how to pass multiple values for imagesize in google custom search api - google-custom-search

I am using google custom search API to show images, now I want to display both xxlarge, huge images in search results.
Custom search api link:{your Key}&cx={Search
In the above link for image size currently I can get huge images, I want to include xxlarge images.

I have the same issue, there doesn't seem to be a way of specifying multiple image sizes, or indeed or doing larger than a certain size, as you can do with google search tools (i.e. on
so what I am thinking of doing to work around this is calling 2 searches, and adding both results that I want to an array to combine them.


Wagtail ImageChooserPanel: upload only, do not show other images in collections

I'm building a site with different users who should not see each others' uploaded images. The wagtailimages.Image model and ImageChooserPanel always show all the images in the various "collections".
How can I customize ImageChooserPanel so that it only offers image upload?
I can use a Django models.ImageField and its simple upload widget but then do not get the nice preview in an Orderable list, nor the different rendition sizes. A previous query on this goal was ill-informed: Limit ImageChooserPanel to children of current Page? and now I realize it's basically a widget UX change I want.
Perhaps this and this could help

Small Image Size by new Instagram API

I want to make a widget to display Instagram feed. Through,media_type,media_url,permalink,thumbnail_url&access_token=XXXXX I get the images. But in the widget I need a size of 150x150px.
oembed cannot be used, Limitations:
Well, in a div size of 150x150px, an image of 800x1200 is also not needed.
How can I get other sizes?
The latest Instagram API doesn't have any ability to fetch an alternative size image on their basic display. It is possible to fetch a thumbnail URL using the oembed api, but this seems dev overkill.
The Instagram Basic Display API seems to be evolving, so this may be updated in the future.
For now, it seems that your only option is to always fetch the original sized images.

Google AutoML - detect form fields on an image

Is there a way to get coordinates from an form field on an image (scanned image), by using Google vision?
With the (LocalizedObjectAnnotation) can Google detect only objects and creatures
Google OCR (fullTextAnnotation) detects only text
I got an scanned formular. From this scan i would get all form field-positions (input-fields).
It don't work with one or both google method's "LocalizedObjectAnnotation" and "fullTextAnnotation". Because one detect only objects / creatures and the other one only text. So both can't find the input-field in the image.
Has anyone an idee how i get the coordinates for the input-fields?

Google Visually Similar Image API

I know there is this link to find visually similar images to an uploaded picture
but is there also a way to get an API for the first result of the visually similiar image?
I have sympathy what you need.
I try to use google cse but this is not supported similar images.
So, Next that I try, URL.
But this is able to on the browser.
I just need result of simliar images and then I wish that result is visually.
you can use Vision API of Google.
This is very simple.

MediaWiki API, mobileview

I am trying to get a mobile suitable version of the page with the query I expected that the page content would be like on the mobile version of wikipedia, but I am still receiving the desktop version with wide tables etc. However the result contains no images.
Width is controlled by style sheets which you'll have to add yourself. There are no images because you specified the no images parameter.