SQL Transaction within DataReader or outside of it? And Function Sequence Error? - sql

Currently my code structure (in VB.NET) is as follows -
Using reader As IfxDataReader = command.ExecuteReader()
If reader.HasRows Then
Do While reader.Read()
Using transaction As IfxTransaction = conn.BeginTransaction(System.Data.IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted)
'multiple update statements
End Using
End If
End Using
The reader is reading multiple records and for every record, there are multiple update statements to be run. I figure that it would be better to begin a transaction for each record, and the commit after it is done, move on to the next record and create a new transaction for that, "rinse and repeat".
Everything works fine and is committed to the database, but when the reader checks for more rows after the last record, this peculiar error shows up -
ERROR [HY010][Informix .NET provider] Function sequence error.
After doing some reasearch, the IBM website says that I would have to update to a CSDK 3.5 or higher (http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg1IC58696). However, to me this seems a bit unnecessary since the code is working fine, it's just throwing that error at the end.
Would it be better to have the transaction OUTSIDE of the reader, and go through all the records in the table and THEN commit all at once? Or is it the most efficient/optimal the way it is now (in other words, going through each record, with all the necessary update statements for that record, and committing one at a time)? Secondly, would the former choice resolve the function sequence error?

If you plan your application to target for 64bit architecture or .NET FW 4x
then you may consider using CSDK 4.10 xC2 or above.

Within the code, there was a datareader, and inside the datareader were some update statements. I changed the way the code was structured by separating these functions. First I have it read all the data, and then store into objects. Then, after that was done and closed, I ran the update statements while iterating through each object. That seemed to solve the function sequence error that was coming up.


Teradata JDBC Warning 3932 Issue

I can't get my Teradata sql transaction to work through a logstash file.
I am running a somewhat complex transaction with multiple statements (some of them DDL) relying upon previous statements in Teradata. I’m using the jdbc input plugin in logstash. The statement creates multiple volatile tables to provide columns of information upon which I call upon in later statements to complete the transaction. This transaction works perfectly fine when run in Teradata Studio, but has yet to work when I've tried to run it through a jdbc.conf file.
When I run the transaction through my config file from the command line I receive error message 3932 which essentially tells me that I need to enter in COMMIT statements after my volatile tables. I have looked into the error and have, to no productive success tried:
entering in COMMIT statements after each volatile table
placed BT and Et at the beginning and end of the transaction
changed modes within Teradata jdbc_connection_string parameters vector in hopes of having auto commit enabled (not sure if it is disabled or not).
I know the only issue is my transaction through the jdbc, as I (as mentioned before) have gotten the transaction to work in Teradata, and have successfully run my jdbc.conf file with a simpler query.
Any help would be much appreciated.

How does updating or inserting while looping through a result set affect the result set itself?

suppose I fetch an RS, based on certain conditions and start looping though it , then , on certain situations , I update insert or delete records, which may have been part of this RS, using separate prepared statements.
How does this effect the result set ? My inclination is to think that since the Statement which fetched this RS was executed earlier in the process, this RS will now be blind to the changes made by my prepared statements.
Pseudocode :
Preapare Statement ps1
execute ps1 -> get Result Set rs1
loop through rs1
Update or delete records using other prepared statements
Read Consistency
Oracle guarantees that the set of data seen by a statement is consistent with respect to a single point in time and does not change during statement execution (statement-level read consistency)
That is why, If you have a query such as
insert into t
select * from t;
Oracle will simply duplicate all rows without going into an infinite loop or raising an error.
There are other implications because of this.
1) Oracle reads from the rollback segment to provide you with this read-consistent image of your data. So, if your rollback segments are nor correctly sized, or you commit across fetches, you'll get the "Snapshot too old" error, since your rollback data is no longer available.
Ok , so if that is the case , is it possible to refresh it while making updates ? I mean aside from making the cursor updateable and using the inbuilt functions of the result set.
2) Each query sees the data at the point of time it began. If by refresh you mean refiring the query, then the data you see might be different again, if you do commits in your pl/sql body or within a pl/sql loop or if some other transactions are running in your system concurrently.
It doesn't. The result set of a query/cursor is kept by the database, even if you alter or remove the rows that are the base of this result set. So you are correct, it is blind to changes made after the statement is executed.

Stored Procedure passing control back too quickily - VB6

I have a stored procedure that is updating a very large table (with over 100 million records). The stored procedure is updating records in this table.
The steps are as follows:
Store record IDs to be updated in a recordset (not all records will be updated - only about 20000)
Loop through the recordset and call the stored procedure for each record ID in the recordset
Each time the stored procedure has finished (for each record in the recordset mentioned in part 1), update a flag in a table to say that the update completed.
I am finding some strange behaviour. It appears that the stored procedure is passing control back to VB6 before it has completed its updates and is continuing processing the next record. The stored procedure is then timing out later on (on another record ID). Therefore there are flags that say updated (step 3), even though the stored procedure has not run (because it timed out). Is this normal behaviour i.e. for the stored procedure to pass control back to VB6 before it has finished the work?
I have Googled this and I have discovered that it could be because of the way the stored procedure is optimised by SQL Server. I would expect control only to be passed back to VB6 after the updates have completed. Is this not the case?
Please note that I realise there may be better ways of approaching this. My question specifically relates to SQL Server passing control back to VB6 before it has finished the work (update).
The following article proved to be the solution to this problem: http://weblogs.sqlteam.com/dang/archive/2007/10/20/Use-Caution-with-Explicit-Transactions-in-Stored-Procedures.aspx. It appears that the following behaviour was happening:
1) Record 1. Run stored procedure and create transaction. Timeout on SQL Command object occurrs.
2) Record 2. Run stored procedure successfully. Return constrol to VB6 to update flag in database.
3) Record 3. Run stored procedure successfully. Return constrol to VB6 to update flag in database.
4) Record 4. Run stored procedure successfully. Return constrol to VB6 to update flag in database.
5) Program ends. Stored procedure rolls back transaction (transaction now encompasses records 1-4). Therefore records 1-4 are not deleted.
Can you...
run the code in sql management studio and see what happens and report back? if so i will update this answer as that will help us understand if its the code / connection or sql.
other things to investigate, given we dont not what cases you have tested for...
use the same code path in ur vb application and change only the sql in the stored procedure to something very simple but has the same signature as far as what its doing (ie/ basica reading if there is reading, basic deleting if there is deleting, and same for updating and adding) to see what happens.
Also, some other thoughts...
if you are using MSSQL, it's as simple as someone leaving a query window open and it ties up the database. This is easily tested. I've had the same trouble before. I've run stored procedures before that had no timeout, that normally would run immediately but would sit overnight and not run. Only to realize another person left their query window open. Close their window and poof it finally runs. Check this out, it could be a table lock. Whether it be the application doing it, or it is being done by another user making queries to the DB. Check to make sure your application is closing connections to the DB each time their being used.

SQL Try Catch the exact errors caused by the recent variables

SELECT #AccountNumber,
Print #Sedat
How can I get the #Sedat, is it possible?
SQL 2005 , it will be in an SP
Like this, no?
SELECT #AccountNumber,
--error handling only
--There is no finally block like .net
Print #Sedat
IN a proc when I want to trap the exact values that caused an erorr, this is what I do. I declare a table variable (very important must be a table variable not a temp table) that has the fields I want to have information on. I populate the table variable with records as I go. In a multitep proc, I would add one record for each step if I wanted to see the who process or only a record if I hit an error (which I would populate in this case in the catch block typically). Then in The catch block I would rollback the transaction and then I would insert the contents of the table varaible into a permanent exception processing table. You could also just do a select of this table if you wanted, but if I'm going to this much trouble it usually is for an automated process where I need to be able to research the problem at a later time, not see the problem when it hits becasue I'm not running it on my mchine or where I could see a select or print statement. By using the table varaible which stay in scope even after the rollback, my information is still available for me to log in my exception logging table. But it important that you do the logging to any permananent table after the rollback or the process will rollback with everything else.
which database are you using?
also, which programming language is this?
usually there would be an INTO clause and some local variables declared.
your query should also have a FROM clause at a minimum
It is not clear if you are expecting the returned values to be placed into the # variables or whether you are trying to dynamically specify which columns you want selected. In a Sql Server stored procedure you usually return a result set, not a bunch of individual variables. The syntax you have will not work if you want column values returned since what you have will dynamically specify which columns are wanted based on the column names passed into the stored procedure. And this will not work since the stored procedure must know which columns you are going after when it is analyzed as it is stored. Now the except clause will be trigged if there is a problem reading from the database (communication down, disk error, etc.) in which case none of the column values will be known.
Use the Sql Query Analyzer tool (under the "Tools" menu in SqlManager after you have selected a database) to define your stored procedure and test it. If you installed the documentation when you installed SqlManager go to Start>Programs>Microsoft Sql Server>Books Online and open the "Transact-SQL Reference" node for documentation on what can be done.

Handle error in SQL Trigger without failing transaction?

I've a feeling this might not be possible, but here goes...
I've got a table that has an insert trigger on it. When data is inserted into this table the trigger fires and parses a long varbinary column. This trigger performs some operations on the binary data and writes several entries into a second table.
What I have recently discovered is that sometimes the binarydata is not "correct" (i.e. it does not conform to the spec it is supposed to - I have NO control over this whatsoever) and this can cause casting errors etc.
My initial reaction was to wrap things in TRY/CATCH blocks, but it appears this is not a solution either, as the execution of the CATCH means the transaction is doomed and I get a "Transaction doomed in trigger" error.
What is imperitive is that the data still gets written to the initial table. I don't care if the data gets written to the second table or not.
I'm not sure if I can accomplish this or not, and would gratefully receive any advice.
what you could do is commit a transaction inside a trigger and then perform those cast.
i don't know if that's a possible solution to your problem though.
another option would be to create a function IsYourBinaryValueOK which would check the column value. however the check would have to be done with like to not cause an error.
It doesn't sound like this code should run in an insert trigger since it is conceptually two different transactions. You would probably be better off with asynchronous processing such as service broker, a background nanny task that looks for 'not done' work, etc. You could also handle it by using a sproc to do the insert in one transaction and then having it call the do-other-work code afterwards.
If you absolutely have to do it in the trigger then you basically need an autonomous transaction. For some ideas see this link (the techniques apply to sql 2005 as well).