Find global maximum in the lest number of computations - optimization

Let's say I have a function f defined on interval [0,1], which is smooth and increases up to some point a after which it starts decreasing. I have a grid x[i] on this interval, e.g. with a constant step size of dx = 0.01, and I would like to find which of those points has the highest value, by doing the smallest number of evaluations of f in the worst-case scenario. I think I can do much better than exhaustive search by applying something inspired with gradient-like methods. Any ideas? I was thinking of something like a binary search perhaps, or parabolic methods.
This is a bisection-like method I coded:
def optimize(f, a, b, fa, fb, dx):
if b - a <= dx:
return a if fa > fb else b
m1 = 0.5*(a + b)
m1 = _round(m1, a, dx)
fm1 = fa if m1 == a else f(m1)
m2 = m1 + dx
fm2 = fb if m2 == b else f(m2)
if fm2 >= fm1:
return optimize(f, m2, b, fm2, fb, dx)
return optimize(f, a, m1, fa, fm1, dx)
def _round(x, a, dx, right = False):
return a + dx*(floor((x - a)/dx) + right)
The idea is: find the middle of the interval and compute m1 and m2- the points to the right and to the left of it. If the direction there is increasing, go for the right interval and do the same, otherwise go for the left. Whenever the interval is too small, just compare the numbers on the ends. However, this algorithm still does not use the strength of the derivatives at points I computed.

Such a function is called unimodal.
Without computing the derivatives, you can work by
finding where the deltas x[i+1]-x[i] change sign, by dichotomy (the deltas are positive then negative after the maximum); this takes Log2(n) comparisons; this approach is very close to what you describe;
adapting the Golden section method to the discrete case; it takes Logφ(n) comparisons (φ~1.618).
Apparently, the Golden section is more costly, as φ<2, but actually the dichotomic search takes two function evaluations at a time, hence 2Log2(n)=Log√2(n) .
One can show that this is optimal, i.e. you can't go faster than O(Log(n)) for an arbitrary unimodal function.
If your function is very regular, the deltas will vary smoothly. You can think of the interpolation search, which tries to better predict the searched position by a linear interpolation rather than simple halving. In favorable conditions, it can reach O(Log(Log(n)) performance. I don't know of an adaptation of this principle to the Golden search.
Actually, linear interpolation on the deltas is very close to parabolic interpolation on the function values. The latter approach might be the best for you, but you need to be careful about the corner cases.
If derivatives are allowed, you can use any root solving method on the first derivative, knowing that there is an isolated zero in the given interval.
If only the first derivative is available, use regula falsi. If the second derivative is possible as well, you may consider Newton, but prefer a safe bracketing method.
I guess that the benefits of these approaches (superlinear and quadratic convergence) are made a little useless by the fact that you are working on a grid.

DISCLAIMER: Haven't test the code. Take this as an "inspiration".
Let's say you have the following 11 points
x,f(x) = (0,3),(1,7),(2,9),(3,11),(4,13),(5,14),(6,16),(7,5),(8,3)(9,1)(1,-1)
you can do something like inspired to the bisection method
a = 0 ,f(a) = 3 | b=10,f(b)=-1 | c=(0+10/2) f(5)=14
from here you can see that the increasing interval is [a,c[ and there is no need to that for the maximum because we know that in that interval the function is increasing. Maximum has to be in interval [c,b]. So at the next iteration you change the value of a s.t. a=c
a = 5 ,f(a) = 14 | b=10,f(b)=-1 | c=(5+10/2) f(6)=16
Again [a,c] is increasing so a is moved on the right
you can iterate the process until a=b=c.
Here the code that implements this idea. More info here:
int main(){
#define STEP (0.01)
#define SIZE (1/STEP)
double vals[(int)SIZE];
for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; ++i) {
double x = i*STEP;
vals[i] = -(x*x*x*x - (0.6)*(x*x));
for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; ++i) {
printf("%f ",vals[i]);
int a=0,b=SIZE-1,c;
double fa=vals[a],fb=vals[b] ,fc;
fc = vals[c];
while( a!=b && b!=c && a!=c){
printf("%i %i %i - %f %f %f\n",a,c,b, vals[a], vals[c],vals[b]);
if(fc - vals[c-1] > 0){ //is the function increasing in [a,c]
a = c;
fc = vals[c];
printf("The maximum is %i=%f with %f\n", c,(c*STEP),vals[a]);

Find points where derivative(of f(x))=(df/dx)=0
for derivative you could use five-point-stencil or similar algorithms.
should be O(n)
Then fit those multiple points (where d=0) on a polynomial regression / least squares regression .
should be also O(N). Assuming all numbers are neighbours.
Then find top of that curve
shouldn't be more than O(M) where M is resolution of trials for fit-function.
While taking derivative, you could leap by k-length steps until derivate changes sign.
When derivative changes sign, take square root of k and continue reverse direction.
When again, derivative changes sign, take square root of new k again, change direction.
Example: leap by 100 elements, find sign change, leap=10 and reverse direction, next change ==> leap=3 ... then it could be fixed to 1 element per step to find exact location.

I am assuming that the function evaluation is very costly.
In the special case, that your function could be approximately fitted with a polynomial, you can easily calculate the extrema in least number of function evaluations. And since you know that there is only one maximum, a polynomial of degree 2 (quadratic) might be ideal.
For example: If f(x) can be represented by a polynomial of some known degree, say 2, then, you can evaluate your function at any 3 points and calculate the polynomial coefficients using Newton's difference or Lagrange interpolation method.
Then its simple to solve for the maximum for this polynomial. For a degree 2 you can easily get a closed form expression for the maximum.
To get the final answer you can then search in the vicinity of the solution.


Using fixed point to show square root

In going through the exercises of SICP, it defines a fixed-point as a function that satisfies the equation F(x)=x. And iterating to find where the function stops changing, for example F(F(F(x))).
The thing I don't understand is how a square root of, say, 9 has anything to do with that.
For example, if I have F(x) = sqrt(9), obviously x=3. Yet, how does that relate to doing:
F(F(F(x))) --> sqrt(sqrt(sqrt(9)))
Which I believe just converges to zero:
>>> math.sqrt(math.sqrt(math.sqrt(math.sqrt(math.sqrt(math.sqrt(9))))))
Since F(x) = sqrt(x) when x=1. In other words, how does finding the square root of a constant have anything to do with finding fixed points of functions?
When calculating the square-root of a number, say a, you essentially have an equation of the form x^2 - a = 0. That is, to find the square-root of a, you have to find an x such that x^2 = a or x^2 - a = 0 -- call the latter equation as (1). The form given in (1) is an equation which is of the form g(x) = 0, where g(x) := x^2 - a.
To use the fixed-point method for calculating the roots of this equation, you have to make some subtle modifications to the existing equation and bring it to the form f(x) = x. One way to do this is to rewrite (1) as x = a/x -- call it (2). Now in (2), you have obtained the form required for solving an equation by the fixed-point method: f(x) is a/x.
Observe that this method requires both sides of the equation to have an 'x' term; an equation of the form sqrt(a) = x doesn't meet the specification and hence can't be solved (iteratively) using the fixed-point method.
The thing I don't understand is how a square root of, say, 9 has anything to do with that.
For example, if I have F(x) = sqrt(9), obviously x=3. Yet, how does that relate to doing: F(F(F(x))) --> sqrt(sqrt(sqrt(9)))
These are standard methods for numerical calculation of roots of non-linear equations, quite a complex topic on its own and one which is usually covered in Engineering courses. So don't worry if you don't get the "hang of it", the authors probably felt it was a good example of iterative problem solving.
You need to convert the problem f(x) = 0 to a fixed point problem g(x) = x that is likely to converge to the root of f(x). In general, the choice of g(x) is tricky.
if f(x) = x² - a = 0, then you should choose g(x) as follows:
g(x) = 1/2*(x + a/x)
(This choice is based on Newton's method, which is a special case of fixed-point iterations).
To find the square root, sqrt(a):
guess an initial value of x0.
Given a tolerance ε, compute xn+1 = 1/2*(xn + a/xn) for n = 0, 1, ... until convergence.

Self-Correcting Probability Distribution - Maintain randomness, while gravitating each outcome's frequency towards its probability

This is a common problem when you want to introduce randomness, but at the same time you want your experiment to stick close to the intended probability distribution, and can not / do not want to count on the law of big numbers.
Say you have programmed a coin with 50-50 chance for heads / tails. If you simulate it 100 times, most likely you will get something close to the intended 50-50 (binary distribution centered at 50-50).
But what if you wanted similar certainty for any number of repeats of the experiment.
A client of ours asked us this ::
We may also need to add some restrictions on some of the randomizations (e.g. if spatial location of our stimuli is totally random, the program could present too many stimuli in some locations and not very many in others. Locations should be equally sampled, so more of an array that is shuffled instead of randomization with replacement).
So they wanted randomness they could control.
Implementation details aside (arrays, vs other methods), the wanted result for our client's problem was the following ::
Always have as close to 1 / N of the stimuli in each of the N potential locations, yet do so in a randomized (hard-to-predict) way.
This is commonly needed in games (when distributing objects, characters, stats, ..), and I would imagine many other applications.
My preferred method for dealing with this is to dynamically weight the intended probabilities based on how the experiment has gone so far. This effectively moves us away from independently drawn variables.
Let p[i] be the wanted probability of outcome i
Let N[i] be the number of times outcome i has happened up to now
Let N be the sum of N[] for all outcomes i
Let w[i] be the correcting weight for i
Let W_Max be the maximum weight you want to assign (ie. when an outcome has occurred 0 times)
Let P[i] be the unnormalized probability for i
Then p_c[i] is the corrected probability for i
p[i] is fixed and provided by the design. N[i] is an accumulation - every time i happens, increment N[i] by 1.
w[i] is given by
w[i] = CalculateWeight(p[i], N[i], N, W_Max)
if (N == 0) return 1;
if (N[i] == 0) return W_Max;
intended = p[i] * N
current = N[i]
return intended / current;
And P[i] is given by
P[i] = p[i] * w[i]
Then we calculate p_c[i] as
p_c[i] = P[i] / sum(P[i])
And we run the next iteration of our random experiment (sampling) with p_c[i] instead of p[i] for outcome i.
The main drawback is that you trade control for predictability. After 4 tails in a row, it's highly likely you will see a head.
Note 1 :: The described method will provide at any step a distribution close to the original if the experiment's results match the intended results, or skewed towards (away) outcomes that have happened less (more) than intended.
Note 2 :: You can introduce a "control" parameter c and add an extra step.
p_c2[i] = c * p_c[i] + (1-c) * p[i]
For c = 1, this defaults to the described method, for c = 0 it defaults to the the original probabilities (independently drawn variables).

Nonreflecting boundaries for a wave equation simulation

I am implementing a simulation of the wave equation using an array to discretely model a spatial region in which waves can propagate. Currently, waves reflect off the boundaries of the spatial region. However, I want to eliminate this reflection so that waves appear to propagate off forever.
I am aware there are many academic papers discussing nonreflecting / absorbing boundary conditions (e.g. perfectly matched layers?), but most seem to focus on analytic solutions. I cannot figure out how to implement nonreflecting boundaries numerically in my simulation. This is the code I am writing:
for (var i = 1; i < width - 1; ++i) {
for (var j = 1; j < height - 1; ++j) {
var d2f_dx2 = f[i + 1][j] - f[i][j] * 2 + f[i - 1][j];
var d2f_dy2 = f[i][j + 1] - f[i][j] * 2 + f[i][j - 1];
var d2f_dt2 = c2[i][j] * (d2f_dx2 + d2f_dy2);
df_dt[i][j] += d2f_dt2;
for (var i = 1; i < width - 1; ++i) {
for (var j = 1; j < height - 1; ++j) {
f[i][j] += df_dt[i][j];
where f is the field, df_dt is the partial derivative of the field with respect to time, d2f_dt2 is the second partial derivative of the field with respect to time, d2f_dx2 is the second partial derivative of the field in the x direction, and d2f_dy2 is the second partial derivative of the field in the y direction.
Does anyone know how I can adjust this code to have nonreflecting boundaries?
After clearing a few 25 year old cobwebs, the solution to your problem will depend on your setting the equations to satisfy the following initial conditions and condition at infinity. It has been far to long for me to translate initial and infinite boundary conditions into the partial differential and then into code for you, but knowing the correct boundary conditions to apply will provide the numerical model your are trying to create. Hopefully this will help.
For the undamped non-reflecting condition, the boundary value problem you are looking to model is described in the wikipedia article you site under the last paragraph of The_Sturm-Liouville_formulation. The The_Sturm-Liouville formulation itself may not provide the proper model, but the boundary conditions discussed in the last paragraph under the heading are those you must satisfy. The derivation is explained in a single dimension, but as noted in the article, the numerical solution for the one-dimension problem can be extended to any number of dimensions.
Boundary Conditions for Undamped Infinite Propagation
boundary value at t=0 == value at t=infinity after X whole periods, where
y = Asin(Bx - C) + D or y = Acos(Bx - C) + D.
The solution for f(x)t and f(y)t will be periodic trigonomic functions with the waves propagating on to infinity. If you think about it, the conditions are clear. At any point in time, the wave you wish to describe is simply an undamped periodic harmonic that will be modeled on a sine, cosine, etc.. The only difference in description of the wave at any point in time will be amplitude and phase as it cycles though a normal period. The identity of which trigonomic function will satisfy your initial condition will depend on the phase angle and shift at time t=0. The boundary condition as time approaches infinity will be that same function after a whole number of periods are complete.

How to calculate deceleration needed to reach a certain speed over a certain distance?

I've tried the typical physics equations for this but none of them really work because the equations deal with constant acceleration and mine will need to change to work correctly. Basically I have a car that can be going at a large range of speeds and needs to slow down and stop over a given distance and time as it reaches the end of its path.
So, I have:
V0, or the current speed
Vf, or the speed I want to reach (typically 0)
t, or the amount of time I want to take to reach the end of my path
d, or the distance I want to go as I change from V0 to Vf
I want to calculate
a, or the acceleration needed to go from V0 to Vf
The reason this becomes a programming-specific question is because a needs to be recalculated every single timestep as the car keeps stopping. So, V0 constantly is changed to be V0 from last timestep plus the a that was calculated last timestep. So essentially it will start stopping slowly then will eventually stop more abruptly, sort of like a car in real life.
All right, thanks for the great responses. A lot of what I needed was just some help thinking about this. Let me be more specific now that I've got some more ideas from you all:
I have a car c that is 64 pixels from its destination, so d=64. It is driving at 2 pixels per timestep, where a timestep is 1/60 of a second. I want to find the acceleration a that will bring it to a speed of 0.2 pixels per timestep by the time it has traveled d.
d = 64 //distance
V0 = 2 //initial velocity (in ppt)
Vf = 0.2 //final velocity (in ppt)
Also because this happens in a game loop, a variable delta is passed through to each action, which is the multiple of 1/60s that the last timestep took. In other words, if it took 1/60s, then delta is 1.0, if it took 1/30s, then delta is 0.5. Before acceleration is actually applied, it is multiplied by this delta value. Similarly, before the car moves again its velocity is multiplied by the delta value. This is pretty standard stuff, but it might be what is causing problems with my calculations.
Linear acceleration a for a distance d going from a starting speed Vi to a final speed Vf:
a = (Vf*Vf - Vi*Vi)/(2 * d)
After your edit, let me try and gauge what you need...
If you take this formula and insert your numbers, you get a constant acceleration of -0,0309375. Now, let's keep calling this result 'a'.
What you need between timestamps (frames?) is not actually the acceleration, but new location of the vehicle, right? So you use the following formula:
Sd = Vi * t + 0.5 * t * t * a
where Sd is the current distance from the start position at current frame/moment/sum_of_deltas, Vi is the starting speed, and t is the time since the start.
With this, your decceleration is constant, but even if it is linear, your speed will accomodate to your constraints.
If you want a non-linear decceleration, you could find some non-linear interpolation method, and interpolate not acceleration, but simply position between two points.
location = non_linear_function(time);
The four constraints you give are one too many for a linear system (one with constant acceleration), where any three of the variables would suffice to compute the acceleration and thereby determine the fourth variables. However, the system is way under-specified for a completely general nonlinear system -- there may be uncountably infinite ways to change acceleration over time while satisfying all the constraints as given. Can you perhaps specify better along what kind of curve acceleration should change over time?
Using 0 index to mean "at the start", 1 to mean "at the end", and D for Delta to mean "variation", given a linearly changing acceleration
a(t) = a0 + t * (a1-a0)/Dt
where a0 and a1 are the two parameters we want to compute to satisfy all the various constraints, I compute (if there's been no misstep, as I did it all by hand):
DV = Dt * (a0+a1)/2
Ds = Dt * (V0 + ((a1-a0)/6 + a0/2) * Dt)
Given DV, Dt and Ds are all given, this leaves 2 linear equations in the unknowns a0 and a1 so you can solve for these (but I'm leaving things in this form to make it easier to double check on my derivations!!!).
If you're applying the proper formulas at every step to compute changes in space and velocity, it should make no difference whether you compute a0 and a1 once and for all or recompute them at every step based on the remaining Dt, Ds and DV.
If you're trying to simulate a time-dependent acceleration in your equations, it just means that you should assume that. You have to integrate F = ma along with the acceleration equations, that's all. If acceleration isn't constant, you just have to solve a system of equations instead of just one.
So now it's really three vector equations that you have to integrate simultaneously: one for each component of displacement, velocity, and acceleration, or nine equations in total. The force as a function of time will be an input for your problem.
If you're assuming 1D motion you're down to three simultaneous equations. The ones for velocity and displacement are both pretty easy.
In real life, a car's stopping ability depends on the pressure on the brake pedal, any engine braking that's going on, surface conditions, and such: also, there's that "grab" at the end when the car really stops. Modeling that is complicated, and you're unlikely to find good answers on a programming website. Find some automotive engineers.
Aside from that, I don't know what you're asking for. Are you trying to determine a braking schedule? As in there's a certain amount of deceleration while coasting, and then applying the brake? In real driving, the time is not usually considered in these maneuvers, but rather the distance.
As far as I can tell, your problem is that you aren't asking for anything specific, which suggests that you really haven't figured out what you actually want. If you'd provide a sample use for this, we could probably help you. As it is, you've provided the bare bones of a problem that is either overdetermined or way underconstrained, and there's really nothing we can do with that.
if you need to go from 10m/s to 0m/s in 1m with linear acceleration you need 2 equations.
first find the time (t) it takes to stop.
v0 = initial velocity
vf = final velocity
x0 = initial displacement
xf = final displacement
a = constant linear acceleration
next to calculate the linear acceleration between x0 & xf
in terms of gravity (g's)
a=5.1g over the .2 seconds from 0m to 10m
Problem is either overconstrained or underconstrained (a is not constant? is there a maximum a?) or ambiguous.
Simplest formula would be a=(Vf-V0)/t
Edit: if time is not constrained, and distance s is constrained, and acceleration is constant, then the relevant formulae are s = (Vf+V0)/2 * t, t=(Vf-V0)/a which simplifies to a = (Vf2 - V02) / (2s).

Normal Distribution function

So based on the answers so far (thanks for taking your time) I'm getting the sense that I'm probably NOT looking for a Normal Distribution function. Perhaps I'll try to re-describe what I'm looking to do.
Lets say I have an object that returns a number of 0 to 10. And that number controls "speed". However instead of 10 being the top speed, I need 5 to be the top speed, and anything lower or higher would slow down accordingly. (with easing, thus the bell curve)
I hope that's clearer ;/
-original question
These are the times I wish I remembered something from math class.
I'm trying to figure out how to write a function in obj-C where I define the boundries, ex (0 - 10) and then if x = foo y = ? .... where x runs something like 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 and y runs 0,1,2,3,4,5,4,3,2,1,0 but only on a curve
Something like the attached image.
I tried googling for Normal Distribution but its way over my head. I was hoping to find some site that lists some useful algorithms like these but wasn't very successful.
So can anyone help me out here ? And if there is some good sites which shows useful mathematical functions, I'd love to check them out.
I'm not looking for a random number, I'm looking for.. ex: if x=0 y should be 0, if x=5 y should be 5, if x=10 y should be 0.... and all those other not so obvious in between numbers
alt text
Okay, your edit really clarifies things. You're not looking for anything to do with the normal distribution, just a nice smooth little ramp function. The one Paul provides will do nicely, but is tricky to modify for other values. It can be made a little more flexible (my code examples are in Python, which should be very easy to translate to any other language):
def quarticRamp(x, b=10, peak=5):
if not 0 <= x <= b:
raise ValueError #or return 0
return peak*x*x*(x-b)*(x-b)*16/(b*b*b*b)
Parameter b is the upper bound for the region you want to have a slope on (10, in your example), and peak is how high you want it to go (5, in the example).
Personally I like a quadratic spline approach, which is marginally cheaper computationally and has a different curve to it (this curve is really nice to use in a couple of special applications that don't happen to matter at all for you):
def quadraticSplineRamp(x, a=0, b=10, peak=5):
if not a <= x <= b:
raise ValueError #or return 0
if x > (b+a)/2:
x = a + b - x
z = 2*(x-a)/b
if z > 0.5:
return peak * (1 - 2*(z-1)*(z-1))
return peak * (2*z*z)
This is similar to the other function, but takes a lower bound a (0 in your example). The logic is a little more complex because it's a somewhat-optimized implementation of a piecewise function.
The two curves have slightly different shapes; you probably don't care what the exact shape is, and so could pick either. There are an infinite number of ramp functions meeting your criteria; these are two simple ones, but they can get as baroque as you want.
The thing you want to plot is the probability density function (pdf) of the normal distribution. You can find it on the mighty Wikipedia.
Luckily, the pdf for a normal distribution is not difficult to implement - some of the other related functions are considerably worse because they require the error function.
To get a plot like you showed, you want a mean of 5 and a standard deviation of about 1.5. The median is obviously the centre, and figuring out an appropriate standard deviation given the left & right boundaries isn't particularly difficult.
A function to calculate the y value of the pdf given the x coordinate, standard deviation and mean might look something like:
double normal_pdf(double x, double mean, double std_dev) {
return( 1.0/(sqrt(2*PI)*std_dev) *
exp(-(x-mean)*(x-mean)/(2*std_dev*std_dev)) );
A normal distribution is never equal to 0.
Please make sure that what you want to plot is indeed a
normal distribution.
If you're only looking for this bell shape (with the tangent and everything)
you can use the following formula:
x^2*(x-10)^2 for x between 0 and 10
0 elsewhere
(Divide by 125 if you need to have your peek on 5.)
double bell(double x) {
if ((x < 10) && (x>0))
return x*x*(x-10.)*(x-10.)/125.;
return 0.;
Well, there's good old Wikipedia, of course. And Mathworld.
What you want is a random number generator for "generating normally distributed random deviates". Since Objective C can call regular C libraries, you either need a C-callable library like the GNU Scientific Library, or for this, you can write it yourself following the description here.
Try simulating rolls of dice by generating random numbers between 1 and 6. If you add up the rolls from 5 independent dice rolls, you'll get a surprisingly good approximation to the normal distribution. You can roll more dice if you'd like and you'll get a better approximation.
Here's an article that explains why this works. It's probably more mathematical detail than you want, but you could show it to someone to justify your approach.
If what you want is the value of the probability density function, p(x), of a normal (Gaussian) distribution of mean mu and standard deviation sigma at x, the formula is
p(x) = exp( ((x-mu)^2)/(2*sigma^2) ) / (sigma * 2 * sqrt(pi))
where pi is the area of a circle divided by the square of its radius (approximately 3.14159...). Using the C standard library math.h, this is:
#include <math>
double normal_pdf(double x, double mu, double sigma) {
double n = sigma * 2 * sqrt(M_PI); //normalization factor
p = exp( -pow(x-mu, 2) / (2 * pow(sigma, 2)) ); // unnormalized pdf
return p / n;
Of course, you can do the same in Objective-C.
For reference, see the Wikipedia or MathWorld articles.
It sounds like you want to write a function that yields a curve of a specific shape. Something like y = f(x), for x in [0:10]. You have a constraint on the max value of y, and a general idea of what you want the curve to look like (somewhat bell-shaped, y=0 at the edges of the x range, y=5 when x=5). So roughly, you would call your function iteratively with the x range, with a step that gives you enough points to make your curve look nice.
So you really don't need random numbers, and this has nothing to do with probability unless you want it to (as in, you want your curve to look like a the outline of a normal distribution or something along those lines).
If you have a clear idea of what function will yield your desired curve, the code is trivial - a function to compute f(x) and a for loop to call it the desired number of times for the desired values of x. Plot the x,y pairs and you're done. So that's your algorithm - call a function in a for loop.
The contents of the routine implementing the function will depend on the specifics of what you want the curve to look like. If you need help on functions that might return a curve resembling your sample, I would direct you to the reading material in the other answers. :) However, I suspect that this is actually an assignment of some sort, and that you have been given a function already. If you are actually doing this on your own to learn, then I again echo the other reading suggestions.