Prevent all Access Form ListBoxes from updating - vba

I have a form that gets populated with rows of data from a database. I want to add a listbox to each row for the user to select a letter grade. When I run the form all the data looks correct, but if I update a single listbox all the listboxes in the form update to the same value. It seems like the listboxes aren't independent of each other.

An unbound control will always display the same on all records.
For individual display, you must bind it to a field of the record - or redesign your form in some way.


Listbox in VBA apply selection on per row basis

In access 2010 I am trying to create a listbox in a form. Once I make a selection for a row in the form, the listbox automatically assigns those values to all the rows instead of on a per row basis.
Does anybody know how to change this option such that the listbox assigns the values per row?
I am doing this via the clickable solutions since I do not know any VBA code.
This happens when the listbox is unbound - then the value selected is common for all visible records.
So, create a field in the table used as source for the form. Then bind the listbox to this field.

VBA access and forms

I created a database in Access and there are some type of records in some tables that requires a particular inserting, so I decided to use VBA to handle this.
The problem is that if i create a form with some controls which i want to refer and use their values as criteria for queries, the form is still a way to insert data. So the query works but the data i inserted are added directly from the form too, creating duplicates.
The question is, is there a way to create a form that has controls only for text input but does nothing to record , leaving inserting, deleting , updating all to queries in VBA?
I tried to put "no" on propriety "add records" in the form but it gets totally blank with no controls.
Your form must be unbound, i.e. its RecordSource must be empty.
Your form can be bound or not bound to a table / query.
This means that the controls on your form may be bound to a field of that table / query.
But you can also have controls in the same form which are not bound.
You can make a form in which the body has a list view of the records of the table. In this section the controls would be bound to a field.
In the header of the table instead you may have controls that are not bound and that could be used either to filter the records shown or to add new records. You may want to add records this way rather than let users insert data directly in order to add checks or do any other kind of processing before actually adding the data in a new record.

Trying to open another form in Access based on a field in the current form

I have a form that's just a list of descriptions (desc.) of other forms. Right now, when you click on a desc., the appropriate form opens; but it's done through a series of if statements in a macro. This isn't going to scale well once more forms are created.
I have a table that has the desc. and the form that is supposed to go to. I want to write a script that uses this table to open the new form based on the desc. clicked, but not using if statements. The end goal is to be able to just add a row to the table for any future forms that are created without making changes to the script or form. Is there a way to do this?
Use a combo box whose row source is a query which selects the form description and name fields from your table.
The combo will have 2 columns. You can set the width of the form name column to zero if you want to present only the form descriptions. If you make the form name column the combo's bound column, you can reference it conveniently in a DoCmd.OpenForm statement. For example, you could have a command button whose click event opens the form which is currently selected in the combo ...
DoCmd.OpenForm Me.YourComboName.Value

How to get event when moving recordsets Access form?

I have an Access form which uses SQL to populate dropdowns. This SQL is using a value in the form for a combo box cb_Priority, such as:
SELECT ProjectPriorities.ProjectPriority FROM ProjectPriorities WHERE (((ProjectPriorities.[mType])=[Forms]![testQuery]![mType].value));
In other words, I am using the current recordset to populate a dropdown on the form.
I would like to call the following when a user moves between records (ie which one is currently displayed in the form).
This repopulates the form dropdown correctly.
However, I cannot find the event for what I would imagine to be something like
How I trigger this .Requery method to allow it to run each time the userform updates to a different record?
The event you are looking for is: Form_Current.

Individual Record Subform

I am fairly new to access and I am wondering about a form.
In my form, I want to have certain field values displayed based upon which row the user selects.
So, pretend a user selects Row B, I want a subform that displays data from only Row B.
Is this possible, and if so how? :)
You don't even need a subform for this.
Your main form is a continuous form and your data rows are displayed in the form's detail area, right?
If yes, you can just put bound textboxes in the form header or footer, and they will display the value of the selected row.
Here are some example screenshots I just made.
It's Access 2000 and it's in German (that's the only Access version that I have here), but you'll get the idea.
Design mode:
("Formularkopf" means "form header", and "Detailbereich" is "Detail" in English Access versions.)
At runtime:
Note that the textbox in the form header, which is bound to Field2, automatically displays the value of Field2 in the currently selected row.