Dropbox Folder App - Empty folders - dropbox

We've created a simple Dropbox Folder App on one user, and authorized it on another. Both users now have the same folders "App" and "App name".
Is these folders supposed to have the same content? Because on one of the users the folder is empty.
Are we missing something here?

It's not expected that two different users of a single Dropbox API app will automatically get the same content in their respective app folders.
The Dropbox API is built such that each user can link their own Dropbox account to an app in order to interact with their own files and folders. If the app uses the "app folder" permission, an app folder is automatically created in each user's account when they link the app. The app folder is empty by default, and the user can put files in their via any means they want (e.g., the API app itself, the Dropbox web site, the Dropbox desktop client, etc.).
A Dropbox API app folder is not like a shared folder. It does not sync across different user accounts, and in fact can't be shared with other users.
If you want all users of your app to have certain content in their account, you'll need to have your app upload the files to each account.


how to authincate dropbox login into a website then make the user choose files to import

how to authincate dropbox login into a website then make the user choose files to import.
I have Dropbox Javascript SDK. I just wanna know what kind of options available to do that.
I'm thinking of
1- authenticate the account dropbox of the user and when he selects the folder to import someway I download the folder into the website's host
2- The user share the link of the folder and then I download it with Curl into the host
3- Or can I share a folder and preview the content of this folder into the website
Overall the biggest concern is to save duplicates Uploads.
What are options to do such a thing using JS SDK or PHP.

Web app can create a Google Drive Folder, how can it list files inside that it didn't create?

I'm trying to be a good citizen and use the drive.file scope, but I'm hitting some snags and not entirely sure how to work through them.
user logs into my application, which uses drive.file scope
my application creates a new Folder in the user's Drive, then creates a File in that folder
the user adds new files to that Folder on their own through the Drive interface
my application searches that Folder and only finds the files it created
How do I allow my web app to read ALL of the files inside of a folder it has created, not just the files it has also created?
I had assumed the answer was in the Permissions API, that perhaps I would create a new Permission, but the docs don't seem to make sense for an API client. Would it be a "user" type permission? If so, I must provide an email address parameter, but what email address should be used for the client? Would it be a "domain" type permission? What domain would I use? Am I just searching for files wrong, and some option would expose the other files to my app?
Thanks in advance!
The documentation specifies that drive.file gives only Per-file access to files created or opened by the app
If you see the descriptions of all other possible scopes, you will relaize that unfortunately there is no such scope that gives you access to all files in a certain folder, but not to any other folder on user's drive.
Thus, the scopes will not help you here.
If you want to have access only to files in a certain folder, you need to implement a workaround.
E.g., you can deploy the WebApp as "You" and ask the user to share the folder of interest with you. Then, the WebApp will only have access to the respective folder.

How to create a new app in Dropbox with Full permissions

I'm trying to change my Dropbox application permission from 'App folder' to 'Full Dropbox'. By application I mean 'My apps':
I'm doing this to access all the functions provided by Dropbox API, otherwise an error is shown, for example:
Error in call to API function "sharing/get_folder_metadata": Your API app is an "App Folder" app. It is not allowed to access this API function.
Anyway, I've read that the only way to change the permission to an app is by creating a new one. Therefore, what I did was, created a new app with permission type 'Full dropbox' but for some reason it didn't even show up under 'Dropbox > Apps' directory.
According to developers guide if app has permission App folder then it is moved under Apps folder automatically. I tried also that but the folder didn't appear there for some reason. So, why the first application is showing..
Can there be only one active app, like, should I download all the data from first one, delete it and then create new app with Full permissions?
It's not possible to switch the permission on an existing Dropbox API app.
If you want to change the permission used for an app that hasn't been released to users, you can do so by deleting the current API appĀ registration and registering another with the desired permission. Deleting an API app in development mode frees up the name so you can register it again. Once you do, just be sure to update your app accordingly to use the new app key and secret. Access tokens for the deleted app will also no longer work.
If your app has already been released to users, we do not recommend disabling your API app, as it would break the integration for existing users. Instead, we recommend you register another API app for the other permission and add that as an option in your app.
You can register a new API app here:
There isn't a limit on the number of API apps that can be owned by or linked to a particular account.
Your second App Console screenshot shows that you do own two API apps: one with the "app folder" permission, and one with the "full Dropbox" permission.
Note that only apps with the "app folder" permission get a special "app folder" automatically created under "/Apps". Apps the with "full Dropbox" permission do not, and instead can access any path in the account.

Is there a way to create a Dropbox link that opens a file or a folder in the native app?

Basically, what I would like to do is to create a link from a web application that will open a Dropbox file from appropriate Dropbox native app. Google Drive for example allows you to re-format the unique URL for a file such as https://docs.google.com/blablabla which you can retrieve from their API, into googledrive://docs.google.com/blablabla and lets you open the file in Google Drive native app.
I have tried dropbox:// URLs with no success, and have not found any existing conversation on this despite running cross multiple conversations on the same subject for Google Drive or Evernote. Please let me know if it is possible to somehow generate this via API or based on the folder structure etc.

Link app to dropbox

I have an app with a dropbox link capability. There is a button called link. Then a safari page is opened with dropbox, and you can link the app to your account. But since I want all the users to log in with my account, I didn't want to dysplay my email and passward on the app, but by preesing link, automatically the app is linked with my account, withought showing the passward, amd withought opening the dropbox link in safari. How can I do this?
Very bad idea. Users should use their own Dropbox account, otherwise you would possibly violate Dropbox's terms of service (you're not allowed to share your credentials) and, perhaps more importantly, any user would be able to delete or corrupt all other users' data.
The only way you could make your own Dropbox account accessible in the app, other than including your email address and password, would be to include an authorized OAuth token which could easily be extracted and abused by anyone who downloads your app.