RavenDB range querying documents by number field - ravendb

I want to filter my documents in database through RavenDB Studio using range search in simple query by numeric field.
MyNumericCount:[100 TO 200]
Instead of correct result I receive set of documents with various values of my field.
Why does it happen? How to properly query RavenDB.
Thank you in advance.

You are querying on a numeric field, but you are looking at the textual representation.
You need to query using:
MyNumericCount_Range:[Ix100 TO Ix200]
The Ix prefix is for ints, Dx for double, Lx for longs, etc.


Lucene query language and numeric range

I'm applying the following Lucene query predicate in order to get all inclusive numbers in 2 to 6 range:
value:[2 TO 6]
and receive the documents with the following values:
I'm interested in the numeric range query and obviously, for example, the Long value 567986400000 is not in the range of [2 TO 6]. Looks like the range searches are strings and I don't know how to workaround it in mine application for the different numeric values.
How to properly use numeric range queries in Lucene?
To achieve a proper range query you need to use specific defined fields from lucene. See Field javadoc
IntPoint: int indexed for exact/range queries.
LongPoint: long indexed for exact/range queries.
FloatPoint: float indexed for exact/range queries.
DoublePoint: double indexed for exact/range queries.
So you need to be sure that your field you add this query is one of this types. As you said you use a Neo4j generated lucene index. There has to be an option to create this kind of fields otherwise you're not able to execute proper range queries.

Is is possible to retrieve the maximum declared size of a varchar(n) column?

Suppose you have a DB table like this:
Table t
column_a integer
column_b varchar(255)
Now, I want to store a string that is composed by a list of names on t.column_b, with the following format (separated by commas):
Word A, Word B, Word C...
The problem is, it might be the case that the string is larger than 255 characters and in my application logic I don't want to blindly trim to 255, but instead store the maximum number of words possible, eliminating the last word that exceeds the size. Also, I want to develop in such a way that if the column changes size, I don't want to change my application. Is it possible to write a SQL query that retrieves the declared size of a column? Or perhaps, I should use another column type?
If relevant, I am using Informix.
Thanks in advance.
Informix truncates blindly at the limit unless your database is MODE ANSI.
The DBI defines metadata attributes for columns and DBD::Informix implements them.
For a statement handle, $sth, you can use:
to get the precision (length) of the first column in the output.
See perldoc DBI under 'Statement Handle Attributes'.
If you need to know the type information for some column, write a SELECT statement, prepare it, then analyze the statement handle.
Because this is defined by DBI, you will get the same behaviour with any driver (DBD::YourDBMS).

Fastest way to find exact match of long text string in large SQL db

My db table will have a col "a" TEXT with long strings, like multiple paragraphs. Given an input string, I want to find the one matching record. If the table has millions of rows, what would be faster? A simple
WHERE a = ?
Or should I calc and store a md5 hash of each row and then match that? Suggestions welcome.
If you want an exact match, it will be much quicker to store the hash and compare to that. It will preclude substring searches, but it's much quicker to compare say 4 characters than to check thousands.
There will be some overhead to calculate the hash on your search parameter, but it's nothing compared to a string comparison against that much data.
if you are using SQL Server you could for the Full-Text-Search feature

Lucene.net 2.9.4 SimpleFacetedSearch with numeric range on NumericField

I put some fields like manufacturer, group, description, num.
SimpleFaceted works ok if I use query like sometext* with QueryParser.
Im trying to use num:[100 TO 200],
num is NumericField with SetIntValue(150).
I got nothing returned.
Am I missing something?
You can't use a normal query parser for numeric range queries. However, assuming you know at query time which fields are numeric, it isn't too hard to derive a class from the Lucene query parser and create numeric range queries as necessary.
Support for numeric queries in the standard query parser looks like it should be available in Lucene.Net when a port of v3.4 is available. (See Java Lucene issue 1768)
Good luck,

text or varchar?

I have 2 columns containing text one will be max 150 chars long and the other max 700 chars long,
My question is, should I use for both varchar types or should I use text for the 700 chars long column ? why ?
The varchar data type in MySQL < 5.0.3 cannot hold data longer than 255 characters. While in MySQL >= 5.0.3 it has a maximum of 65,535 characters.
So, it depends on the platform you're targeting, and your deployability requirements. If you want to be sure that it will work on MySQL versions less than 5.0.3, go with a text type data field for your longer column
An important consideration is that with varchar the database stores the data directly in the table, and with text the database stores a pointer to a separate tablespace in which the data is stored. So, unless you run into the limit of a row length (64K in MySQL, 4-32K in DB2, 8K in SQL Server 2000) I would normally use varchar.
Not sure about mysql specifically, but in MS SQL you definitely should use a VARCHAR for anything under 8000 characters long, if you want to be able to run any sort of comparison on the value in the field. For example this would be possible with a VARCHAR:
select your_column from your_table
where your_column like '%dogs%'
but not with a TEXT field.
More information regarding TEXT field in mysql 5.4 can be found here and more information about the VARCHAR field can be found here.
I'd pick the option based on the type of data being entered. For example, if it's a (potentially) super long username and a biography, I'd do varchar and text. Sure, you're limiting the bio to 700 chars, but what if you add HTML formatting down the road, keeping the 700 char limit but allowing HTML tags for formatting?
Twitter may use text for their tweets, since it could be quicker to add meta data to the posts (e.g. url href's and #user PK's) to cache the additional data instead of caluclate it every rendering.