer, tablelength As Integer, tablelengthov As Integer, DateRangeSize As Integer
Dim q As Integer
Set shSource = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1")
Set shDest = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet2")
Set DateRange = shSource.Application.InputBox("Select date", Type:=8)
DateRangeSize = DateRange.Rows.Count
nullcounter = 0
nullcounterov = 0
tablelength = 3
tablelengthov = 3
For q = 0 To DateRangeSize - 1
For i = 0 To 3
If IsEmpty(shSource.Cells(DateRange.Row + q, 2 + i)) = True Or shSource.Cells(DateRange.Row + q, 2 + i) = 0 Then
nullcounter = nullcounter + 1
shDest.Cells(4 + i - nullcounter, 4) = shSource.Cells(DateRange.Row + q, 2 + i)
shDest.Cells(4 + i - nullcounter, 5) = shSource.Cells(DateRange.Row + q, 6 + i)
shDest.Cells(4 + i - nullcounter, 3) = shSource.Cells(1, 2 + i)
tablelength = tablelength + 1
End If
For i = 0 To 6
If IsEmpty(shSource.Cells(DateRange.Row + q, 10 + i)) = True Or shSource.Cells(DateRange.Row + q, 10 + i) = 0 Then
nullcounterov = nullcounterov + 1
shDest.Cells(4 + i - nullcounterov, 8) = shSource.Cells(DateRange.Row + q, 10 + i)
shDest.Cells(4 + i - nullcounterov, 9) = shSource.Cells(DateRange.Row + q, 17 + i)
shDest.Cells(4 + i - nullcounterov, 7) = shSource.Cells(1, 10 + i)
tablelengthov = tablelengthov + 1
End If
End Sub
The excel sheet I run this on looks like this:
The code works for ABC but it doesn't for XYZ. I'm guessing the 0 value cells are messing it up but I don't understand why.
The goal of the code is:
User is prompted to select a range of size DateRangeSize.
For each row in the range the code copies the values of ABC, ABC-D, XYZ and XYZ-D if they aren't 0 and writes them to sheet 2.
If the number of rows in the range is 1, the code works fine. But if the number of rows is greater than 1, I get the 1004 error where this part of the code is highlight:
shDest.Cells(4 + i - nullcounterov, 8) = shSource.Cells(DateRange.Row + q, 10 + i)
I appreciate the help.
EDIT: I just want to add that the code ALWAYS works for ABC. If the number of rows is 2 then the ABC values for the second row are printed in sheet2 but the code breaks when it attempts to do the same for XYZ.
EDIT 2: I added 0 values to the ABC portion but the code still works for ABC! This is so frustrating.
I figured it out. I defined
nullcounter = 0
nullcounterov = 0
tablelength = 3
tablelengthov = 3
Outside of the loop so they kept on increasing.
shDest.Cells(4 + i - nullcounterov, 8) = shSource.Cells(DateRange.Row + q, 10 + i)
Eventually 4 + i << nullcounterov and excel tried to write to a cell that didn't exist.
The fixed code:
Dim shSource As Worksheet
Dim shDest As Worksheet
Dim DateRange As Range
Dim i As Integer, nullcounter As Integer, nullcounterov As Integer, tablelength As Integer, tablelengthov As Integer, DateRangeSize As Integer
Dim q As Integer
Set shSource = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1")
Set shDest = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet2")
Set DateRange = shSource.Application.InputBox("Select date", Type:=8)
DateRangeSize = DateRange.Rows.Count
For q = 0 To DateRangeSize - 1
nullcounter = 0
nullcounterov = 0
tablelength = 3
tablelengthov = 3
For i = 0 To 3
If IsEmpty(shSource.Cells(DateRange.Row + q, 2 + i)) = True Or shSource.Cells(DateRange.Row + q, 2 + i) = 0 Then
nullcounter = nullcounter + 1
shDest.Cells(4 + i - nullcounter, 4) = shSource.Cells(DateRange.Row + q, 2 + i)
shDest.Cells(4 + i - nullcounter, 5) = shSource.Cells(DateRange.Row + q, 6 + i)
shDest.Cells(4 + i - nullcounter, 3) = shSource.Cells(1, 2 + i)
tablelength = tablelength + 1
End If
For i = 0 To 6
If IsEmpty(shSource.Cells(DateRange.Row + q, 10 + i)) = True Or shSource.Cells(DateRange.Row + q, 10 + i) = 0 Then
nullcounterov = nullcounterov + 1
shDest.Cells(4 + i - nullcounterov, 8) = shSource.Cells(DateRange.Row + q, 10 + i)
shDest.Cells(4 + i - nullcounterov, 9) = shSource.Cells(DateRange.Row + q, 17 + i)
shDest.Cells(4 + i - nullcounterov, 7) = shSource.Cells(1, 10 + i)
tablelengthov = tablelengthov + 1
End If
End Sub