OrientDB: text searching using gremlin - sql

I am using OrientDB and the gremlin console that comes with.
I am trying to search a pattern in text property. I have Email vertices with ebodyText property. The problem is that the result of querying with SQL like command and Gremlin language is quite different.
If I use SQL like query such as:
select count(*) from Email where eBodyText like '%Syria%'
it returns 24.
But if I query in gremlin console such as:
it returns none.
Same queries with a different keyword 'memo' returns 161 by SQL but 20 by gremlin.
Why does this behave like this? Is there a problem with the syntax of gremlin command? Is there a better way to search text in gremlin?
I guess there might be a problem of setting properties in the upload script which uses python driver 'pyorient'.
Python script used to upload the dataset
Thanks for your help.

I tried with 2.1.15 and I had no problem.
These are the records.
I added some vertexes to my DB and now the count() is 11
Hope it helps.


Mulesoft not able to pass dynamic SQL queries based on environments

Hello for demonstration purposes I trimmed out my actual sql query.
I have a SQL query
FROM dbdev.training.courses
where dbdev is my DEV database table name. When I migrate to TEST env, I want my query to dynamically change to
FROM dbtest.training.courses
I tried using input parameters like {env: p('db_name')} and using in the query as
SELECT * FROM :env.training.courses
SELECT * FROM (:env).training.courses
but none of them worked. I don't want my SQL query in properties file.
Can you please suggest a way to write my SQL query dynamically based on environment?
The only alternative way is to deploy separate jars for different environments with different code.
You can set the value of the property to a variable and then use the variable with string interpolation.
Warning: creating dynamic SQL queries using any kind of string manipulation may expose your application to SQL injection security vulnerabilities.
#['SELECT * FROM $(vars.database default "dbtest").training.courses']
Actually, you can do a completely dynamic or partially dynamic query using the MuleSoft DB connector.
Please see this repo:
Also, I'm about to post an update that allows joins.
At a high level, this is a "Query Builder" where the code that builds the query is written in DataWeave 2. I'm working on another version that allows joins between entities, too.
If you have questions, feel free to reply.
One way to do it is :
Create a variable before DB Connector:
getTableName - ${env}.training.courses
Write SQL Query :
Select * from $(getTableName);

Can i convert a string into a KQL command?

Is there such a function "run_query" that will convert string input into KQL code?
| extend results = run_query(Query)
No. But if you plan to run the query from some programming language, then you can use Kusto's SDK (available in multiple languages) to run a query from a string that you pass. See more info here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/data-explorer/kusto/api/netfx/about-the-sdk
There are two ways to do it, using PowerShell API "Invoke-AzOperationalInsightsQuery" and then extracting the query and execute it again, but you will need some basic scripting skills with powershell
The other way is to use regex and extracts the content of the query into a variable and run it within the same query

BigQuery DATE_DIFF Error: Encountered " <STRING_LITERAL>

I'm trying the following query from the BigQuery Standard SQL documentation:
SELECT DATE_DIFF(DATE '2010-07-07', DATE '2008-12-25', DAY) as days_diff;
However, I'm receiving the following error from the UI:
Error: Encountered " "\'2010-07-07\' "" at line 1, column 23. Was expecting: ")" ... [Try using standard SQL (https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/reference/standard-sql/enabling-standard-sql)]
This is a simple copy and paste from the doc into the web UI Query Editor.
Any idea on how to resolve this?
Below are examples for respectively BigQuery Legacy SQL and Standard SQL
Make sure you try code as it is in answer below - not just second lines but 2(both) lines including first line that looks like comment - but in reality important part of query as it controls which SQL dialect will be in effect!
SELECT DATEDIFF(DATE('2010-07-07'), DATE('2008-12-25')) AS days_diff
SELECT DATE_DIFF(DATE '2010-07-07', DATE '2008-12-25', DAY) AS days_diff
both returns result as below
Row days_diff
1 559
Ideally, you should consider migrating to Standard SQL
Although the answer has already been provided in the comments to your questions and by Mikhail in the other answer, let me share with you a complete answer that hopefully addresses all your doubts:
As explained in the error message you are getting, [Try using standard SQL (...)]. You are trying to run this sample using Legacy SQL (which instead would use the DATEDIFF function). You are actually right, you are running the exact same query provided in the documentation, but the issue here is that the documentation you are using is for Standard SQL (the preferred query language in BigQuery), but you are instead using Legacy SQL (the default language in the old UI, the one you are using).
First of all, I would like to remark the importance of using Standard SQL instead of Legacy SQL, as the former adds new functionalities and is the current recommended language to use with BigQuery. You can see the whole list of comparisons in the documentation, but if you are starting with BigQuery, I would just go straight away with Standard SQL.
Now, that being clarified, in order to use Standard SQL instead of Legacy SQL, you can have a look at the documentation here, but let me summarize the available options for you:
In the BigQuery UI, you can toggle the Use legacy SQL option inside
the Show options menu. If this option is marked, you will be using
Legacy SQL; and if it is not, you will be using Standard SQL.
You can use a prefix in your query, like #standardSQL or #legacySQL, which would ignore the default configuration and use the language you specify with this option. As an example on how to use it, please have a look at the other answer by Mikhail, who shared with you a couple of examples using prefixes to identify the language in use. You should copy the complete query (including the prefix) in the UI, and you will see that it works successfully.
Finally, as suggested by Elliott, you can use the new UI, which has just recently released in Beta access. You can access it through this link https://console.cloud.google.com/bigquery instead of the old link https://bigquery.cloud.google.com that you were using until now. You can find more information about the new BigQuery Web UI in this other linked page too.

When querying MongoDB using DBeaver, what's the right syntax for filtering by date?

I recently discovered that DBeaver can connect to MongoDB. My next discovery was that DBeaver expects SQL-like queries instead of the JavaScript-like queries I use with the mongo command line client. I've been unable to find any good documentation on the syntax I should be using, so I've been learning by trial and error. I need some help filtering query results by date.
I have a collection named tasks. Each object in the collection has a startedAt attribute that holds a timestamp.
This query gives me lots of results using the command line client: db.tasks.find({startedAt:{$gt:ISODate("2017-03-03")}});
I'm guessing the syntax in DBeaver should be something like this: select * from tasks where startedAt > '2017-03-03';
But, I'm doing something wrong because I don't get any results in DBeaver unless I drop the where clause. What's the right way?

Jena-Fuseki requires dataset specified

I have Jena-Fuseki server accessed via browser at http://localhost:3030/sparql.html. The query
select * where { }
results in an error:
Error 400: No dataset description in protocol request or in the query string
The query
select * from <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/> where {}
results in an empty table.
Example queries at 2.1 Writing a Simple Query from the SPARQL specification do not require a 'from' clause. How to configure Jena so that examples execute without errors?
How to make a query to know which datasets are present in a database?
The endpoint "/sparql.html" is a general SPARQL query engine and needs to be told where to get the data from. That can be in protocol or with "FROM".
Fuseki can also be configured to have SPARQL services acting on a specific database. The URL will look like
where DATASET is your choice of name. See the documentation on configuration. http://jena.apache.org/documentation/serving_data/
[Jan2015] Fuseki1 requires datasets to be given on the command line or configuration. Fuseki2, soon to be released, has a UI for creating new datasets in a running server as well as the Fuseki1 style configuration.
Its easy to miss the first time you use Fuseki, but you've got to navigate to your dataset, and from there, there's a special query box for that dataset.
start at http://localhost:3030/
click on Control Panel
Select your dataset from the dropdown menu, click "select"
run a query