Besides syntax, is there any difference between writing an initialization method as an instance or class method? - objective-c

Here is initialization as a class method:
+ (instancetype)imageEditorForDocument:(ImageDocument*)imageDocument
ImageEditorViewController* result = nil;
result = [[ImageEditorViewController alloc] initWithNibName:#"ImageEditorViewController"
bundle:[NSBundle mainBundle]];
if ( result )
result.imageDocument = imageDocument;
return result;
And here is an initialization as an instance method:
- (instancetype)initWithDocument:(ImageDocument *)imageDocument
self = [[ImageEditorViewController alloc] initWithNibName:#"ImageEditorViewController"
bundle:[NSBundle mainBundle]];
if( self )
self.imageDocument = imageDocument;
return self;
As far as I can tell, the only difference is that the sender doesn't need to call alloc when using a class initializer
But is there any other reason?
Also, a side question is there a name for a initializer that is a class method?
Like in NSColor
+ (NSColor *)colorWithRed:(CGFloat)red green:(CGFloat)green blue:(CGFloat)blue alpha:(CGFloat)alpha NS_AVAILABLE_MAC(10_9);

With manual reference counting (MRC), the difference was the factory method typically returned an autoreleased instance while the instance method returned an instance that the caller now owned.
With automatic reference counting (ARC), that difference is now hidden from the calling code.
So the only difference is convenience for the caller as well as slightly more work for the author of the class to write the optional factory method.
BTW - your instance method initializer is incorrect. It should be more like this (not the proper way to set self):
- (instancetype)initWithDocument:(ImageDocument *)imageDocument
self = [super initWithNibName:#"ImageEditorViewController"
bundle:[NSBundle mainBundle]];
if( self )
self.imageDocument = imageDocument;
return self;
And given this, your factory method should really be:
+ (instancetype)imageEditorForDocument:(ImageDocument*)imageDocument
ImageEditorViewController* result = [[[self class] alloc] initWithDocument:imageDocument];
return result;

Yes there is a major difference. If you implement a factory method (class method) you could for example choose to return an already existing instance of your object (e.g. from some sort of cache) instead of creating a new instance. Imagine you have a class Country which is expensive to initialize. Hence, write the following factory method that looks up the cache first and only if it does not find the country it creates a new object:
+(instancetype) countryForCountryCode: (NSString *)countryCode
Country *country = ... // ask our "CountryCache" if we already have a cached instance of the country
if (!country) {
country = [[Country alloc] init];
// Here you would also set up the new Country object, or even write a "private" initializer
// You would also add the new instance to the cache here
return country;
On the other hand, when you choose a "conventional" initializer the caller will always have created a fresh instance via alloc before your initializer gets called, and you'll have no way of returning a cached object instead.
Lastly I just remembered that I personally use factory methods whenever I deal with persistent objects (if not using CoreData). So, if I want to get a new object from the database I usually implement a factory method called "load". And to actually create a new record in the database I would implement another factory method named "create". If you would use initializers here it would become very confusing.


Designated initializer and calling it

I have general question about designated initializer. I have a some class and from there i want to call a initializer, but before i started to fill my #properties with passing data i want to make data default. For example:
self = [super init];
_fontColor = [defaultTemplate objectForKey:#"color"];
_fontSize = [[defaultTemplate objectForKey:#"size"] intValue];
return self;
self = [self initWithDefault:myDefaultTemplate];
//now i doing something with my template
return self;
Is this is a way to prevent null #properties? It this a correct use of designated initializer? Of course you can assume that myDefaultTemplates is not null, and has not null object in keys.
This seems fine with me. I would use the safe way (presented below), but otherwise your code is fine.
if(self = [self initWithDefault:myDefaultTemplate]) {
//now i doing something with my template
return self;
Your implementation is perfectly fine, given the fact that _fontColor and _fontSize variables are your local variables of properties.
adig's suggestion is just an enhancement on what you already have implemented. This check takes care of the situation, when your object does not get allocated due to any reason.

What to do with useless init?

This is currently what I have for my init,
- (id)init
self = [super init];
if (self) {
self.url = [[NSURL alloc] init];
self.blurb = [[NSString alloc] init]; = [[NSString alloc] init];
return self;
It does nothing, but I have another method called initWithObject: that will use its argument to fill up the instance variables url, blurb, and author. I don't know what I should be doing with this init. Should I throw an exception? What other options do I have?
If you want to override your standard -init method you could either return nil (if you do not want -init to be used) or do:
- (instancetype)init
return [self initWithObject:nil];
If you want to stop the use of -init completely you can tag it as an unavailable attribute or use NSAssert:
// .h
// ...
- (instancetype)init UNAVAILABLE_ATTRIBUTE;
// ...
// .m
- (instancetype)init
NSAssert(NO, #"This method should not be used");
return nil;
You can use either UNAVAILABLE_ATTRIBUTE or NSAssert(), but if you use UNAVAILABLE_ATTRIBUTE you need some kind of implementation of -init, even if it just returns nil.
You don't have to have a plain init—you can simply have your initWithObject: method. If you're doing any basic setup that will remain the same 80% of the time, or if you have some common code in all your initializers, you can override init, but you are not required to.
Also consider changing your initWithObject: name to be more specific, to something like initWithPost: (I'm assuming this is some kind of blog-entry fetcher based on your ivars) so it's more apparent what object is desired.
I think you misinterpreted what you read. I don't think you would throw an exception. You could; however, leak memory. If your initWithObject: method looks like this:
- (id)initWithObject:(id)obj {
if ((self = [self init])) {
self.url=[obj url];
self.blurb=[obj blurb];[obj author];
return self;
And you would be perfectly fine. You could get an exception if your object was instantiated with -init and you used a variable which was assigned, assuming it was real. So in your subsequent methods be sure to check that the objects exist before using them.
If you made your object with -init rather than -initWithObject this could throw an exception:
- (void)dealloc {
[url release];
[blurb release];
[author release];
[super dealloc];
The rule that Apple has established for Cocoa programming is that every class must have one initializer method which is the "Designated Initializer". Every other initializer for the class must call that D.I.* The D.I. itself must call the superclass's D.I. Generally, the initializer with the greatest number of arguments (the one that most completely specifies the state of the new object) is the D.I.
In your case, with the bare init, and initWithObject:, the second would likely be the D.I. You would therefore override init to call initWithObject: with some default argument:
- (id) init {
return [self initWithObject:[Object objectWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:#""]
This will result in a sort of dummy object, which is correctly initialized with useless data. (Outside of ARC, be sure to watch the memory management of the default argument(s) -- you want to use an autoreleased/unowned object(s).)
*Sometimes an exception is made for initWithCoder:.
If you have any method that you don't want called and that you don't want your subclass to support, throwing an exception in a Debug build is perfectly reasonable.

init] as a factory method

I want to initialize an instance of one of the subclasses of a superclass depending on the arguments to init:
[[Vehicle alloc] initWithItinerary: shortWay]; // returns a bicycle
[[Vehicle alloc] initWithItinerary: longWay]; // returns a car
I can't find examples of code like this. I wonder if this is not idiomatic in Objective C, or I simply am not looking in the right places.
You could do this via a custom init method, but it'd be kind of tedious (you'd have to invoke [super init], but then call [self release], etc...). It'd be much simpler to create a class method on Vehicle and use that as your factory method. For example:
+ (id) vehicleWithItinerary:(id)someItinerary {
if ([someItinerary isAShortWay]) {
return [[[Bicycle alloc] initWithItinerary:someItinerary] autorelease];
} else if ([someItinerary isAMediumWay]) {
return [[[RocketPack alloc] initWithItinerary:someItinerary] autorelease];
} else if ([someItinerary isALongWay]) {
return [[[Car alloc] initWithItinerary:someItinerary] autorelease];
return nil;
Look at [UIButton buttonWithType:] for an example of how Apple does this. Instead of init, they use a static method of the base class to allocate an instance of the appropriate derived class.
You can also pass around Class objects. Maybe the itinerary knows the Class or class name to allocate. You can do something like this:
[[[itinerary classToAllocate] alloc] initWithItinerary:itinerary];
[[NSClassFromString( [itinerary classNameToAllocate] ) alloc] initWithItinerary:itinerary];
You are allowed to release self and create a new object in init, although this is rarely used. Just watch out for recursion.
-(id) initWithItinerary:(Itinerary *)inItinerary {
[self release]; // super init never called - safe if you wrote super classes
self = [[[inItinerary classToAllocate] alloc] init];
self.itinerary = inItinerary;
return self;
This is called a class cluster. Several Cocoa classes work this way, including NSArray and NSString. The object returned from NSArray's init methods is never the same object that received the message. It's not that common outside of Cocoa, though, just because it's usually more complicated than people want to bother with. Basically, you figure out what actual class you want to use in your initializer, create an instance of that class, release yourself and return the other instance.
You might want to add an enum to the header file:
typedef enum {Bike, Car, JetPack
} vehicleType
That way your initWithItinerary: method can simply be:
if(VehicleType == Bike)
//do bike stuff
else if(VehicleType == Car)
//do car stuff
Why not have a method as part of the "way" that gives you a vehicle of the appropriate type for the way. e.g.
// Somwhere before you use them. Car and Bicycle are subclasses of Vehicle
[shortWay setAppropriateVehicleType: [Bicycle class]];
[longWay setAppropriateVehicleType: [Car class]];
// when you need a vehicle
Vehicle* vehicle = [[[shortWay appropriateVehicleType] alloc] init];

Objective-C subclass and base class casting

I'm going to create a base class that implements very similar functions for all of the subclasses. This was answered in a different question. But what I need to know now is if/how I can cast various functions (in the base class) to return the subclass object. This is both for a given function but also a function call in it.
(I'm working with CoreData by the way)
As a function within the base class (this is from a class that is going to become my subclass)
+(Structure *)fetchStructureByID:(NSNumber *)structureID inContext:(NSManagedObjectContext *)managedObjectContext {...}
And as a function call within a given function:
Structure *newStructure = [Structure fetchStructureByID:[currentDictionary objectForKey:#"myId"]];
Structure is one of my subclasses, so I need to rewrite both of these so that they are "generic" and can be applied to other subclasses (whoever is calling the function).
How do I do that?
Update: I just realized that in the second part there are actually two issues. You can't change [Structure fetch...] to [self fetch...] because it is a class method, not an instance method. How do I get around that too?
If I understand your question correctly I believe the key is the [self class] idiom.
As far as your update goes requesting a way to call a class method on the current class you can use [self class]. As in:
Structure *newStructure = [[self class] fetchStructureByID:[currentDictionary
EDIT: I redid this to return id per #rpetrich's comment -- much cleaner and avoids the need for -isKindOfClass: as long as you're sure of the type of the instance you're calling -createConfiguredObject on.
As for the first part, you could just return an id (pointer to any object) and document that it will return an instance of the same class it's called upon. Then in the code you need to use [self class] anywhere you instantiate a new object in a method.
e.g. if you have a -createConfiguredObject method which returns an instance of the same class it's called on, it would be implemented as follows:
// Returns an instance of the same class as the instance it was called on.
// This is true even if the method was declared in a base class.
-(id) createConfiguredObject {
Structure *newObject = [[[self class] alloc] init];
// When this method is called on a subclass newObject is actually
// an instance of that subclass
// Configure newObject
return newObject;
You can then use this in code as follows:
StructureSubclass *subclass = [[[StructureSubclass alloc] init] autorelease]; = #"subclass";
// No need to cast or use isKindOfClass: here because returned object is of type id
// and documented to return instance of the same type.
StructureSubclass *configuredSubclass = [[subclass createConfiguredObject] autorelease]; = #"configuredSubclass";
For reference, what I was referring to with -isKindOfClass: and casting to the proper subclass is as follows:
Structure *structure;
// Do stuff
// I believe structure is now pointing to an object of type StructureSubclass
// and I want to call a method only present on StructureSubclass.
if ([structure isKindOfClass:[StrucutreSubclass class]]) {
// It is indeed of type StructureSubclass (or a subclass of same)
// so cast the pointer to StructureSubclass *
StructureSubclass *subclass = (StructureSubclass *)structure;
// the name property is only available on StructureSubclass. = #"myname";
} else {
NSLog(#"structure was not an instance of StructureSubclass when it was expected it would be.");
// Handle error

Returning other objects on init

I've read in many places that you should always initialize Objective-C objects like so:
- (id) init {
if (self = [super init]) {
return self;
Because the super's init method may return a separate object from the current self.
Now I'm trying to do something like this, and I'm not sure if I have it right, vis-a-vis how retaining and releasing should work:
- (id) init:(int)idx {
id obj = [Cache findSelf:idx];
if (obj) {
[self release];
self = [obj retain];
} else {
self = [self doLoad];
return self;
I'm mostly curious if this is the correct way to do the retaining and releasing of self and obj. Is there a better way?
You're correct about the self = [super init] part, since some Cocoa classes actually do return a different object than the one that was allocated. However, this is the exception rather than the rule, and doing so in your own code should be exceedingly rare or not done at all. Although it may be tempting to intercept -init calls, you'd be going against the grain of established convention and what Objective-C programmers expect the code to do.
This type of -init method is generally a bad approach, since -init methods should be as straightforward as possible, and should really be concerned with initializing the object. I'd probably write a convenience method like this:
+ (id) instanceForIndex:(NSUInteger)index {
id obj = [Cache findSelf:index];
if (obj == nil) {
obj = [[self alloc] init];
// Add to cache
return [[object retain] autorelease];
Then call this method instead of -init. This will make the -init logic much cleaner.
Also, I'm not sure what your Cache class does, but it could be worth rethinking that implementation, and using a hidden static variable to store instances (for example, an NSMutableDictionary, where the key is an NSNumber created from the index). This SO question may be of use.
I agree with Quinn that you should use a convenience class method. Still, I think that your init method is mostly correct, except in your else clause you need to call the parent initializer, i.e. self = [super init].