MaterializeCSS slider slide missing active class after first slide - slider

I am using the materialize css slider. The first slide works fine. When it moves to the next slide it stops adding the .active class.
I have the basic setup. What happens after the first slide is shown is that it doesn't move to the next one. Look at the image. Velocity stays buzzy on the first slide and never adds an .active class to any other slide anymore. Not even the first.
Does anyone have an idea why? It worked 2 days ago without issues. Something that i changed in JS must have broken this but i can't seem to figure out why.
Maybe somebody had this situation before? Hope you can help me out.

I found that VideoJS does not work in combination with VideoJS. Both use Slider class, and therefor conflicts occur.
If you are able to strip Slider from either one of the 2 then your good I guess. For me, ... it was way to much work so I downgraded to HTML5 native :)


Blender points moving each other

I am making a model of a boat in Blender. However, whenever I try to move just one point, all of the points near it are moving too. What setting do I need to change to fix this?
BTW, Whenever I click one point, a circle appears around where I clicked, and stays put, does this have anything to do with my problem?
I have tried
Selecting and deselecting all points
Restarting Blender
Comparing my sidebar to a project that doesn't act this way
None of these worked. As I am still relatively new to Blender I have no Idea what the any of the real functions are or how to change them so any answer needs to be simplified to near caveman level.
there is a icon, on the right side of the selection of vertex, edge, faces.. called Proportional editing. Press O to toggle it.
Make sure this is disabled.

Flexslider only shows last slide until it cycles through all slides, but only with fade animation

This one has me stumped. I've used Flexslider with no issues many times, but with a site I'm building now it just refuses to work properly.
The last slide will show on load and stay visible until it has cycled through all of them, at which point things will start working properly.
I've tried all sorts of things, reducing it down, but can;t seem to figure it out. The only thing that changes this behavior is if I change the animation to slide instead of fade. But I definitely want fade. And I definitely want to figure out why this is happening.
It seems like it could be a CSS issue, but I can't find it.
Here is what I am working on:
I made a couple of super reduced test cases, with just basic HTML, the Flexslider CSS/JS, and jQuery being loaded, nothing else, and the bug persists.
With fade animation, has the bug:
I am an idiot. I changed the class name of the container from "flexslider" to "hero", but did not update the flexslider.css to reflect that. [sigh]
Thanks for looking.
user1910673 got it right!
the following CSS..
.slides li {display:none}
..fixed my fading issue!
I wish I could upvote but don't have 15 reputation.
I had this problem but it was not to do with my css. I found this article helpful:
It says to set "slideToStart" to your last slide. ie. If you have 7 slides then start it at 6. this fixed my problem.
It is not an ideal fix but it worked for my purposes.
Sorry, better fix was making sure that my slides had display:none
Then it doesn't matter what slide you start on.
so turns out it was my css.

Theme Transition Z-Index in Windows 8

I've got theme transitions (entrance and content with a set offset) on elements which overlap. The issue is as theme transitions are bought to the front of the page the elements which are animated unreliably overlap each other causing a nasty transition when it is returned to the correct z-index.
It doesn't seem to matter how the elements are structured in the visual tree or the z-index applied to the element, the issue still occurs.
Any help very much appreciated - Ideally I want to avoid writing storyboards though, I'm happy with the entrance/content transition in this scenario!
I ran into a similar problem myself. Here are some things you can try:
make sure the "correct" z-order observed at the end of the animation is indeed correct. Putting some label on your items should make that clear if the items have the z-order you intended
make sure the items are are added to the control according to their z-order. In case you use binding make sure the items you add to the collection are arranged by their z-index
in case you are using PrepareContainerForItemOverride make sure the logic around your binding is correct
Hope it helps,
I decided simular problems with:
Position: Relative;
Transition: All... (All includes Z-Index)
I made Z-Index:4 and for "HOVERed" elements Z-Index:2000.

Main part of the website is going OVER the fixed navbar?

I have a navbar at the top of my website and it's fixed position. However, whenever you scroll down on the page, all of the content goes over the navbar instead of under it... how can I fix that? I assume showing my code won't help because if you know how to fix it you could probably just explain, but if you'd like to see my code just ask. Thanks.
I think you should post some code or a url. This could be as simple as setting z-index: -1 if the main part of the page is a sibling element of the navbar. Since z-index calculations depend on the parent child relationship of the DOM, knowing the relationship of the elements is necessary to answering the question.

Fade effect of nivo slider

my slider does not work properly when i use Fade effect. But with another effect, everything is fine.
Now, i am using Fade effect : But the picture change position every time. If i click to second Dot, the picture does not change :
But if i use another effect. Example fold. It's working quite good.
I can not find out why. Please, help me!