Having a function argument of type "Selector" in a Swift class will render the function unavailable to Objective-C - objective-c

When trying to use the Menu class below from my Objective-C code, I'm only able to access foobar (or any other function that does not have the Selector type in the argument list), while the addItemWithName function is unavailable (I have checked the autogenerated swift to objective-c file and the function is not listed in the Menu interface there). How can I make this work?
public class Menu : UIView {
public func foobar() {
// implementation
public func addItemWithName(itemName: String, target: AnyObject?, action: Selector?) {
// implementation

The problem type isn't Selector, it's Selector?. You can't express Optional<Selector> in ObjC because SEL is not an object type.


Passing a Swift generic protocol argument to an Obj-C “Protocol” function

I have a class that needs to pass a Protocol to an Obj-C function. I have a constructor that takes the Protocol, but as the class is a generic that also takes the same protocol, I thought I could optimise it. However, if I try to use the generic value when calling the function, it fails to compile. I've tried various combinations of ".self" and ".Type" and ".Protocol", both in the code and in the generic argument, and nothing works. Is there any way to achieve this?
This is a Playground project to show the problem.
import Foundation
#objc protocol TestProtocol {
class Test<P> {
init() {
test(p: P.self) // Fails to compile with: Cannot convert value of type 'P.Type' to expected argument type 'Protocol'
test(p: TestProtocol.self) // Compiles
func test(p: Protocol) {
let c = Test<TestProtocol>()

extension function is virtual to dispatch reciever?

In kotlin Declaraing extensions as members, what does it mean "the dispatch of such functions is virtual with regard to the dispatch receiver type, but static with regard to the extension receiver type."
Is this mean that "the extension function doesn't follows its reciever's class type. It follows parameter type(?in this code call method parameter)."
please give your warmhearted and generous advice
open class Base { }
class Derived : Base() { }
open class BaseCaller {
open fun Base.printFunctionInfo() {
println("Base extension function in BaseCaller")
open fun Derived.printFunctionInfo() {
println("Derived extension function in BaseCaller")
fun call(b: Base) {
b.printFunctionInfo() // call the extension function
class DerivedCaller: BaseCaller() {
override fun Base.printFunctionInfo() {
println("Base extension function in DerivedCaller")
override fun Derived.printFunctionInfo() {
println("Derived extension function in DerivedCaller")
fun main() {
BaseCaller().call(Base()) // "Base extension function in BaseCaller"
DerivedCaller().call(Base()) // "Base extension function in DerivedCaller" - dispatch receiver is resolved virtually
DerivedCaller().call(Derived()) // "Base extension function in DerivedCaller" - extension receiver is resolved statically
Since you have linked the documentation, I take it that you have read the following part
The instance of the class in which the extension is declared is called
dispatch receiver, and the instance of the receiver type of the extension method is called extension receiver.
After you have understood the above terminology, you need to understand following points
If you don't know about virtual methods read this
Extensions are resolved statically. Consider the following code block
fun call(b: Base) {
// This will always call extension function defined on the Base class
// even if you pass an object of Derived class
b.printFunctionInfo() // call the extension function
// This calls the printFunctionInfo defined on the Base, even though we pass Derived
Now to your question
the dispatch of such functions is virtual with regard to the dispatch
receiver type, but static with regard to the extension receiver type.
With the Extensions are resolved statically point we have established that no matter which object you pass (Base or Derived) the call function will always invoke an extension function defined on the Base type.
But which extension function will be invoked? one in the Base class or the one in Derived class ?
This depends on the type of object which invokes the call function, if you invoke the call with an Object of Base then the extension in the base class will be invoked and if you use the Derived object then the extension in Derived class will be invoked.

Call Swift func from Objective-C with parameter

I want to integrate a Swift class into an UIViewController class.
I think I made all settings correct. I have a class rURLTask:NSObject with a function:
#objc public func primer() {
In my .swift file and can call it from my Objective-C-class with:
[URLTask primer];
and it prints nicely.
Another function is:
#objc public func ladeURL(url: URL?) {
but this one I cannot call from Objective-C. I try to write:
NSURL* testURL = [NSURL URLWithString:#"http://www.google.com"];
[URLTask ladeURL:testURL];
I get the error:
No visible #interface for 'rURLTask' declares the selector 'ladeURL:'
I think there is a very basic mistake. Using Objective-C in Swift 3 in another project worked well.
The reason you cannot call
#objc public func ladeURL(url: URL?) {
by saying
[URLTask ladeURL:testURL];
is that ladeURL: is not the name of this method as far as Objective-C is concerned. That is what the compiler means when it says that "No visible #interface for 'rURLTask' declares the selector ladeURL:".
Its name as far as Objective-C is concerned is ladeURLWithUrl:. That is because you have exposed the url: parameter name as an external label.
If it was important to you to be able to say
[URLTask ladeURL:testURL];
in Objective-C, you could have declared ladeURL like this:
#objc public func ladeURL(_ url: URL?) {
See the underscore? That hides the external label of the parameter.
Another solution, allowing you to keep the url: external label, would be to declare the Objective-C name as part of the objc attribution:
#objc(ladeURL:) public func ladeURL(url: URL?) {
That says to the compiler: "I know you would like to translate the name of this method into Objective-C as ladeURLwithUrl:, but don't; translate it as ladeURL: instead."
When you import the class to OC , the name of the method written in swift is translated concatenated with the withParameterType , as prime
#objc public func primer() {
has no parameters it can be called like this
[URLTask primer];
but this
#objc public func ladeURL(url: URL?) {
is translated to
[URLTask ladeURLWithUrl:<#NSURL#>];

Property 'sharedInstance' not found on object of type ClassA

I am creating a swift framework. In that one class is like this as shown below.
import Foundation
#objc public class classA: NSObject {
public override init (){
Singleton intance is returned.
public class var sharedInstance: classA {
struct Static {
static let instance = popeye();
return Static.instance
Now when i add this framework into a Objective c project and try to access "sharedInstance" i get this error.
Property 'sharedInstance' not found on object of type ClassA.
Fix it Replace 'sharedInstance' with 'sharedInstance'
But even if i try use Fix it, this issue isnt solved.
NOTE: This issue doesn't happen when i integrate this framework with a swift project!!!
I tried to reproduce your problem. At first the syntax highlighter in Xcode flagged the same error in Objective-C that you mentioned, but the code actually was built and ran fine.
However, there is a cleaner way of doing this. In your code you are using a computed type property, which is evaluated every time you access it! You work around this by introducing the struct Static, where you essentially do what could be done in classA itself, like this:
Singleton intance is returned.
public static var sharedInstance: classA = popeye()
Here we used a stored type property, which is a recommended way to implement singletons, see here:
And here is some documentation on different kinds of properties:
Finally i was able to fix this with a minor change !! :)
Swift framework code
#objc class SingletonTest: NSObject {
// swiftSharedInstance is not accessible from ObjC
class var swiftSharedInstance: SingletonTest {
struct Singleton {
static let instance = SingletonTest()
return Singleton.instance
// the sharedInstance class method can be reached from ObjC
class func sharedInstance() -> SingletonTest {
return SingletonTest.swiftSharedInstance
// Some testing
func testTheSingleton() -> String {
return "Hello World"
Objective C parent project code
SingletonTest *aTest = [SingletonTest sharedInstance];
NSLog(#"Singleton says: %#", [aTest testTheSingleton]);

Swift Extension fails adding overloaded methods to Objective-C class

If a Swift extension is used to add overloaded methods to an Objective-C class, it appears to only call the first method, producing unexpected behaviour or a crash at runtime. An Extension on a Swift class (as opposed to Objective-C) works correctly. I would like to establish if there's any workarounds to this and confirm that this is a bug that I should report to Apple. Given that Objective-C does not support overloaded methods while Swift does, I can imagine that mixing the two is a recipe for problems.
The classes getting the extension are both empty except for the Objective-C class having an init function. ObjClass is declared within .h and .m files and imported using the Swift bridging header. The original SwiftClass is defined within the code sample along with the Swift extensions:
extension ObjClass {
func log(param: Int32) { NSLog("ObjClass->Int32: " + String(param)) }
func log(param: String) { NSLog("ObjClass->String: " + param) }
func log(param: ObjClass) { NSLog("ObjClass->ObjClass") }
class SwiftClass {
extension SwiftClass {
func log(param: Int32) { NSLog("SwiftClass->Int32: " + String(param)) }
func log(param: String) { NSLog("SwiftClass->String: " + param) }
func log(param: ObjClass) { NSLog("SwiftClass->ObjClass") }
Now call the overloaded methods with a string, int and object:
var objClass = ObjClass()
var swiftClass = SwiftClass()
For ObjClass, all the method calls are made to the first method with type Int32. Through use of COpaquePointer, I can see this is related to the object pointer but slightly different.
ObjClass->Int32: 10
ObjClass->Int32: 1881422800
ObjClass->Int32: 1879122512
Swift Extension on a Swift class works as expected:
SwiftClass->Int32: 10
SwiftClass->String: string
Hopefully this can be supported at some point. Until then, I believe it should fail at compile time rather than give unexpected behaviour or a crash. Does anyone have a workaround to suggest for this?
I know it's calling the first method as if I swap the ObjClass extension methods, like so:
extension ObjClass {
func log(param: String) { NSLog("ObjClass->String: " + param) }
func log(param: Int32) { NSLog("ObjClass->Int32: " + String(param)) }
func log(param: ObjClass) { NSLog("ObjClass->ObjClass") }
Then the call to objClass.log(str) works fine but the call to objClass.log(10) produces:
main(1): EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=1, address=0xa)
ObjC doesn't support method overloading. When you extend an ObjC class, the interface to your code is the ObjC runtime—even if you're calling your Swift code in that class from other Swift code—so your class' interface can't use features of Swift that aren't also present in ObjC.
As you've noted, this should probably be a compile error. I'd recommend filing a bug about that, especially since you've already put together a handy test case.