I designed a start orb bitmap with illustrator in specified dimensions(66x198px)..
When i saved and set it as my start button.. Though its transparent, some Faded white background is applied to the start button.. How to create transparent start orb image using illustrator.. ?
Thank you..
1) Apply an appropriate effect (I Like Distort | Diffuse Glow)
2) Export as PNG and ensure the background color on the PNG options dialog is Transparent.
3) Open PNG in Photoshop and delete "almost white" colors.
4) Enjoy
My goal is to batch resize images with different background colours.
I already used Photoshop to batch process and centre (horizontal and vertical align) 2000 different images into square 200x200 tiles on a white background (the images are different in size, background colour, and sometimes file-type).
I can process and batch resize the images and place them on a white 200x200 tile using the batch processor and recorded 'Actions'. With transparent .png images, this looks great.
The problem is that some of the images have a coloured background. If an image has a coloured background a white border around the image looks quite awful.
How do I dynamically resize the non-transparent images of different colours and sizes to 200x200 square .jpg images? I can do it manually with the colour-picker but is there another option?
As you can see it is only a problem when images have a coloured background.
Thank you in advance!
Save the following script somewhere convenient:
var myDocument = app.activeDocument;
var myColourSampler = myDocument.colorSamplers.add([1 , 1]);
app.backgroundColor = myColourSampler.color;
At the start of the action your going to use for your batch process, record the opening of the script (File >> Scripts >> Browse...), then go and get the script.
It will take the colour of the top left pixel and set it as the background colour, your action should do the rest
I'm new in Adobe Illustrator and I just need to extract one element from EPS-file.
So it's the light. And as you see in the attached file, I can't save it clean.
I mean, when it has a some background, it looks good.
But when I remove this background and trying to save the clean light as PNG image this is what happenes.
Here's the demonstration
How can I fix it?
It appears to me as if you need to select that image in illustrator then open your align pallet and select the option "align to artboard" then click the vertical align button then the horizontal align button. Then go ahead and try saving your file. It should take care of the problem.
I clicked on the foreground/background little square tool icons, selected the color I want and clicked ok. The small tool icon is showing the new color but the image itself hasn't changed the color. And yes confirmed that the mode is RGB.
You need to use a tool to apply the color as needed...
Did you use the paint bucket or brush to actually add the new color to the image?
Simply changing the color of this box does not change the foreground background color automatically
Maybe I am missing something, but is it the case that when you set a pictureboxes background to transparent, all it really does is set it to the same color as the forms background?
What I am trying to do is draw an animation for the benefit of this, a bouncing ball - which I paint on the form, then overlay that with a picture frame. End result should be a bouncing ball in a picture frame, I should mention that the picture frame does not have a straight edge, so it is not possible to arrange 4 picture boxes in a frame. The ball needs to vanish behind the frame to change color and then magically bounce back out.
I have tried:
1.Setting the picture box background to pink and then key out the same pink, this basically cuts away everything, including that which is behind the picture box
2.Setting the picture box to transparent, this just displays the picture box background as the same color as the forms background.
3.I have tried painting the image in a rectangle, this had the same effect as drawing it in a picture box.
I am not sure what I am doing wrong, I am wondering if there is any other ways I could try or if someone has made a custom control or library that supports transparency?
Try using a Panel with the background image set. This is because; as you said: the transparent option only takes the backcolour of the parent.
After doing some more in depth research I solved this by drawing both the images to the form using PaintEventArgs and me.paint
Making each image transparent using:
Dim TestImage as Bitmap
TestImage.MakeTransparent(<Transparency Color>)
Thank you to both of you for your replies though.
Hmm... If You want to use Picturebox and get a transparent image,
Try to set picturebox's background as your 'Ball' (probably you need an image editor).
and set picturebox transparent. It worked for me (VS Express 2010) once.
I need to display PNG images with transparent background.
in OpennetCF.Button2:
btn.ImageList = ilIcons;
btn.ImageIndex = (int)ImageIndex;
and PictureBox
pbMyPB.Image = (Image)_ResourceManager.GetObject("MyImage");
Some images are displayed correctly, but some images are shown with black background.
How can I fix it?
In your images, do they all share a similar background color?
For instance, all of my images have a White or semi-transparent background and go onto a White canvas:
So, if your image is going onto a Button, you might need to try to find or create some images that match your Button's color or change your Button color to match up with the background colors of your items.
Hope this helps.