Eclipse Plugin Dev- Extracting IStackFrame object from selection in Debug View - eclipse-plugin

So, I am developing an Eclipse plugin and trying to build a View similiar to the Variables View. Now, to get the selected StackFrame from the Debug View, I have registered an IDebugContextListener, which ultimately calls the method listed below in case of a selection.
The problem is that I ma unable to get a IStackFrame object from IStructuredSelection.getFirstElement().
I also tried to get an adapter for the IStackframe class. That too didn't work.
I would really appreciate if someone can point me the method of getting a IStackFrame object from a selection.
private void contextActivated(ISelection context) {
if (context instanceof StructuredSelection) {
Object data = ((StructuredSelection) context).getFirstElement();
if (data instanceof IStackFrame) {
} else {
System.out.println("no" + data.getClass().getName());
The issue with this is that it always execute the else part (even when the selection is a StackFrame in the debug view). Also, the adapter approach didn't work.


Disable copy/paste on Xamarin forms input field i.e. Entry

I am working on disabling copy/paste option menus on xamarin forms Entry, I am able to disable copy option using IsPassword=true attribute but this attribute also converts the normal input field to password field, which is not a requirement.
<Entry IsPassword="true" Placeholder="Password" TextColor="Green" BackgroundColor="#2c3e50" />
Thanks in advance.
This has to do with how Forms functions. Using iOS as the example here, the CanPerform override referred to in the other answer's Bugzilla issue is using the UIMenuController as the withSender and not the UITextField itself that might otherwise be expected. This is because the EntryRenderer class is a ViewRenderer<TView, TNativeView> type and subsequently is using whatever TNativeView (in this case, the UITextView) has in its CanPerform. Because nothing is going to be overridden by default, one still sees all of the cut/copy/paste options in the UIMenuController.
As a result, there would be a couple options. You could first make the modification where if you don't want copy/paste but are fine with getting rid of everything else, you can use UIMenuController.SharedMenuController.SetMenuVisible(false, false) in a custom renderer inheriting from EntryRenderer. If you look around on SO, there are similar questions where this is a possible route.
Alternatively, you can create a "true" custom renderer inheriting from ViewRenderer<TView, TNativeView> as ViewRenderer<Entry, YourNoCopyPasteUITextFieldClassName>. The class inheriting from UITextField can then override CanPerform as something like follows:
public override bool CanPerform(Selector action, NSObject withSender)
if(action.Name == "paste:" || action.Name == "copy:" || action.Name == "cut:")
return false;
return base.CanPerform(action, withSender);
This will require more effort because the custom renderer will not have the same behavior as the EntryRenderer, but as Xamarin.Forms is now open source, you could look to it for some ideas as to how the EntryRenderer functions normally. Something similar would likely have to be done for Android.
Edit: For Android, you can probably use this SO answer as a starting point: How to disable copy/paste from/to EditText
Another custom renderer, this time inheriting from ViewRenderer<Entry, EditText>, and create a class inside of it like this (in the most basic form):
class Callback : Java.Lang.Object, ActionMode.ICallback
public bool OnActionItemClicked(ActionMode mode, IMenuItem item)
return false;
public bool OnCreateActionMode(ActionMode mode, IMenu menu)
return false;
public void OnDestroyActionMode(ActionMode mode)
public bool OnPrepareActionMode(ActionMode mode, IMenu menu)
return false;
Then, in your OnElementChanged method, you can set the native control and the CustomSelectionActionModeCallback value:
protected override void OnElementChanged(ElementChangedEventArgs<Entry> e)
if (Control != null)
Control.CustomSelectionActionModeCallback = new Callback();
Doing something like the following appears to disable all of the copy/paste/cut functionality on the custom entry as far as the toolbar goes. However, you can still long click to show the paste button, to which I've poked around a bit hadn't found an answer yet beyond setting LongClickable to false. If I do find anything else in that regard, I'd make sure to update this.

Flow of initializing objects in XAML?

I'm not sure but from my hours of debugging, this should be the best description of my problem I can give.
I'm creating a WinRT app, there are two pages- Main Page and Details Page. Inside Main Page constructor, I have initialized a listbox. On click of any of the element of listbox, user is taken to the Details page.
I'm just learning all this and design may not be best but here is what I did.
I took a static variable in MainPage.cs, and set it to point to the element which is clicked by the user. Now in the constructor of the Details page, I used this static variable to set the datacontext of Details Page itself.
What flow I'm expecting is:-
MainPage is created first. Listbox is setup.
User will click on any of the element of listbox. Itemclick event handler runs. It will set the static variable (of Mainpage.cs) to hold the infomation which item is clicked and navigate user to the Details page.
In Details page constructor, I have set the datacontext to point to some information based on the value of static variable mentioned in the previous step.
It works for most of the times, but once in like every 5 times, The Details page constructor throws an exception stating the static variable is not initialized yet. Why is Details page's constructor running when I'm starting the app? and why only sometimes? Do I need to set DataContext of Details Page in some other method instead of constructor?
The code is somewhat complex and too much in terms of domain of the problem so I'm avoiding posting it. But if I'm failing to explain the problem please tell, I'll post it keeping it as related as I can.
This is the method called when an item in listbox is clicked--will take user to the Details page.
private void overviewlistbox_Tapped_1(object sender, TappedRoutedEventArgs e)
MatchOverview selectedmatch = (sender as ListBox).SelectedItem as MatchOverview;
matchFullDetails = new ObservableCollection<Match>();
foreach (Match m in UpdateController.matchList)
if (m.matchDescription == selectedmatch.matchDesc)
if(!(matchFullDetails.Count == 0))
This is the constructor for Main Page:-
public static ObservableCollection<Match> matchFullDetails;
public MainPage()
matchFullDetails = new ObservableCollection<Match>();
UpdateController update = new UpdateController(); // Creating new object will update the overview_list of UpdateController(static list).
overviewlistbox.ItemsSource = UpdateController.overview_list;
And this is the code for constructor of details page, where the exception occurs:-
public static ObservableCollection<Match> matchdetails = new ObservableCollection<Match>();
DispatcherTimer dtm_detailspage = null;
public Details()
matchdetails = MainPage.matchFullDetails; // matchdetails.Last<>() is take because we only need item which is added latest to the collection.
if (matchdetails.Last<Match>().type == "TEST") // Exception is thrown here--Initialization
// error. When I check MainPage.matchFullDetails,
// no data is shown which means its not yet
// initialized. Also the exception is thrown either at
// the start of the app, or when details page is visited. That too once in 4-5 times, not always.
matchdetails.Add(matchdetails.First<Match>() as TestMatch);
if (matchdetails.Last<Match>().type == "ODI")
matchdetails.Add(matchdetails.Last<Match>() as ODIMatch);
if (matchdetails.Last<Match>().type == "T20")
matchdetails.Add(matchdetails.Last<Match>() as T20Match);
Exception Screenshot:-
Call Stack data on bug encounter:-
[Cricket Expert.exe!Cricket_Expert.Details.Details() Line 33 + 0x5 bytes
[External Code]
Cricket Expert.exe!Cricket_Expert.Common.SuspensionManager.RestoreFrameNavigationState(Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Frame frame) Line 236 + 0x5 bytes
Cricket Expert.exe!Cricket_Expert.Common.SuspensionManager.RestoreAsyn() Line 124 0x8 bytes
Cricket Expert.exe!Cricket_Expert.App.OnLaunched(Windows.ApplicationModel.Activation.LaunchActivatedEventArgs args) Line 74 + 0x5 bytes
[External Code]
I finally found the flaw. If the Details page is still active, and the app is restarted, the problem occurs.
Is there a solution to this problem??
You can pass information on what needs to be displayed on the Details page through the Navigate call and set the DataContext in OnNavigatedTo override to avoid using static variables. Pages don't get created unless you do it specifically e.g. by navigating to one. They might not be recreated if a page has NavigationCacheMode changed from the default (Disabled) so instances of the page can be reused during navigation calls. Ultimately it's hard to say what's wrong but it seems like something in your code and we couldn't help you if you don't share a sample that reproduces the problem.
One way to debug Details being created before MainPage would be to add this code at the beginning of the Details constructor:
if (MainPage.matchFullDetails == null)
Then look at the Call Stack panel in Visual Studio to see how it gets constructed.
One way to see if matchFullDetails is ever set to null is to search for its assignment (put a cursor on matchFullDetails in Visual Studio code editor and hit Shift+F12).
Another way would be to make matchFullDetails into a property and test it like this:
private static ObservableCollection<Match> _matchFullDetails;
public static ObservableCollection<Match> matchFullDetails
return _matchFullDetails;
if (value == null)
_matchFullDetails = value;
You can initialize your static property in a static constructor like this:
public static ObservableCollection<Match> matchFullDetails;
static MainPage()
matchFullDetails = new ObservableCollection<Match>();
public MainPage()
UpdateController update = new UpdateController(); // Creating new object will update the overview_list of UpdateController(static list).
overviewlistbox.ItemsSource = UpdateController.overview_list;
this will prevent the null reference exception but won't fix your problem overall. When your app gets suspended and resumed - you have to restore the full state and it seems like your matchFullDetails collection would need to be serialized and saved to disk when your app gets suspended. Alternatively you might simply ignore the suspension manager call in App.xaml.cs and always start on home page, though that's not a very good experience and I am not sure if it satisfies app certification.

Metro c++ async programming and UI updating. My technique?

The problem: I'm crashing when I want to render my incoming data which was retrieved asynchronously.
The app starts and displays some dialog boxes using XAML. Once the user fills in their data and clicks the login button, the XAML class has in instance of a worker class that does the HTTP stuff for me (asynchronously using IXMLHTTPRequest2). When the app has successfully logged in to the web server, my .then() block fires and I make a callback to my main xaml class to do some rendering of the assets.
I am always getting crashes in the delegate though (the main XAML class), which leads me to believe that I cannot use this approach (pure virtual class and callbacks) to update my UI. I think I am inadvertently trying to do something illegal from an incorrect thread which is a byproduct of the async calls.
Is there a better or different way that I should be notifying the main XAML class that it is time for it to update it's UI? I am coming from an iOS world where I could use NotificationCenter.
Now, I saw that Microsoft has it's own Delegate type of thing here:
Do you think that if I used this approach instead of my own callbacks that it would no longer crash?
Let me know if you need more clarification or what not.
Here is the jist of the code:
public interface class ISmileServiceEvents
public: // required methods
virtual void UpdateUI(bool isValid) abstract;
// In main XAML.cpp which inherits from an ISmileServiceEvents
void buttonClick(...){
_myUser->LoginAndGetAssets(txtEmail->Text, txtPass->Password);
void UpdateUI(String^ data) // implements ISmileServiceEvents
// This is where I would render my assets if I could.
// Cannot legally do much here. Always crashes.
// Follow the rest of the code to get here.
// In MyUser.cpp
void LoginAndGetAssets(String^ email, String^ password){
Uri^ uri = ref new URI(MY_SERVER + "login.json");
String^ inJSON = "some json input data here"; // serialized email and password with other data
// make the HTTP request to login, then notify XAML that it has data to render.
_myService->HTTPPostAsync(uri, json).then([](String^ outputJson){
String^ assets = MyParser::Parse(outputJSON);
// The Login has returned and we have our json output data
// In MyService.cpp
task<String^> MyService::HTTPPostAsync(Uri^ uri, String^ json)
return _httpRequest.PostAsync(uri,
_cancellationTokenSource.get_token()).then([this](task<std::wstring> response)
if(_httpRequest.GetStatusCode() != 200) SM_LOG_WARNING("Status code=", _httpRequest.GetStatusCode());
String^ j = ref new String(response.get().c_str());
return j;
catch (Exception^ ex) .......;
return ref new String(L"");
}, task_continuation_context::use_current());
Edit: BTW, the error I get when I go to update the UI is:
"An invalid parameter was passed to a function that considers invalid parameters fatal."
In this case I am just trying to execute in my callback is
txtBox->Text = data;
It appears you are updating the UI thread from the wrong context. You can use task_continuation_context::use_arbitrary() to allow you to update the UI. See the "Controlling the Execution Thread" example in this document (the discussion of marshaling is at the bottom).
So, it turns out that when you have a continuation, if you don't specify a context after the lambda function, that it defaults to use_arbitrary(). This is in contradiction to what I learned in an MS video.
However by adding use_currrent() to all of the .then blocks that have anything to do with the GUI, my error goes away and everything is able to render properly.
My GUI calls a service which generates some tasks and then calls to an HTTP class that does asynchronous stuff too. Way back in the HTTP classes I use use_arbitrary() so that it can run on secondary threads. This works fine. Just be sure to use use_current() on anything that has to do with the GUI.
Now that you have my answer, if you look at the original code you will see that it already contains use_current(). This is true, but I left out a wrapping function for simplicity of the example. That is where I needed to add use_current().

How to make a propertysheetpage be a selection provider?

I've got a contributed command and a handler for it. The handler's execute event has to get the value for the property actually selected in the properties view and act on it, or to be disabled if no property selected.
I've tried:
1) Set the selection provider to something which provides selection from the property view. Something in this case is just PropertySheetViewer for my PropertySheetPage, but i can't set it as the selection provider because the PropertySheetPage's viewer is private and has no getter.
2) Overriding PropertySheetPage's createControl method: This method creates a Tree control for the PropertySheetViewer. A selection listener can be installed for that tree control, so maybe i can make my command handler implement SelectionListener... The solution would be somethin like:
In my editor:
public Object getAdapter(#SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") Class type) {
if (type == IPropertySheetPage.class) {
PropertySheetPage page = new PropertySheetPage() {
public void createControl(Composite parent) {
IHandler handler = someWayToGetMyCmdHandler();
((org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Tree) getControl())
IPropertySheetEntry entry = new UndoablePropertySheetEntry(
return page;
return super.getAdapter(type);
And my command handler implementing SelectionListener as i said... The problem with this approach is that i can't find a way to get a reference to my contributed command handler (someWayToGetMyCmdHandler() above).
Has anybody got any clue on this, or any other possible approach to the problem??
There's handleEntrySelection(ISelection selection) method in PropertySheetPage that you could override to be notified about selection changes in the viewer (although PropertySheetPage is #noextend).
The second part (updating the handler) is a bit more tricky than it would normally be. Commands/handlers get updated automatically when workbench selection changes (you just need to implement setEnabled(Object evaluationContext) AbstractHandler). But since PropertySheetPage is designed to change its input on global selection change, then you have to find some custom way to notify/update your handler.
As I understand, it is currently not possible to extend the platform command event handling mechanism with custom variables, so you just need to directly look up your handler using IHandlerService of the workbench.

Activating find/replace for jface TextViewer eclipse worbench action

I have made an eclipse plugin with TextViewer interface for displaying a text document but the standard find/replace stay in gray mode.
I assume you are using the TextViewer in a view rather than an editor. In this case:
Your view in which the TextViewer is used must "adapt" to org.eclipse.jface.text.IFindReplaceTarget i.e. its getAdapter() must return the target from viewer.
You need to explicitly register a handler for "org.eclipse.ui.edit.findReplace" command (which can be org.eclipse.ui.texteditorFindReplaceAction). Check out Platform Command Framework to get started.
I've used Martii Käärik's pointers for finding the answer to this question. I've got it working with the following code, which however uses an internal string identifier from TextEditor. Still, here it goes.
getAdapter() in the view must be implemented like this (viewer is an instance of TextViewer)
public Object getAdapter(Class adapter) {
if (IFindReplaceTarget.class.equals(adapter)) {
if (viewer != null) {
return viewer.getFindReplaceTarget();
return super.getAdapter(adapter);
In createPartControl() of your view, add this code:
FindReplaceAction findAction= new FindReplaceAction(ResourceBundle.getBundle("org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.ConstructedTextEditorMessages"), null, this);
IHandlerService handlerService= (IHandlerService) getSite().getService(IHandlerService.class);
IHandler handler= new AbstractHandler() {
public Object execute(ExecutionEvent event) throws ExecutionException {
if (viewer != null && viewer.getDocument() != null);
return null;
handlerService.activateHandler("org.eclipse.ui.edit.findReplace", handler);
No XML required.