Page Factory - how does it work - selenium

I've tried to implement one of our app modules by using PageFactory (for iOS)
Most of the elements are located by name and others by classname
In general everything works (more or less) but the thing is that the appium server has tons of logs , it seems that each time I'm trying to use some page control , and all the declared controls within that page are being update (?) which cause to longer time execution.
In case and I'm trying to debug my test , it takes a lot of time to move step by step (the appium server works extra hours ...)
I do use "CacheLookup" whenever it possible ...
Where my mistake is, or it's just should be like that ?

Not enough info provided to say for sure. If you have a bunch of cucumber steps and each step is creating a new page instance then yes, you could create a class variable to communicate between cucumber steps
Class variables get thrown out at the end of each scenario so no cross scenario contamination. However, if a single scenario leaves a page and comes back you would need to explicitly set the class page handle to nil/null so that it is reinitialized upon reentry to that page. You want to avoid stale element errors.


Best way to automate a page and check if it is loaded correctly

I am looking to verify if this page loads correctly -
These are the things I think it would be best to verify if the page is loaded correctly, please let me know if I am missing anything
1) Verify all the links on this page works?
2) Verify if the menu on the top is loaded correctly, Do I need to verify the menu names?
3) Check if the classes are loaded properly?
4) get/post request status 200 and other ajax calls?
As per your question a seperate test to check if the page is loaded correctly will be a complete overhead because the Client (i.e. the Web Browser) will never return the Execution Control back to the WebDriver instance until and unless 'document.readyState' is equal to "complete". Once this condition is fulfilled Selenium performs the next line of code.
You can find a detailed discussion on this topic in Selenium IE WebDriver only works while debugging
Next as you want to Verify if all the links on this page works or not , you can write a function() and invoke the function() whereever required.
Moving on to next question, there is no necessity to Verify if the menu on the top is loaded correctly or not as you can't test each and every aspect of each and every WebElement present on a WebPage. The best approach would be to verify and validate the attributes of only those elements with whom we need to interact.
Again Checking if the classes are loaded properly will be a overhead as JVM takes care of it in the best possible way.
Finally, to validate get/post request status 200 you have to write Tests as per your requirement.

Specflow - How to refer browser objects across scenarios under the same feature

I am new to specflow and I am using specflow to test a website.
I have just one feature with 2 scenarios.
In the first scenario, i just invoke the browser and navigate to the home page of the application under test. I am using selenium chrome driver for this.
In the second scenario, I need to refer the instance of the chrome driver to access the objects in the web page.
However, it seems like the page is not identified. I am getting the message '..object reference not set..
I am creating the instance of the driver under under the main class as public static
Please advise on how I could refer the instance of the driver across methods which belongs to all the scenarios under the same feature
After a bit of research, I identified that the issue was related to the sequence of execution of scenarios under the feature.
I had 3 scenarios which should be executed in a sequential order. ( There might be people who argue that this is not the ideal case though). The issue was, the scenario which I was expecting to be executed as third in the sequence was getting executed as the first scenario.
By renaming the scenarios alphabetically, I was able to control the execution flow. (I believe that is the way to control execution flow in nunit) and this resolved my bug.

jQuery DataTables: How can I explicitly set the table instance name / table ID to use with state saving?

I'm using DataTables in conjunction with a JS library called "Turbolinks", which basically turns your application into a Single Page Application (SPA) without all the overhead of using a true client-side framework. It is extremely useful for Ruby on Rails application performance.
There's a couple of headaches it introduces though - one is compatibility with DataTables. I've got it working pretty well by basically destroying any DataTable on a Turbolinks navigation, and then re-initializing it on turbolinks page load again. This method works well and seems to be the all-around accepted answer as to the best practice to get DataTables to work with Turbolinks.
On of the last features / finishing touches I'm trying to add to some of my applications is DataTable state saving. The issue I'm facing is that every time a table is destroyed/re-initialized on a page navigation, the...I'm actually not quite sure what to call it, but it looks like from inspecting the settings object on the stateSaveCallback - it looks like its the sInstance and/or the sTableId:
Then the localStorage key gets set as:
DataTables_DataTables_Table_0_/current_path: "{data: data}"
where current_path is whatever path/page you're on.
Then when it get re-initialized upon returning to the page, it gets set as DataTables_Table_1, and so on and so forth - so the state never gets correctly loaded.
Is there a way to override that ID (or some way to set the name of it in the stateSaveCallback / stateLoadCallback) so that it doesn't increase the last '0', '1', etc at the end of it? That way when the table is re-initialized, it will pull the saved state from just DataTables_Table/current_path?
The answer is to simply give the table an ID! Then DataTables won't assign it its own ID with the incrementing number and the saveState option just works.
Also, the destroy/re-init actually causes the server to get hit twice in the case of an AJAX table.
The better way to do it is to disable the turbolinks cache for any index pages with datatables. If not, you'll end up doing two requests to the server when only one is needed.

Set popup error message duration in Netzke

Now I'm working on Rails 3.1.3 with Netzke now.
And I want to config duration of the error message. that show when have field validation error in Grid Panel.
Cause it's very fast fade away (around 1 ~ 1.5 second) and I can't read that in one time (if it's have three or more error).
Can I config this one? Thanks!!
There is not such config option as feedback is defined at global level.
See source.
You have several solutions for that problem. One of them is to override definition of that JS class to use different constant delay. Otherwise you could refactor this class to use different beahaviur, for example, additional not required parameter.

JMeter Tests and Non-Static GET/POST Parameters

What's the best strategy to use when writing JMeters tests against a web application where the values of certain query-string and post variables are going to change for each run.
Quick, common, example
You go to a Web Page
Enter some information into a form
Click Save
Behind the scenes, a new record is entered in the database
You want to edit the record you just entered, so you go to another web page. Behind the scenes it's passing the page a parameter with the Database ID of the row you just created
When you're running step 5 of the above test, the page parameter/Database ID is going to change each time.
The workflow/strategy I'm currently using is
Record a test using the above actions
Make a note of each place where a query string variable may change from run to run
Use a XPath or Regular Expression Extractor to pull the value out of a response and into a JMeter variable
Replace all appropriate instances of the hard-coded parameter with the above variable.
This works and can be automated to an extent. However, it can get tedious, is error prone, and fragile. Is there a better/commonly accepted way of handling this situation? (Or is this why most people just use JMeter to play back logs? (-;)
Sounds to me like your on the right track. The best that can be achieved by JMeter is to extract page variables with a regular expression or xpath post processor. However your absolutely correct in that this is not a scalable solution and becomes increasingly tricky to maintain or grow.
If you've reached is point then you may want to consider a tool which is more specialised for this sort of problem. Have a look web testing tool such as Watir, it will automatically handle changing post parameters; but you would still need to extract parameters if you need to do a database update but using Watir allows for better code reuse making the problem less painful.
We have had great success in testing similar scenarios with JMeter by storing parameters in JMeter Variables within a JDBC assertion. We then do our http get/post and use a BSF Assertion and javascript do complex validation of the response. Hope it helps