hsqldb view data in test.script file - hsqldb

I have 2 files /test/test.script and /test/test.properties. test.script is around 55 MB .
I need to view tables and data in this file. I tried with Squirrel client URL jdbc:hsqldb:file:/test but I do not see any tables in the public schema.
How do I view the tables and data in the .script file?
I even tried jdbc:hsqldb:mem:/test

When the script file is /test/test.script, your file URL should be this:


How to dynamically create table in Snowflake getting schema from parquet file which stored in AWS

Could you help me to load a couple of parquet files to Snowflake.
I've got about 250 parquet-files which stored in AWS stage.
250 files = 250 different tables.
I'd like to dynamically load them into Snowflake tables.
So, I need:
Get schema from parquet file... I've read that I could get the schema from parquet file using parquet-tools (Apache).
Create table using schema from the parquet file
Load data from parquet-file to this table.
Could anyone help me how to do that? Does exist the most efficient way to realize it? (by using GUI Snowflake, for example). Can't find it.
If the schema of the files is same you can put them in a single stage and use the Infer-Schema function. This will give you the schema of the parquet files.
In case all files have different schema then I'm afraid you have to infer the schema on each file.

load two files in the same DB table with Azure Data Flow

How can i Load two files(csv) the same shemas into my sqlDatabase with AzureDatafactory flow?
I've created one flow with two input and the same output but i get just the one table data the other one (NULL) .
As you said, the two csv file have the same schema, you could put them in same folder or container, make sure the container or folder only have the two files.
Then you could follow my steps:
My Container :
Data and file schema:
Data FLOW Source dataset settings:
Just choose the container or folder, all the csv files in it will be chosen. When we preview data, the data of the two csv files will be merged together
Sink dataset settings and data preview(the data will be inserted to the Sink table):
Run the pipeline:
Check the data in Sink table:
Hope this helps.

Merge files from Data lake store

I have a package that daily imports a file to Data lake store. So that is the same file with different values(same columns etc). My idea is to merge those files into a single file on Data lake, for a monthly report. I want to investigate U-SQL, so my question is:
Is that possible to do with U-SQL?
If its not possible is there any other options to do that?
It is very easily possible to merge records from two files and write a new file. Here are the steps
Read all of the new file using EXTRACT
Read all the records of the current master file using EXTRACT
Use UNION ALL to merge the records: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/azure/mt621340.aspx
Write output to master file using OUTPUT statement
For a quick U-SQL tutorial go here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/data-lake-analytics/data-lake-analytics-u-sql-get-started

inserting multiple text files

I have 4 different text files each file with different name and different column in it place in one folder. I want these 4 four files to be inserted or updated into 4 different existing tables. So How to read read these 4 files dynamically and insert them into their respective table dynamically in SSIS.
Well, you need to use Data Flow Task to move data from a Flat File Source to a Table Destination (OLEDB Destination perhaps). Are the columns in your file delimited in any way? For example, with any of these: (;),(|) or something like that? if it is, you can create a FlatFileConnectionManager and set that to split the columns. If not, you might need to use the FixedWidth option to separate your columns. To use the OLEDB Destination, you will need to create a OLEDB connectionManager to point to the table in your database. I could help you more if I had more information about the files you want to read the data from.
Well you said at the start you were working with 4 files and 4 tables, so you can create 4 Flat Destination sourcers with 4 OLEDB destinations aswell (1 of each for each flat file). If I understood you correctly, these 4 files can or cannot exist yet. So if you know the names that the files will get, change the Package Property DelayValidation to true, and then create a connection with a sample text file. You do this so the File path gets saved. The tables, in my opinion DO need to exist. Now, when you said:
i want to load all the text files into each different existing table whenever there is files inside the folder.
The only way I know you can do something similar, is to schedule the execution of your package at a certain time with SQL Server Agent Job. Please let me know if this was what you were looking for.

How to write SQL Query that matches data from a .csv file to a table in MySQL?

Is it possible for me to write an SQL query from within PhpMyAdmin that will search for matching records from a .csv file and match them to a table in MySQL?
Basically I want to do a WHERE IN query, but I want the WHERE IN to check records in a .csv file on my local machine, not a column in the database.
Can I do this?
I'd load the .csv content into a new table, do the comparison/merge and drop the table again.
Loading .csv files into mysql tables is easy:
LOAD DATA INFILE 'path/to/industries.csv'
INTO TABLE `industries`
IGNORE 1 LINES (`nogaCode`, `title`);
There are a lot more things you can tell the LOAD command, like what char wraps the entries, etc.
I would do the following:
Create a temporary or MEMORY table on the server
Copy the CSV file to the server
Use the LOAD DATA INFILE command
Run your comparison
There is no way to have the CSV file on the client and the table on the server and be able to compare the contents of both using only SQL.
Short answer: no, you can't.
Long answer: you'll need to build a query locally, maybe with a script (Python/PHP) or just uploading the CSV in a table and doing a JOIN query (or just the WHERE x IN(SELECT y FROM mytmmpTABLE...))
For anyone new asking, there is this new tool that i used : Write SQL on CSV file