Bootstrap Modal disappears when used with Navigation Wizard - twitter-bootstrap-3

I have an issue with Bootstrap Modal. I am using Bootstrap3.x for Modal and BootstrapWizard for custom navigation wizard. So both the libraries are necessary. When I click on Modal it disappears automatically. Can anyone help me on this?

I found the solution to this problem. My initial HTML code looks like this
<button class="btn-default" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#addPostModal" data-backdrop="static" data-keyboard="false">Add Posts</button>
But I modified this to
<button class="btn-default" id="myButton">Add Posts</button>
and wrote a jQuery function to handle onclick action
In brief, I removed the toggle functionality from HTML and added toggle method. We can also remove "toggle" from onclick() function, it doesn't make any difference.


Adding custom html inside Mapbox GL JS Popup on click event

I am creating a pop up using official docs per
But inside the html I would like to set custom Quasar Vue components, such as images, buttons, .etc
I am wondering if that is even possible and if so what would be the syntax for it.
Below is an example of what I would like to achieve with popup.setHTML().
The simple p tag will render correctly but the button wont work using q-btn quasar directive.
map.on('click', layerID, (e) => {
const popup = new mapboxgl.Popup({offset: [0, -15]})
<p>Some Text</p>
<q-btn #click="alert('hello world')" >Button Title</q-btn>

How to submit a form from another component when the modal OK button is clicked (bootstrap vue)

In my Vue app, I have a component that handles a simple form named TodoForm.
Using bootstrap-vue, i would like to submit this form when the OK button of a bootstrap modal is pressed.
The code looks like this:
<b-modal id="todo-form-modal">
<todo-form />
I don't want to put the modal component inside the TodoForm component since the TodoForm component only handles the form behavior, not the container where it is displayed.
I could also disable the OK button and put a button inside the form myself, but i'm sure there is a proper, a better way to submit this form (it is more like an exercise than a real project with an actual deadline).
I found the #ok event in the doc (triggered when the OK button is pressed), which is nice but i'm struggling to understand how i could use it to call a onSubmit() method inside the TodoForm.
For instance, it looks like this:
<b-modal id="todo-form-modal" #ok="something">
<todo-form />
Ideally, the #ok="something" should call a method inside the TodoForm component.
How can I achieve this the right way ?
Expanding on #mapawa's answer:
<b-modal ... #ok="handleOk">
<todo-form ref="todoform" ...></todo-form>
import TodoForm from 'somewhere/todoform'
export default {
components: { TodoForm },
methods: {
handleOk(bvEvt) {
// This assumes the root element of the todo form is the <form>
// Alternatively, if your Todo Form exposes a submit method
What you want to do is to reference the parent component in the child component. You can use the ref attribute for this. I can't possibly explain this better than the official docs, so take a look at this.

How can I get CKEditor 5 "Link" dialog box to pin to custom DOM element instead of 'document.body'

I'm building a Vue.js web application. I'm using CKEditor in a form that is placed inside a modal window. By design, the user's focus is "trapped" in the modal. In CKEditor, when user clicks the "Link" icon in toolbar, the editor opens a dialog box and attaches the new DOM element to 'document.body'. With respect to the DOM, the "Link" dialog is now outside of trapped focus. The user cannot click or tab his way to the "Link" dialog input.
I dug into the ckeditor5-ui source and found relevant code in balloonpanelview.js. I've unsuccessfully tried to configure CKEditor based on
In my Vue.js component, I have:
import ClassicEditor from '#ckeditor/ckeditor5-build-classic';
data: () => ({
editor: ClassicEditor,
editorConfig: {
toolbar: ['bold', 'italic', 'bulletedList', 'numberedList', 'link'],
I want the CKEditor "Link" dialog DOM element to be attached to a DOM element id that I specify.
In Vuetify dialog component is required to disable retain-focus
<v-dialog :retain-focus="false" />
There may be much time since you opened the issue. However... This issue was happening to me too. This is happening because Bootstrap modal trap the focus in the active modal. If you're using bootstrap-vue, do this.
In your <b-modal> add the prop no-enforce-focus.
no-enforce-focus is reactive. To properly apply this workaround you can use this prop with a variable, that detects when your CKeditor have focus. If have focus, disable the enforce focus. If doesn't have, restore it. You can apply it by the following way:
export default {
data () {
return {
editorFocus: false
methods: {
toggleEditorFocus (val = !this.editorFocus) {
setTimeout(() => {
this.editorFocus = val
}, 10)
I know the setTimeout is a tricky method, but at least is working now for me.

say I have many divs and each div trigger an event when clicked

Dojo 1.7
say I have many divs and each div trigger an event when clicked. So when I cilck a div, dojo adds a class, say "clicked" to the div. But how can I set it so when I click another div, it removes the previous div class "clicked" and gives it to the div that I just clicked?
This is because if I clicked on one div it supposed to change its background and remove the background from the previously clicked div
You can put all these div in one container, for example
<div class='RadioDivContainer'>
<div> </div>
<div> </div>
Then do this in onclick event handler of divs:
dojo.query(".RadioDivContainer .clicked").forEach(function(node){
dojo.removeClass(node, "clicked");
dojo.addClass(, "clicked");
This is just show the idea how to implement it. You can change it to suit your case.
You can remove the clicked class from all the elements in the group before applying the clicked class to the newly-clicked element.
Using Dojo 1.7:
], function(query, dom_class, on, dom) {
var boxes = query('.box', dom.byId('#container')); // get elements inside #container
boxes.forEach(function(box) {
on(box, 'click', function() {
boxes.forEach(function(b) {
dom_class.remove(b, 'clicked');
dom_class.add(box, 'clicked');
Here's a fiddle.
You could also keep track of the last clicked element and remove the clicked class from that. You can see both examples in the fiddle.
You should enable hooks to your desired DOM elements with dojo.query, handle click events using dojo.on and assign/unassign classes with dojo/dom-class. Give the div elements a shared class to denote that they are part of this clickable unit, then listen for click events on all of them and assign classes as necessary. See this JSfiddle, using Dojo 1.7.4:
<div class="mutable"></div>
<div class="mutable"></div>
<div class="mutable"></div>
require(["dojo/query", "dojo/dom-class", "dojo/on", "dojo/domReady!"], function(query, domClass, on) {
on(query(".mutable"), "click", function(e) {
query(".mutable").forEach(function(node) {
domClass.remove(node, "clicked");
domClass.add(this, "clicked")
.mutable {
.clicked {
div {
border:2px solid black;
This will also work with Dojo 1.8.x and 1.9.x.

Data binding does not work after simple modal popup

Please consider the following code (also in this fiddle):
var viewModel = {
add:function (){
popup:function (){
And this corresponding View:
<button id="btnAdd" data-bind="click:add">Add</button>
<button id="btnPopup" data-bind="click:popup">Popup</button>
<div id="divPopup">
<span data-bind="text:count"></span>
click Add button
click Popup button
click top right corner of modal window (sorry I can't have "x" image)
Add button don't work
I can't use:
Because in my app html does not render when $.modal().
Or to put it as another question: how I can know when html render was completed when my viewModel changed?
Try passing persist: true in for the options to modal() like:
$("#divPopup").modal({ persist: true });