Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '"', expecting identifier (T_STRING) or variable (T_VARIABLE) or number (T_NUM_STRING) in C:... on line 22 - sql

I want to update a row in a table for my project, I'm copying a syntax I saw somewhere else here however, I think my problem comes when I try updating where ApplicantID is equal to $_SESSION["ID"].
I get this error
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '"', expecting identifier (T_STRING) or variable (T_VARIABLE) or number (T_NUM_STRING) in C:\xampp\...\InsertPData.php on line 22
here is the php along side the SQL:
function INSERT()
$INSERT="UPDATE Applicants
SET ParentName='$Name',
$data=mysql_query($INSERT) or die(mysql_error());
echo "Parents/Gauridan details hav been entered";
else print "error";
I've already searched for a solution to this but haven't found something where the user is using a session thing. Thank you.

This is why an IDE with syntax highlighting is helpful. StackOverflow uses syntax highlighting on code blocks as well and actually already gives you the answer based on your code:
$INSERT="UPDATE Applicants
WHERE ApplicantID=$_SESSION["ID"] ";
See how ID is suddenly black instead of dark red? That's because you are terminating the string there. The double quotes should either be escaped or replaced with single quotes, like:
$INSERT="UPDATE Applicants
WHERE ApplicantID=$_SESSION[\"ID\"] ";
$INSERT="UPDATE Applicants
WHERE ApplicantID=$_SESSION['ID'] ";
See how the ID bit stays dark red? This is because now your string is not suddenly terminated.
Also, please do not use mysql_ functions anymore. They have been deprecated since 2013 and are currently not even a part of PHP anymore. So if you'd update your PHP to the latest version, this code would not work. On top of that, this code is vulnerable to SQL injection attacks.
Also see Why shouldn't I use mysql_* functions in PHP? and How can I prevent SQL-injection in PHP?.


ZSH function not working with a "Missing end of string" error

I'm teaching myself to write zsh functions and I'm stumped right away with a string error I don't understand. I have this function:
function copyToDrafts() {
in my command line editor (Terminal) I type:
copyToDrafts "test"
and receive this error:
copyToDrafts:1: missing end of string
I couldn't find any explanation on the error message and can't see anything wrong with what I am passing, though obviously something is wrong. Any help would be appreciated.
The parentheses are not part of the syntax; they are interpreted as introducing a glob qualifier on the pattern print. After parameter expansion, the pattern to be evaluated is
with the following glob qualifiers:
t - match files named print that have their sticky bits set
e execute a shell command. s acts as the delimiter, but there is no "closing" s, which produces the observed error.
You simply need to drop the parentheses.
copyToDrafts () {
print $1

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '–' (T_STRING) in PHP [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
PHP parse/syntax errors; and how to solve them
(20 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
I am getting a Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '–' (T_STRING) in the following line:
$lbm = ((0.407 * $weightkg) + (0.267 * $heightcm) - 19.2) / 0.453592;
From what I see, I am using a subtraction sign and not a hyphen. Other than that, I don't know what could be wrong. Anyone know how to fix this?
Well, the character you pasted into the title is definitely an en-dash rather than a minus symbol(a) so PHP is rightly complaining about it.
The line in the main body of your question is a hyphen so either you've typed in in differently or that's not the line where the error is (PHP can sometimes be a bit iffy as to where it reports errors, so you may want to look on the few lines immediately around the one it reports the error to be on).
(a) Which is actually distinct from a hyphen, at least in typography, so you may want to beware of lunatic typographers coming around to beat you up for your transgressions :-)

Hive -character '<EOF>' not supported here

Select * from mytable where field=
Getting Below Error while running above query in Hive
FAILED: ParseException line 1:92 character '' not supported here
<EOF> here means End Of File. When you get an "unexpected End Of File" error it means the parser reached the end of the query unexpectedly. This typically happens when the parser is expecting to find a closing character, such as when you have started a string with ' or " but have not closed the string (with the closing ' or ").
When you come across these types of errors it is good to check that your query can be parsed correctly. In addition, the error gives you the location where the parser failed: line 1:92 in this case. You can usually look at this location (character 92 of the query) and work backwards to find the problem character.
Try adding the database name to the "from" statement as below.
Select * from my_db_name.mytable where field= 'ce7bd3d4-dbdd-407e-a3c3-
Hive uses the default database when no database was previously specified.

Bison - recover from If Else error

I'm trying to recover from an error in an If-Else statement.
In my grammar an If is always followed by an Else.
statement: OBRACES statements CBRACES
| IF OPAR exp CPAR statement ELSE statement
| IF OPAR exp CPAR statement error '\n' { yyerrok; yyclearin;}
The error found is in the commented else in the last lines:
public boolean Equal(Element other){
if (!this.Compare(aux01,Age))
ret_val = false ;
//nt = 0 ;
error: syntax error, unexpected CBRACES, expecting ELSE -> } # line 29
It is not recovering from that error ignoring the errors that come after.
Maybe i'm not understanding well how this error works but i can only find 2 examples on every site about error recovery: "error '\n'" and "'(' error ')'"
Anyone have an idea how to recover from this error (when an if is not followed by an else).
You've provided not enough context to know exactly, but my guess is that the lexer/tokenizer, which feeds tokens to your parser, skips white space - including '\n'. So the parser never sees the newline and b/c of that never reduces the
IF OPAR exp CPAR statement error '\n'
production and so its action
{ yyerrok; yyclearin;}
never gets executed and so the error is not recovered.
Probably (although it is hard to say for sure without seeing more of the grammar) you don't need to skip any tokens in the case that else is not found.
The most likely case is that the program is simply lacking an else clause (perhaps because its author is used to other programming languages in which else is optional), and parsing can simply continue as though there were an empty else clause. So you should be able to just use:
IF OPAR exp CPAR statement error { yyerrok; }
(Note: I removed yyclearin because you almost certainly don't want to do that. In the case of the error in the OP, the result would be to ignore the '}' token, leading to extraneous errors later in the parse.)
You probably should take advantage of the action in this error production to produce a clear error message ("if statements must have else clauses"), although the default message is reasonably clear as well.
It is certainly the case that whatever token(s) are used as error context must be produceable by the scanner. That generally precludes error recovery techniques such as "skip to the end of the line", except in the case of languages in which newlines are syntactically significant.
I found out the problem. Thanks for the help anyway.
I put the error inside the braces and now is working.
statement: OBRACES statements CBRACES
| OBRACES error CBRACES { yyerrok; yyclearin;}
| IF OPAR exp CPAR statement ELSE statement

Error 2 'If', 'ElseIf', 'Else', 'End If', 'Const', or 'Region' expected

I've made some function that generates an email template. Code it generates is pure HTML with CSS. Problem is compiler does this odd error and highlights each time '#' sign appears which is needed to define colors in CSS. I did try to change '#' to '/pound/' and then string.Replace() on RETURN but no luck. I'm more into C# so there i can escape special characters by using '\' before them but something f$#$ed up there... Once i remove '#' all back to normal and compiles well.
Any guesses ?
btw, i'm using StringBuilder to generate lines of code with sb.Append().
sb.Append("<div style=""color:#333"">some text</div>")
I think it's a bug,
to reproduce it I used VB.NET 2 (VS 2005), I wrote your instruction:
sb.Append("<div style=""color:#333"">some text</div>")
no problem,
I added some extra " to have the error message you got,
I then fixed everything, all errors disappeared except yours.
Solution: Delete that line, error disappeared, ctrl-z (undo) --> all ok!
I was receiving this same exact error and was able to simply copy the line, delete the line out, re-add a new line, and paste.