Unable to Access Spinnaker from my Machine's IP - apache

Installation of Spinnaker is done on an AWS ec2-instance. I want to access the docker from my local windows machine.
I have tried all these so far
1) Edit /etc/apache/ports.conf and remove change Listen to Listen 9000
1a) Add a reverse proxy for ports you wish to open in Apache
2) You may edit service files in /opt/spinnaker/conf to disable the bind to local host. Change localhost to domain name or
but none of them seem to work.

I was stuck on this too after having done the same things you mention. I got it working by also changing to *:9000 in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/spinnaker.conf.


mmonit not using remote server IP, using localhost instead

I've got an install of mmonit with various servers reporting into it. The monitoring is working, but trying to restart any servers results in it trying to contact itself (on localhost) and not the origin server IP.
I face a similar issue on ec2 via autoscaling, where the internal IP is assigned, not the public IP. Thus we get the same error, but it shows the AWS internal ec2 IP.
Our mmonit file is super simple, and doesn't mention localhost:
set httpd port 2812
allow xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
allow monitcli:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
In the monit host settings, it shows localhost, or the ec2 internal IP, and sure, I can manually override this, but that's a PITA.
Is there a way to push the correct external IP address from monit > mmonit in the config file?
Anyone have any insights here?
Use a proper hostname or ipaddress in the Monit monitrc files.
set httpd port 2812 and
use address
allow localhost
The "use address" address used by Monit should be reachable by your M/Monit system. And the "allow" address mask should include the M/Monit system and the Monit system, you can add multiple address masks.

How To open ports on Ubuntu in Google cloud platform

I am trying to run an ubuntu apache server on Google cloud platform, I have created the VM instances but I can't connect to any other port apart for from 80 and 22.
Here are all the things I've tried so far:
Created Firewall rules to allow ingress traffic to ports 21,20 and 443.
Created FireWall rules on the Ubuntu Machine itself
The only ports that seem to be open are the 80 and 22.
I also allowed both HTTP and HTTPS access in the VM settings
So Basically, what I am trying to do is to open ports on my server. I'm not sure what am doing wrong.
You have already installed apache, and it's running on the port 80 as you can see on the nmap test, a closed port just mean that there's no application running on that port, this is different to filtered, see this for more information, this confirms that your firewall rules are correct (you are allowing traffic from all sources By now you should be able to access your website on the port 80, if not I suggest you to follow this GCP guide.
So, if you want to run apache on the port 443 you just need to change its configuration (basically you will need to get a certificate for your server, configure some related parameters and then create a virtualhost listening on the 443 port, there are many guides on the internet for this just google for "enable https apache [your_OS]"), that should be enough since the firewall rules on GCP and your instance appear to be properly configured.

Remote access of network computer

I am not sure how or if this can be done. I have a home network and would like to see a computer,not the server, via a remote location. I have Apache on my server. Example: the network computers I would like to see ip Is there a way to add this ip to Apache root directory? I have tried to add a shortcut with in the root directory and it only works on the home network, will not via remote connection.
I need some clarification here on what you are trying to acomplish, are you trying to access the Apache website outside of the local network?
If that is the case, Apache is automatically set to listen on all network interfaces, you can check this in your virtual host configuration in the sites-enabled directory of your apache installation.
You should see something like in the 000-default.conf
You can test if apache is serving pages up correctly using the command
You should see the HTML of the page being served.
If this is the case, then it's likely the firewall on your machine/router or your ISP is blocking the required ports. You can allow Apache through the firewall on Ubuntu using sudo ufw allow Apache Full
If you give me some more info in comments we can probably work this out.

Unable to access Apache Vhost

I'm running apache through a clean Ubuntu server VM on Parallels for Mac. I have it set up following this tutorial
But when I try to access it from my mac, I get no response. Ping returns a response, but not viewing the page in chrome.
Here is my vhost file ccminecraft.com.conf
I also tried putting in ccminecraft.com www.ccminecraft.com
into my hosts file on my mac, but that didn't work. nslookup returns that it's searching on google's DNS, which both my mac and router are configured to use. But shouldn't it be going to instead of doing a DNS lookup?
Try telneting the port 80 on your ip#
telnet 80 if it doesn't respond you need to reconfigure your firewall or disable it.
service iptables stop
systemd --> systemctl stop firewall
Before usig DNS try with ip# so in :
ServerName put yout_ip# if it works you need to disble the adapter that link you to the internet and just let VM adapter enabled

Cannot access to web server via local IP address on UBUNTU 12.10

Recently I've install Ubuntu 12.10 on my dev machine. also I've installed apache 2.2 &
Php 5.3.8 and Php 5.2.17 and MySQL. Everything works fine and I can browses my sites and projects via & Localhost keyword and Hostname But I cannot access my sites or Apache web server via Local ip address (
I run this model on Laptop with Ubuntu 11.10 and can access via 192.168.1.x.
Do you have any idea about this issue please let me to know your XP in this case ?
thanks a million about your patient...
Perhaps your Apache is bounded to localhost only. Look in your Apache configuration file
(httpd.conf) for
and replace it with:
Listen 80
Listen *:80
Also check the Firewall settings, look for a the line below in the same file:
Allow from
and try changing it to:
Allow from all
You should replace the listen line as shown below:
sudo ufw allow from
I add Directory tag:
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride All
Require all granted
Windows Firewall did not have an exception for port 80.
Somehow IIS worked fine, but would not allow Apache port 80. Even disabling the Windows Firewall Service did not allow it.
Search Windows for "Firewall" and Create a new rule. Choose Port, enter 80, Call it: HTTP or whatever, Save. Restart Apache service.
in my case i work on nestjs and
previously i run my project on app.listen(3001) like this
first i change to this app.listen(3001,'192.168.xx.xx')
now i want to access my project on the another computer using ip on the network (LAN)
so it is now allow us to access any particular port after ip address
means if i access 192.198.xx.xx then i can access the address.
but if i append port like this 192.198.xx.xx:3001 then it not let me allow to access ip address so in this case i resolve my problem by run following cmd
sudo service ufw stop
sudo iptables -nvL
sudo iptables -nvL|less
sudo iptables -F
"Windows Firewall did not have an exception for port 80. Somehow IIS worked fine, but would not allow Apache port 80. Even disabling the Windows Firewall Service did not allow it.
Search Windows for "Firewall" and Create a new rule. Choose Port, enter 80, Call it: HTTP or whatever, Save. Restart Apache service." - This worked for me. After I enabled the ports 8080 on the firewall on Win Server 2012 (I use port 8080).