How to duplicate records in same table - sql

I have been stuck for a good while on this issue now and have made zero progress. I don't even know if it is possible...
I have 1 table:
| Item | Date | RUnit | FDHUnit | Difference |
| A | 19/04/2016 | 21000 | 20000 | 1000 |
| B | 20/04/2016 | 2500 | 500 | 2000 |
Is it possible to Create a new row in the same table for each of those items which will display the Difference and perhaps a few other columns?
My desired output would be something like this:
| Item | Date | RUnit | FDHUnit | Difference |
| A | 19/04/2016 | 21000 | 20000 | |
| A | 19/04/2016 | NULL | NULL | 1000 |
| B | 20/04/2016 | 2500 | 500 | |
| B | 20/04/2016 | NULL | NULL | 2000 |
Reason being is that i would like to show a new column and indicate that it is either Held directly or not held directly.

Yes, use union all:
select item, date, ruunit, fdhunit, difference
from t
union all
select item, date, null, null, runit - fdhunit
from t
order by item, (case when runit is not null then 1 else 2 end);
The order by puts the results in the order that your results suggest. Without an order by, the ordering of the records is indeterminate.

try this way
select * from
(select item, date, ruunit, fdhunit, '' as difference
from t
union all
select item, date, null as ruunit, null as fdhunit, difference
from t) a
order by item, date

Try This
Insert into table :
insert into table1
select item,date,null,null,(Runit-fdhunit) from table1 where (Runit-fdhunit)
Normal result :
select * from table1
union all
select item,date,null,null,(Runit-fdhunit) from table1 where (Runit-fdhunit) <>0

Try this. Replace cast(null as number) with actual type of the difference column
select item, date, r.ruunit, r.fdhunit, r.difference
from t
cross apply (
select n=1, ruunit, fdhunit, cast(null as number) difference
select n=2, null, null, difference ) r
order by item, date, n


SQL blank rows between rows

I am trying to output a blank row after each row.
For example:
SELECT id,job,amount FROM table
| id | job | amount |
| 1 | 100 | 123 |
| 2 | 200 | 321 |
| 3 | 300 | 421 |
To the following:
| id | job | amount |
| 1 | 100 | 123 |
| | | |
| 2 | 200 | 321 |
| | | |
| 3 | 300 | 421 |
I know I can do similar things with a UNION like:
SELECT null AS id, null AS job, null AS amount
SELECT id,job,amount FROM table
Which would give me a blank row at the beginning, but for the life of me I can't figure out how to do it every second row. A nested SELECT/UNION? - Have tried but nothing seemed to work.
The DBMS is SQL Server 2016
This is an akward requirement, that would most probably better handled on application side. Here is, however, one way to do it:
select id, job, amount
from (
select id, job, amount, id order_by from mytable
union all
select null, null, null, id from mytable
) t
order by order_by, id desc
The trick is to add an additional column to the unioned query, that keeps track of the original id, and can be used to sort the records in the outer query. You can then use id desc as second sorting criteria, which will put null values in second position.
Demo on DB Fiddle:
with mytable as (
select 1 id, 100 job, 123 amount
union all select 2, 200, 321
union all select 3, 300, 421
select id, job, amount
from (
select id, job, amount, id order_by from mytable
union all
select null, null, null, id from mytable
) t
order by order_by, id desc;
id | job | amount
---: | ---: | -----:
1 | 100 | 123
null | null | null
2 | 200 | 321
null | null | null
3 | 300 | 421
null | null | null
In SQL Server, you can just use apply:
select, v.job, v.amount
from t cross apply
(values (id, job, amount, id, 1),
(null, null, null, id, 2)
) v(id, job, amount, ord1, ord2)
order by ord1, ord2;

How to combine 2 columns in result table?

I wrote a pretty big sql query that joins (outer join) two similar queries. Each one of them returns a table in format:
date | value1(q1)
05-06-2010 | 10
05-07-2017 | 12
And the same for the second subquery. After i join them i get a following table:
date | value1(q1) | date | value(q2)
05-06-2010 | 10 | NULL | NULL
05-07-2017 | 12 | NULL | NULL
NULL | NULL | 05-07-2010 | 15
NULL | NULL | 01-02-2008 | 17
I tried wrapping everything in a CONCAT, but it doesn't work.
How to get result in such a form:
date | value1(q1) | value(q2)
05-06-2010 | 10 | 0
05-07-2017 | 12 | 10
07-08-2018 | 14 | 17
Try this below script-
SELECT [date],
SUM([value1(q1)]) AS 'value1(q1)',
SUM([value(q2)]) AS 'value(q2)'
SELECT [date],
[value1(q1)] AS 'value1(q1)',
0 AS 'value(q2)'
FROM your_table_1
SELECT [date],
0 AS 'value1(q1)',
[value(q2)] AS 'value(q2)'
FROM your_table_2
GROUP BY [date]
I think you want a full join:
select coalesce(, as date,
coalesce(q1.value, 0) as value1,
coalesce(q2.value, 0) as value2
from q1 full join
on =;

sql query to find unique records

I am new to sql and need your help to achieve the below , I have tried using group and count functions but I am getting all the rows in the unique group which are duplicated.
Below is my source data.
Please note :-the source has multiple combinations of unique records, so when I do the count the unique set is not appearing as count =1
example :- the below data in source have 60 records for each combination
877,xxx-32,12,2,300 -- 60 records
877,xxx-32,12,2,301 -- 60 records
I am trying to get the unique unique records, but the duplicate records are also getting in
Below are the rows which should come up in the unique group. i.e. there will be multiple call_Plans for the same combinations of CDR_ID,TelephoneNo,Call_ID,call_Duration. I want to read records for which there is only one call plan for each unique combination of CDR_ID,TelephoneNo,Call_ID,call_Duration,
Please advice on this.
Thanks and Regards
To do more complex groupings you could also use a Common Table Expression/Derived Table along with windowed functions:
declare #t table(CDR_ID int,TelephoneNo nvarchar(20),Call_ID int,call_Duration int,Call_Plan int);
insert into #t values (543,'xxx-23',12,12,500),(543,'xxx-23',12,12,501),(543,'xxx-23',12,12,510),(643,'xxx-33',11,17,700),(343,'xxx-33',11,17,700),(766,'xxx-74',32,1,300),(766,'xxx-74',32,1,300),(877,'xxx-32',12,2,300),(877,'xxx-32',12,2,300),(877,'xxx-32',12,2,301);
with cte as
select CDR_ID
,count(*) over (partition by CDR_ID,TelephoneNo,Call_ID,call_Duration) as c
from (select distinct * from #t) a
select *
from cte
where c = 1;
| CDR_ID | TelephoneNo | Call_ID | call_Duration | Call_Plan | c |
| 343 | xxx-33 | 11 | 17 | 700 | 1 |
| 643 | xxx-33 | 11 | 17 | 700 | 1 |
| 766 | xxx-74 | 32 | 1 | 300 | 1 |
using not exists()
select distinct *
from t
where not exists (
select 1
from t as i
where i.cdr_id = t.cdr_id
and i.telephoneno = t.telephoneno
and i.call_id = t.call_id
and i.call_duration = t.call_duration
and i.call_plan <> t.call_plan
rextester demo:
| cdr_id | TelephoneNo | Call_id | call_Duration | Call_Plan | cnt |
| 343 | xxx-33 | 11 | 17 | 700 | 1 |
| 643 | xxx-33 | 11 | 17 | 700 | 1 |
| 766 | xxx-74 | 32 | 1 | 300 | 1 |
Basically you should try this:
SELECT A.CDR_ID, A.TelephoneNo, A.Call_ID, A.call_Duration, A.Call_Plan
INNER JOIN (SELECT CDR_ID,TelephoneNo,Call_ID,call_Duration
GROUP BY CDR_ID,TelephoneNo,Call_ID,call_Duration
) B ON A.CDR_ID= B.CDR_ID AND A.TelephoneNo=B.TelephoneNo AND A.Call_ID=B.Call_ID AND A.call_Duration=B.call_Duration
You can do a shorter query using Windows Function COUNT(*) OVER ...
Below query will provide you the result
SELECT CDR_ID,TelephoneNo,Call_ID,call_Duration,Call_Plan, COUNT(*)
FROM TABLE_NAME GROUP BY CDR_ID,TelephoneNo,Call_ID,call_Duration,Call_Plan
It gives you with the count as well. If not required you can remove it.
Select *, count(CDR_ID)
from table
group by CDR_ID, TelephoneNo, Call_ID, call_Duration, Call_Plan
having count(CDR_ID) = 1

microsoft sql server - calculate return between every row and the last row

I have a table like the following:
| Value | Date |
| 14 | 10/11/2010 |
| 12 | 10/12/2010 |
| 12 | 10/13/2010 |
| 10 | 10/14/2010 |
| 8 | 10/15/2010 |
| 6 | 10/16/2010 |
| 4 | 10/17/2010 |
| 2 | 10/18/2010 |
I would like to calculate the return (the quotient) between every row and the last row (which is with the latest date). e.g for the row with date "10/16/2010", the result should be 6/2=3
Hence, the resulting table should be
| result| Date |
| 7 | 10/11/2010 |
| 6 | 10/12/2010 |
| 6 | 10/13/2010 |
| 5 | 10/14/2010 |
| 4 | 10/15/2010 |
| 3 | 10/16/2010 |
| 2 | 10/17/2010 |
| 1 | 10/18/2010 |
Is it possible to complete this? thanks you!
You can get the value you want to divide by. Since that's always going to be a single row, you can just use a cross join to join to that and perform your division. SQL Fiddle
with maxdate as
(select max([Date]) as maxdate from table1),
divby as
value as divby
inner join maxdate md
on md.maxdate = table1.[date])
value / divby
cross join divby
To break it down a bit, the first CTE (cleverly named maxdate) gets the maximum date for the whole thing. The second CTE (divby) get the value (that you will be dividing by) for that max date. As long as you only get one row back from that, you can safely use a cross join, resulting in each row in your table being divided by that one value.
Another possible solution JOIN the the table to itself.
SQL Fiddle Example
select (t1b.value / t1a.value) as result, from table1 t1a
join table1 t1b on = (select max(date) from table1)
Thanks for the fiddle, Andrew! Can be accomplished like this as well if 2008 and above (fiddle:!3/ecda1/11):
SELECT [Value] / MIN([Value]) OVER () AS result,
FROM Table1

Selecting unique records from database

Running this query,
select * from table;
Returns the following
|branch | number |
| 1 | 123 |
| 1 | 001 |
| 2 | 123 |
| 3 | 123 |
| 4 | 123 |
| 1 | 123 |
| 1 | 789 |
| 2 | 123 |
| 3 | 123 |
| 4 | 009 |
I want to find values that are unique to ONLY branch 1
| 1 | 001 |
| 1 | 789 |
Can this be done without the data being stored in separate tables? I've tried a few "select distinct" queries & don't seem to get the results I'm expecting.
SELECT branch, number
FROM table
WHERE branch = 1
GROUP BY branch, number
If you do not need any aggregates, you can use distinct instead of group by:
select distinct branch
, number
from YourTable
where branch = 1
I guess what I'm trying to say is that I want to find all numbers that are unique to ONLY branch 1. If they are found in any other branch, I don't want to see them.
I guess this is what you want.
SELECT distinct number
FROM MyTable
WHERE branch=1 and number not in
( SELECT distinct number
FROM MyTable
WHERE branch != 1 )
Try this:
SELECT branch, number
FROM table
GROUP BY branch, number
Here is a SQLFiddle for you to have a look at
If you want to limit it to only branch 1, then just add a where clause.
SELECT branch, number
FROM table
WHERE branch = 1
GROUP BY branch, number
To select all values that are unique in column number and have a branch value of 1 you can use the following code:
SELECT branch, number
FROM table1
WHERE number IN (
SELECT number
FROM table1
GROUP BY number
HAVING (COUNT(number ) = 1)
AND branch = 1
For a demo see!2/97145/62