TFS SQL Server Report builder - Trouble finding Test plan ID parameter syntax - testing

Modifying canned TFS reports with default values for date, iteration and Test Plan (for embedded burndown reporting against a specific project)
Another article on this site led to a great report to pull the IterationID syntax that is needed within the parameter field (AreasAndInterations.RDL on OneDrive).
I'm trying to locate a similar report (or a query) that will provide the syntax and values needed for a default "Test Plan" to load within the RDL report.


Reuse of SSRS Report parameter

I am new to SSRS, I am creating a report which will take ID's as parameter e.g. 1,2,6,7,8,9 and so on. This parameter will be used for multiple reports. As a good practice I am thinking the user should not enter the ID for each report. Once entered/selected the ID parameter should be persistent for all the reports.
I am using Visual Studio 2008 to create the report and SQL Server 2008 R2 for backend scripting.
This can be done in an elegant way, but requires some work on the back end database.
If your reports are executing stored procedures, you can have the stored procedure for each report write the user's choice of a parameter to a table. Then the next report can check that table for a value. You could design this to be user specific, time-dependent, etc., depending on the effort you put in. It might be cleaner to set the parameter in a separate dataset. That is, in each report, you have multiple datasets. One grabs the parameter value, and your report parameters will default to that result. The other report data set can display the "main data."

Crystal Reports - how do I find which reports are being used?

I need to find out which of our Crystal Reports users are actually running, so we can get rid of those that are no longer being used. I can do some kind of query of the latest jobs run on the SQL server as described here:
How to get the last run job details in SQL
However I'm not sure how I could tie that back to the actual reports. I've tried opening a Crystal Report in Crystal Reports 2008 while running a trace on the SQL server using SQL Profiler, however I don't see any database calls in the tracethat would allow me to determine the name of the report being run.
How could I find out which Crystal Reports are actually in use?
I usually embed a unique identifier (the report's name or ID) in either a sql-expression field or the command's query.
If the DBA finds an issue with a given query (e.g. non-performant), this approach easily identifies the source.
'Daily Obstetrics Review [OB003]'
In the command:
SELECT 'Daily Obstetrics Review [OB003]' AS REPORT_NAME
FROM ...

Crystal Report Duplicating in details?

so I have a template in Crystal reports using, I changed my data source location and that source still contains the needed tables for my report, the problem is this... My original template displays the exact report but when I changed its data source it duplicates the data in the details section(e.g I made a query that will show 1 item only,but instead I get 4).
Here is a screenshot of my problem:
(original at
I want to alter the template rather than to make another one
This is normally down to an issue with the underlying SQL query. If you open the the report in Crystal (or visual studio) you should be able to "Show SQL Query". Run the query in Query Analyser or SQL Server Management Studio and look at the result.
If the underlying reason isn't then immediately apparent please paste the resulting output.

How to let end users customize report chart in SSRS?

i am working on sql server business intelligence to generate reports. i did all the staff that i want to be in the report except the ability for the end user to customize the report without making another request to the server to generate another report based on another request. first i did this through a parameter of type Boolean and wrote an expression to check the parameter before generating the report,but my project leader said i don't want to make a request each time instead i want to bring all possible data and let the end user decide what to show.
in other words, my report contains a chart of three series i want the end user have the ability to show a set of them or all of them in client side + one request.
how can i do it through sql server business intelligence 2008
What is Your SSRS project based on ? SQL Server DataBase or SQL Server Analysis Service ?
AFAIK you can design the SSRS report with many conditions which the end user can input their own value in .
if It's based on SQL Server DataBase the conditions looks like parameters of procedure that you use in SSRS
if it's based on SSAS , The conditions looks like MDX code

Variables to input in file name for Reporting Services subscriptions

Is there a list anywhere that lists all the variables I can use in file names for report subscriptions from within SQL Server Management Studio? I currently use #timestamp in my file names, but would like to use other options or even remove parts of the time stamp (for example, just use the date, not the time).
Unfortunately #timestamp is the only variable available. There are various workarounds for formatting #timestamp, but nothing that is simple. Here is a thread that explains one (but not the only) workaround:
In case that link goes away, here were the recommendations:
To solve the issue, I would suggest using Data-Driven Subscription
A data-driven subscription provides a way to use dynamic subscription
data that is retrieved from an external data source at run time. A
data-driven subscription can also use static text and default values
that you specify when the subscription is defined. We can use
data-driven subscriptions to do the following:
Distribute a report to a fluctuating list of subscribers. For example,
you can use data-driven subscriptions to distribute a report
throughout a large organization where subscribers vary from one month
to the next, or use other criteria that determines group membership
from an existing set of users. Filter the report output using report
parameter values that are retrieved at run time. Vary report output
formats and delivery options for each report delivery. .
In this case, we can define the filename with timestamp in database
and then use Data-Driven Subscriptions to delivey the report.
For more information about Data-Driven Subscriptions, please see:
For SQL Server Reporting Services 2005:
For SQL Server Reporting Services 2008: