Openscenegraph not generating viewer examples - cmake

I downloaded the latest release of OpenSceneGraph (3.4.0) (zipped file and latest github repository).
I am trying to generate at least the osgviewerQT and osgViewerWX examples. They are contained in the examples folder, but after using CMake to generate everything, the only osgviewer-Example is osgviewerGLUT. Also osgqt.lib and osgwx.lib are missing in the lib-folder after building the generated projects via ALL_BUILD and INSTALL.
In CMake I made sure that all wx and Qt5 (using Qt5.6) folders are found. But still no examples after generating. Any ideas?

The CMake rules for OpenSceneGraph include a BUILD_OSG_EXAMPLES toggle. Did you select that option in CMake?

You need to select the BUILD_OSG_APPLICATIONS toggle and you will see the applications (osgarchive, osgconv, osgfilecache, osgversion, osgviewer, present3D) in the bin directory.
In order to compile osgViewerQt you need to set QT_QMAKE_EXECUTABLE to the location where you have qmake (typically in the directory bin of Qt). This varialbe, when not just found, is available under "Ungrouped Entries".
After setting such url, CMake will be able to find Qt; then, enabling BUILD_OSG_APPLICATIONS and BUILD_OSG_EXAMPLES, it will also build other applications related to Qt.


How to perform the "make install" step after building aws-sdk-cpp using Qt Creator and CMake

I am trying to add aws-sdk-cpp as a submodule in my Qt application using Qt Creator and CMake. I want it to build for any platform without doing the building and installing on the command line as described here.
My project structure and CMakeLists.txt files looks like this:
I have successfully built the entire aws-sdk-cpp using MSVC2019 in debug mode using Qt Creator. My projects build folder is now 15 GB containing all the built libraries. The current issue I'm now facing is this error:
CMake Error at app/CMakeLists.txt:23 (find_package):
By not providing "FindAWSSDK.cmake" in CMAKE_MODULE_PATH this project has
asked CMake to find a package configuration file provided by "AWSSDK", but
CMake did not find one.
Could not find a package configuration file provided by "AWSSDK" with any
of the following names:
Add the installation prefix of "AWSSDK" to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH or set
"AWSSDK_DIR" to a directory containing one of the above files. If "AWSSDK"
provides a separate development package or SDK, be sure it has been
I think what is missing is the make install step described here and to set the path to AWSSDK_DIR.
I'm very new to CMake and I have not found any way to perform the make install step in the CMakeLists.txt file and then be able to set the AWSSDK_DIR which points to the AWSSDKConfig.cmake or awssdk-config.cmake file missing.
I'm also not sure which CMakeLists.txt file this should be written or if there is an entire other way to do this? Currently I'm stuck getting nowhere..

cmake find_package unable to find Eigen3Config.cmake spectra Windows

I am using Eigen3 with spectra (, a library built on top of Eigen. Spectra uses find_package to find Eigen, and comes up with the error:
Could not find a package configuration file provided by "Eigen3" with any
of the following names:
Looking through the directory of Eigen, I found that there were no files by those names, but rather one called I tried copying the file and renaming it Eigen3Config.cmake, but that gave me a different error of
find_package Error reading CMake code from "C:/Program Files
which was somewhat expected, but it does tell me that it can at least find the directory where is. I'm assuming that either find_package is supposed to use, or is supposed to generate Eigen3Config.cmake, but i'm very new to cmake, so i'm not sure. How do I fix this?
There is no need to build/install Eigen to use it if you include it manually, as done in the getting started example (
But in order to be found by CMake, you will need to build / install it, as explained in the INSTALL file.
Usually, your error is followed by an hint asking you to set the variable Eigen3_DIR (or something similar) to point the build/install dir of the target project (Eigen3 here). It appears typically when you have built but not installed the project.
Build Eigen
Install it (optional)
For spectra set the cmake var Eigen3_DIR to /path/to/Eigen/build . (if eigen not install or still not found)
These steps worked for me:
Install Eigen
Create a build directory for Eigen
cd into the build directory created
run "cmake ../"Your Eigen Source Directory""
After this is done, in your CMakeLists.txt of your project, you'll want to add "find_package( Eigen3 REQUIRED)" and "include_directories( ${EIGEN3_INCLUDE_DIR})".

issue when building module using cmake

i am trying to build box2D using cmake. When i click configure (and selecting my version of visual studio) cmake starts working but it finnishes with the error message:
You have called ADD_LIBRARY for library glfw without any source files.
This typically indicates a problem with your CMakeLists.txt file
Configuring done
What is the issue and how can i solve it? Where is the CMakeLists.txt located and how can i edit it to build without errors?
It is probably an error in this library. Try another version or post a bug.
It means that according to this file, a library should be created without source files (an empty library), which is probably bug.
CMakeLists.txt is located in every cmake source directory, make sure you're choosing the right directory.

llvm's cmake integration

I'm currently building a compiler/interpreter in C/C++.
When I noticed LLVM I thought it would fit greatly to what I needed and so I'm trying to integrate LLVM in my existing build system (I use CMake).
I read this bout integration of LLVM in CMake. I copy and pasted the example CMakeLists.txt, changed the LLVM_ROOT to ~/.llvm/ (that's where I downloaded and build LLVM and clang) and it says it isn't a valid LLVM-install. Best result I could achieve was the error message "Can't find LLVMConfig" by changing LLVM_ROOT to ~/.llvm/llvm.
My ~/.llvm/ folder looks like this:
~/.llvm/llvm # this folder contains source files
~/.llvm/build # this folder contains object, executable and library files
I downloaded LLVM and clang via SVN. I did not build it with CMake.
Is it just me or is something wrong with the CMakeLists.txt?
This CMake documentation page got rotted, but setting up CMake for LLVM developing isn't different from any other project. If your headers/libs are installed into non-standard prefix, there is no way for CMake to guess it.
You need to set CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH to the LLVM installation prefix or CMAKE_MODULE_PATH to prefix/share/llvm/cmake to make it work.
And yes, use the second code snippet from documentation (under Alternativaly, you can utilize CMake’s find_package functionality. line).

Having trouble getting CMake to work with third party libraries

I'm trying to make a small game using both SFML and Box2D. I have the following directory structure:
game/ # my code
thirdparty/ # other libraries' code
I'm trying to set it up so that I can run make and have box2d or sfml compile as well if they need, since I might make some changes to the libraries.
I've tried putting this in my CMkaeLists.txt:
as well as other things, but I keep getting errors and I'm not sure how to get around them. for example:
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:20 (find_package):
Could not find module Findsfml-window.cmake or a configuration file for
package sfml-window.
Adjust CMAKE_MODULE_PATH to find Findsfml-window.cmake or set
sfml-window_DIR to the directory containing a CMake configuration file for
sfml-window. The file will have one of the following names:
But I can't find any of the files it lists there.
The find_pacakge command is for finding packages that are defined in for cmake as modules or configurations. There is probably not a cmake module or config defined for these libraries. So, if you want to use the find package command to find these libraries then you will need to create a cmake module that knows how to find them. Given your stated requirements I would not think that this is easiest way to do it.
If you are statically linking you libraries then set up a custom target to invoke make on each of the libraries. Add the include directories to your include path. Use find_library command to find the libraries.
If you intend to dynamically link your libraries then create a custom target to build and install your libraries and you should be good as long as you install them in one of the normal places.
Have a gander here: Writing find modules
Take a look at the "Writing find modules" section. Be sure to read the document all the way through.
If you want to make redistributable and portable cmake projects, I think this is the right direction for you to go.