How to dynamically add elements to a Dojo ComboBox - dojo

I have a Dojo combobox declaratively created using a standard HTML select. There is an onChange event on a separate textbox that invokes a function to get data from a server via XHR and elements of the response data become new options for the drop down.
I've been trying examples across the internet but nothing so far has worked. This is the code I'm currently trying with no errors. In fact, when I look at the contents of the store after the put, the data is in there.
When I click on the drop down after the data has been set, I get the error "_AutoCompleterMixin.js.uncompressed.js:557 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'toString' of undefined":
var newOptions = new Array();
for (var i = 0; i < jsonData.length; i++) {
newOptions[i] = { value: jsonData[i].dataID,
label: jsonData[i].dataName,
selected: i == 0};
var select = registry.byId("combobox");, { overwrite: true });
And also " = newOptions;".
And also moving the code around so "" is within the loop.
Though the combobox store is being populated in all three cases, I continue get the same error. There are no null values in the data. There are no blank values in the data.
What am I missing? No example anywhere, within the DOJO docs or anywhere else has this problem, even working jsFiddle examples.
I simply cannot see what the difference is other than the fact I'm adding more than one or two hard-coded values.

It takes:
newOptions[i] = { id: jsonData[i].dataID,
name: jsonData[i].dataName,
selected: i == 0};
newOptions[i] = { value: jsonData[i].dataID,
label: jsonData[i].dataName,
selected: i == 0};


dgrid always showing one record less then present

I am using dgrid as follows:
query_grid: function(json_query, target, select){
var self = this;
function(declare, Grid, ColumnResizer, Selection, selector, DijitRegistry, Pagination){
var columns = {};
if (select){
columns.widget = selector({
id: "widget",
label: " ",
selectorType: "radio",
resizeable: false,
width: 30});
var data =;
for (var i=0; i<data.keys.length; i++){
columns[data.keys[i]] = {label: util.slice_path(data.keys[i], 2)};
var grid = new (declare([Grid, ColumnResizer, Selection, DijitRegistry, Pagination]))({
id: "grid_"+json_query.path,
columns: columns,
store: new Memory({data: data.records}),
selectionMode: select?"single":"none",
pagingLinks: 1,
pagingTextBox: true,
firstLastArrows: true
});, target, 'last');
return json_query.path;
but when i look at the result, it always shows one record less then is present, until i click on a column header (resulting in a sort), and then all records are shown. Can anyone expain or help with a solution/workaround?
Replace grid.refresh() with grid.startup().
dgrid will automatically call startup in cases where an instance is in document flow as soon as it's created. That's not the case here since you're placing it afterwards, so you need to call startup after it's in flow to tell it that it can perform geometry-sensitive operations.
Without calling startup, resize is never initially called. As a result, the grid doesn't properly account for the height of the header/footer, and one of your 10 rows is getting obfuscated. It gets fixed when you sort because dgrid/Grid's _setSort method calls resize in case the size of the header row changes due to the placement of the sort arrow.
The reason you can replace refresh with startup in this case is because startup calls refresh anyway.

Getting id from row clicked on a dgrid List

I just started using dgrid, and going through the dTunes sample, I'm unable to find the id associated with each row in the list. This is pretty remedial on my part, but how would I also get the id I sent from the datasource?
], function (require, List, Grid, Selection,
Keyboard, Hider, declare, arrayUtil, Stateful,
when, RequestMemory, put) {
var cstsNode = put(listNode, 'div#cstsCars');
var cstsList = new TunesList({}, cstsNode);
var dataCSTS = new RequestMemory({ target: require.toUrl('./dataCSTS.json') });
dataCSTS.fetch().then(function (cars) {
cstsCars =, pickField('Description'));
cstsCars.unshift('All (' + cstsCars.length + ' CSTS Cars' + (cstsCars.length !== 1 ? 's' : '') + ')');
cstsList.on('dgrid-select', function (event) {
var row = event.rows[0];
console.log(; // shows row number. How do I get the real id or other fields?
console.log(; // shows row text that is displayed ("sample text 1")
console.log(; // undefined
Here is a snippet of sample data like I'm supplying:
[{"id":"221","Description":"sample text 1"},
{"id":"222","Description":"sample text 2"},
{"id":"223","Description":"sample text 3"}]
I'd like to see the id. Instead, returns 1,2 and 3, ie the row numbers (or id dgrid created?).
You haven't really shown a complete example, but given that you're using a store anyway, you'd have a much easier time if you let dgrid manage querying the store for you. If you use dgrid/OnDemandList (or dgrid/List plus dgrid/extensions/Pagination), you can pass your dataCSTS store to the collection property, it will render it all for you, and it will properly pick up your IDs (since Memory, and RequestMemory by extension, default to using id as their identity property).
The most appropriate place to do what you're currently doing prior to renderArray would probably be in the renderRow method if you're just using List, not Grid. (The default in List just returns a div with a text node containing whatever is passed to it; you'll be passing an object, so you'd want to dig out whatever property you actually want to display, first.)
If you want a header row, consider setting showHeader: true and implementing renderHeader. (This is false in List by default, but Grid sets it to true and implements it.)
You might want to check out the Grids and Stores tutorial.
I think the problem might be that I was modeling my code based on the dTunes sample code, which has 3 lists that behave a little differently than a regular grid.
For now, I'm using the cachingStore that is available in the lists. So the way I get the id:
cstsList.on('dgrid-select', function (event) {
var row = event.rows[0];
var id =[ - 1].id; // -1 because a header was added
I'm not sure whether this will work if I ever try to do sorting.

Sencha Touch 2: Load a List from a store.queryBy result

I had a List that used to work when it was bound directly to a store but now I want that list to get it's data from a queryBy on the original store.
Looking at the documentation is seems like setItems should do what I want.
var myStore = Ext.getStore('myStoreData');
var myData = myStore.queryBy(function(item) {
return item.get('status') !== null;
// At this point myData looks valid and has the data I want.
// Ext.apply.create.Class {all: Array[5], items: Array[5], keys: Array[5], indices: Object, map: Object…}
I keep getting the error "Object [object Object] has no method 'getItemId'". I tried various other incantations but without success. I also took a look at setData and add but without success.
After getting Thiem's answer I just ended up creating a function that would create a filtered copy of an existing store and then just setting the List store to that. Code below for others edification...
storeCopy: function(store, filterBy) {
var records = [];
var allRecords = null;
allRecords= store.queryBy(filterBy);
allRecords= store.queryBy(function(){return true;});
var rec = r.copy();
var store2 = new{
recordType: store.recordType
return store2;
Thanks all.
setItems method does a totally different thing. For example, says you have an Ext.Container which consists of a form, some fields, and some interaction buttons. These things are call child components, or items of the container. They are oftenly declared in the items config of the parent container and setItems is designed to programmatically set the value of that config. So it has nothing to do with the store logic.
In your situation, here is one of the solutions:
Create a store instance which contains filtered data.
Use this command: yourList.setStore('yourFilteredStore')
And it should reload... hope this helps

extjs 4.1 how to reset the itemselector

I am using extjs 4.1.1a for developing some application.
I had a form consisting of two combo-boxes and an item-selector.
Based on the value selected in first combo-box , the itemselector will load its data from database. This is working fine.
My problem is, if i reselect the first combo-box the new data will be displayed in itemselector along with previous data displayed in itemseletor .That is previous data displayed in itemselector will remain there itself.
for example: name "test1" consists of ids 801,2088,5000. on selecting test1 in firstcombobox itemselector must show output as below.
and if "test2" consists of ids 6090,5040. on selecting test2 in firstcombobox itemselector must show output as below.
problem is. for first time if i select "test1" from firstcombobox , output will come as expected. if i reselect "test2" from firstcombobox , output will come as below.
as you can see, previous data displayed (marked in red rectagle) remains there itself with new data displayed (marked with green rectangle).
I want for every reselection of first combobox, previously displayed data in itemselector to be erased before printing new data on itemselector.
How can I reset the itemselector for every reselection of first combobox?
You should remove all items from the store of the itemselector by the removeAll command. After that you should load the store of the itemselector.;;
Any solutions above solve my problem.
i found solution from Sencha Forum.
in the itemselector.js file, change the line marked below.
populateFromStore: function(store) {
var fromStore =;
// Flag set when the fromStore has been loaded
this.fromStorePopulated = true;
fromStore.loadData(store.getRange()); //fromStore.add(store.getRange());
// setValue waits for the from Store to be loaded
fromStore.fireEvent('load', fromStore);
You need to insert...
at the head of the function that is inserting the data.
As an example...
Ext.override( Ext.ux.ItemSelector, {
setValue: function(val) {
if (!val) return;
val = val instanceof Array ? val : val.split(this.delimiter);
var rec, i, id;
for (i = 0; i < val.length; i++) {
var vf = this.fromMultiselect.valueField;
id = val[i];
idx ={
return[vf] == id;
if (idx != -1) continue;
idx ={
return[vf] == id;
rec =;
if (rec) {;;
are u got it?
when u select that combobox frist stoe of item selector is null after store load with ur pass the para meters
for example
like that so when ur select a value in ur combobox that time ur used a listeners to ur combobox in that listners ur used above code , select ur some value in combobox that time frist store is get null after ur pass some values to json.php then store load with responce so that time old data is remove and new data load in that store
if u post ur code i will give correct code
I ran into the same issue with ExtJS 4.2.1. I got it to work by calling reload() on the data store and then setValue() with an empty string on the item selector in the data store's reload() callback.
Ext.create("Ext.form.field.ComboBox", {
// Other properties removed for brevity
listeners: {
change: function(field, newValue, oldValue, eOpts) {
callback: function() {
Ext.create("", {
storeId: "ExampleStore",
// Other properties removed for brevity
Ext.create("Ext.form.FormPanel", {
// Other properties removed for brevity
xtype: "itemselector",
id: "ExampleItemSelector",
// Other properties removed for brevity
For any folks that are curious, I'm fairly convinced there's a bug in the item selector's populateFromStore() function. When the function is called, it blindly adds all of the values from the bound store (store) to the internal store (fromStore). I suspect there should be a call to fromStore.removeAll() prior to the call to fromStore.add(). Here's the relevant code from ItemSelector.js.
populateFromStore: function(store) {
var fromStore =;
// Flag set when the fromStore has been loaded
this.fromStorePopulated = true;
// setValue waits for the from Store to be loaded
fromStore.fireEvent('load', fromStore);
EDIT 12/18/2013
If you've configured any callback events on the item selector (e.g. change), you may want to disable the events temporarily when you call setValue(""). For example:
var selector = Ext.getCmp("ExampleItemSelector");
I had the same problem and finally I decided to modify the extjs source code, not considering it a big issue as extjs itself its saying in the start of the file
Note that this control will most likely remain as an example, and not as a core Ext form
control. However, the API will be changing in a future release and so should not yet be
treated as a final, stable API at this time.
Based on that, as jstricker guessed (and sadly I didn't read and took me a while to arrive to the same conclusion), adding fromStore.removeAll() before fromStore.add() solves the problem.
Outside of the problem (but I think it can be interesting as well), additionally, I also added listConfig: me.listConfig in the MultiSelect configuration (inside createList), that way it's possible to format each item additional options (such as images, etc.) setting in the 'itemselector' the option listConfig as it's explained in the (irrealistic) documentation.
Need to reset the store used in ItemSelector that can be done by setting Empty object like below. Also need to call clearValue() method of ItemSelector component.

How to refresh datagrid

I create dojox.grid.datagrid and I fill content from array like on example last example on page. During time, I change value of that array in code. How to refresh content of that grid ? How to load new data from changed array ?
To change values in the grid, you will need to change the value in the grid's store. The grid data is bound to the store data, and the grid will update itself as needed.
So the key is to understand Dojo's data api and how stores work in Dojo. Rather than manipulating the data directly in the grid, manipulate it in the store.
Ideally, the store is your array that you manipulate as the application runs and you should not be needing to sync the array to the grid. Just use the ItemFileWriteStore as your data holder unless thats not possible.
Also, using the dojo data identity api makes it much simple to find items in the grid if that is possible. Assuming you know when an item is updated, deleted, or changed in your application you should be able to modify the grid store as needed when the action happens. This is definitely the preferred approach. If you can't do that you will have to do a general fetch and use the onComplete callback to manually sync your arrays which will be very slow and won't scale well, in which case you may as well just create a new store all together and assign it to the grid with grid.setStore(myNewStore)
Here is a fiddle with a basic create, update, and delete operation:
These examples all take advantage of declaring an identity when creating the store.
var store = new{
data: {
identifier : 'planet',
items: itemList
//If the store is not in your scope you can get it from the grid
var store =;
//fetchItemByIdentity would be faster here, but this uses query just to show
//it is also possible
store.fetch({query : {planet : 'Zoron'},
onItem : function (item ) {
var humans = store.getValue(item, 'humanPop');
humans += 200;
store.setValue(item, 'humanPop', humans);
store.newItem({planet: 'Endron', humanPop : 40000, alienPop : 9000});
} catch (e) {
//An item with the same identity already exists
store.fetchItemByIdentity({ 'identity' : 'Gaxula', onItem : function (item ) {
if(item == null) {
//Item does not exist
} else {
The following code snippet can be used to update the grid:
var newStore = new{data: {... some new data ...});
var grid = dijit.byId("gridId");
Dogo data grid reference guide (add/remove rows example, updating grid data examples )
(I suppose you already have a working grid and you want to completely change the grid's store)
Create a new datastore with your new value :
dataStore = new ObjectStore({ objectStore:new Memory({ data: data.items }) });
(data is the reponse from an ajax request for me)
Change your grid's store with the new one : = dataStore;
Render :
This Will update Grid Store and refresh the View of the Grid in latest Version of Dojo 1.9 = store;
I had a server-side filtered EnhancedGrid, which was refreshing happily by changing the store, and shown in the other answers.
However I had another EnhancedGrid that would not refresh when a filter was applied. It may have been to do with the fact it was filtered client side (but data still coming from server using JsonRest store), but I don't really know the cause. Eitherway, the solution was to refresh with the following code:
It's hacky and strange, but if it all else fails...
with this i can update a specifi row. this example is for a treegrid.
var idx = this.treeGrid.getItemIndex(item);
if(typeof idx == "string"){
}else if(idx > -1){