How to make criteria with array field in Hibernate - sql

I'm using Hibernate and Postgres and defined a character(1)[] column type.
So I donĀ“t know how to make this criteria to find a value in the array.
Like this query
SELECT * FROM cpfbloqueado WHERE bloqueados #> ARRAY['V']::character[]

I am not familiar with Postgres and its types but you can define your own type using custom basic type mapping. That could simplify the query.
There are many threads here on SO regarding Postres array types and Hibernate, for instance, this one. Another array mapping example that could be useful is here. At last, here is an example of using Criteria with user type.
Code example could be
List result = session.createCriteria(Cpfbloqueado.class)
.add("characterColumn.attribute"), PostgresCharArrayType.class)
.add(...) // add where restrictions here
Also, if it is not important for the implementation, you can define max length in the entity model, annotating your field with #Column(length = 1).
Or if you need to store an array of characters with length of 1 it is possible to use a collection type.
I hope I got the point right, however, it would be nice if the problem domain was better described.

So you have array of single characters... Problem is that in PG that is not fixed length. I had this problem, but around 10 years ago. At that time I had that column mapped as string, and that way I was able to process internal data - simply slice by comma, and do what is needed.
If you hate that way, as I did... Look for columns with text[] type - that is more common, so it is quite easy to find out something. Please look at this sample project:


SQL UDF - Struct Diff

We have a table with 2 top level columns of type 'struct' - one is a 'before', and an 'after' image. The struct schemas are non trivial - nested, with arrays to a variable depth. The are sent to us from replication, so the schemas are always the same (but the schemas of course can be updated at some point, but always together)
Objective is for the two input structs, to return 2 struct 'diffs' of the before and after with only fields that have changed - essentially the 'delta' diff of the changes produce by the replication source. We know something has changed, but not 'what' since we get the full before and after image. this raw data lands in BQ and is then processed from there but need to determine the more granular change for high order BQ processing.
The table schema is very wide (1000's of leaf fields), and the data populated fairly spare (so alot of nulls will be present on both sides of the snapshot) - so would need to be performant as best as possible when executing over 10s of millions of rows.
All things are nullable for maximum flexibility.
So change could look like:
null -> value
value -> null
valueA -> valueB
recursive use of above for arrays of structs, ordering could be relaxed if that makes it easier?
It might not be possible.
Ive not attempted this yet as it seems really difficult so am looking to the community boffins for some support for this. I feel the arrays could be difficult part. There is probably an easy way perhaps in Python I dont or even doing some JSON conversion and comparison using JOSN tools? It feels like it would be a super cool feature built in to BQ as well, so if can get this to work, will add a feature request for it.
Id like to have a SQL UDF for reuse (we have SQL skills not python, although if easier in python then thats ok), and now with the new feature of persistent SQL UDFs, this seems the right time to ask and test the feature out!
def struct_diff(before Struct, after Struct)
(beforeChange, afterChange) - type of signature but open to suggestions?
It appears to be really difficult to get a piece of reusable code. Since currently there is no support for recursive functions for SQL UDF, you cannot use a recursive approach for the nested structs.
Although, you might be able to get some specific SQL UDF functions depending on your array and structs structures. You can use an approach like this one to compare the structs.
STRUCT(s1 as prev, s2 as cur)
STRUCT(final_compare(s1.structA, s2.structA))
You can use UNNEST to work with arrays, and the final SQL UDF would really depend on your data.
As #rtenha suggested, Python could be a lot easier to handle this problem.
Finally, I did some tests using JavaScript UDF, and it was basically the same result, if not worst than SQL UDF.
The console allows a recursive definition of the function, however it will fail during execution. Also, javascript doesn't allow the ANY TYPE data type on the signature, so you would have to define the whole STRUCT definition or use a workaround like applying TO_JSON_STRING to your struct in order to pass it as a string.

Any way to use strings as the scores in a Redis sorted set (zset)?

Or maybe the question should be: What's the best way to represent a string as a number, such that sorting their numeric representations would give the same result as if sorted as strings? I devised a way that could sort up to 9 characters per string, but it seems like there should be a much better way.
In advance, I don't think using Redis's lexicographical commands will work. (See the following example.)
Example: Suppose I want to presort all of the names linked to some ID so that I can use ZINTERSTORE to quickly get an ordered list of IDs based on their names (without using redis' SORT command). Ideally I would have the IDs as the zset's members, and the numeric representation of each name would be the zset's scores.
Does that make sense? Or am I going about it wrong?
You're trying to use an order preserving hash function to generate a score for each id. While it appears you've written one, you've already found out that the score's range allows you to use only the first 9 characters (it would be interesting to see your function btw).
Instead of this approach, here's a simpler one that would be easier IMO - use set members of the form <name>:<id> and set the score to 0. You'll be able to use lexicographical ordering this way and use something like split(':') to get the id from the set's members.

DataBase design for store anketing data

my English is not well, so sorry for it.
I want to write the web-app for anketing. I mean, that it must be a site, where user may give answers on different questions. For example, it can be question with text type of answer, or checkbox, or lookup (comboBox).
And my problem is in data base architecture. I read a lot about Entity Attribute Value db pattern, One True Lookup Table I also read. But these patterns has problem (with ms sql) when building a sql-query for data selecting (report).
I hope somebody give me a good suggestion, and tell, what can I do with this proplem.
Almost everything can be represented as a string. Why not store a string in the database e.g. Text Type Answer or "true" "false" or ComboBox Value etc. Then simply convert the value from the database if necessary at runtime or in SQL if writing a query?
I feel Entity Attribute Value pattern is meant more for Entities which can have dynamic fields added etc, not so much for the problem you've posed here.
If necessary you could also add an additional column to the database table to specify the "type" of data being stored. You could then use that column to base your query convert statements on etc.

Django: how to filter for rows whose fields are contained in passed value?

MyModel.objects.filter(field__icontains=value) returns all the rows whose field contains value. How to do the opposite? Namely, construct a queryset that returns all the rows whose field is contained in value?
Preferably without using custom SQL (ie only using the ORM) or without using backend-dependent SQL.
field__icontains and similar are coded right into the ORM. The other version simple doesn't exist.
You could use the where param described under the reference for QuerySet.
In this case, you would use something like:
MyModel.objects.extra(where=["%s LIKE CONCAT('%%',field,'%%')"], params=[value])
Of course, do keep in mind that there is no standard method of concatenation across DMBS. So as far as I know, there is no way to satisfy your requirement of avoiding backend-dependent SQL.
If you're okay with working with a list of dictionaries rather than a queryset, you could always do this instead:
qs = MyModel.objects.all().values()
matches = [r for r in qs if value in r[field]]
although this is of course not ideal for huge data sets.

SQL:1999 Array Type Constructor Usage?

Can anyone confirm whether or not the SQL:1999 Array type Constructor provides any operations for searching the Array in a WHERE clause?.
As an Example If a table EMPLOYEES had a column
containing values such as ARRAY['BSC','MBA']
Does the standard support some way of querying EMPLOYEES to find all Employees with an MBA?
Well, you can always use an element reference (ISO/IEC 9075-2:1999, 6.13 ):
Of course, the problem is that you need to write a comparison for each possible position.
I am not aware of any operators that allows you to compare a scalar with an array, although I would suppose a DBMS that has native support for ARRAY types ould let you create a function that does the job.
I must say I never had the need for array types - I would typically build a one-to-many detail table, or in rare cases, add multiple columns (yeah - a repeating group. send the relational police to hunt me if you like :)
Would you care to explain why you need to know this, or what problem you are trying to solve with an ARRAY?