Azure SQL high wait time on "VDI_CLIENT_OTHER" - sql

We're benchmarking our app with different scales of an Azure SQL database, and we're having a hard time saturating the db. Among other things, we've executed this query:
FROM sys.dm_os_wait_stats
ORDER BY wait_time_ms DESC
The top row of the result was something like
wait_type waiting_tasks_count wait_time_ms max_wait_time_ms signal_wait_time_ms
VDI_CLIENT_OTHER 19560 409007428 60016 37281
What is this wait time? What exactly have we been waiting for during those 409000 seconds (almost 5 days)? Google doesn't seem to know what VDI_CLIENT_OTHER is.

VDI_CLIENT_OTHER is used in case of new replica seeding or any other user initiated workflow that triggers copies like update service tier and setting up geo relationship link. High wait time It likely just means we did seeding and the task remained running waiting for additional work items which aren’t arriving.


Storing time intervals efficiently in redis

I am trying to track server uptimes using redis.
So the approach I have chosen is as follows:
server xyz will keep on sending my service ping indicating that it was alive and working in the last 30 seconds.
My service will store a list of all time intervals during which the server was active. This will be done by storing a list of {startTime, endTime} in redis, with key as name of the server (xyz)
Depending on a user query, I will use this list to generate server uptime metrics. Like % downtime in between times (T1, T2)
assume that the time is T currently.
at T+30, server sends a ping.
xyz:["{start:T end:T+30}"]
at T+60, server sends another ping
xyz:["{start:T end:T+30}", "{start:T+30 end:T+60}"]
and so on for all pings.
This works fine , but an issue is that over a large time period this list will get a lot of elements. To avoid this currently, on a ping, I pop the last element of the list, check if it can be merged with the latest time interval. If it can be merged, I coalesce and push a single time interval into the list. if not then 2 time intervals are pushed.
So with this my list becomes like this after step 2 : xyz:["{start:T end:T+60}"]
Some problems I see with this approach is:
the merging is being done in my service, and not redis.
incase my service is distributed, The list ordering might get corrupted due to multiple readers and writers.
Is there a more efficient/elegant way to handle this , like maybe handling merging of time intervals in redis itself ?

Cassandra: MigrationStage cannot keep up

We have 4 nodes and running tpstats shows big backlog for MigrationStage at all nodes and it's not able to reduce the queue over time. For example:
Pool Name Active Pending Completed Blocked All time blocked
MigrationStage 1 3946 17766 0 0
I don't see this going down ever and the other 3 servers have about 300 pending requests.
Is there a way to speed this up? Or is it possible to stop schema migration since most likely it's trying to migrate old keyspaces?
PS I Tried to drop keyspaces to reduce this (there are about 200 keyspace). However I always query timeout for that statement (select works). I assume this backlog is also blocking some schema DLL statements.

SQL MIN_ACTIVE_ROWVERSION() value does not change for a long while

We're troubleshooting a sort of Sync Framework between two SQL Server databases, in separate servers (both SQL Server 2008 Enterprise 64 bits SP2 - 10.0.4000.0), through linked server connections, and we reached to a point in which we're sort of stuck.
The logic to identify which are the records "pending to be synced" is of course based on ROWVERSION values, including the use of MIN_ACTIVE_ROWVERSION() to avoid dirty reads.
All SELECT operations are encapsulated in SPs on each "source" side. This is a schematic sample of one SP:
PROCEDURE LoaderRetrieve(#LastStamp bigint, #Rows int)
(vars handling)
Select TOP (#Rows) Field1, Field2, Field3
FROM Table
WHERE [RowVersion] > #LastStampAsRowVersionDataType
AND [RowVersion] < #MinActiveVersion
Order by [RowVersion]
The approach works just fine, we usually sync records with the expected rate of 600k/hour (job every 30 seconds, batch size = 5k), but at some point, the sync process does not find any single record to be transferred, even though there are several thousand of records with a ROWVERSION value greater than the #LastStamp parameter.
When checking the reason, we've found that the MIN_ACTIVE_ROWVERSION() has a value less than (or slightly greater, just 5 or 10 increments) the #LastStamp being searched. This of course shouldn't be a problem since the MIN_ACTIVE_ROWVERSION() approach was introduced to avoid dirty reads and posterior issues, BUT:
The problem we see in some occasions, during the above scenario occurs, is that the value for MIN_ACTIVE_ROWVERSION() does not change during a long (really long) period of time, like 30/40 minutes, sometimes more than one hour. And this value is by far less than the ##DBTS value.
We first thought this was related to a pending DB transaction not yet committed. As per MSDN definition about the MIN_ACTIVE_ROWVERSION() (link):
Returns the lowest active rowversion value in the current database. A rowversion value is active if it is used in a transaction that has not yet been committed.
But when checking sessions (sys.sysprocesses) with open_tran > 0 during the duration of this issue, we couldn't find any session with a waittime greater than a few seconds, only one or two occurrences of +/- 5 minutes waittime sessions.
So at this point we're struggling to understand the situation: The MIN_ACTIVE_ROWVERSION() does not change during a huge period of time, and no uncommitted transactions with long waits are found within this time frame.
I'm not a DBA and could be the case that we're missing something in the picture to analyze this problem, doing some research on forums and blogs couldn't found any other clue. So far the open_tran > 0 was the valid reason, but under the circumstances I've exposed, it's clear that there's something else and don't know why.
Any feedback is appreciated.
well, I finally find the solution after digging a bit more.
The problem is that we were looking for sessions with a long waittime, but the real deal was to find sessions which have an active batch since a while.
If there's a session where open_tran = 1, to obtain exactly since when this transaction is open (and of course still active, not yet committed), the field last_batch from sys.sysprocesses shall be checked.
Using this query:
batchDurationMin= DATEDIFF(second,last_batch,getutcdate())/60.0,
batchDurationSecs= DATEDIFF(second,last_batch,getutcdate()),
hostname,open_tran,* from sys.sysprocesses a
where spid > 50
and a.open_tran >0
order by last_batch asc
we could identify a session with an open tran being active 30+ minutes. And with hostname values and some more checks within the web services (and also using dbcc inputbuffer) we found the responsible process.
So, the final question actually is "there's indeed an active session with an uncommitted transaction", therefore the MIN_ACTIVE_ROWVERSION() does not change. We were just looking processes with the wrong criteria.
Now that we know which process behaves like this, next step will be to improve it.
Hope this results useful to someone else.

Can I avoid locking rows for unnecessary amounts of time [in Django]?

Take the following code for example (ignore the lack of usefulness in its functionality, as it's just a simple example to include the things I need):
def test_for_success(username)
person = Person.objects.select_for_update().get(username=username)
response = urllib2.urlopen(URL_TO_SOME_SLOW_API, some_data)
if '<YES>' in
person.successes += 1
My question pertaining the example has to do with when the queries hit the database. Clearly the first query will lock the Person row, and then I'm calling a slow API, which could take 3 seconds to respond, causing the row to be locked for 3 seconds. Am I understanding this correctly, and in the case of slow API hits happening in my transaction, if I move the location of my queries so that a SELECT FOR UPDATE doesn't happen until after all the slow API requests, will this have the seemingly obvious effect of not locking my rows for seconds at a time (the case for select_for_update in my application is unavoidable)? Or, am I misunderstanding, and somehow none of the SQL actually hits the database until the end of the transaction?
Your assumptions about your code are correct. If you look at the select_for_update() docs, this action does lock those rows in the database until they are unlocked. This would in effect lock out for the duration of your urllib request.
If you were to move the database call into the conditional after the request, you are correct again that the database would be locked for a much shorter amount of time (though if that is called alot will still have some clients who block on the call due to contention).

SQL connection lifetime

I am working on an API to query a database server (Oracle in my case) to retrieve massive amount of data. (This is actually a layer on top of JDBC.)
The API I created tries to limit as much as possible the loading of every queried information into memory. I mean that I prefer to iterate over the result set and process the returned row one by one instead of loading every rows in memory and process them later.
But I am wondering if this is the best practice since it has some issues:
The result set is kept during the whole processing, if the processing is as long as retrieving the data, it means that my result set will be open twice as long
Doing another query inside my processing loop means opening another result set while I am already using one, it may not be a good idea to start opening too much result sets simultaneously.
On the other side, it has some advantages:
I never have more than one row of data in memory for a result set, since my queries tend to return around 100k rows, it may be worth it.
Since my framework is heavily based on functionnal programming concepts, I never rely on multiple rows being in memory at the same time.
Starting the processing on the first rows returned while the database engine is still returning other rows is a great performance boost.
In response to Gandalf, I add some more information:
I will always have to process the entire result set
I am not doing any aggregation of rows
I am integrating with a master data management application and retrieving data in order to either validate them or export them using many different formats (to the ERP, to the web platform, etc.)
There is no universal answer. I personally implemented both solutions dozens of times.
This depends of what matters more for you: memory or network traffic.
If you have a fast network connection (LAN) and a poor client machine, then fetch data row by row from the server.
If you work over the Internet, then batch fetching will help you.
You can set prefetch count or your database layer properties and find a golden mean.
Rule of thumb is: fetch everything that you can keep without noticing it
if you need more detailed analysis, there are six factors involved:
Row generation responce time / rate(how soon Oracle generates first row / last row)
Row delivery response time / rate (how soon can you get first row / last row)
Row processing response time / rate (how soon can you show first row / last row)
One of them will be the bottleneck.
As a rule, rate and responce time are antagonists.
With prefetching, you can control the row delivery response time and row delivery rate: higher prefetch count will increase rate but decrease response time, lower prefetch count will do the opposite.
Choose which one is more important to you.
You can also do the following: create separate threads for fetching and processing.
Select just ehough rows to keep user amused in low prefetch mode (with high response time), then switch into high prefetch mode.
It will fetch the rows in the background and you can process them in the background too, while the user browses over the first rows.