Get dashboard ID and report ID using DAX or R in Power BI - powerpivot

Is there a way to get the Power BI dashboard ID and report IDs, using DAX or R in the data model (I want to present them in the dashboard)?
The ID appears in the dashboard URL:


Data lookup based on measure

I am looking for some help in creating a measure to figure out data based on a ranking measure.
I have attached my Power BI file showing my issues and formulae.
Essentially, I have few tables that have been mapped. Showing revenue achieved by each employee for each product. The employees are split into 3 Teams.
I want to be able to rank these teams based on various filters that can be selected from one of the visualisations. – I have created the measure to do this using the below formulae:
Rev Measure = SUM(Sales[Rev])
Team Rank = RANKX(ALLSELECTED(Org[Team]),CALCULATE([Rev Measure]))
Now I want to create 2 card visualisation that dynamically fills in the data based on the ranking. So one card would read:
Commentary 1 = "Overall Sales was at $"& [Rev Measure] &". With the best performing Team being Team C bringing in $1220 of Revenue"
In the above commentary I am able to dynamically input the total revenue. However, I am unsure how to proceed with showing the best performing team data.
In the second card visualisation I want to show the worst performing team.
Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.

DAX Function for 'Customers also bought'

My Power BI dashboard contains a product filter and I would need to create a Power BI chart to show 'Customers who bought this product also bought the following ...'. Which would be a bar chart of the products by Price.
My data is flattened, consisting of an Orders table with the following:
Customer, Product, Price, Qty, Date.
Need help to build the DAX query for achieving this and handle the context correctly. I tried using ALL and FILTER but did not manage to get the correct result as yet.

crystal reports xi show only group headings

I have a crystal report that has data grouped by employee like this:
Employee 1:
-Orders written
The report displays all this information. but what I want to do is make a list that is only the employee and when clicked on will drill down to the info. Even better would be is there a way to make a drop down to select employee?
The report is created from a sql query command with parameters for date to get the amount of orders.
Crystal Reports has DrillDown functionality. Maybe this will help.

Combine multiple database with different queries in 1 report ( bar chart)

I need to create a report using Pentaho User Console. I want to view my report in bar chart. In that report I need to include multiple query from different database and then the result in 1 chart. For example I have 3 database: Car, House, employee. I also have 3 query: quantity of car for each type, quantity of available house, total no of employee for each department. 3 different database and 3 different query but I want to show all 3 result in 1 chart. How I can do that?
You know about schema creation?
Go through on google how to create schema, what is fact table, what is dimension table..
And you can use pentaho schema workbench. It is used for your kind of purpose only.
and after creating schema in pentaho schema workbench you can publish that schema in pentaho BI server and you can view it in bar chart over their, and you can do analysis and drill-up , drill-down, slicing, dicing kinds of operations as well.
You can use kettle transformation as a data source for Pentaho report. Within the transformation it's perfectly fine to query 3 different DBs and prepare the result data set.

Adding limit parameters to bar charts in Pentaho Report Designer

I am using Pentaho Report Designer to generate reports from my olap cube using mdx. I want to generate bar chart reports from Pentaho Report Designer. I have 50000 records and writing a MDX query to display keywords along with their count. Problem is bar chart that is created is of 50000 records, but I want to pass two parameters that act as start and end value to display i.e user is prompted to enter starting and ending parameters (suppose he enters 1 and 10) so 10 records should be displayed.
I do not know the specifics of Pentaho MDX, but in general, I would use the following approach, assuming the 50000 records are in hierarchy [DimA].[Record]:
WITH SET [Selected Records] AS
ParamRef('start') - 1,
ParamRef('end') - ParamRef('start') + 1
SELECT { [Measures].[Count] }
[Selected Records]
FROM [MyCube]
I am a bit guessing about the use of ParamRef in Mondrian MDX here. The SubSet function is described for Analysis Services here: