Complexity of an NFA - time-complexity

I have seen in several sources (e.g. 1, 2 - page 160), that the complexity of running through an NFA is O(m²n). However I haven't understood why it is so.
My intuition is that the complexity should be O(m^n) (where m is the length of the string, and n is the number of states), because for each letter in the input string, there are n possible states that the NFA can move to them.
Can anyone explain this to me?

Let's think about how we'd do one step of simulating the NFA. We begin in some set of active states Qinit. For each state we're in, we look at all the outgoing transitions labeled with the current symbol, then gather them into a set Qmid. Next, we follow all possible ε-transitions from those states and keep repeating this process until there are no more ε-transitions to follow (that is, we find the ε-closure), giving us our new set of state Qnext. We then repeat this process once per character in the input.
So how much time does this take? Well, there are m characters in the input string, so the runtime is m times whatever work we do on one individual character. Each state can have at most n transitions leaving it on each character, so the time to iterate over all the characters in Qinit to find the set Qmid is O(n2): there are O(n) states in Qinit and we only need to scan O(n) transitions per state. From there, we have to keep following ε-transitions until we run out of transitions to follow. We can do that by doing a BFS or DFS starting simultaneously from each state in Qmin and only following ε-transitions. The NFA can have at most O(n2) ε-transitions total (one between each pair of states), so the BFS or DFS will run in time O(n2). Overall we're doing O(n2) work per character, so the total work done is O(mn2).


How to access net displacements in pyiron

Using pyiron, I want to calculate the mean square displacement of the ions in my system. How do I see the total displacement (i.e. not folded back by periodic boundary conditions) without dumping very frequently and checking when an atom passes over the boundary and gets wrapped?
Try to compare job['output/generic/unwrapped_positions'][-1] and job.structure.positions+job.output.total_displacements[-1]. If they deliver the same values, it's definitely fine both ways. If not, you can post the relevant lines in your notebook here.
I'd like to add a few comments to Jan's answer:
While job['output/generic/unwrapped_positions'] returns the unwrapped positions parsed from the output files, job.output.total_displacements returns the displacement of atoms calculated from each pair of consecutive snapshots. So if an atom moves more than half the box length in any direction, job.output.total_displacements will give wrong coordinates. Therefore, job['output/generic/unwrapped_positions'] is generally more trustworthy, but it is not available in all the codes (since some codes simply do not provide an output for unwrapped positions).
Moreover, if an interactive job is used, it is possible that job.structure.positions does not return the initial positions, i.e. job.structure.positions+job.output.total_displacements won't be initial positions + displacements.
So, in short, my answer to your question would be rather "Use job['output/generic/unwrapped_positions'] and if it's not available, use job.structure.positions+job.output.total_displacements but be aware of potential problems you might be running into."

Enumerable.Count not working

I am monitoring the power of a laser and I want to know when n consecutive measurements are outside a safe range. I have a Queue(Of Double) which has n items (2 in my example) at the time it's being checked. I want to check that all items in the queue satisfy a condition, so I pass the items through a Count() with a predicate. However, the count function always returns the number of items in the queue, even if they don't all satisfy the predicate.
ElseIf _consecutiveMeasurements.AsEnumerable().Count(Function(m) m <= Me.CriticalLowLevel) = ConsecutiveCount Then
' do other things
A view of the debugger with the execution moving into the If.
Clearly, there are two measurements in the queue, and they are both greater than the CriticalLowLevel, so the count should be zero. I first tried Enumerable.Where(predicate).Count() and I got the same result. What's going on?
Of course the values are below the CriticalLowLevel, which I had mistakenly set to 598 instead of 498 for testing. I had over-complicated the problem by focusing my attention on the code when it was my test case which was faulty. I guess I couldn't see the forest for the trees, so they say. Thanks Eric for pointing it out.
Based on your debug snapshot, it looks like both of your measurements are less than the critical level of 598.0, so I would expect the count to match the queue length.
Both data points are <= Me.CriticalLowLevel.
Can you share an example where one of the data points is > Me.CriticalLowLevel that still exhibits this behavior?

Turing Machines

I'm reading a book on Languages & Automata and I'm not understanding Turing Machines. I've taught myself about DFA's NFA's and Pushdown Automata without any problems. Can someone please explain what this is doing?
B = {w#w|w ∈ {0, 1}*}
The following figure contains several snapshots of Ml 's tape while it is computing
in stages 2 and 3 when started on input 011000#011000.
Thanks alot!
"Imagine an endless row of hotel rooms, and each room contains a lightbulb and a switch that controls it. Initially, all the rooms are dark. A robot starts at one of the rooms, and has the ability to operate switches and move to adjacent rooms.
The robot has several states that it can be in, and each state determines what it should do based on whether the current room is light or dark. For example, a robot's rules could include these states:
The "scared" state:
If the room is dark, turn on the light and move to the room to the left.
If the room is light, do nothing and go to the "normal" state.
The "normal" state:
If the room is light, turn off the light and move to the room on the right.
Otherwise, go to the "scared" state.
One special state is the "stop" state. When the robot finds itself in this state, the process is complete.
Suppose a robot has n states (not including the "stop" state), and it stops. What is the maximum number of light rooms at this point?
This system is in direct allegory to Turing machines. The hotel is the tape, the robot is the Turing machine, and dark rooms and light rooms are 0 and 1 cells."
It is from googology wiki. I gave an idea to it, but, of course, this text has been improved since me.
Turing machine is a hypothetical machine with a tape where symbols are stored. It can have multiple heads that can read symbols from the tape or write symbols to the tape.
Now your grammar says B = {w#w|w ∈ {0, 1}*}, that is any string of the form "w#w", where w is any combination of 0's and 1's or none at all. So let's say w = 011000 for this particular example. The resulting string will be 011000#011000 and your turing machine will be verifying if it follows this grammar.
Your turing machine has one head in this case. It starts at the beginning of string. Reads the first character which is 0. Mark it "x": meaning I've read this. Then goes immediately after the # and checks if what it just read is matching. In this case it's 0 as well so it marks it as matching "x". It then goes back to previous position and does the same for next character. It keeps doing this until it reaches #. When it reads hash or #, it checks for the end of the string and if it is the end of string, it accepts this string saying yes this follows the given grammar.

Markov decision process - how to use optimal policy formula?

I have a task, where I have to calculate optimal policy
(Reinforcement Learning - Markov decision process) in the grid world (agent movies left,right,up,down).
In left table, there are Optimal values (V*).
In right table, there is sollution (directions) which I don't know how to get by using that "Optimal policy" formula.
Y=0.9 (discount factor)
And here is formula:
So if anyone knows how to use that formula, to get solution (those arrows), please help.
Edit: there is whole problem description on this page:
Rewards: state A(column 2, row 1) is followed by a reward of +10 and transition to state A', while state B(column 4, row 1) is followed by a reward of +5 and transition to state B'.
You can move: up,down,left,right. You cannot move outside the grid or stay in same place.
Break the math down, piece by piece:
The arg max (....) is telling you to find the argument, a, which maximizes everything in the parentheses. The variables a, s, and s' are an action, a state you're in, and a state that results from that action, respectively. So the arg max (...) is telling you to find an action that maximizes that term.
You know gamma, and someone did the hard work of calculating V*(s'), which is the value of that resulting state. So you know what to plug in there, right?
So what is p(s,a,s')? That is the probability that, starting from s and doing a, you end in some s'. This is meant to represent some kind of faulty actuator-- you say "go forward!" and it foolishly decides to go left (or two squares forward, or remain still, or whatever.) For this problem, I'd expect it to be given to you, but you haven't shared it with us. And the summation over s' is telling you that when you start in s, and you pick an action a, you need to sum over all possible resulting s' states. Again, you need the details of that p(s,a,s') function to know what those are.
And last, there is r(s,a) which is the reward for doing action a in state s, regardless of where you end up. In this problem it might be slightly negative, to represent a fuel cost. If there is a series of rewards in the grid and a grab action, it might be positive. You need that, too.
So, what to do? Pick a state s, and calculate your policy for it. For each s, you're going have the possibility of (s,a1), and (s,a2), and (s,a3), etc. You have to find the a that gives you the biggest result. And of course for each pair (s,a) you may (in fact, almost certainly will) have multiple values of s' to stick in the summation.
If this sounds like a lot of work, well, that's why we have computers.
PS - Read the problem description very carefully to find out what happens if you run into a wall.

find duplicates

You are given an array of elements. Some/all of them are duplicates. Find them in 0(n) time and 0(1) space. Property of inputs - Number are in the range of 1..n where n is the limit of the array.
If the O(1) storage is a limitation on additional memory, and not an indication that you can't modify the input array, then you can do it by sorting while iterating over the elements: move each misplaced element to its "correct" place - if it's already occupied by the correct number then print it as a duplicate, otherwise take the "incorrect" existing content and place it correctly before continuing the iteration. This may in turn require correcting other elements to make space, but there's a stack of at most 1 and the total number of correction steps is limited to N, added to the N-step iteration you get 2N which is still O(N).
Since both the number of elements in the array and the range of the array are variable based on n, I don't believe you can do this. I may be wrong, personally I doubt it, but I've been wrong before :-)
EDIT: And it looks like I may be wrong again :-) See Tony's answer, I believe he may have nailed it. I'll delete this answer once enough people agree with me, or it gets downvoted too much :-)
If the range was fixed (say, 1..m), you could do it thus:
dim quant[1..m]
for i in 1..m:
quant[m] = 0
for i in 1..size(array):
quant[array[i]] = quant[array[i]] + 1
for i in 1..m:
if quant[i] > 1:
print "Duplicate value: " + i
This works since you can often trade off space against time in most algorithms. But, because the range also depends on the input value, the normal trade-off between space and time is not plausible.