Panorama Control in Universal Windows App - xaml

I´m wondering if there´s a way to implement the Panorama Control from Windows phone 8 into Microsofts new universal Windows platform. The look and feel of the Panorama Control is great and I really can´t figure out why Microsoft didn´t implement this Control into UWP.
Actually I´m new to UWP (Coded WinForms Projects, only) and I´m looking for some layouting Standards which can help me to create applications for multiple devices.

In UWP you can use Hub or Pivot controls
Take a look at Navigation design basics for UWP apps


How to implement Camera function in windows forms?

I'm working in a proyect in VB.NET who will run in .net frameworks 4.5 (windows 8.1).
I need to implement a function to add the posibility to take pictures INSIDE my application.
Can anyone help me saying what's the right way to implement?
(What class,functions,interfacts to use..etc

Adding Monogame to the existing Xamarin project

A Xamarin newbie here. I have recently started developing a cross-platform mobile application using Xamarin with Visual Studio. There is now an idea to introduce an application framework to manage graphics and animations, such as Monogame. I've looked at the tutorials and it looks like that I had to start using Monogame from the beginning, as I couldn't find a way to use it with an existing project. So, I am wondering is there such a possibility at all?
How are you wishing to integrate it? It is possible to instantiate a Game class from a button touch or some other user input. From that you point on you are solely inside of MonoGame until the game is closed. The only issue i came across with this is removing the game and handing control back to the main application as this is not how MG was designed to be used.

VB.Net form as part of desktop

I've spent a while searching around and I can't find a solution to this:
I have a transparent, borderless form that displays a clock. I can load this just fine, but I want the clock to be part of the desktop, so it cannot take focus, is behind other applications, and is not hidden with Win+D (similar to applications like RainMeter).
I need the solution to work with VB.Net (I'm using 2010)
Thanks in anticipation
Take a look at the following codeproject article:
Application Desktop Toolbars
It seems to do what you require.
This article is about Application Desktop Toolbars, which are
applications that can align to the screen much like the taskbar. The
article will develop a base class for developing such apps.

Change the window area in Windows

I have an application (chat) that I am developing for our company (special requirements). We are mostly using WinXP computers. I want it to be topmost and docked to the right, the problem is, I don't want it to overlap other windows that people are working on.
Is there a way to change the default area that other programs can maximize to? Basically, I want it to look something like this:
Is something like this possible? I'm using so all .net answers are accepted.
Take a look at the following codeproject article:
Application Desktop Toolbars
It seems to do what you require.
This article is about Application Desktop Toolbars, which are
applications that can align to the screen much like the taskbar. The
article will develop a base class for developing such apps.

How to draw XNA window inside a panel?

I'm developing a 3d Viewer in and xna. It's working very well.
I have now a windows form and an xna render window, but I would like to render it inside a panel in the windows form.
I have searched for info, but it's so hard to adapt it into my application.
How can I do it?
alt text
Here is the application.
IMO, you should keep it separate. It is so much easier because you don't have to worry about managing the graphics device. However if you must know, you can find the winforms series on the xna creator's club site. it shows you how to render to a winforms panel