Laravel 5: Why Class 'App\Console\Commands\SSH' not found? - ssh

I'm following instructions on
in order to use SSH to perform SFTP download from a private server.
I've done so far:
$> composer require laravelcollective/remote
added in config app :
'providers' => [
'aliases' => [
'SSH' => Collective\Remote\RemoteFacade::class,
published it:
$> php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Collective\Remote\RemoteServiceProvider"
Then I also run a composer update
But still in my console command if I test it like:
$contents = SSH::into('production')->getString('/hi.txt');
I get the error in my question.
When a service provider is defined like above, the class is globally accessible? Or still I need to put the directive use Path/to/Class ?
If so, since the Alias ahas a different name from the real classname, how should I specify the use path directive?
use Collective\Remote\RemoteServiceProvider
use Collective\Remote\RemoteServiceProvider
What am I missing?... I've tested other preconfigured services that comes with laravel 5.2 fresh install (i.e. Redis) and they seems to be found without any additional use directive in class.....

Just use it as global class \SSH and it will work.
$contents = \SSH::into('production')->getString('/hi.txt');


SimpleSamlPHP not resolving custom authentication module

I want to create a custom authentication module for my SimpleSamlPHP installation, but each time I try to test the module I get this error:
1 www/_include.php:17 (SimpleSAML_exception_handler)
0 [builtin] (N/A)
Caused by: Exception: Could not resolve 'mymodule:MyAuth': no class named 'SimpleSAML\Module\mymodule\Auth\Source\MyAuth' or 'sspmod_mymodule_Auth_Source_MyAuth'.
7 lib/SimpleSAML/Module.php:437 (SimpleSAML\Module::resolveClass)
6 lib/SimpleSAML/Auth/Source.php:336 (SimpleSAML\Auth\Source::parseAuthSource)
5 lib/SimpleSAML/Auth/Source.php:382 (SimpleSAML\Auth\Source::getById)
4 lib/SimpleSAML/Auth/Simple.php:66 (SimpleSAML\Auth\Simple::getAuthSource)
3 lib/SimpleSAML/Auth/Simple.php:166 (SimpleSAML\Auth\Simple::login)
2 modules/core/www/authenticate.php:38 (require)
1 lib/SimpleSAML/Module.php:254 (SimpleSAML\Module::process)
0 www/module.php:10 (N/A)
I have followed SimpleSAML's tutorial down to step four where I need to test the module. In my config.php file I am enabling the module like so:
'myauth' => [
If I change the module name in the config file to one of SimpleSaml's pre-installed modules eg.
'myauth' => [
then it works just fine. In fact, if I change the name of my custom module folder to be the same as one of the pre-installed modules and change the namespace path in my module file to reflect that, my module code works just fine. I believe that it has something to do with the namespace in my module file, but I cannot figure it out. I am using SimpleSaml version 1.18.5 and php version 7.2.24 on Ubuntu 18.04.
I came across this issue myself; I spent hours on this issue...
To fix your issue; depending on your version of SimpleSAMLphp (as of the latest), the 'default_enable' or 'enable' file in the root of your module will not work. You have to enable your module manually, by adding the following to the config.php file:
$config = [
module.enable = [
'core' => null,
'saml' => true,
'customAuth' => true,
This will make your customAuth module work.
For some reason, psr4 autoloaded modules work out-of-the-box (the modules you install using composer etc.).
If you can, avoid simpleSAMLphp and go for something more serious.
Just ran into this myself. The documentation is unclear, but you need to add an "enable" file at the root of your module folder as suggested by Patrick in the comments. It can be a completely empty file just with the name "enable" and nothing in it. On the command line in a Linux/Unix system, you could do this:
touch enable
go to your config.php file and enable the module as mark said
$config = [
module.enable = [
'core' => true,
'saml' => true,
'customauth' => true,
'sqlauth' => true,
just add sqlauth= true with mark's answer. I had the same issue, I got help from mark's answer and just added this line and my issue was solved. Thanks Mark.

Failing authentication test, using Laravel, phpunit and Homestead

So, I'm trying to test the register and login features on a Laravel 5.8 project, running on Homestead.
My problem is that I can't get the tests (for login and for register) to pass the assertAuthenticated() and assertAuthenticatedAs() functions.
I created the login feature using php artisan make:auth and didn't changed a lot, just created a "username" field to use instead of email.
When I test things like assertStatus(), $this->get(url), everything works fine but when I add the line $this->assertAuthenticatedAs($user) for example, the test crashes.
This is my actual passing function:
public function test_login_valid_user()
$user = factory(User::class)->create();
$response = $this->post('/login', [
'username' => $user->username,
'password' => 'secret'
If I add the line $this->assertAuthenticatedAs($user) at the end, I get the following error:
There was 1 failure:
1) Tests\Feature\Auth\LoginTest::test_login_valid_user
The current user is not authenticated.
Failed asserting that null is not null.
The same is happening on my register test, after the user is registered, when I try to check $this->assertAuthenticated() I get the same error.
So, I thought about session problems related to Vagrant/Homestead, but I just started to use them and couldn't find any hint about it. And I'm very new to PHPUnit and testing in general, I'm just starting to understand how it works.
The problem is connected with caches.
First of all file phpunit.xml must be read because you need: <server name="APP_ENV" value="testing"/>
Before your tests use command
php artisan config:clear
After that your dump(config('app.env')); will be testing (not local).
Then all works.
I'd been experiencing same problem. For unit tests CSRF token verification should be disabled, but only if you are running under APP_ENV=testing. I though phpunit.xml was overriding my "local" config so it was set to "testing". It was not, because PhpStorm was not reading this file.
If you are using PHPStorm don't forget to check path to default config file - phpunit.xml. (Settings -> Languages&Frameworks -> PHP -> Test frameworks)

Tymon JWTAuth class not found

I want to use laravel for building api.
I installed JWTAuth from installation guide on wiki page. When I want to use vendor:publish, I get this error:
After 3days searching on Google, I can not find a solution that working for me. How can I fix this?
For latest version. Please use following code in providers array in config file
For laravel
For Lumen : open app/Providers/AppServiceProvider.php and add the following to the register() method.
Hope this will help someone.
Simply means you have not added JWTAuthServiceProvider to list of Laravel Service providers.
Go to config/app.php and add JWTAuthServiceProvider to providers list
Like so:
'providers' => [
Secondly since these error occurs only in console run:
composer update --no-scripts
composer update
add "tymon/jwt-auth": "^0.5.12" to composer.json and command
composer update
on app/config.php add this to providers
and on app/config.php add this on aliases
'JWTAuth' => Tymon\JWTAuth\Facades\JWTAuth::class,
'JWTFactory' => Tymon\JWTAuth\Facades\JWTFactory::class,
tested on laravel 5.5 and tymon/jwt-auth": "^0.5.12"

Composer needs a proxy to install laravel apparently, where do I get that? can I set it up myself using apache?

I was trying to get started with Laravel just last night, so I tried to install it with composer but it wouldn't go through and kept sayin The "" file could not be downloaded: SSL operation failed with code 1. , so I looked around and found out that you need to tell composer to use a proxy.(q1 q2 q3).
Well now this might sound silly but honestly I had no idea what a proxy was until last night, so I went and studied it a bit and I got this far:
"Proxy means to act on behalf of another. In the context of a Web server, this means
one server fetching content from another server, then returning it to the client"
and apparently there's 2 kinds of proxy: forward proxy and reverse proxy.
In those 3 pages that I just showed, they were saying before runing php bin\composer global require "laravel/installer=~1.1" you have to set an env var like this: set http_proxy=username:password#proxy_server:port
So now my question is: I still don't know where can I get a proxy like that, should I set it up myself with apache? is that gonna even work? what do I do?
Your thoughts would be appreciated, thank you.
Edit: Environment info:
I'm on windows 7
installed xampp-win32-5.6.14-0-VC11-installer
all of those 5 important extensions are all enabled in phpinfo()
the path= C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\Composer\vendor\bin is set in environment variables
here's a picture of the whole error
here's the result of php -m
Some stuff that I tried:
I went into these sites:,
I tried this: set https_proxy= and this one: set http_proxy= and many others from those sites:
but no matter what, this is the result of all of them:
Still nothing...
Ok here's the solution, if you're having the same problem:
Make sure these are all uncommented in php.ini:
Add these 2 lines at the end of php.ini
Run this: php -r "print_r(openssl_get_cert_locations());"
and you'll get:
[default_cert_file] => c:/openssl-1.0.2d-win32/ssl/cert.pem
[default_cert_file_env] => SSL_CERT_FILE
[default_cert_dir] => c:/openssl-1.0.2d-win32/ssl/certs
[default_cert_dir_env] => SSL_CERT_DIR
[default_private_dir] => c:/openssl-1.0.2d-win32/ssl/private
[default_default_cert_area] => c:/openssl-1.0.2d-win32/ssl
[ini_cafile] => c:\openssl-1.0.2d-win32\ssl\cert.pem
[ini_capath] =>
Make these folders:
Download this:
Rename it to cert.pem and put it in c:\openssl-1.0.2d-win32\ssl\.
Rename it to cert.crt and put it in c:\openssl-1.0.2d-win32\ssl\certs\.
Download and install it, It will no longer gives u the ERR_CONNECTION error.
Go to c:\users\YOURUSERNAME.
composer.bat should be there, if not create it yourself.
Add c:\users\YOURUSERNAME to your path.
Edit composer.bat and delete what's in it and put this in #php "%~dp0composer.phar" %*.
Place composer.phar in c:\users\YOURUSERNAME.
Composer will now install laravel using: composer global require "laravel/installer=~1.1" with no problem.
(Plus: now composer command is available globally instead of using it like: php composer.phar or php bin\composer).

Load elixir configs hierarchal in multiple projects

I am writing a small project in Elixir, where I will use the built in configuration capability. The way it looks like I have a general project that will call APIs:
use Mix.Config
config :api, :status, "awesome"
I now have a second project that should utilize these variables
def application do
[applications: [:logger, :api]]
When I run a console in api_consumer accessing the variable yields a nil result.
iex -S mix
iex(1)> Application.get_env(:api, :status)
=> nil
From what I understand (and from what I read here) that should work.
Does anybody know what's going on here?
mix.exs is used to configure the current application, while config.exs is used to configure other applications. In your :api application, you should put the default values in the application/0 function inside mix.exs:
# api/mix.exs
def application do
applications: [:logger, :api],
env: [status: "awesome"]
Then, you can override this setting in your :api_consumer application inside the config.exs file:
# api_consumer/config/config.exs
config :api, status: "fantastic"
More info can be found here.