Error notification on mule flows - error-handling

I am relatively new to mule and Im wondering if there is a built in error notification if there an error on a mule flow or if this can be set up in the mmc to trigger an alert if something is wrong with the flow. Please advise.
Thanks and Have a good day!

You can do it in several ways.
The MMC can do log analysis send an email if matches a certain pattern.
You can simply had an exception handling in the flow like a Catch Exception and do the send of a mail there, I wrote a blog post having has sample this case
You can use mule notification system to create a java class that will manage this notification, maybe using log4j SMTP appender to easily send notification mails.
This are my opinion about the 3 methods
First method relies on the mmc being up, mmc creates load on your mule server anyway by making calls and in some production environnement it may be disabled depending on the internal policy of the company. Furthermore if for some reasons goes down you will not receive any notification so you also need to make sure your mmc stays high available. Not an option for me.
I find this method the most appropriate as is it similar to standard exception handling in programming. Manage your exception when you need to and never let them pass silently. When needed send some via mail.
This approach is not bad but not my favorite because lot of times you will see "fake exception" coming in that you need to filter. One example is when a client stops the connection to mule (closing the browser for example) you will get a socket exception that mule cannot write back, this is totally normal and I don't think you want to be spammed by this kind of mail. If you really want to use this system than keep in mind you will need to filter non critical exceptions.
Hope this helps


Akka.Net custom Mailbox, custom IMessageQueue, or something else

We are using Akka.Net and in some cases we need actors to communicate reliably while preserving order over a message queue (i.e. Oracle Advanced Queues or WebSphere MQ, but any message queuing system would work such as RabbitMQ).
We have various requirements why we are using the message queue, so the question isn't if we should be using this with Akka, the question is how.
How would we go about connecting the queue up to Akka so that it is as seamless as possible?
Is a a custom Mailbox the route to go down? Do we need to right a custom IMessageQueue implementation? Or maybe we need a custom router? Are there any specific tests we can run to be sure our Mailbox/IMessageQueue works well with Akka.Net?
Should we maybe looking to implement a custom Transport?
Can any pointers be offered on where to start?
In general implementing custom mailbox based on some reliable queue is not feasible solution - actually it has been already done on the Akka JVM side, and it failed all hopes.
One of the basic reasons is usually the misunderstanding of the basic idea - when people are talking about reliable delivery (that MQ-systems offers), what they really mean, is reliable processing. What if your messages has been send with 100% delivery ratio, but ultimately receiving actor/node has crashed while processing them? From the mailbox point of view everything went smooth...
For this reason, usually the way to go is a dedicated actor - or hierarchy of them - working as a gateway to external messaging system. This way you can not only send message them but also mark them as receive after explicit acknowledgement from successfully completed process. One of the examples may be akka-rabbitmq (written in Scala).

Audit mule inbound outbound messages

we are trying to audit all incoming/outgoing messages, header information in our mule flow.
For same we have tried to use 'wire-tap' which we dint found so useful also its working on mule 3.6.1 but giving error in 3.7.
Any idea/suggestion for auditing?
Ok let me add some more details:
What we are trying to do is- Whatever message comes or flows via flow components we want to copy it in some sub flow (say in queue) without interrupting the main flow so that we can check the message.
you can make it work in several ways
1) Wire tap is one of the choice. You can route your messages asynchronously to sub flow and sub flow will do the auditing work. But I don't know why you didn't found wiretap useful. Can you explain in more.
2) All the messages your receive from the main flow, those you can post to JMS queue. So another flow will read from there and do the auditing work. Use of this multiple projects can use the same piece of code and post JMS queue for auditing.
This can be done in many different ways and you kind of mentioned them in your question such as logger component and interceptor.
All the headers are available as message properties so if you log the entire message they are shown. Simply put an logger component after the inbound endpoint and one before the outbound endpoint and this is easily done.
If you need some log entries transformation you could always put that in a wire tap so you don't interfere with the functionality of your flow.

NServiceBus - Notify User On Failure (After SLR)

I have a service that handles messages that persists data to an external system. If (a.k.a. when) the writing of this data to the external system fails, or normal monitoring strategy will alert system admins of the failure.
I would like to also notify the user who submitted the message that there is a delay in processing their request.
Where/How is the best way to accomplish this scenario? I've looked into the IManageMessageFailures, but it seems that will bypass the SLR functionality.
Starting with NServiceBus version 5.1 now has the ability to use Reactive Extensions to observe when a message is sent to an error queue. From there, you can log, email, or whatever best meets your needs.
Why don't you try and separate the two concerns?
Manage the 3rd party interaction in a saga, and if it fails, send a failure notification message (you can use timeout to cater for no proper reply).

Using JavaMail from a webapp in GlassFish

I have set up a JavaMail session in a backing bean for my JSF application, and it turns out to be fairly easy to send e-mail. However depending on network conditions, it can take a fair amount of time. The Transport.send() method will block the calling thread until the e-mail is sent or the protocol fails somehow.
My question is: Is this okay to do in a JSF backing bean, considering the possibility of many users accessing the server at the same time?
I can create an application-scoped worker thread that would work off of a BlockingQueue to handle all the e-mail in background. Is this the right thing to do?
A posibility is to have an ejb producing jms-messages, an mdb that consumes the messages asyncronously and invokes the Transport.send()
look at this example:
Yes, it's better to move anything that uses the network (and thus may be delayed unpredictably) into a separate thread.

ActiveMQ view raw message data in web console

I'm using the web console against my AMQ 5.2 instance successfully, except for I cannot see the content of all of my messages.
If I send a test message using the web console, I can see the sample text content, but I believe the vendor app I am working with has binary or byte array message content.
Is there something I need to do to be able to view this raw data?
To my knowledge, it is not possible to inspect messages in the Admin Console. You can get some statistics (like how many messages have been sent etc.).
ActiveMQ does not unmarshal messages when receiving them (for performance reasons, unmarshalling is rather expensive).
Thus, if you want to have some way to inspect messages for their content, you can basically do 2 things:
Write a consumer which registers for all topics/queues, through which you can see messages' content. Drawback: if you're using queue-based interaction, your "real" consumers will not get all messages
Write an activeMQ plugin which looks at the messages. Have a look at ActiveMQ's Logger Plugin. Then write your own (you'll need the sources to compile it) and load it with ActiveMQ (see the documentation on how to configure ActiveMQ to load plugins). You want to override the send() method which is called whenever someone sends a message to the broker. There you get a reference to the message and can access its content.
Neither of the two messages provides a convenient viewing-mechanism though. You'll have to resort to standard out, or write your own web-based access.
hawtio now shows first 256 chars of messages. Don't know if that is enough for you. Use browse() method.