input type checkbox in html text not working - sweetalert

I have defined following dialog for sweetalert. Everything is working fine but checkbox is not appearing. Is there anything else I need to change in?
I have searched enough but didn't find any solution which works.
Sweetalert dialog:
swal({ title: "Are you sure?", text:" <form><input type='checkbox' name='vehicle' value='Bike'>I have a bike<br></form> Workload will be validated by you for cbs merge! <div class='text-danger'>" +wl_name+ "</div>" ,
showCancelButton: true, type: "info",
confirmButtonColor: "#DD6B55", confirmButtonText: "Yes, validate it!", cancelButtonText: "No, cancel pleaase!",
closeOnConfirm: false, closeOnCancel: false, html:true , showLoaderOnConfirm: true},)
All other HTML tags are working fine..only this checkbox is not visible on sweetalert popup model.
Please let me know if you need any further informaiton.

There's a nice way to use checkbox modal type in SweetAlert2:{
title: 'Do you have a bike?',
input: 'checkbox',
inputPlaceholder: 'I have a bike'
}).then(function(result) {
if (result.value) {{icon: 'success', text: 'You have a bike!'});
} else if (result.value === 0) {{icon: 'error', text: "You don't have a bike :("});
} else {
console.log(`modal was dismissed by ${result.dismiss}`)
<script src=""></script>

SweetAlert does not support custom form inputs, but SweetAlert2 does :)
$('document').ready(function() {
$(document).on('click', '.test', function() {
title: "Are you sure?",
html: '<form><input type="checkbox">I have a bike<br></form> Workload will be validated by you for cbs merge! <div class="text-danger">test</div>',
showCancelButton: true,
type: "input",
confirmButtonColor: "#DD6B55",
confirmButtonText: "Yes, validate it!",
cancelButtonText: "No, cancel pleaase!",
closeOnConfirm: true,
closeOnCancel: true,
showLoaderOnConfirm: true,


Vue Select close dropdown programmatically

I use vue-select in my project
When I use value and input alternative v-model
<div v-for="user in users" key="">
#input="item => ChangeRole(item,user)"
data() {
return {
roleCategory:[{value: 1 , title:'user'},{value: 1 , title:'admin'}],
users:[{id: 1 , title:'Test1',roleName='user'},{id: 2 , title:'Test2',roleName='admin'}],
methods: {
ChangeRole(item,user) {
title: 'Are you sure?',
text: 'Do you want to change permision!',
icon: 'warning',
showCancelButton: true,
confirmButtonText: 'Yes, Change it!',
customClass: {
confirmButton: 'btn btn-primary',
cancelButton: 'btn btn-outline-danger',
buttonsStyling: false,
}).then(result => {
if (result.isConfirmed) {
user.roleName = item.roleName
i use Sweet Alert
the dropdown after select not close
how can close dropdown programmatically
There is a solution to close v-select programmatically.
In your case this may help you:
const searchEl = this.$refs.Vueselect.searchEl;
if (searchEl) {

Show modal before change option in select BOOTSTRAP-VUEJS

I want to show a modal for confirm the action when you change the selected value in a b-form-selected. I can't to stop the event and it always changes the value before the modal shows. Is there an option for this?
class="dropdown textfield"
v-for="option in serviceTypeList"
{{ option.serviceTypeName }}
function changeServiceType () {
this.$bvModal.msgBoxConfirm('Please confirm that you want to delete everything.', {
title: 'Please Confirm',
size: 'sm',
okTitle: 'YES',
cancelTitle: 'NO',
centered: true
.then(value => {
if (value) {
//do things
} else {
.catch(err => {
// An error occurred
Here's how i would suggest doing it.
You have one data property selectedOption which you bind to your b-select, this option will be what is shown in the select.
You then have another data property actualOption which is the final value. So when you change your b-select value, you open the dialog to confirm. If the user confirms, you set actualOption to the new selected value. If the user declines you set this.selectedOption back to the old value, which is the value of actualOption.
window.onload = () => {
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data() {
return {
selectedOption: 0,
actualOption: 0,
options: [
{ value: 0, label: 'Orange' },
{ value: 1, label: 'Apple' },
{ value: 2, label: 'Banana' },
{ value: 3, label: 'Strawberry' },
{ value: 4, label: 'Mango' }
methods: {
onOptionChanged(value) {
this.$bvModal.msgBoxConfirm('Please confirm that you want to delete everything.')
.then(confirmed => {
if(confirmed) {
this.actualOption = value;
} else {
this.selectedOption = this.actualOption;
catch(() => {
/* Reset the value in case of an error */
this.selectedOption = this.actualOption;
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
v-for="option in options"
{{ option.label }}
I have used Sweet Alerts to replicate your situation, works the same just change it to your model.
Create an additional value in your data object which you are going to use to check against your model input.
In your #change function, you check if user agrees to change data or to cancel the change.
If user cancels : set serviceTypeSelected v-model to the new inputVal value (your history) to undo the change.
If user accepts : run confirmation dialog and set inputVal to the input value (this is to save your history)
data() {
return {
serviceTypeSelected: '',
inputVal: '',
methods: {
title: "Are you sure ?",
text: "You are going to change the service type!",
type: "warning",
showCancelButton: true,
confirmButtonColor: "#f2ab59",
confirmButtonText: "Yes, change service type!",
cancelButtonText: "No, cancel!",
}).then((confirmed) => {
if (confirmed.value) {
'Service type has been changed.',
this.inputVal = id;
} else {
this.$swal("Cancelled", "Service type hasn't been changed !", "error");
this.serviceTypeSelected = this.inputVal;
// this.serviceTypeSelected = '';
// this.inputVal = '';
class="dropdown textfield"
If interested in Sweet Alerts as I used it for this particular question.
vue-sweetalert2 npm
npm i vue-sweetalert2
Sweet Alert has a nice documentation and is good to use with vue.js.

get data of slected row in vue good table

guys, I m new to vue so don't know how to achieve following situation
how i can get data of current selected row
here is code
<div class="table-responsive-sm">
title="Page List"
:paginationOptions="{enabled: false}">
<template slot="table-row-after" slot-scope="props" >
<td class="fancy"><input type="checkbox" v-model="checkview[props.row.originalIndex]">
<td class="has-text-right"><input type="checkbox" v-model="checkedit[props.row.originalIndex]"></td>
<td class="has-text-right"><input type="checkbox" v-model="checkupate[props.row.originalIndex]"></td>
<td class="has-text-right"><input type="checkbox" v-model="checkdelete[props.row.originalIndex]"></td>
columns1: [
label: 'Page Name',
field: 'pagename',
sortable: false,
label: 'View',
sortable: false,
label: 'edit',
sortable: false,
label: 'update',
sortable: false,
label: 'delete',
sortable: false,
var self = this;
.then(function (response) {
self.rows1 =;
is there any way to get data of value when save method got trigger. last ting this is vue good table
you're storing the values of checked items in 3 different objects. checkedit, checkupdate and checkdelete. If the user checks/unchecks your checkboxes in the table. These objects will have the following form:
2: true, // index of the row: whether checked or unchecked
5: false,
20: true
now to get the rows for each of these objects all you have to do is loop through the object properties, collect the index that has value as true. then do this.rows1[index] to get the actual row object.

Bootstrap tabs and Echarts

am having an issue with displaying my Echarts on the second tab. The chart is only displayed on the first tab but on navigation to the second tab it doesn't display
<ul class="nav nav-tabs" style="margin-bottom: 15px;">
<li class="active">
<div id="myTabContent" class="tab-content">
<div class="tab-pane fade active in" id="campaign">
<div id="pieChart" style="height:500px;border:1px solid #ccc;padding:10px;"></div>
<div class="tab-pane fade" id="subscribers">
<div id="barChart" style="height:500px;border:1px solid #ccc;padding:10px;"></div>
then hereis the js that displays the chart
var myChart = echarts.init(document.getElementById('pieChart'));
pieChartOption = option = {
title : {
text: 'Campaign Analysis',
subtext: 'Jackpot',
tooltip : {
trigger: 'item',
formatter: "{a} <br/>{b} : {c} ({d}%)"
legend: {
orient : 'vertical',
x : 'left',
data:['Sent','Pending','Not Delivered']
toolbox: {
show : true,
feature : {
mark : {show: true},
dataView : {show: true, readOnly: false},
magicType : {
show: true,
type: ['pie', 'funnel'],
option: {
funnel: {
x: '25%',
width: '50%',
funnelAlign: 'left',
max: 1548
restore : {show: true},
saveAsImage : {show: true}
calculable : true,
series : [
name:'Access Source',
radius : '55%',
center: ['50%', '60%'],
{value:{{ $no}}, name:'Sent'},
{value:135, name:'Pending'},
{value:155, name:'Not Delivered'}
/*######################### BARCHART ##################################*/
var myBarChart = echarts.init(document.getElementById('barChart'));
var barChartOption = {
title: {
text: '某地区蒸发量和降水量',
subtext: '纯属虚构'
tooltip: {
trigger: 'axis'
legend: {
data: ['2014', '2015']
toolbox: {
show: true,
feature: {
mark: {
show: true
dataView: {
show: true,
readOnly: false
magicType: {
show: true,
type: ['line', 'bar']
restore: {
show: true
saveAsImage: {
show: true
calculable: true,
xAxis: [{
type: 'category',
data: ['1月', '2月', '3月', '4月', '5月', '6月', '7月', '8月', '9月', '10月', '11月', '12月']
yAxis: [{
type: 'value'
series: [{
name: '2014',
type: 'bar',
data: [2.0, 4.9, 7.0, 23.2, 25.6, 76.7, 135.6, 162.2, 32.6, 20.0, 6.4, 3.3],
}, {
name: '2015',
type: 'bar',
data: [2.6, 5.9, 9.0, 26.4, 28.7, 70.7, 175.6, 182.2, 48.7, 18.8, 6.0, 2.3],
/*######################### BARCHART ##################################*/
$(function() {
$( "#tabs" ).tabs({
select: function(event, ui) {
console.log('Calling chart.invalidateSize()');
What cud be the solution to this?
ECharts documentation has mentioned
Sometimes charts may be placed in multiple tabs. Those in hidden labels may fail to initialize due to the ignorance of container width and height. So resize should be called manually to get the correct width and height when switching to the corresponding tabs, or specify width/heigth in opts explicitly.
So every time you switch to a new tab, just call the resize function on the chart instance:
The answer is a little late and I am not sure if you found a solution, but the resolution to this would be a combination of echarts setOption and Bootstrap's Tab event.
$('#myTabItem').on('', function (e) {
The above code will reload the chart mychart using echarts setOption callback as soon as the Bootstrap Tab is shown. More info on Bootstrap Tab events can be found here.

adding button on column template of kendo grid

I am building an app using MVC using Jquery(KendoGrid) for displaying data, everything was working fine as per requirement, later we planned to add extra column with button present on each row of the grid, sounds simple, but tried number of ways to add into the application, getting error message "undefined 'node' ..... ", so i had no other options rather than posting here, if any one could able to help me in this will be appreciative, and i used column template on jquery kendo grid thanks
onclick of that button in specified row it should carry "ID(as shown below)" and redirect to "ActionResult" Controller, where I can further code as per my requirement
code(part of the code)
columns: [
{ field: "ID", Title: "ID", filterable: false, sortable: false, hidden: true },
{ field: "RowID", Title: "RowID", filterable: false, sortable: false, hidden: true },
{ field: "BillNumber", Title: "BillNumber", filterable: false, sortable: false,hidden:true },
{ field: "ServiceName", Title: "ServiceName",width:600 },
{ field: "ServiceStatus", Title: "ServiceStatus", width: 150 }
// Creating template column
, {
field: "Action", title: "Is Action", template: "<input type=\"checkbox\" #= Action ? checked='checked' : '' # class=\"check_row\"/> ", editable: false,
// field: "Action",title: "Preview ", template: '<input type="button" class="info" name="info" value="Info" style="height: 26px; margin: 0px 2px; min-width: 64px;" />',
headerTemplate: '<label> <input type="checkbox" id="checkAll"/>Print All</label>', filterable: false, sortable: false, width: 100,
currently I am able to generate checkbox in column, what i need is one more column with button(same as checkbox in each row)
Defining a button in a cell is pretty simple... basically you were doing it right.
Example: Define a column as:
columns: [
title: "Preview ",
template: '<input type="button" class="k-button info" name="info" value="Info" />',
headerTemplate: '<label> <input type="checkbox" id="checkAll"/>Print All</label>',
filterable: false,
sortable: false,
width: 100
Define the template as an input of type button. If you want it to look like a Kendo UI button add k-button class to it.
Then, you can bind a click handler doing:
$(".info").on("click", function() {
var row = $(this).closest("tr");
var item = grid.dataItem(row);
Where item contains all the data corresponding to the row that you clicked the button.
Running example here :
EDIT: If what you need is to control / decide showing one or the other, you should change the template to something like:
<script id="template" type="text/kendo-template">
# if (showButton) { #
<input type="checkbox" #= data.Action ? checked="checked" : "" # class=\"check_row\"/>
# } else { #
<input type="button" class="k-button info" name="info" value="Info" />
# } #
You can check it here: