Presto:Which files are splittable? - hive

Now,i find my lzo file can't be splited,so my search is very slow.So how i should to speed up the search.
Which files are splittable.
My data source is flume,data are stored in hdfs.

I suggest you write your data in ORC or Parquet. Either format will be much faster than lzo.


Parquet file with more than one schema

I am used to parquet file with a single schema. I came across a file which, seemingly has more than one schema. I used pandas to convert it to a CSV file. The result is some things like this:
0, {data for table-1} {dat for table-2} {data for table-3}
I read the parquet file format and it looks like a single parquet file has a single schema.
Does parquet support more than one schema in a single file?
No, the Parquet format only supports a single schema per file. This schema is written into the footer of the file and accounts for all sections of the file. You could probably reread the CSV file into pandas and save that as a Parquet file, but ultimately you will be better off when you save each table as a separate file. The latter should also be much more performant and space-efficient.

How to dynamically create table in Snowflake getting schema from parquet file which stored in AWS

Could you help me to load a couple of parquet files to Snowflake.
I've got about 250 parquet-files which stored in AWS stage.
250 files = 250 different tables.
I'd like to dynamically load them into Snowflake tables.
So, I need:
Get schema from parquet file... I've read that I could get the schema from parquet file using parquet-tools (Apache).
Create table using schema from the parquet file
Load data from parquet-file to this table.
Could anyone help me how to do that? Does exist the most efficient way to realize it? (by using GUI Snowflake, for example). Can't find it.
If the schema of the files is same you can put them in a single stage and use the Infer-Schema function. This will give you the schema of the parquet files.
In case all files have different schema then I'm afraid you have to infer the schema on each file.

Is there any problems with saving parquet as a single file and no directory

I am currently working on a Pyspark application to output daily delta extracts as parquet. These files are to be a single partition (the natural partition will be on the date the data is created/updated, which is how they are being built).
I was planning to then take the outputted parquet folder and files, rename the actual parquet file itself, move it to another location and discard the original *.parquet directory including its _SUCCESS and *.crc files.
While I have tested reading files produced using the above scenario with Spark and Pandas, I am unsure whether this will cause issues with other applications that we may introduce in the future.
Can anyone see any actual issue (apart from the processing/coding effort) with the above approach?
If you are having one parquet file and renaming that file to new filename then new file will be a valid parquet file.
If you are combining one or more parquet files and combining them to one then the combined file will not be a valid parquet file.
In case you are combining more parquet files into one then its better to create one file by using spark (using repartition) and write to the table.
You can also use parquet-tools-**.jar to merge multiple parquet files into one parquet file.

File size in hive with different file formats

I have a small file (2MB). I created a external hive table over this file (stored as textfile). I created another table (stored as ORC) and copied the data from the previous table. When I checked the size of data in ORC table, it was more than 2MB.
ORC is a compressed file format, so shouldn't the data size be less?
As of Hive 0.14, users can request an efficient merge of small ORC files together by issuing a CONCATENATE command on their table or partition. The files will be merged at the stripe level without reserialization.
It's because your source file is too small. ORC has complex structure with internal indexes, headers, footers, postscript, compressing codecs also add some structures, etc, etc.
See this for details:
All these supporting structures consume more space than the data. For such small file you really do not need to store min/max values for columns, do not need blum filters, etc since your file may fit in memory. The best storage for this case is text file uncompressed. You can also try just to gzip your source file and check it's size. Too small gzipped file may be bigger than uncompressed. The bigger the file the more benefit from compressing and using orc will be.

Performance improvement for GZ to ORC File

Please let me know Is there any faster way to move (*.gz) to ORC table directly.
1)Another thought, from *.gz file to NON Partition table, Rather than creating External Table and dumping gz file data to External Table. Is there any other approach for quicker loading from Gz to External Table. We are thinking of 2 other approaches like Can we have ADF with Custom .exe to uncompress *.gz file and upload to Azure Blob.
For Example : If the *.Gz File is 10 GB and Un Compressed File is 120 GB , time it takes to uncompress is 40 Mins, How do we upload this un compressed 120 GB data File to Azure Blob. Do we need to have Azure Blob SDK for uploading or Will ADF Executes .exe at location where data is present i.e. exactly at the cluster which holds Blob Data. ( If ADF executes .exe at Azure Blob Storage Data Center’s Cluster, then there will be no Network cost, No Network latency and upload time to upload Uncompressed data will be very less). So Is it possible with ADF?. Will it be right approach ?
If above approach doesn’t work, If we create MR Solution where Mapper is going to UnCompress Gz File and Uploads to Azure Blob Storage, will there be any performance improvement, since I just need to create External Table pointing to uncompressed File. MR will be executing at Azure Blob storage location.
We see ORC and ORC with Partition are performing at same (sometimes we see minimal difference b/w ORC partition and ORC without partition). Will ORC With Partition perform better than ORC . Will ORC With Partition Bucketing performs better than ORC Partition ?. I see each ORC Partition File is close 50-100 MB and ORC With Out Partition (each File size 30-50 MB).
**Note: 120 GB of Un Compressed Data is compressed to 17 GB of ORC File Format
The only way that I know to move from gz to ORC file format is by writing a Hive query. Using a compressed format will always be slower since it needs to be decompressed before conversion. You may want to play around with these parameters as shown here, to see if it speed up moving from gz to orc.
For question #1 above, you may want to follow up with Azure Data Factory team.
For question #3, I have not tried it but computing on uncompressed data should be faster than using compressed data.
For #4, depends on what the field you are partitioning on. Make sure your key is not under partitioned (i.e. results in too few partitions). Also ensure you add sorted by to add a secondary partitioning key. Refer to this link for more details.
Hive has native support for compressed format, including GZIP, BZIP2 and deflate. So you can upload .gz files to Azure Blob and create external table with those files directly. And then you can create table with ORC and load the data there. Normally Hive runs faster with compressed files, please refer to Compression in Hadoop by MSIT for details.